Chapter 30: Reflection
That evening, Nejire was just staring at her camera roll. She was laying in Yuyu's living room because they decided to binge vampire movies. She almost cried when she was forced to sit through the last Twilight Movie. That whole "you imprinted on my daughter" thing was disgusting.
Kaoruko was still up but Nejire honestly hoped she went to bed soon. Her eyes practically glowed in the dark but because of how dark it was, you couldn't see the rest of her body. So her eyes were basically just floating there. (Omg I do this all the time and scare my friend.)
"What're you two doing up?" Ichiro asked.
"Couldn't sleep. That's all."
"It's one in the damn morning. You guys were screaming that dumb Barbie song only an hour ago."
True. The fact that her mom and dad didn't say anything was amazing. Her mom must've had an evening shift and her dad must've been asleep. Her mom was a firefighter.
Nejire did that weird finger touching thing because she was nervous.
"Yeah, so?" Kaoruko asked.
"Oh my god-" ichiro grumbled.
The next day, Mirio drove Nejire home like always. Kaoruko stayed behind with Yuyu because she wanted to try a Dixie Cup. Yes. Perfect reasoning.
Nejire took the drive to y'all to Mirio.
"You know Tamaki?"
All she said. That was all she said. Luckily they were at a red light and he didn't CSU's was accident.
"He said he went ran off because he was being abused or something... I asked him about it and he said he was sorry."
"Did you threaten him? When we were on our date? I saw you."
"I didn't threaten him, I just wanted answers. I didn't threaten to hurt him, or said anything rude. Don't worry."
Nejire's breath became a bit heavy. Like she was nervous. Mirio wasn't any threat to her though. Nejire looked at him with dilated eyes. Everytime she got scared her eyes dilated and shook. It had been at least a month or two since she last got scared like that. That was with Shinya. She had frozen up.
Mirio wasn't dangerous though... four years of friendship told her he wasn't dangerous. So why was she frozen?
"You ok?"
Nejire nodded and tried to calm down. What the hell was that? As her breathing calmed down, she realized she was hyperventilating because Mirio was driving. Right. He scared her that one time and now everytime their in the car together, she thinks he might've run someone over? Doubt it was actually the reason but she chose to be ignorant to her sudden freeze.
(Haha I'm being a bad writer and not wanting to start drama. Yet.)
When Nejire got home her breathing returned to its normal pattern. Not a less heavy breathing than it was in the car. Mirio asked her about it and she just said she was a bit nervous driving with him. He laughed and patted her on the back.
What the hell was going on, and why did she jolt when he patted her on the back? He walked her up to the door and left when he knew she was ok. When she knew Mirio was gone, she hugged her dad.
"Sugar pea?"
"Daddy." She said, burying her face in his shirt. She didn't realize she was crying until she smelt salt everytime she breathed.
"Sugar pea, what's wrong?" Her dad was concerned. "Did someone hurt you?" He asked, pulling her off of him.
"What's wrong?"
She had two seconds to think of an excuse other than "my friend just scared me because I got in a car with him." Tamaki was a scapegoat apparently.
"I got rejected!" She whined. Her dad got mad because she was crying over a boy. He found it stupid.
"You don't need a boy when you have Mirio. He's a nice boy. And even then, we'd always be supportive if you weren't into guys."
"I- I mean..." she didn't know what she was, she never got a chance to really experiment. Now she was thinking and it made tears fall faster.
"Sugar pea is crying!" Her dad shouted. As if her mother had super powers, she practically jumped off the staircase, and landed on her feet.
"Who?" Her mom's voice went deep as she rolled up her sleeves. Her mom didn't have any upper body strength. Like, at all. Could hardly do a push-up.
"What're you gonna do with those noodle arms?" Her dad teased. She stuck her tongue out at him and he stuck his out as well. Even though she was sad, seeing her parents act like that was relieving. Not because they were fighting recently, she just found it hilarious when they acted younger than Eri.
After twenty minutes of talking, Nejire was free to go. Her mom was cooking her favorite food for lunch as Nejire was just 'moping' in her room. She had changed into her pajamas and tied her hair up.
She went through the wedding photos again. Two days ago she was happy. She was happy today but then that car ride just scared her.
(Oop- Reiko finna get important if improv becomes my friend.)
She could see that cute smile on her face and just laughed now. She didn't know what to say about getting scared of Mirio, and she hated the fact she got so worked up over getting rejected. She never cried before.
When looked at the photo where Ryuko and Shinya were dancing, she saw herself in the back. Only herself. But she was dancing with Tamaki? And her position was obvious that she was dancing with someone. How the fu-
Uh uh.
Not real.
Tamaki has a reflection. Tamaki shows up in photos. Calm your trashy self down.
If she remembered well enough, when she touched him, he was ice cold, he was extremely pale, and his eyes always looked dead. When she put her head on his chest, if she remembered correctly, she didn't hear or feel a heartbeat. Why didn't she say something before.
Hell no.
Tamaki was a vampire?
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