Chapter 3
Celeste couldn't tell how long it was now since she last hugged her mate. That's all she wanted was a hug.
Celeste was still shifted as she walked with Maeve and Connall to the outside area. It was so nice out and she enjoyed the sun on her fur. She laid down on Maeve's left side, resting her leopard head on her paws. She closed her eyes and relaxed before hearing footsteps and light steps like some sort of animals. As well as the clanking of chains. The leopard slowly opened her eyes and spotted Cairn walking someone with a hood over their head, but the white wolf that followed had her attention. She stared at the wolf intently, fighting the urge to go up and rub against him and be close to him.
Maeve started talking and Cairn removed the hood and there stood Aelin, an iron mask, iron everything over her slim body. She still could not understand how her brother, like who was this girl, was. She stayed away from her when she was first here in Dornalle so she had no clue why she was back. Or why Maeve brought her back here like this. Fenrys stared back at his mate as he was forced to lay down and stay frozen to his spot.
Celeste heard words coming from Maeve but only focused on her mate and closed stares at him. She watched as Connall shifted back and heard the words he spewed at his brother. She watched Fenrys' eyes widen and his teeth bared as she watched them. She then watched Connall walk towards him with a knife and her body rose getting ready to save her mate.
Then the unthinkable happened and she watched as Connall's knife ended up in his own heart. The howl that followed was the most heartbreaking thing she had heard from her mate and she could only sit there as she watched Connall die.
Fenrys could only stare as his brother died in front of him and the pool of blood form around him as he was forced to shift back to human. He stared at his brother's dead body on the ground and watched as Maeve walked over to him. He knew Celeste was watching her leopard form on the terrace type area.
Celeste then watched in horror as Maeve made Fenrys service her in the pool of blood around his knees. Celeste just let out small whimpers as she watched in agony. She couldn't imagine what he was thinking.
Aelin had been taken away as the 4 of them were still there. Celeste just watches, unable to do anything. Maeve finished and then looked back at the leopard.
"You may have your time." She spoke and walked away not caring of Connall's dead body.
Celeste quickly shifted back and ran over to Fenrys, as he continued to stare at the body.
"Baby, baby look at me," Celeste whispered and turns his face towards her.
His body slumped against her and she just held her as he sobbed against her. Celeste just sat there and ran his fingers slowly through his hair whispering soothing nothings into his ear knowing it was not going to help, but she still did it.
Celeste slowly got up and walked him back to the castle, "come on baby let get you cleaned up."
She herself only had a robe that one of the guards left for her as she walked him back to her room. She slowly sat on him on her bed and went to the bathroom and turned on the water. She walked back out to him and she saw the brightness of his eyes were gone.
"Baby?" Celeste whispered.
"He's gone." Fenrys whispered.
Celeste gently took his hands in hers.
"He's gone and the last words he said to me were him being angry and hurt." he whispered and looked at her, a tear sliding down his face.
"I know baby I was there." She whispered and rubs his knuckles, "Let's get this blood off of you and then we can take a nap okay?"
"I just want to hold you." Fenrys whispered.
"After your bath and then you can hold me baby." Celeste whispered and slowly got him into the tub and began to clean him up.
She genty got all the blood off of him and then got him fresh clothes that were in her room. She then brought him to bed and laid down, before his arms wrapped around her and he hid his face in her chest holding her tightly. Celeste continued to run her fingers through his long hair.
There was a rough knock on the door and then it opened and Cairn appeared, "time's up."
Celeste looked at him and then at Fenrys, "Baby you gotta go."
Fenrys slowly stood up and looked at her sadly before leaving with Cairn. That was the only time Celeste actually felt tears leave her eyes. She couldn't take the lost look in her mate's eyes. This wasn't her bubbly and sarcastic mate, he was broken and she didn't know if she was going to be able to fix him. She rubbed her eyes and slowly walked to the bathroom and picked up the blood covered towels and drained the blood colored water. Tears continued to fall from her eyes as she just thought of his look. His eyes had lost the light in them.
And it broke her heart because she did not know if she could fix it.
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