Tragedy- Chapter 48
Chapter 48
Draco still couldn’t believe that Harry had saved him. He was covered with ash and soot from the fire that Crabbe had started, using the fyre fiend curse. The Room of Requirement had quickly gone up in flames and the fire had cost Crabbe his life as they had tried to capture Harry. The dark lord had sent Draco back into Hogwarts just for that and Draco had half-heartedly tried to capture Harry, but then Ron and Hermione showed up and he ran, his only thoughts on getting out of there and finding Anna, but then Ron had chased them and Crabbe let loose the fire.
Draco had climbed as high as he could to escape the fire, he and Blaise. He knew he was about to be burned alive when suddenly Harry and the others swooped in on brooms, scooping them up. They had all barely escaped with their lives. Draco flexed his jaw where Weasley had punched him, it hurt, but he didn’t care. Right now his only thoughts or cares were on finding Anna, which was going to be difficult. There was fighting going on all over the school and Hogwarts was worse than a battle zone, with rubble and broken glass, shattered windows covering the place. Spells and curses were flying in every direction. Draco didn’t even know where to start searching. He just prayed that Anna wasn’t among those at the main entrance to the school, where the fighting was the heaviest.
Anna and the other Ravenclaws’ were holding their own against the death eaters in the Astronomy tower, but she could see that the worst fighting was where her father and Tonks were stationed. Their group had a few injured, but none killed.
Just then the dark lords voice again came through the school, like hissing nails along a chalk board, his voice permeated their ears, causing them to cover them. He called his death eaters back and claimed he was giving Hogwarts a chance to tend their wounded and dead. He gave Harry just one hour to turn himself over to them or he would destroy everyone. A horrible feeling came over Anna and she took off down the Astronomy tower steps as quick as her condition allowed and made it to the main entrance and great hall.
The scene that greeted Anna was awful. The school looked all but destroyed. Walls were missing and rubble, glass and huge boulders were strewn around the place. And there were deaths. Anna could hear weeping and watched as some of the dead and injured were carried into the great hall was was surprisingly still intact. Anna’s stomach was clenching as she looked everywhere for Lupin and Tonks. Anna saw the Weasley’s huddled around someone, all of them crying. Mrs. Weasley was comforting Ron and Ginny. Anna saw George on his knees, hugging a lifeless body to him, and Anna began to cry as she realized that Fred was gone. She looked around frantically and then someone grabbed her in a hug, it was Rafe, bleeding and scraped up, but alive.
“Rafe,” she sighed, hugging him fiercely. He had tears in his own eyes. Then Anna saw who was laying on the ground behind him, side by side, their hands touching.
Anna felt her body crumbling, the breath was leaving her body and she suddenly felt like water as her body began to slide to the floor. She heard Rafe’s voice but it was as though it were coming from down a tunnel. Both her father and Tonks were dead.
Then the sobs started racking her body as she finally was able to suck breath into her lungs, and Rafe held onto her, holding her to keep her from hitting the floor. Anna finally pushed away from Rafe and went to the stone floor on her knees beside Lupin, Tonks lying right next to him. Anna touched both their faces, which were still slightly warm, as if sleeping, but no breath stirred in their chest. She could see them through the blur of tears; Rafe was beside her for support.
Anna felt such awful feelings of guilt and grief and depression. All she could think was now she had no one, no family. They were all dead and gone, killed by the dark lord and his death eaters. But that wasn’t true. She now had her baby brother, but he would never know his parents. Never know how loving or great they were. Anna fell over the top of them both, just holding them both, clinging to their lifeless hands. Her own baby would never know his or her grandparents. Anna felt numb, as if all feeling were leaving her body, as the tears fell from her eyes.
“Anna,” Rafe said softly near her, “I’m sorry.”
Anna tried to lean up to sit back up on her heels when she was hit by the most terrible pain she’d ever felt. It caused her to double over, and cry out, “Rafe, something is wrong,” Anna wrapped her arms around her mid-section, but cried out again when another pain hit. It shouldn’t be the baby yet, she still had almost a whole month to go before the baby was due.
“Anna,” Rafe tried to help her up, but the pain was too much, and Anna cried out again. Rafe ran to get help from Madame Pomfrey.
Anna was in so much pain that between it and her grief and trying to take deep breaths, she felt almost delirious. Anna could feel soft hands touching her face and asking Rafe what was wrong. She heard Rafe telling Madame Pomfrey about her pregnancy.
“You mean to tell me that this child has been attending Hogwarts and fighting in this battle and she’s pregnant?” Madame Pomfrey asked in disbelief.
Anna felt soft, gentle hands on her belly, “It is not time for the baby,” Anna barely got out, “It isn’t due for another month.”
Another pain hit her and she bit her lip so hard she drew blood to keep from screaming out. It was all she could do not to pass out, and she could feel her eyes wanted to roll to the back of her head.
“Something is terribly wrong here,” Madame Pomfrey spoke-up, “We need to get her to Saint Mungoes Hospital now,” she said frantically, “I cannot treat her here as she needs; not with all that is taking place and there could be complications.”
“I can get her there,” Rafe spoke up.
Anna felt her body being lifted and strong arms holding her tightly, “Will it hurt her or the babyif I apparate them to Saint Mungoes?” Rafe asked.
“It shouldn’t, but I could not know for sure, but it is the only way to get her out of here.”
And suddenly Anna felt the horrible feeling of her body being sucked through a straw, only this time it was worse because of the pain. After that she remembered nothing.
Draco looked everywhere for Anna. Where was she? He was getting scared, especially after the dark lord announced what he did about giving Hogwarts time to care for their injured and dead. Draco finally ran into some students and asked them where she might be. They told him they did not know, but then one spoke up and said that she might be with the Ravenclaw that were defending the Astronomy Tower. Draco ran the whole way, but when he got up there the tower was empty. He quickly ran back down to the main entrance of the school.
He entered the great hall and looked around, no sign of Anna. He began walking around and then the sight that greeted him made him feel sick. It was Anna’s father, Lupin, and Tonks, his cousin. Both were dead. Draco felt the pain over this, especially for what it was going to do to Anna.
There were so many dead and wounded. School mates he had known since starting Hogwarts his 1st year and others he didn’t know. So much loss of life, it was awful. It filled him with anger and grief, even though he never really knew any of them well, it was such a waste. Draco looked for Anna among the dead, so terrified he would see her dark hair and beautiful face among them, dread filling his heart. He should have never left her here, alone at Hogwarts. He should have stayed by Anna’s side when she said she was fighting for Hogwarts; it was where he belonged, but no, he was scared and afraid of what the dark lord would do to his mother and father and now the girl he loved was gone. Draco continued to look for her, among the wounded as well, but she was nowhere. It was if she had just disappeared and Draco continued to search for Anna frantically, with no luck.
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