~Third Person P.O.V~
*Slight Sexual Content?* I put a question mark only because Idk if it even counts... I normally wouldn't be comfortable writing shit like this buuuuut- people kept messaging me about writing smut.
I declined.
But I will give them this..... plus I wanted to experiment with something.
It took Izuku a minute to process the blond's words, but then once Katsuki's tone kicked in... he knew it wasn't anything good. Quickly, the freckled teen slipped his hoodie over his head, not even bothering to put on shoes as he walked out in his socks.
"Okay, Kacchan what's wrong?" Izuku asked, keeping his voice as light as he could possibly manage.
"I- shit, I don't know what's wrong... I need you over here. Fuck- it's hard to breathe." Katsuki gasped out, his canines pricking the flesh of his bottom lip. "Why can't I breathe?!"
Realization soon crossed Izuku's features as he figured out what was wrong with the blond. "I am almost there Kacchan, but I need you try and calm down. I know it'll be hard to do but freaking out will only make it harder, okay?" Izuku said soothingly.
After a few minutes of the blond's quiet gasping and sniffling, Izuku finally made it to his dorm- finding the door slightly cracked open. Izuku hesitantly went in, soaking in his messy and disarrayed surroundings completely.
Katsuki said by his bed on the floor nest to the night stand, his lamp on the floor next to him- still on- and a few items scattered around. The blond was shirtless, water still dripping off of his matted down hair and rolling onto his torso as his knees were pulled up to his chest.
"Kacchan?" Izuku whispered quietly, kneeling in front of his and placing a hand on his knee. "What happened?"
"I... I just got out the shower and-" Katsuki swallowed thickly, taking a ragged breath in through his nose. "- and I didn't see the fucking night stand. Everything fell and then all of a sudden I..."
The green haired boy sat next to him by now, his hand traveling up to wrap around his shoulders. "You had a panic attack... right?"
Katsuki just nodded his head absentmindedly, his face composed of a plethora of emotions all at once. But the one emotion that was most easily distinguishable was sorrow.
"Katsuki," Izuku started, "Have you gotten them before?"
"Yeah... a few times"
The smaller of the two bit his lip, his eyebrows pinched together. "How did you get through them?" He asked softly, pushing his- still wet- hair out of his eyes.
"I either just sucked it up, or passed out from having breathing problems." Katsuki admitted his tone had sunken, sounding more dull and flat that it put Todoroki's voice to shame. And Izuku hated that he sounded like that, he wanted nothing more then to take all the pain away.
"For how long? And the hell didn't you say anything?" Izuku pressed, his eyes scrutinizing the elder teen... looking for something- anything, at all.
Katsuki just shugged his shoulders, he seemed out of it... not entirely there if that makes sense. "It started a few days after I lost my sight, first it was little... then it just got worse and worse. And why the fuck would I tell anyone?!" He questioned, his voice starting to come back to him towards the end.
"So, so they can just what- fucking make fun of me?! I have a reputation to uphold Deku, I can't look weak!" Katsuki exclaimed, fisting his hands into his hair- droplets of water forming on his wrists and rolling down his arms.
"You can't look weak, or you won't allow yourself to feel it? Having panic attacks, being blind, all of the crap doesn't matter!" Izuku argued, pulling the blond's hands down slowly. "Allowing yourself to come forward and tell people you trust about any of your mental problems isn't weak- it's the bravest thing you can do!"
The scarlet eyed male stared in Izuku's general direction, wide eyed. Nobody, and he means nobody has ever said anything like that to him.
Izuku's green orbs flickered down to Katsuki's feet, needing something to look at while he spoke. "I wish you would have said something earlier Kacchan, you know me- you know I would never belittle you for that. But now I do know... and I'll be here for you through all of this, every step of the way." He said.
"Promise?" Katsuki asked.
(I seriously need a break from writing angst... so how about Izuku being a gay little bastard for a while?)
And so, Izuku had ended up staying over at the blond's dorm that night. It was a quiet night, albeit Izuku knew he wasn't going to get much sleep- because one, his mind was going a million miles a minute, and two, Katsuki was holding him to his chest in his sleep. Did I mention the blond was shirtless?
His arms were like iron as his hold on Izuku tightened every so often, his muscles flexing every now and then. Despite the lights being off, the fluorescent shine of the moon crept through the drapes- coating the blond in its light.
Izuku allowed his eyes to trail on each and every inch of the blind teen's exposed chest and face.
The slight dip in between his collar bone and his pecs, how lips slightly parted... being this close he realized the bottom was more fuller than top. How he smelt of caramel and Applewood, not a scent he would associate with the blond- yet here he was.
Izuku had always known Katsuki was muscular, but being in such proximity he now knows just how much muscle he has. Katsuki's abs were pressed firmly against the smaller male, he could feel each indent pressing on his even through the somewhat thick fabric of his hoodie.
God damn it... why did he have to be so gay at a moment like this?
Why couldn't he just go to sleep like a normal person?
But no, instead he had to stay up and stare at his childhood best friend and crush- hell, staring doesn't even begin to cover what Izuku was doing. In Uraraka's words, he would be "Eye fucking Bakugo".
'Damn it, damn it, damn it!'
Izuku tightly squeezed his eyes shut, gnawing on the inside of his cheek as he tried to force himself not to look at the unconscious male next to him. Key word: tried.
And it almost worked, the green haired teen could feel exhaustion creeping up on him as his eye lids began to relax more and more. Just as the clutches of sleep were about to get a tight grasp on him... the fucker started moving in his sleep.
Jade eyes flew open widely, as Izuku's breath hitched in his throat. Katsuki was mumbling incoherently, his hips rolling and snapping upwards every so often... all while Izuku was practically dying.
"Kacchan..." Izuku whispered, biting down a little too hard on his lip as Katsuki's hips did another roll.
"K-Kacchan!" He whisper yelled, still getting no response as at from the blond except for the movement in his hips.
Katsuki's face scrunched up for a fraction of a second, almost giving Izuku hope that he was waking up. Until his hips snapped upwards again, destroying every ounce of that lingering hope.
'This is it... this is how I die.' Izuku thought dramatically, his eyes widening once more as Katsuki rolled over in his sleep- laying directly on top of Izuku.
"I have never wanted to be straight in life than right now..."
Hello Cricket Cultists!!
I don't write smut. Period. So please stop messaging me to do so, you may get slightly 'saucier' chapters such as this one. But no smut. This chapter was only an experiment of sorts... just me trying out something new ig.
Honestly I feel like this entire book is one big experiment, do you not know how hard it is to write a character who has to rely on other senses.
It's pretty difficult.
Until we meet again!!!
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