Whispers broke out through the room. Everyone was stunned. An ancient hunter was one thing, but a huntress was entirely another. No hunter had awoken for twenty years now and a huntress hadn't awoken since the past half-century.
To awake a huntress, instead of blood, the lives of a human, Carthan and Selzer had to be sacrificed. And a huntress could leave more destruction than a whole group of hunters. She would stop at nothing. Perhaps, we were going to be locked in the school or this year would be cancelled.
Arryn had sat down again with a grave look on his face. Kuperus stood up and ordered us all to our dorms. All the school heads would be having a meeting and would be letting us all know the results tomorrow.
I bend down to adjust the strap of my heels when I saw the room had almost emptied out. Mrs Kuperus was calling servants and butlers to escort the prince to his rooms. She saw me and beckoned. I walked over to her bracing myself for a scolding. Instead, she smiled.
"Verina, would you please accompany our esteemed guest to his chambers?"
"Of course."
Arryn smiled at me charmingly. We walked out of the dining room together with servants trailing some distance behind us carrying luggage. The prince had rooms on the third floor.
" Have I seen you somewhere before?" he asked in his soft voice. "I cannot quite recall it."
"I'm a Theron," I said. "I have visited Vervosia only twice before and that too as a very small child. You might have seen me there."
"That's a pity," he said. "The wonderful castles and landscapes of Vervosia should be revisited every so often to keep them alive in your memory."
"I might visit it some time," I said.
"You should. It would be an honour if you come to me for a sightseeing tour. I know the best haunts in the place."
I grinned at him.
"You hardly ever go out of Vervosia, right?"
"Ah yes. That is quite sad indeed. But I might have to be king one day and there is a lot to learn."
"That day is probably far away," I said, climbing up the stairs. "Queen Flavia has a long reign left."
His smile slipped at that. I wondered if I had said something wrong. Then I remembered his father had been killed by a selzer attack and I had probably reminded him of that.
"I am so sorry if I have said anything to hurt you. It wasn't my intention to do so." I said.
"It's quite alright," he said.
We had reached. I swung open the door and whirled around to face him.
"Good night your highness," I said, bowing.
It was necessary to keep perfect manners around the nobility. It had been drilled in all Carthans since a very young age.
"Good Night Verina. It was lovely meeting you," he said.
I heard the door close behind me and I headed back to the dorm, my thoughts filled with worry over the huntress.
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