Chapter 26: Shhh
(AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH, IVE WANTED TO WRITE THIS FOR SO LONG. Oh and credit to Herooji I'll go over the original way they were gonna meet at the end. Lmao there aren't even many dirty jokes, maybe one or two lmao.)
Two years ago
Ryuko's heart had never beat so fast. She was actually on stage, alone, dancing! She felt selfish for even thinking she should be on stage, acting like she was better than the girls in her class. She had been dancing since she was four, hoping to achieve the title of prima ballerina. Her first performance.
Her feet were almost all the time. To prevent her shoes from becoming stained with red, she bandaged them, like a normal human. Her main goal was dancing, never her own health.
Ryuko kept a smile on her face despite, every step she took, her feet felt like they were stepping on nails. She refused to cry though.
Her hair was tied back as much as it could be. She had a small tiara on her head, making her smile look dull. Seriously, she looked so full compared to what she was wearing. She swore she heard someone call her ugly. The worst part was, she couldn't disagree. (>:0)
Her dance was specific. She felt as if she made a single mistake, she would collapse and have an injury that would end her career. Like a twisted ankle that never healed. She would be a disgrace to her dance teacher if she did that.
She started making graceful movements with her hands and arms, praying anything she did would distract the crowd from her 'ugly' face. The small second she got to look at the crowd, she got to see bored children, amused parents, hungry eyes on young adults, and other expression on the audience's face.
She was quick to stop looking at them and continue dancing. She wasn't one to care about other people's opinions, yet here she was, praying no one judged her dance. She was extremely talented but she was self conscious and thought no one was able to enjoy her dance because of her face.
(Me putting more description here than in the entire book-)
She felt as if her dress was slipping off of her chest. She wasn't allowed to wear a bra because of the way the dress was made. She wasn't able to bring it up either. All she had to do was pray it wouldn't fall off her chest before the performance ended.
Only three hours had passed since she had started her dance. She walked into the back room so she could peel her sky blue dress off of her body. She was so embarrassed. Nothing went wrong, she just felt wrong. Like she shouldn't have been there.
She got dressed and began to leave. She put her earbuds in, listening to her favorite band. She didn't want to listen to anyone in fear of being called names, despite getting a standing ovation. That was her first performance and she felt like she never wanted to do it again.
As she walked through the streets, it started to rain. She was wearing a hoodie and shorts. She didn't expect it to rain. If she did, she would've had someone drive her to the place thingy. Or wore pants and brought an umbrella. Now she was getting soaked (:3) and was freezing.
She was still twenty minutes from home. Her feet were killing her. It reminded her of a story where a girl died from infection after not letting her injuries heal. (White Day, it's a story about two sisters I think.)
She felt dumb for wearing such bad shoes. She knew she was going to be walking home, so now she was in even more pain.
Cuz I may be bad but I'm perfectly good at it
Masochism much?
As she continued walking, she felt uneasy. Like someone was staring at he-
When she turned around, she was dragged into an alleyway. Her legs trembled as she was dragged. She looked up at the person dragging her. It was a man that looked quite handsome. His beauty didn't matter though. What the hell was he doing? Her jaw tightened and her eyes vibrated.
"Shhh" he whispered.
Oh god, was he gonna kill her? He dragged her through the alley, all the way to the other side.
"Let go of me!" She screamed. His hand covered her mouth, giving her a chance to bite him. He didn't even wince. He should've been bleeding or had a Bite mark. Not at all. His flesh was fine.
He was silent but when he showed his smile, Ryuko started trying much harder to be let go of. Her music was still blasting in her ears as she was being abducted.
What a Time be alive~
Ironic. She wanted to die right now. She'd rather die than be abducted my some creepy guy.
She could hear footsteps as he dragged her to a wooded area. She was absolutely dreading the thought of what he might do to her. Kill her? He might as well have done that in the alley. Now she was getting sick, thinking of what he might do. She was much smaller compared to him.
What about Aurora? Rumi? Taishiro? Momo? Eijirou? Nejire? She was gonna be killed and they'd just have to find out she was killed after the supposed "Best Night of her Life".
Then the footsteps got louder.
Much much louder.
Then she heard the undeniable sound of someone being stabbed. She had heard it on tv but it felt much different when she heard it in real life. When she fell to the ground, she crawled backwards, facing the kidnapper and the person who saved her.
Ryuko didn't feel anything for him. She felt as if he deserved it. Then she got a good look at the murder weapon and the killer.
He had silver hair and wore some sort of uniform. The weapon was a bloody wooden stake.
The man died.
Ryuko was able to stand up and got a few feet away from them, constantly facing them, just to make sure she was still safe. She thought about screaming for help. She had just witnessed a murder.
That weird warm saliva got into her mouth. She seriously was not about to vomit. She could feel her stomach turning. All she could focus on was how nauseous she was, not the killer.
As she continued to walk back to the alleyway so she could get home, she was thrown on the ground. Well, she was tackled. The killer was on top of her. Ryuko got. A good look at him. He was attractive, yes, but he was on top of her. She closed her legs and looked around for anyone other than that dead man.
She tried her best to make her voice stop shaking.
"What are you-" she almost screamed. He covered her mouth so she couldn't.
"Shhh." He hushed her. "I'm going to check your neck, alright?" He said in a calm voice. She nodded and he tilted her head to the side. "Sorry." She noticed how he had dropped everything he had been carrying before tackling her.
Ryuko's stomach continued to turn. She felt like she was in serious danger.
So she was lying earlier before.
This was the fastest her heart had beat.
(Blah Blah blah, they met a few more times and gave each other their number. Not as many jokes as I wanted ;-;. I didn't like this chapter as much as I thought I would.
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