I stared at her.
"Bianca, where did you find this?"
"In your closet. You had left the door slightly ajar. Bella squeezed in through the gap and was clawing at your clothes. When I tried to get her out, I found this. And now, I guess you owe me an explanation."
"Bianca, I..." I sank on the floor and put my head in my hands. "I wanted to tell you, but I couldn't. I felt so ashamed and I couldn't sleep. It was the only thing I could think of."
"Ver, you know I would never have judged you. But human medication is dangerous. You know that right?" she said gently.
I couldn't help it. I finally broke down.
"The summer trip Bianca! I should have never gone along with it. Everything became so messed up." I burst out.
"And you don't even know the worst part yet. You will never guess who I saw tonight. Losing the urge to feed, eat or sleep wasn't enough, fighting with my father wasn't enough and all those awful moments of that trip weren't enough. Now the past has to catch up with me too."
Bianca took my hands in hers and gripped them tightly.
"Verina, who did you see tonight?" she asked seriously. "Ver, who was it?"
I looked at her.
"No! You must have seen someone else. How could he be here?"
"I thought that too," I said miserably. "But there is no mistaking him Bianca. I couldn't forget his face, no matter how hard I tried. I don't know what he is doing in Tresville or how he could even be here, but he is."
"This is bad Ver. This is so wrong. I have no idea what to say."
"Bianca, I can't be around him," I said frantically. "I can't. You know what happened last time..."
"It's okay, Ver. I know," she said gently, wrapping her arms around me.
I sank in her arms and cried. She made me promise not to take any more medication.
After about half an hour later, someone knocked on the door. Patting me on the shoulder, Bianca got up to open it.
It was Aria.
"Hey, Bianca! I was looking for Verina," she said, pushing past her to come inside.
"Oh no! What's wrong?"
"Nothing," I said sniffling, trying to think of something to say. "Where are the boys?"
"Eryx is playing football and I don't know where Yves is," she said. "And Airell is probably with Oaklyn."
I glanced at her sympathetically and saw that she wasn't fooled by me avoiding the topic. I would probably have to answer her questions later. Bianca decided to go watch the football match when she found out Finn was playing. Aria decided to join her. I waved them off, not in the mood for any distractions. I was ready for the inevitable. I climbed into my bed and closed my eyes.
I saw his face flash before my eyes. I finally forced myself to think of the name I had been dreading for months. His name. Aiden.
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