Chapter 1
Her paws red from the blood of the enemy clan mews of horror form queens as they watch their kits be killed while their held back warriors killed by the second apprentices running to protect to leader a deputy a gray tom jumps at her and they roll into a dark area where the medicine cat den should be. The don't to anything they just stand there staring at each other.
"Run while you can." He says with a caring tone.
"But..." She starts.
He gets closer to her. "Please run, run while you can please go I'll try to find you once this battle is over with but run!" The she-cat nods and making her way through a secret entrance close to the nursery and she makes her way out of camp and she runs to the edge of the clan territory. She stops and rests.
"Moonheart what are you doing by windclan territory?" A cat asks trotting up.
"Flametail there's a battle going on in camp the worst the kits are beginning killed the leader is almost dead same for everyone else in the clan, I barely made it out but thanks to a gray tom from their clan I got out." I explain. The flametail's ears twitch in curiosity.
"Why would he save you?" Moonheart shrugs then there's rustling in the grass behind her. She get in attack mode. She gets low to the grown claws out ready. The gray tom trots out and over to her. She relaxes and sits up.
"I'm sorry to say this but no cat from your clan survived and shadowclan is planning on taking over this land so you need to leave so you don't get hurt." He says.
"Why did you save me?" Moonheart asks.
"Somecat as beautiful as you doesn't deserve to die now you must go." He says.
"Ok but what's your name I must know before I leave."
He gives a chuckle. "I'm nightpelt."
She pounces off because she can sense shadowclan cats on their way. She leaves the territory.
"I guess I'll have to live my live as a rouge." She whispers before she starts her journey to find shelter.
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