Chapter- 2
My father was already at the table when I walked in. He looked pale and tired as if he hadn't fed well too and his dark hair hung listlessly on one side. His blue eyes were surrounded by dark circles much like my own. I noticed this because I went through the same phases of not wanting to feed for longer periods of time. I guess it ran in the family. When he saw me, he straightened his back and sat back, looking like the true noble Carthan vampire he was.
I sat down opposite to him on the long dining table. Neither of us said anything. Soon, the staff laid the table and the cook served the meal.
Carthan vampires needed to eat to sustain themselves, though blood intake was required to stay alive and to keep from desiccating. Out of the four rounds of feeding required per month, I hadn't done even a single one yet.
I surveyed the table. There was an even more extravagant meal than usual. Probably because father was home.
I started piling all my favourite things in my plate when I noticed my father's disapproving glare. I subsided and started eating whatever I had managed to put on my plate.
According to my dad, nothing I ever did befitted a royal Carthan vampire.
I was so busy trying to eat as daintily as possible that I nearly jumped out of my skin when my father spoke in his deep voice.
"Getting ready to go back?"
"Yes." I said, helping myself to some strawberries.
"Hope you learn some manners this time."
"Yes, father." I said, putting emphasis on the word father.
"I have spoken to Mrs Kuperus and have asked her to take special care of you this year."
Plainly speaking, he had asked her to keep an eye on me at all times. I groaned inwardly. Mrs Kuperus was our principal and she was a pain in the ass.
"You should be glad of the extra safety this year."
I didn't reply because my mouth was full. So much for acting daintily.
"I hope you have packed?"
I nodded, narrowing my eyes. Why was he here and trying to make small talk? He was acting very suspiciously. Something was up.
An awkward silence filled the air as we both helped ourselves to our food.
I cast my mind around for something to say.
"Are you staying for long?"
My lack of interest must have been evident in my voice because he smiled bitterly and said: "Not for long."
We again lapsed into silence. This time I made no effort to break it.
When I finished eating, I asked to be excused.
"One moment Verina. I want to have a word."
Rolling my eyes, I sank back into my seat.
He hesitated. "Take care of yourself this year."
This was too much for me to bear.
"Why? You would be glad if something happened and you got rid of me. Didn't you say you never want to see my face again? What's the matter now?"
I regretted the words as soon as they left my mouth. His face hardened. We had the same features including the stubborn set of our chins.
"You will speak to me with respect young lady." he said coldly. "And you will not interrupt me."
I said nothing.
"Yes, father." I muttered.
"Good. Now I would advise you to proceed with caution this year. Even your school has put up many wards. You should pay attention to your fighting lessons properly and I don't want you to skip classes to play the fool. Do you understand?"
Again, I noticed how tired he looked.
"Why? What's the matter?"
"An ancient hunter has woken out of his slumber."
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