34 Overlord (Part 2)
A/N: Music above is "See You For What You Are" by Ramon Djawadi, composer for G.o.T. The first moment I heard this love theme, I literally fell in love with it. Feel free to listen to it if you'd like.
Maeyune felt her stomach churn. She wasn't sure if it was her nerves reacting, but she forced her expression to remain stoic.
In the corner of her eye, she saw Reo's face turn to her. His gaze felt like hot sunrays.
"But what if the Overlord is using himself as bait?" he disputed, his voice rising as he directed the question at the two commanding officers. "It could be a trap. I should go with her."
Maeyune could not help but feel the twist inside her chest. His outburst had wrapped her heart inside an affectionate but ill-timed embrace. She turned to him again to see his expression with her own eyes.
He looked back at her with palpable concern, and the awkwardness between them dissolved. They held each other's gaze, and for a brief moment, the mission was forgotten.
"We need you in the assault against the Wobeck ships," the general returned. A fierce shadow had crossed his face. "Your strength during the day and your newfound healing abilities are a necessity on the battlefield. Miss Ereni is more than capable of handling herself. For added measure, you can have Mr. Spire and Mr. Teller join Aegis Team on this mission."
Jaysek Spire and Deric Teller, Maeyune thought.
"And Miss Ereni," the general went on. His stare carried a dark severity. "We need the Overlord alive to question him, do you understand?"
She caught something strange in his tone, something that almost sounded like doubt. With a hint of a frown on her face, she cast her mind into his.
She should have expected what she found. The general knew about her attack on Deiyu and the scientists yesterday, about her power that had become unhinged. And, upon deeper inspection, she discovered another fact: he knew about the experiments on the celestials.
Gritting her teeth, she almost let anger claim her. But when she learned more about the general's perspective, her thoughts quieted. He knew about the experiments, but to her surprise, he was one of many who had discovered their existence after the lab had burned down. The general also bore the same disgust and sense of betrayal that she and Reo felt.
As much as he carried himself around like an austere and unfriendly man, he still loved the children that had grown up within the walls of the facility.
The coil in Maeyune's chest loosened. This was the second time she had doubted the general - the first having seen him with Tin and the mind-control device. He had never intended to use the mind-control device on anyone but prisoners of war; it was a method that did not involve torture. Despite the presumed immoral nature of mind-control, General Soras was doing what he thought was right.
It was hard for Maeyune to admit it, but this was war. The general knew it. Tin, Deiyu, and even King Chiyan knew it.
And as good as their intentions were, any deed could be used against them. Was that a risk she had to accept, even if it was all for the greater good in the end?
She hated making these choices. She imagined it was more difficult for the general, Deiyu, King Chiyan and anyone else who cared for the people. This was why they were leaders, wasn't it? To make these difficult decisions during these difficult times?
Forcing her thoughts to clear, she finally replied, "I understand."
General Soras nodded. "We need to capture him before he has the chance to escape again," he said, and his stern expression softened. "We are counting on you, Miss Ereni. With the Overlord as our prisoner, we will win this war, and we will win it without the dragons."
Maeyune bowed. "Yes, General."
No matter what it was she did, Maeyune was always the embodiment of strength. Even as Reo watched her now, speaking to the last surviving members of her team, her presence was a commanding force that he could feel from across the hangar.
It was something he had recently realized about her.
She was born for this; she was a natural. But now, he felt more distant from her than ever.
When she had leaned forward and kissed him yesterday, it had taken him by surprise. He had never expected her to make the move. But no matter how many ways he remembered it, he had let her, and he had responded with utmost willingness.
He knew--from the moment he'd heard her laugh for the first time--that it was all he'd wanted: to kiss the girl who carried the power of the moon, the same girl who had shown him the power of the sun.
But in just a single touch, he had felt a current so strong, it had grown beyond his control. There had been an electrifying force that had reached out its claws to grab him. And then it had pulled him under, drowning him within its petrifying, uncharted depths.
It had been all too much, too fast, too unnatural. He wouldn't remember a time when he'd been more terrified. So he had pushed Maeyune away to keep himself from suffocating underneath their energies.
He recalled the hurt and confusion he had seen on her face; he had not been able to look at her again after that. And with an awkwardness now wedged between them, he couldn't decide on how he felt toward her.
The image of her on top of Jaysek intruded Reo's mind, and he grimaced. He tried to shove it as far as he could from his thoughts, but it lingered for a moment too long. He knew his friend had an eye for Maeyune, and given the present circumstances, she had even more of a reason to venture Jaysek's way.
