Getting Over Him......or Not- Chapter 30
Getting Over Him.....or Not
Chapter 30
Draco didn’t know what possessed him to come to the stupid Valentine’s dance. He guessed he must have a thing for torture. When he had seen Anna walk in with Granger, wearing that sexy skin tight dress and heels, his heart skipped a beat and he wanted to go to her badly, but he knew better than to do that. Then he watched in agony as she talked and laughed with that damn auror, Rafe Montgomery.
Some of his Slytherin friends had gathered around; Blaise, Goyle, Crabbe and then there was Pansy’s constant flirting, which he pretty much ignored. There were other girls too, all of them flirting and giving him those looks that screamed they wanted him, but he tried to block them out, his eyes following Anna.
“So, what’s going on between you and Annabelle Blackburn?” Blaise asked, his eyes following Draco’s to where she was standing.
“There’s nothing going on,” Draco sneered, watching Anna place her hand on Rafe’s chest and smile up at him, then she grabbed his hand trying to pull him on the dance floor.
“Cool,” Blaise said, “then you won’t mind if I have a go at her. She looks damn sexy in that dress tonight. I knew she was pretty, but tonight, she is gorgeous.”
Draco growled, “You leave her the hell alone, Blaise.”
“But you just said….”
Draco cut him off, “I mean it. I don’t care what I said, you don’t go anywhere near her,” Draco snarled dangerously.
“Okay, chill out,” Blaise tried to smooth it over, “Here, drink this. You need to loosen up,” and Blaise handed him a bottle of fire whiskey out of his inside jacket pocket. Draco took a long, deep swallow, letting the burn of the liquid go down his throat and ease his tension.
Then Professor Flitwick announced that Anna and Rafe would be performing. Draco had no idea she would be singing tonight. Draco watched in awe as Anna sang, her voice carrying throughout the hall. His heart began to beat harder as he listened to her beautiful, soul filled voice, like an angel's only with more seduction in it. She was like one of those sirens from mythology, calling out to all and pulling them in, there was no way to fight it. It was hard to believe that the seductive siren on the stage was the same sweet Anna he’d come to love. Well, he knew she had a seductive wild side to her, but so far he had been the only one to see it when they were alone together. Now, everyone was getting a glimpse of it, and suddenly he was very jealous and angry, having every guy at Hogwarts eyes on his Anna. She really had a talent for singing and while he was proud of her, he didn’t like it because she was no longer his. Draco was glad when they finally finished, breathing a lot easier, until he saw Anna take Rafe’s hand and pull him onto the dance floor. He watched feeling sick as Anna put her arms around him and the auror did the same, pulling Anna in closer for the slow dance. Draco wanted to rip them apart and hurt someone; instead he caught the eye of the cute little blond hufflepuff who’d been eyeing him all night, crooking his finger for her to come to him. He pulled her with him out on the dance floor and into his arms, causing her to giggle. Which annoyed Draco, because Anna never giggled, it was a silly girlish thing. He couldn’t even be with someone else without comparing them to Anna.
Anna felt good being held in Rafe’s arms as they danced slowly to the song being played, but it just wasn’t the same overwhelming feeling of rightness she always felt with Draco. She had hoped it would be that Rafe could somehow break the hold that Draco had on her, but so far it wasn’t working. It wasn’t that she didn’t like Rafe, she did. In fact she liked him a lot and if it weren’t for Malfoy’s influence over her heart she could imagine herself falling deeply in love with Rafe. But even though it was Draco who’d dumped her from the start, she still felt guilty being with Rafe. It was crazy.
“Anna, there is something I need to tell you,” Rafe leaned down near her ear and whispered, “I think I am falling for you.”
Anna didn’t know what to say at first. Here was this gorgeous, sweet, wonderful guy telling her that he liked her and all she could think of was Draco. It had to stop. She had to break the spell Draco had on her heart.
“Rafe,” she said his name softly, looking up into his big green eyes that were full of warmth, not the icy fire that Draco’s had. Anna was holding his shoulders, his arms still around her as they stopped dancing, “I need you to understand something….,” but Rafe didn’t let her finish, putting his finger against her lips.
“Don’t say it,” he whispered, “I know you’re still getting over him, but I am willing to wait, as long as it takes.”
Anna put her arms around Rafe and lay her head against his chest, his arms holding her tightly. Why she couldn’t just fall for Rafe, Anna thought bitterly, it was beyond her. As she was holding him, she looked over to the dancers on their side and what she saw made her feel sick and she stiffened in Rafe’s arms.
There was Draco on the dance floor, his arms wrapped around a pretty blond Hufflepuff named Selena Allgood. She was nice enough, but had a terrible reputation as a flirt and some said she was a slut. Anna watched feeling nauseated as the girl giggled, running her hands over Draco’s body and into his hair. And Draco seemed to be enjoying it as he leaned down and whispered something in her ear, making the girl giggle and press herself up against him.
