q&a answers
Hey guys, here are the answers to your questions!
Who said anything about me ever releasing his name, hm? I make no guarantees even of that :)
Just kidding, it's-
Did you really think I would tell you? Lmao
skizzzle : Who are you picturing as the boy?
Um...To be honest, I don't really have anyone in mind. For the boy, I just picture him as this brooding, dark haired, dark eyed boy. Eyes so brown that they could almost be black, dark brown hair, and slightly pale skin.
shy_fangirl : What are the character's names? And did you base this off of real life?
Well, you all know Selene of course. The girl has a very pretty name, and the boy has a handsome name. But I'll tell you the father's name, you all deserve that much.
Raphael is the father's name, and I'm being 100% honest.
And spoiler alert? The baby the girl was going to have, was going to be a girl. And her name would have been Lilliana.
Go cry about that now :)
And no, this story is not based off of my personal experiences, though it is meant to be realistic. I've never suffered through anything as terrible as this story in my life.
Good question, hun, you'll just have to wait and see :)
Chrysbliss : (to the boy) did you love that girl, or did you care about her? I mean, where you in love with her?
Boy: O-Oh wow, um...this is a lot of people. I...I don't know if I loved her. I don't think I loved her, I didn't know her for that long. I just sort of...sort of used her. But I cared about her. A lot. I think. I...I'm not sure. I just wish she was alive...and our baby.
Chrysbliss : (to mama and baby) Rest In Peace
They appreciate your sympathy.
Chrysbliss asks me a thousand questions omg let's answer them.
Are you going to write a book...like a teen-fiction or sth? I have a feeling you'd be pretty good at that genre :)
Um...I mean, I've tried to do it before. But it didn't turn out so well. I might attempt a romance novel with this style, but that'd be more of a summer project for me.
Also, your inspiration colour is yellow, but do you listen to music while writing?
My inspiration color for Sunshine was more of a yellow, Moonlight is more of a smoky blue/ gray. And yes, often songs that don't fit the mood of my chapters at all. Sometimes I'll be jamming out to Queen B and killing off characters, but I like B.o.B a lot too.
And last but not least, IS THERE ANY DEATH IN STARLIGHT?
Can't tell you, I'll let you figure that out on your own :)
ravenclawgirl04 : What's your favorite scene so far?
Good question. My favorite scene to write was the "he fought" chapter, it was just so emotional and touching. So far I think I like the first chapters of when he's a boy, and while the chapter goes by quickly, I like how you all got a feel and that sympathy for him right off the bat. What's your favorite scene? I'm curious to know what all of your answers will be.
-SirensOfTheHorizon- : How much do do you like writing this book?
I don't like writing this book, I LOVE writing this book. It's wonderful. I really connect with the characters and it's just an amazingly enjoyable experience, especially since I get to share it with you guys!
@lokidyinginside : OOH how did you come up with such an amazing idea? I mean seriously - blown away.
Well first of all, thank you so much! Secondly, I'm not too sure. I just sort of started writing and I wanted to make a story that was real and something you could feel in your heart, you know? But I don't really keep to a schedule or anything, I just...I just write. I like to write. I'm not sure where the idea really came from, but I'm so glad I had it.
That's all the questions I have so far, but if you have more, feel free to ask!
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