The Seer Overheard
Just a purely sweet lemon with an obliviously participating Sirius from Remus' POV.
Carefully, only moving two fingers, Remus gave the lightest of tugs on Sirius' hair as he said casually, "I'm going to bed, if anybody dies, I wish to sleep through it."
Sirius at least laughed for that, which always sent a particularly nice beat of happiness through him he could make him laugh so hard. James mock wiped a tear away and told him in a choking voice laced with sarcasm, "so, caring! How do you do it?"
"Lot's of beauty sleep, which is lost on you anyways Prongs. Night then," and the tingling sensation at the base of his neck was gone as he walked off to the stairs like nothing had happened, the absolute tease. Sirius watched him go unabashedly because Remus couldn't stop him doing that and gave him a wink as he went up the stairs, there was a tidal wave of pleasure already high in him Remus finally asked him alone. Maybe he really was starting to relax. Turning back showed James was already waving Peter over, and Sirius gave an elaborate yawn of his own, he still wanted no part of that.
Prongs kicked him under the table and Sirius laughed again with no remorse as he jogged up the stairs and went into the first available room on his right. Remus wasn't in there, but he decided to play better safe than sorry and went into the bathroom, turning on the shower, but locking the door behind him as he left the room and guessed right on the one across and firmly closed the door behind them with the usual lock and muffled spell.
Remus was doing something funny to the bed though, bending over it and messing with the sheets as Sirius crept up behind him and grabbed his waist. "If you ever do that again, I will not stop myself pulling you into my lap."
Moony snickered as he finished tying something to the headboard before removing his hands and turning to face him, now holding them both in one hand and grinning down at him. "I've noticed that about you, got a thing for me playing with your hair?"
Sirius tried to pull his hands away and kiss him so he wouldn't have to acknowledge any such thing, but Remus just tightened his grip and grabbed his waist with the other, turning him enough to sit him on the bed without letting go. His pulse thumped and he didn't bother to pretend that wasn't a laugh of excitement that escaped while still not answering.
Padfoot was always so pliant to his lightest touch, it fascinated him deeply how anyone so damn bull-headed had never raised any protests to whatever Remus wanted to do to him. He in fact seemed to encourage it usually, and Remus was really curious to play that up now as he leaned back instead when Sirius tried to kiss him again.
"Did I miss an owl?" He was starting to pout, wiggling between his legs suggestively, and Remus bit his lip to stop himself sitting on him already and shagging him. No, he really wanted to do this.
"Sort of," he agreed, finally releasing his hands and smiling when Sirius instantly tried to grab his waist and pull him down, but he locked his knees and held firm. His hands instead traced lightly through dark hair for a moment and grinned when he hummed with pleasure, but quickly let the pads of his fingers fall past, though it wasn't that far down to the waist of his shirt afterwards.
Just barely letting his nails scrape the soft flesh, he tugged and Sirius released him to let the shirt be flung away, but then Remus instantly grabbed his hands again and put them both into his one before he could do anything and finally sat down on his lap. Trying to ignore his stuttering chest telling him he might be over stepping here but determined to leave some kind of impression on Sirius before he was a forgotten bit of his past, he let his other hand linger on his neck and asked, "want to try something new?" He made sure to use Padfoot's favorite smile, the one he'd only ever tried flirting with on him and Ersa. Both had received surprisingly good results.
He looked instantly surprised, and Remus shifted uncomfortably he might have been wrong, but Sirius' breath hitched and tried to match his movements at once and was still eyeing him before saying, "yeah, okay. Do I get to know what?"
"I think you'll like it," he leaned in and whispered into his ear, letting his hand trail down to linger over his chest. "Just lean back and trust me."
Sirius pressed a kiss to his cheek and let his hand do the work of pushing and nudging him until he was back against the pillows where he was finally released. His hands were tied into place with the ripped sheets as he knelt over him, knees keeping his waist in place, though Padfoot didn't even try to move away with the first one.
"Ah," Sirius' smile was eager now as he tested it and gave Remus such a pretty smile he'd swear his blood was boiling. "You've really got a kinky side. First watching me, now this, guess I had you pegged wrong."
Residual hope warred with this casual response. No, he scolded himself, you're not even going to pretend to keep Sirius around when this is over, let it go! "You done this before?" Why would it be on his list if he had? Remus couldn't help but be a bit disappointed now.
"No," Sirius burst out laughing. "Just a quick fuck is all I've ever had, you know that. Hence the point of the bucket items, so come on," he even rolled his eyes as he swiftly got one leg out from between his and hooked it around, trying to tug him forward like that, heel digging into his ass.
His plan changed. Not the execution, but the practice as he put his hand gently on his chest at those words. His heart was thundering harder than ever as he gazed down at him. He leaned down and kissed him gently, and felt a thrill of pleasure when Sirius tried to move around him as usual but was restricted. The one leg tried to coax him into their usual rough and frenzied movement, but Remus stubbornly would not let his hips go along this time, instead concentrating on just giving slow and unhurried kisses, leaving one hand on his chest, the other to come up and start running gently through his hair.
