Anything to Save You- Chapter 39
Anything to Save You
Chapter 39
The dungeons of Malfoy manor were as cold and damp as Anna remembered them. Wormtail pushed them both with his wand through the cell door and slammed it closed, the lock clicking into place. Draco was still holding Anna’s hand and when Wormtail went up the stairs he pulled Anna into his arms.
“Are you well?” he asked concerned, his hands searching her body and head for any bumps or injuries.
“I just feel achy all over, but I will be alright,” she whispered with a shaky voice, trying hard to hold back the tears she felt.
“Anna, you cannot take the dark mark,” Draco said harshly, holding her tightly to keep her warm because she was shaking so badly.
“I don’t have a choice,” Anna cried desperately, “I will not let him kill you, and if you die he will have to kill me too, or I will do it myself.”
“I told you not to join the Order, that the death eaters would get you,” Draco said angrily and defensively.
“What was I supposed to do?” Anna said in a loud voice filled with growing rage, “Just let the dark lord and his death eaters destroy our world and everyone in it? I had to help the best I could.” Anna pushed away from Draco. Why couldn’t he understand that she had to do this? She couldn’t just sit back as innocent people were persecuted just because of their birth status.
“Anna, I’m sorry,” he said quietly, “I don’t want to fight. I just hate that you are now being forced into this because of me.”
Anna went to Draco, her arms going around him, her head resting against his chest. She could hear the strong, steady beating of his heart. Then she imagined it beating no more and she couldn’t bear it, “I would do anything to save you,” she softly whispered.
Draco leaned down and pulled her face gently up to his, kissing her lips softly, tasting the salty sting of tears on them, “I am sorry I told the dark lord I did not know you when I first got up there, but I thought he would just put you in the dungeon and I would be able to get you out again,” he said fiercely.
“He read my mind,” Anna said quietly, “I tried to block him, but he was too powerful. That is how he found out about us.”
“Well, now he knows everything, so there is no more hiding how I feel about you.”
“He doesn’t know everything,” Anna said hesitantly, “He does not know I am pregnant.”
Draco went very still, “Pregnant?” he gasped out in shock, “But how?”
“Well, a boy and a girl get together, one thing leads to another and bam, a baby comes along,” Anna said smartly.
“I know where baby’s come from;” Draco smarted back, “that is not what I meant.”
“It happened that night in your cabin by the lake, after you pulled me from the wedding,” Anna said softly, thinking back on that wonderful night spent in Draco’s arms.
Draco looked at her intensely, his eyes getting a little watery, “You are sure?” he asked soft and slowly.
“Yes, I am positive.”
“Come here,” he grabbed her to him fiercely, pulling her into him and capturing her lips in a deep open mouth kiss that Anna returned whole heartedly. Draco finally broke the kiss off and held her snuggly in his arms.
“You are not upset or angry?” Anna asked, surprised.
“Why would I be angry? The girl I love is going to have my baby. It is something I have thought about before since I’ve known you. How wonderful it would be to have children and a family with you one day. Of course that was before the dark lord turned our world upside down,” he added sadly.
Draco put his hand on Anna’s stomach, which was still flat and trim, “You have lost weight and you look like you’ve been sick,” his hand gently massaging her tummy.
“I have been sick. It hasn’t been easy,” Anna admitted, “I haven’t been able to keep much on my stomach, especially in the mornings, but it seems to be going away now.”
“Have you still been doing work for the Order? Is that how you got caught by the snatchers?” Draco asked angrily. Anna looked away, unable to look at him.
“I guess that means yes,” he sneered, “I know you aren’t concerned about your own safety, but didn’t you stop to consider the baby and the danger you put him or her in,” Draco was getting very angry now.
“Don’t you start on me too,” Anna spat out, “I was considering my baby when I did my work. It is my baby’s future I was fighting for after all.”
“Our baby,” Draco corrected her, interrupting loudly.
“Yes, our baby,” Anna sighed, “I realize now how foolish I was to take the risks, but I had to do something to help,” and as everything that had happened tonight and was about to happen tomorrow sank in her mind, the tears started and Anna couldn’t stop them, as she started sobbing uncontrollably, gasping for breath. Her knees felt weak and she felt faint and would have slipped to the floor if Draco hadn’t grabbed her up, carrying her in his arms. He slid down against the stone wall in the back of the cell room, and sat on the floor, Anna in his lap, letting her cry out all her feelings. He simply held her to him, smoothing her hair and whispering reassuring words of comfort. He told her everything would be alright, but everything wasn’t alright and probably never would be unless Harry Potter showed up and was able to somehow destroy Voldemort.
Anna finally cried herself to sleep in Draco’s arms. Draco looked down at Anna; her beautiful face was streaked with tears, but peaceful. He leaned down and kissed her forehead and the tip of her nose, a feeling of immense protectiveness coming over him. Draco felt pride and joy in the fact that at this moment his baby was growing inside the girl he loved. He never thought that he, Draco Malfoy, could love someone so much. Most of his life he had not cared for anyone more than himself, until Anna came along. He hadn’t meant to fall for Anna, it had just happened. Anna was like a breath of fresh air compared to all the other girls Draco had known so far in his life. There was nothing fake or contrived about Anna. He enjoyed being with her, even without the kissing or love making, which was the greatest he’d ever experienced. Draco knew if their lives were normal, and the dark lord didn’t exist, they could live a happy, beautiful life together as a family, filled with love and surrounded by children, their children. That was all he ever really wanted and it was the one thing that both he and Anna had not had growing up themselves. They had both grown up lonely, as single children, and he did not want that for his own child. And now he and Anna were going to have a baby, but what kind of world would it be forced to live in if the dark lord continued. And that was if his baby survived, because if the dark lord found out about Anna’s pregnancy, Draco was pretty sure he would kill the baby, maybe even Anna. He must never find out.
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