“Are you okay?” Rafe stopped, looking down at Anna and seeing the devastated look on her face. His eyes followed hers until he saw Draco in the arms of the other girl. The look of pain on Anna’s face made him so damn angry at Malfoy. Rafe took her face gently in his hands, making her look away and up at him, “You want to get out of here?” Anna nodded her head yes and Rafe put his arm around her as he led her out of the great hall.
Anna left the dance not feeling well at all. The good feeling from the spiced rum was wearing off and after seeing Draco in that girl’s arms, she felt sick. Damn if she wasn’t tired of it all. It was chilly in the castle hallways and she hadn’t thought to bring a jacket with her and all she had on was that low cut, spaghetti strap gown.
Rafe noticed her shivering slightly, “Here,” he stopped and took his blazer off and helped her slip it on her arms. It was all warm and toasty inside and smelled like him, a very masculine scent of leather and sandalwood.
“Thanks,” she whispered. He took her hand leading her on away from the dance, “Do you want to go back to your Ravenclaw dorm?”
“No,” she shook her head. She didn’t want to be alone to her thoughts and the images of Draco with another.
Rafe led her on through the castle until they found a tiny little alcove with cushioned benches that had windows surrounding it. Rafe took her hands in his and sat her down right beside him.
Anna looked up at him. “I know you probably think I’m stupid,” Anna said in desperation, “I’m sorry but I just couldn’t stay in there with him holding that girl,” Anna said, disgusted at herself.
“Anna, quit being so hard on yourself,” he was facing her now, still holding her hand.
Anna didn’t know how to tell him and the words came out hard, “It’s just that I loved him,” Anna finally said the words she had been keeping inside herself, you still love him her heart screamed, “and I couldn’t take seeing him with someone else. I know it makes me seem weak, foolish and naïve, all that mushy stuff, but I can’t help myself where he is concerned. I wish I could make it stop. It’s like he has a piece of my soul and it will always belong to him.”
Rafe took Anna’s face in his hands, noticing the tears starting to gather there in her beautiful hazel-green eyes. He wished he could wipe Malfoy from her mind and heart like an eraser across a chalk board, but she had to do that on her own. But that didn’t mean he was going to sit back and not try to fight for her himself. She deserved far better than Malfoy, “Anna, I would think you were crazy not to still have feelings about someone you loved, but sooner or later you are going to have to realize when something is not good for you. These things you are going through with him are not healthy, in fact I don’t even know if it’s normal,” Rafe looked at her deeply in the eyes, “I know if you give me a chance I could make you happy and help you forget him,” he whispered, he was looking at her lips.
He is going to kiss me, Anna thought, and the idea wasn’t unpleasant. His arms went around her, pulling her into his lap slowly until she was close to him, face to face. His arms went around her under the blazer of his she was wearing. Rafe went slow with her, his lips touching hers, softly at first. Anna was surprised; his kiss was nice. It didn’t trigger the same passionate explosion as Draco’s but she could feel herself responding to Rafe’s kiss, bringing her hands up into his hair. When the kiss deepened, at first Anna froze up, afraid. But Rafe was gently running his hands along her back and Anna returned his kiss. She could feel her body responding to him slightly, but then the quilt kicked in as she saw silver-blue eyes and platinum blond hair run through her mind and thoughts that she was betraying Draco. She had been about to break the kiss off, when she was snatched away harshly and suddenly, sliding across the floor.
“You son of a bitch,” it was Draco, he had snatched Anna away, slinging her across the floor.
“What the hell!” Rafe shouted, just as Draco’s fist connected with his jaw. Anna looked up in horror as the two of them begin fighting, both exchanging punches and slinging each other around the tiny alcove. Anna wasn’t hurt and quickly got up and ran over to them, trying to grab their arms in an attempt to break them up. That was a big mistake, as one of their elbows connected with her nose. Anna stumbled backwards to the floor, intense pain shot up through her brain and she was seeing stars. As her hade finally cleared, she brought her hand up to her face and drew it back. It was covered with blood from her nose. She tried to stand and felt a wave of nausea and dizziness hit. By the time she did stand up, Rafe had punched Draco and pushed him hard, sending him flying into the other wall, almost sending him through a window. Both Draco and Rafe whipped out their wands about to duel, Anna quickly ran to stand between them, ignoring the splitting pain in her head and the salty taste of blood as it ran down into her mouth.
“Stop it! Both of you,” she screamed.
They both froze, looking at her in shock and horror, seeing the blood all over her lower face. In the silence they heard footsteps coming quickly down the hall. Anna knew if Rafe was caught fighting with a student he would be sent away from Hogwarts, possibly even lose his job as an auror., “Rafe, you have to get out of here,” Anna urged quickly. He stood there looking at her.
“But Anna, are you alright,” he looked torn about whether to check on her or go.
“I’m fine, it’s just my nose and it can be fixed. Just go,” she pleaded, going over and giving him a push. Rafe finally left quickly.