Sirius went still beneath him. Not entirely, he kissed him back for a few moments but he'd stopped trying to hump him after a few agonizing tries as he seemed to catch the new tone and played along, but he pulled back and looked at him after a few moments of this. He looked astoundingly confused.
"Shhh," Remus pleaded, turning his hand so his knuckles grazed over his stomach and just lightly letting the feeling beat back and forth with Sirius' breath as he leaned back in. The edges of his fingers occasionally graced the scar tissue he'd inflicted on his side, but Padfoot never even flinched for the reminder. "Just, just let me," 'love you,' the unspoken, forbidden thought would not leave him. Sirius might have been the first guy he'd been with, but he would be the first man to love Sirius the way he should be.
Sirius blinked those beautiful gray eyes up at him and Remus' heart broke he still didn't get it, may never, his mouth slightly parted but still asking for nothing more. He went back to kissing him, just lightly, in the sweetest way he was capable of, his other hand still combing through his long hair. Padfoot didn't try anything again, it was exhilarating, a sort of high even before orgasaming yet Sirius was just letting him do this. Remus also made the first mistake though, letting his knuckles graze too far down his stomach the next go around and brushing his pants.
He did not stop himself from letting the button fly or finally pulling back, but he stayed calm as he pulled his pants off while letting his fingers trail over his thighs and past his knees, kissing his way back up through the light hair there. Sirius watched him the whole time, occasionally still pulling at his wrists but a look of wonderment on his face like had no clue what was coming next, and seemed to enjoy it.
Remus kissed the bulge left behind and pulled on the waistband for a few moments as he got out his wand before Sirius finally spoke up, "you are entirely over dressed for this event." His voice was husky beyond all reason, there was a faint hint of red around his cheeks, he licked his lips and still watched his every move. There was a longing in his eyes that nearly broke Remus out of his cool, but he pervaded. He could be stubborn too.
"Too right," he softly agreed as he clamped his wand in his teeth and pulled his clothes off as slowly as he'd done to Sirius, taking his eyes off of him as little as possible until he stood naked on the edge of the bed and climbed back up.
He pulled his boxers off without hesitation this time and finally took his wand into one hand, a quick charm for lube and he tossed it aside too without a second thought as he touched himself for several seconds, stroking and gasping lightly as he still felt the impression for where Sirius had done this for him. Padfoot started pulling against the restraints again though, and Remus leaned forward enough to kiss him back to a lesser struggle while his hands dug under the tight ass and pulled, maneuvering himself into Sirius for the second time.
It was somehow even better, he had to stop kissing him and just breathe as his hands now lingered on his hips to take in the feeling. His eyes closed of their own accord, it felt so good and he desperately wanted to shag him like before until Sirius called his name in relief and his toes curled again, but Sirius could have that from anyone. Maybe he would someday, but for this moment, it was him who just began gently rocking, setting the pace of kindly pushing and retracting, his membrane still swelling with pleasure for each new stroke, but slowly now, every time just slightly longer than the last.
Sirius' breathing started to become erratic and his eyes snapped open in concern, even letting one hand fall away to reach up impulsively for the strap to let him go if he was somehow hurting him, but Sirius' eyes snapped open too and he looked at him in utter betrayal as he whispered, "don't stop."
"I won't," he promised, moving his hand down further instead to slide Sirius' leg up to a better angle and pressing in harder now, deeper, but still keeping his grip as feather light as he could everywhere else. "I won't ever stop, I promise." He leaned in and kissed him again, just a quick brush of lips as Sirius closed his eyes back, but Remus kept his open now, the warmth spreading up and through him would soon be unstoppable as he felt the building sensation begin, his body began betraying him and he started thrusting with purpose to elicit those little whimpers from Sirius he loved so much, but in a moment of clarity to rain himself back in as Sirius' membrane began leaking precum he released his leg and put his hand tentatively at the base, stroking lightly, almost petting the nerves and head to convince himself to fall back into that sweet pace.
It worked, mercifully his body copied his hand as Sirius moaned beneath him without release yet. "I know, I know," Remus didn't stop himself from saying as he watched him with such deep longing. "You'll love this, I promise, you're going to feel so good."
"Love, yeah, love you," Sirius groaned, eyes still tight shut, his legs still trying to pull Remus closer.
His heart broke as he whispered back, "love you too," and finally tightened his hand.
"Fuck!" Sirius gasped as he came so hard, his legs crossing behind him and gasping. It was too much for Remus and he pulsed inside of him as well, muttering his own curses in pleasure as he nudged a few more times inside of him before finally dropping his hands and just leaned over him now, gasping and sucking in his breath and trying not to feel anything in the world but how good he felt.
It started to ebb, of course, just like it always had to. Sirius was so relaxed beneath him he almost could be asleep as Remus finally reached up and undid the light knots, gently pulling himself back out of his Padfoot and then collapsing against his chest, still placing light kisses where ever he pleased.
"Hell Moony," Sirius finally sounded winded as he wrapped his arms tight around him, for only a few brief moments he knew, and he leaned in and pressed as much of himself against him as he could. "Please fell free to suggest more of that in the future."
And he laughed, because it wasn't really funny.
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