Chapter 2: Future
That next day, Nejire seriously didn't have anything to do. She'd spend time studying and asking for answers from her friend. Now she was busy trying to find a good University to go to. It was so hard to do in her last year, now she was stressing because her mom and dad didn't want her to go to college and Ryuko wanted her to go and offered to pay.
Her parents wanted her to go but it was awfully expensive and they'd be in debt for so long. They were in the middle class, but with how much it was, they were begging her to take up Ryuko's offer if she truly wanted to go.
She had tried getting a scholarship but someone with more extracurriculars and better grades beat her to it. It was disappointing but just what competition did. She remembered not leaving her room for a week because of how disappointed she was.
She decided to give up because there was nothing to do. She could go to the dance studio and try out her new shoes? Or hang out with Yuyu and Mirio.
Or do research on the person Mirio was talking about last night? No, that was disrespectful. But Mirio didn't need to know...
She got on her computer before realizing he didn't say anything about him. Damn, now she felt silly. Nejire decided to get up and go to the kitchen. She hadn't eaten breakfast and it was already eleven. Nejire skipped down the hallway and to the stairs. She smiled and waved at her mom. Her mom was very sweet and hugged her.
Her parents were both angels. Her mom and her looked almost identical while her dad had white hair and the same blue colored eyes as her. Her mom had black eyes and the same hair color in a pixie cut.
"I've always been confused about your hair." Her father brought up. He was pretty random and didn't hold back his thoughts, wonder where she got it from. "How do you dance with it?"
"I dunno." She laughed. Nejire grabbed a box of cereal and just took it to her room.
"You're not going to eat that with a bowl, spoon, or milk?"
"No? I have stuff to do." She said and stuffed her face with Frosted Flakes.
Her mom laughed and warned her about eating the whole box. With how much Nejire ate when she was stressed or bored, she would finish a big box of cereal in ten minutes. Luckily everyone in the house already ate breakfast.
As Nejire walked back into her room, her little brother ran down the stairs, almost tripping her.
"Be careful dude!" She shouted.
(Me not giving people names cuz if I give them names y'all might think they'll come back-)
Nejire ran back into her room sitting down. Something she had just started to think about was what she wanted to do with her life. Nejire had been told she had the beauty to be a Model, brains to be a teacher, and by some creeps, the body to be an... exotic dancer.
To be honest she wanted to be a photographer or a ballerina. She definitely could be a ballerina with what Ryuko was teaching her. Ryuko wasn't the easiest teacher. Her classes lasted from six to nine and they were every Tuesday and Thursday, at least for her age group. Ryuko taught everyday of the week and when Nejire has time, she'd go in and help teach the tiny class. She loved kids, in a non creepy way of course. She loved how cute they were and-
She helped Ryuko with the younger classes.
Maybe she should just be a dancer. Ballerinas made enough money, right? She could make money off of that. She'd also make Ryuko proud, she loved Ryuko.
Being a photographer couldn't be that bad either. She could travel like she wanted, and got paid for it. Both sounded like they were a lot of fun. Though both meant she had to be very quiet.
Picking up her phone, she called Yuyu.
"Yuyu, what're you doing with your life?"
"That was pretty weird to ask. I don't know, maybe be a hair stylist?" She laughed. Nejire pouted. Yuyu knew what she wanted to do, why didn't she? "Why'd ya ask?" She asked.
"I don't know what I want to do, that's all."
"Oh shit, prom queen Nejire doesn't know what she wants to do? I thought you wanted to be a teacher?" She was confused and made a sound that sounded like her sitting up. How Nejire knew that sound was a bit weird but she knew it.
"I'm just confused. Kenranzaki bragged about getting the scholarship I wanted, directly to my face. I really wanted it and Ryuko has been offering to pay for my education but I can't do that to her."
"Why not? She's being nice, you want to go, it's a perfect idea." Yuyu asked.
"She's like my sister. I'd hate to do it to her. I'm not the smartest either, what if I'm just wasting her money and don't graduate. I might as well not go. Stay with my parents until I'm ready to leave."
"Nejire, you're the sweetest thing on earth, you're an amazing and intelligent girl, and your the cutest thing in the galaxy. Whatever you pick, you'll always be my best friend and I'll support you. If you ever need to you can move in with me." Yuyu moved out of her parents home at least a year before graduating. It would be cool for them to be roommates.
"Awww, Yuyu... I think I'll try work for my money though, byeeee!" She dragged her words out before hanging up and groaning. She had a lot of money saved up because Ryuko paid her for every class she helped teach. With how many people attended the studio, she got paid a lot. Like, at least 200 a week whenever she got a whole week of barely any homework and could help.
She tied her hair up and sighed. She just graduated from one of the most prestigious academies in Japan and now what was she going to do? She got into UA by a scholarship because winning a beauty pageant actually got her something. It was honestly surprising that a girl with too many eyelashes got into a good University and she didn't.
She couldn't help but feel a bit jealous of Bibimi Kenranzaki...
(Ok, this chapter was me thinking 'let's figure out what's gonna happen to Ryuko-' and oh god I think I made a horrible choice-
I hated this chapter, but Tam tam should make his appearance next chapter or the next-)
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