“And you,” Anna turned to Draco angrily, but she couldn’t stay too mad when she saw his bloodied lip and his eye swelling, soon to be black.
“Anna, I’m sorry,” Draco said desperately, seeing the blood on her face and feeling sick, “are you alright? Did I do that to you?”
“I don’t know which one of you did it,” Anna snapped. Luckily her mind was still intact. She rushed over to him grabbing his arm, “Come on, we’ve got to get away from here before they find us and we have to explain what just happened.”
“You’re just trying to protect that damn auror,” Draco said sullenly.
“And you are being childish, Draco. If anyone sees us like this they are going to think the worst about both of us. Do you want that?” she asked seriously.
He finally came to his senses and allowed her to take his hand and they both headed quickly out of the alcove and down the corridors. Anna knew they couldn’t go to their common rooms right now looking like this, so the only place she could think of was the Astronomy tower. They quickly made their way up the stairs, Anna slipping the heels off her feet and running barefoot. They walked over to the sofa, the place they use to meet a little over a year ago, when Anna would read her muggle books to Draco and they would talk about any and everything. It was a place they had loved to be in before everything had turned so nasty between them.
“Sit down and let me see if you are alright,” Draco made her sit down and got down on his knees in front of her. Draco lit the candles that were all around the window sills, just where they had been when they used to come up there. The blood that had come from her nose ran all down her mouth and chin, with drops of it splattered on her chest and the top of the low cut gown. He felt really bad about this, just seeing that he might have hurt her, even not meaning to. He took his jacket off and pulled his white dress shirt out from where it was tucked in and tore a huge strip from it. Anna watched his every move. He used his wand to do a spell for water and wet the shirt piece. He used it to gently wipe the blood from her face and chin, Anna’s hazel-green eyes looking into his blue ones. He ran the cloth down her chest to the edge of her gown, Anna gasping at the coldness of it, “Sorry,” he mumbled, his hand shaking slightly. He looked up at her finished, “I think it’s broke, Anna,” he said apologetically, having a hard time looking her in the eyes.
“I know it’s broke,” Anna said roughly, “Why did you do it?”
“If I did, I didn’t mean to,” he said in agony.
“Not my nose,” Anna snapped out, “Why did you attack Rafe? The truth if you please?”
“Anna, I could not take seeing you with him. When I saw him snogging you I wanted to kill him,” Draco looked up into her eyes and she knew he was serious.
“But it’s okay for you to be marrying someone else. And I guess it is okay for you to be all over that Hufflepuff slut too,” Anna’s voice rose in anger.
“You saw that, huh,” he laughed without humor.
“I would have to be blind not to have seen it,” Anna said painfully.
Draco took her hands in his, which she tried to jerk away, but he held them firmly, “I did it on purpose.”
“The Hufflepuff girl. I don’t even know her name, but she kept flirting with me and at first I could have cared less, but then I saw you dancing with the auror. I was so angry that I didn’t think about it, but just went out on the dance floor with her, thinking I would make you jealous, but I guess it didn’t work because then you left with him,” Draco finished crossly.
This time Anna laughed, “Oh, it worked all right,” she looked at him deeply, “Why do you think I left the dance.” She asked softly.
“To go and snog with that auror. That was what you were doing when I found you,” Draco could feel the jealous anger building up again.
“I left because I couldn’t take watching you with that girl. And as for snogging, that just sort of happened. Anyway,” Anna said furiously, “You have no right being angry or interfering in my life. You gave that right up the moment you told me we were over and you were betrothed to another.”
Draco knew she was right, “We need to fix your nose,” he said, needing to change the subject. He pulled out his wand, “This is probably going to hurt.”
“I’m kind of use to pain now,” Anna said, throwing it up in his face. “Go ahead then.”
Anna sat very still, looking at him. Draco had the tip of his wand pointed at her nose and chanted the spell. There was an awful sound of cracking and the extreme pain that hit Anna made her cry out, the feeling of nausea and dizziness hitting her again for a second time. She fell back against the back of the sofa and lay there, her eyes closed, hoping the feeling would go away.
“I’m sorry I had to do that,” Draco said softly, sitting beside her; his fingers went gently to her face, “It’s fixed and pretty as ever,” he said in a rough voice, running his finger, as light as a feather, down the bridge of her nose. The rest of his fingers were caressing her face. Draco made up his mind that it was time to come clean with Anna. He had to, because pushing her away and treating her the way he had been was killing him, especially since she didn’t know the true reason he was doing it. Anna would either accept it or it would drive her away from him for good, but either way he had to do the right thing, “There is something I need to tell you,” Draco said seriously, and Anna opened her eyes, looking into his beautiful sliver-blue eyes and knew this was something serious just by his tone. The agony she felt coming from him could be felt all over her as if it were coming from his fingertips that were still touching her face. She realized this might not be good.
*Thank you to all for reading...I hope the story is good and if you like it please vote so I know how it's going. I love feel free to tell me what you think...good or bad! Can't wait to post again!!!! :D *
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