But why did it continue to bother him?
Closing his eyes tight, Reo forced another memory into his head: the one from the covert meeting when Maeyune had given him that strange look.
When he had mentioned a possible trap, she had appeared considerate, sad even. He'd seen a glimmer in her eyes.
Now, Maeyune carried herself like a hardened warrior, as if nothing had ever happened between them.
Just when they had finally fought side-by-side as friends, they were strangers again. He didn't like the nerves he felt when he was around her. Nothing had ever had that effect on him before—not a single, pretty face or even the worst of enemies from his past.
Back then, he had been the strongest, the most powerful. He'd had every reason to be confident in himself. But the moment Maeyune had entered his life, he'd begun to question himself and think twice about everything—something he realized he wasn't fond of doing.
And yet, despite everything, being next to Maeyune made him feel as if he could win a thousand battles.
"Isn't she amazing?"
The voice came from Jaysek, who joined Reo at his side. Both regarded the moon warrior with watchful eyes. Reo made no reply, and even if he had wanted to, Jaysek did not give him a chance.
"What's all the commotion about?" asked the wind celestial, glancing around the hangar as soldiers scurried around with newfound purpose.
"You and Deric are joining Aegis Team today," Reo stated, matter-of-fact.
Jaysek raised his brows. "Why? What happened?"
"You'll find out soon enough."
Jaysek observed the dark shadow over Reo's face. "Whatever it is, you don't seem too happy about it."
Reo brought his brows together, his eyes never leaving Maeyune. "Something doesn't feel right."
He provided no further explanation.
Jaysek crossed his arms and stood with his feet apart, matching Reo's rigid pose. After a moment of watching Maeyune and her team, he leaned his head closer to Reo's, his lips parting to form a whisper.
"Remember the time when you wanted to leave this all behind, to forget everything and be liberated?" Jaysek asked. "Imagine, you tucked away in some desert tent in Aburat, with any beautiful woman in your bed. You were willing to let the Moon God incarnate defend the planet all by herself."
Reo's chest grew tight. "It was a long time ago," he muttered.
In the corner of his eye, Reo saw Jaysek glance behind them. "I see you called things off with Sera," Jaysek whispered. "What, not into the fiery types anymore?"
Behind him, Reo could hear Sera and Oren's hushed conversation. As a giggle slid between them, he made no move to follow Jaysek's observation. His eyes remained forward and ever present on Maeyune.
"I can't give Sera the attention that Oren can," Reo answered.
Jaysek turned around again. In that instant, the three celestials of Aegis Team boarded their waiting gunship. Maeyune watched her teammates emplane, then her gaze traveled in Reo and Jaysek's direction.
"Well, that must be my cue then," Jaysek announced, his voice jovial. He offered Reo's shoulder a solid clap with his palm. "I'll take care of the moon."
Reo gave him a hard stare, but Jaysek only raised a brow. "The last time I saw you this worried was when Lei was kidnapped," the wind celestial noted carefully. "Did something happen between you and Maeyune?"
Reo said nothing.
"It'll be fine," Jaysek reassured him, grinning. "We'll see you soon."
With that, he waved for Deric to follow him, and they were off.
Reo watched as his two friends and Maeyune exchanged a few words. Soon after, Jaysek and Deric joined the rest of Aegis Team inside the gunship. Then, when Reo was sure they were going to leave, Maeyune met his eyes.
In that short span of time, the rest of the hangar blurred and disappeared from his senses. All that remained was the moon warrior and her silver aura, a dim light that was rimmed in black.
Reo saw the slightest flicker of emotion cross her face. Wearing a faint frown, she looked conflicted and unsure of herself. After a moment, her gaze fell and she shifted her body to turn. But then she stopped, as if to reconsider her actions, and her eyes found his again.
It was nearly impossible to tell from where he stood, but he was sure he saw a hint of a smile touch her lips. She gave him a firm nod before finally making her way into the gunship.
The message from her gesture had flown across the space between them: Good luck.
There, Reo thought. That's the problem.
Considering all that had already happened, Maeyune still showed him kindness and patience. No one in their right mind would show him that, especially if he had tried to kill them before. Twice.
Was she always so resilient?
From since he could remember, everyone had tried to instill in him a sense of duty and responsibility. And he had despised it. So how could she do it? Where did she get her strength?
Was that just a necessary shell that she had to wear in order to be the moon warrior? How much of a toll did that have on her?
Feeling a sting in his chest, he watched as the gunship's door sealed after her. And when the aircraft departed from the base, he felt a part of him leave with it.
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