Chapter 6: Silver
A week had passed since his encounter with Nejire. Tamaki felt safe enough to leave his house. He hoped there wasn't any SUNS hadn't stalked him.
He had always been a freak in everyone's eyes. Even before being a vampire. Those SUNS that had attacked him last week had called him a freak. He hated it. He was already shunned and called a weirdo all of his life, being turned into a vampire and being called a freak was far worse. He regretted complaining. He was now trying to think of one person who didn't call or look at him like a freak.
That Nejire girl wasn't looking at him like he was a weirdo though. She had been on his mind a bit. He wasn't foolish enough to fall in love at first sight, but he was truthful enough to admit she was very beautiful.
Tamaki had been thinking about her all week if he was truthful. She was on his mind. Was he actually a fool? He couldn't be! She saved his life, and protected him. He had no reason to fall in love with her... or maybe he did.
Tamaki breathed in and left the house. He put his pocket knife in his pocket and walked through the forest. His house was quiet and there was no one to wave or say goodbye to him. It was never like that in the first place so, what was he really expecting.
He went to a different street. SUNS were probably roaming that street he met Nejire on. Maybe she didn't go on that street often and he had a chance of seeing her again.
Probably not.
The fact that he wanted to see her in public was very weird. He had only met her last week.
Tamaki walked through a very busy street. He had a better chance of getting hungrier but a better chance of getting attacked by a sun. He still looked pretty normal so unless he did something wrong, he could save himself.
He walked into a beautiful cafe. He was hungry. Did he have enough money to get anything? He just walked in and sat down. He had to be one of the liveliest people in the room, and he was actually dead. Everyone else was paler, sadder, and definitely dead inside.
Well, it was a Starbucks-
He stood up and stood in line to order a black coffee. It was one of the only things he ate. He could eat lots of things even though he was a vampire, he just drank coffee and tater tots all the time. When he got to the front of the line he stared the barista in the eyes.
His eyes had a certain glaze over them. He was taller than her by at least a few inches. Her eyes were black and so was her hair. She sounded very sweet.
"What can I do for you?"
"Black coffee..."
"Can I have your name?"
He had to think about it for a second. She wanted his name? Like, she wanted to steal his name? That was weird. He usually drank coffee at home, that's why he was so confused by her question.
"Your name?"
He read her name tag and it said 'Momo'.
(Oh god I found a villain for the book... Jesus Christ-)
"That's a nice name! Just wait for your coffee!" She smiled. Tamaki nodded and handed her the money in cash. She didn't seem to care. They way she put the money away without even looking made her kind of intimidating. She probably had memorized where everything was.
He sat down and waited for them to call his name. He felt like everyone was staring at him. Did they know what was wrong with him? Did they know he was a vampire? If they did, he could die right now.
"Tamaki." Momo said. The black haired boy stood up and walked up to the counter. He was trembling and walked to the counter. Everyone was probably thinking he should hurry up or he was weird for liking the black coffee.
He took his coffee and felt it.
"This was supposed to be hot... sorry, I should've told you that."
Momo laughed and threw the cold coffee onto one of the machines.
"That's ok! I'll only be a second." She said. Tamaki turned vibrant read. Everyone must've been staring at them. But like, how do you make a black coffee cold. The cold coffee she had thrown was still all over the machines and ground.
Tamaki sighed and waited. He was extremely embarrassed because of what she did. In only a few minutes, Momo handed him his black coffee.
"Tha-thank you." He stuttered and left.
He didn't know what else he could do. Maybe buy more tater tots or something else. At least he could use self checkout if he got tater tots.
As Tamaki walked through the streets once again, he saw a couple walk by. The woman had black hair, the man had indigo. They had a son with the same hair as the mom. He looked at them and turned away. It reminded him of his family. Of course, that couple was actually nice to each other and probably cared for one another, but it reminded him of what he was before he had died.
He continued walking to the store. He saw a few places had already closed up for the night, yet he continued to stare inside. He was extremely nervous. What if there were people trying to kill him? Someone might've been following him! He had already been attacked a while ago. He hadn't hurt anyone, why would they attack him?
Walking inside the grocery store, he walked to the frozen foods aisle. He opened the door to the freezer and searched for his favorite tater tots. (Do not ask why he likes Tater tots.)
He took three bags of tater tots. They were frozen and ice cold but he was definitely colder. He didn't have a cart or a buggy so he just carried them.
(I call the shopping carts buggies because I'm weird.)
He walked to the self checkout and checked to see if he had enough money. He didn't have a card or anything. He made money by hypnotizing people into giving him money. It was cruel and he hated doing it, but he had to eat one way or another. The other way was biting people. He definitely didn't want to do that.
The machine only took card and he was too nervous to leave anything behind. It's not like he would be caught on the surveillance camera, maybe he could leave with his tater tots and not be caught.
He felt bad for doing this now...
He put them in the bags and left. It looked like he had bought the tater tots when he really didn't.
He was such a bad boy.
As he got out of the first door, a man with silver hair walked through the door. He walked inside the store with his head down and earbuds in. His hair covered an eye and was tied into a ponytail. He wore a surgical mask that hid his lower face. All Tamaki was able to see was his eye and hair.
His eye was grey. He was definitely an attractive man and Tamaki was nervous as he walked past. Something about him sent shivers down his spine. In whatever emotion or expression he was expressing, he froze up and the man walked into him.
"I-I- I'm sorry!" He stammered. He dropped his stolen tater tots.
"Watch where you're going." He hissed and walked off. Tamaki was truthfully scared now. Was this guy dangerous. He totally looked dangerous. Again, Tamaki didn't look like he posed a threat.
SUNS always knew he was a vampire. Maybe he knew as well.
Now he was stressing.
He was afraid of the color silver just because of that encounter.
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