Chapter 2: Ambushed But Saved
Just why!!
I was beside my big sister's door, leaning against the wall, still hearing their moans which disgusted me. But it was my fault that I didn't tell Jake sooner.
I wanted to feel his lips on mine, but it was stole by my own blooded-sister. My heart is now blank, nothing. It was the only hope of finding true love of my man.
I went downstairs and sat on the chair and looked at the moon.
The moon . . . it's so pretty. Standing out the most in dark skies. Like a Star. I want to be noticed but I don't know how . . .
I sighed quietly. I turned my head seeing my sister who's face was paler than sheets and Jake's whose was redder than the berries I had picked earlier.
I faked a smile. "Don't worry, I just got back." My sister sighed in relief but I knew everything they'd done.
The silent was broken by Jake. "Hey Serene."
I only hummed in response. I turned away, towards the moon again, not wanting to face them again.
"Your sister said that you like me." My heart stopped and my back stiffened when I turned to look into his eyes.
His forest green eyes.
I simply nodded and looked away from them.
"Oh. Um..I didn't know. But your sister and I are planning to become parents. And you can be the Aunt." He smiled but in his eyes I saw pity.
Pity . . . huh.
I continued to smile but inside, I was broken. I looked at my sister who was putting her head down facing the floor and I chuckled humourlessly and spoke.
"I hope it was worth it to marry my crush, sister. Because you knew I like him since childhood." I stood up seeing her face which was full of shame and regret. I pretended not to see them and instantly went into my room slamming the door loudly to let out some of that pent up aggression and anger. When I took a step forward on the cold hardwood floor, I was sure of one thing:
That this woman won't be broken by some things she wants in her false dreams.
I went to my bed and closed my eyes, letting sleep overtake me.
I heard civilians screaming their lungs out calling for help. I groaned and grab the pillow but then smell burning woods. My eyes rapidly open seeing a hungry fire at in front me.
I look around seeing any exit, the window! I use the untouched objects to get to the window and jump out of the cottage.
I landed on the bushes.
I sat up seeing a massive fire around the village. The Peace Village, was burning to ashes. I watched in horror then I saw Jake coming towards me.
"Oh my goodness your alright!" He grab my arm and we were straight running into the woods leaving the people in fear.
"No! I want to turn back!" I tried to back away but he look at me like he needed me alive.
"Serene, The people in there are bawling there eyes out..they're useless. But your sister is fine." I look at him.
I think he only needed me so he can get close to my big sister.
I chuckled darkly.
"I'm leaving you guys. Have fun together." I push his hand away and I ran back to the burning village.
I need to save the people at least who's alive. I look around seeing a 6 years old boy and 4 years girl huddling each other.
Then I heard a crack and I look at the cottage that was about to perish the kids. My legs started to run and without thinking I pushed them away from the structure.
My vision turn blank once more. But I heard the kids crying for me. I sadly didn't want to die but I'm glad those little ones are saved.
Please someone find them. Please please..
I smell alcohol?
Slowly my body was able function again. I woke up and saw a maid looking at me with relief.
"She alive! Oh thank the Gods!" I looked myself seeing dirt and mud on my dress and body.
Wait..The Kids!
I stood up and open the door and run down the hallway. I heard yelling but I needed to find those kids! I dash downstairs, but the next thing I know. I tumble downstairs by a hard boulder!
"Ow." I groaned and look up.
Oh my lord.I fell..Now I'm stuck..Help!
"I-I'm so sorry I was trying to.." I notice that he was just looking at my face.
Is there something on my face Sir?
I ignored his deep stare and push him away but he didn't budge.
I think he's sick I swear..
I snap my finger at him and that got his attention. I push him away and stand up and walk away from this creep. I heard giggles, kid giggles.
I look at the source, seeing the kids playing with a tall man. The kids look at me and smile at me. " She here!" They ran and hugged me.
I smiled at the little kids but my concern was, how did I get here? And wasn't I dead?
I looked at the man and he look me weirdly but then smile. "So I'm presuming that your there hero." He spoke.
I quietly nodded, but he look justified his stare to my body which made me uncomfortable.
"Didn't you get any stitches? Your body seems 100% Alright?" He mumble something about me, but I couldn't hear.
But then a woman came.
Wait it's the same woman from earlier!
"Excuse me m'lady But Alpha wants you."
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