𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟖
I THOUGHT THAT STILES WOULD HAVE HIS PHONE ON HIM after he told me to talk to my dad. I thought that he would probably want to know what my dad had said to me after I asked him about the whole being a werewolf hunter thing but no. Stiles apparently had no intention of picking up the phone tonight and it was frustrating because I felt like I was going to combust.
I couldn't keep it to myself and instead of talking I just paced in my room for the hours that Stiles wouldn't pick up the phone.
I couldn't take waiting for Stiles to call me back or pick up the phone any longer. I grabbed my coat and I decided to walk over to his house, taking the time to try and gather my thoughts. When I got there though the Jeep wasn't on the drive and neither was Sheriff Stilinski's car, the lights in the house were off and I groaned quietly to myself. I didn't want to go back home now.
I walked up Stiles' porch steps and lifted the plant pot up by the door curiously. I honestly wasn't expecting to find a key there and I was quite shocked to see it. I debated on picking it up though. Did I want to just let myself into Stiles' house? Not really. If I'd been around a bit longer then yeah, maybe I'd of unlocked the door and let myself into the Stilinski residence but I'd been home two weeks.
If Sheriff Stilinski was to come home and see me chilling out in his house god knows what he'd say.
I left the key in it's place and put the plant plot back over the top of it, pulling my phone out from my coat pocket and checking the time. I was just after half nine at night and I was hoping that if Stiles wasn't going to be back soon that Sheriff Stilinski would be but there was no way to know if he was working the last shift.
I sat down on the top step on the porch, glad that I had a pair of sweat pants on because it was definitely chilly tonight. I wrapped my coat tighter around myself and crossed my arms tightly over my chest — letting myself into Stiles house was become more and more appealing as the minutes ticked on.
It was just after quarter past ten when headlights lit up the driveway and I saw Stiles pull the Jeep up and park in his spot. In the forty five minutes I'd had to wait the tips of my fingers and my nose was numb from the cold and I could see my breath.
My friend jumped out of his car and shut the door with a confused frown, "Alex?" He asked me, "Wha—what the hell are you doing here?"
"Where've you been?" I asked him, snapping like a mother would when questioning their child on why they were late home, "Do you have any idea how many times I've tried to call you?"
"I—no." He stuttered, looking at his phone before back to me, "It's freezing out here, there's a key under the flower pot you should've let yourself in."
"I know." I replied, taking his hand as he held it out to me. I stood to my feet, my body stiff from sitting in the cold for so long and he walked to his door, unlocking it, "I felt weird letting myself in." I said to him.
"What?" He asked me, his brows furrowing, "You've been home two weeks and you've already stopped over twice."
"When you say it like that." I grumbled, closing the door behind me as he turned the lights on, "I just didn't feel comfortable letting myself into your house without asking."
"Well for future reference." He said to me, looking back over his shoulder.
The both of us headed upstairs and towards Stiles' room. I took my coat off and hung it up on the back of his door, climbing on to his bed and grabbing a blanket, "God, I'm freezing."
Stiles sat down on his bed too next to me, "What's going on then?" He asked me. He seemed quite calm and it honestly wasn't what I was used to. He was always so hyper and it was something his adderall struggled to control. His leg normally bounced or he had a hard time sitting in one spot but he didn't appear to be having any of those problems right now.
"I—I went to talk to my dad." I said to him, pulling his blanket further over my shoulders, "But Allison's dad was there with loads of other people delivering something—"
"—What were they delivering?" He asked me quickly. I pressed my lips together and rose my brows silently at him. He understood what I was doing and and nodded to himself, "Sorry, carry on."
"Not your fault—but I don't know." I told him, "There were cases, I have no idea what was inside of them but when I went down to talk to my dad him and Chris both said it was business."
"Business?" Stiles asked me, "Business as in Hunter business?"
"I'm assuming so Stiles." I replied with a simple shrug, "I didn't dare ask because then I'd have them both on my back but.. I'm pretty sure."
"Your dad's a hunter." Stiles mumbled, "We should tell Scott, right? Just incase."
"I can tell him tomorrow." I said to Stiles, "It can wait a night."
"No, Alex, this is huge!" He gushed, getting up off his bed and pacing in front of me. I'd just triggered something in his head to cause him to wind up and I felt guilty about it. I never really knew how Stiles fared with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, we were always too young to really know much about it but now we were older... He took adderall to help him, I knew that.
The thing I'd noticed with Stiles though was that I'd rarely ever seen him since I'd moved home not in a hyper sort of mood. He was always jittery and sometimes he cut into your sentence when you were talking but I never minded. He managed to keep his attention span for some time though, I think it depended on the situation — but people always pegged him as a person who was just too hyperactive and annoying.
While he was often hyperactive it was never a fault of his own. He couldn't control it.
"Stiles." I muttered, trying to reach out to grab his hand as he paced passed me.
"Sorry." He grumbled in response, planting his feet to the ground and turning to me.
"Why do you keep apologising to me?" I asked him curiously.
He lifted his head up to meet my eyes and I saw he looked confused. His face was puzzled and his brows were drawn in, "Uh.." He stuttered while searching for an answer, "I-I know it can be annoying and—"
"—Stiles please don't apologise." I said to him softly, "All right? It doesn't bother me— and besides you have no control over it."
"O-okay." He nodded to himself before swallowing, "Are you sure?"
"Am I sure that your behaviour doesn't bother me?" I asked. He nodded his head and I did too as a response, "Positive."
He grabbed his desk chair and rolled it forwards, sitting in it opposite me and relaxing fully into it. I watched him quietly as he zoned out, resting his legs on the edge of his bed in front of me. He stayed like that for maybe two minutes before he shifted and then he sat forwards, resting his arms on his legs, "So, Scott and I found something." He said to me.
"You did?" I asked him calmly.
He nodded, seeming to follow in my calm demeanour, "Yeah, we went over to Derek's and we found the other half of the body."
"Nice." I replied in a grossed out tone. I didn't really want to think about them finding the other half of Laura's body.
"Yeah." He muttered, rubbing his hands together, "It was a wolf."
My ears peaked and I leaned forwards, "What?"
"Derek buried half of a wolf." He said to me, "And just as we went to re-bury it I saw this purple flower. It looked like wolfsbane—"
"—Wolfsbane is purple?" I asked him.
"Yeah." He nodded, "Why?"
I shrugged with a frown, "I don't know." I replied, "For some reason I just thought it was yellow or blue."
"Okay." He nodded to himself, "Anyways, I picked the plant up and there's rope attached to it. So I start pulling the rope, it was buried in the ground around where Derek had dug and when I pulled it all up the wolf was gone."
"Gone?" I repeated, dipping my head.
"Yeah." He nodded, "And there was half of a girls body."
"So.." I muttered, furrowing my brows in confusion, "Derek buried the other half of the body?"
"Still think he's innocent now?" He asked me.
I swallowed, biting my lip in thought. Maybe Derek just wanted to bury Laura, for some peace of mind for something like that. Maybe he wanted her near the house, I honestly don't know but I just couldn't see him killing his sister. I couldn't understand his reasoning behind it.
I shook my head, "I don't know Stiles." I ended up stuttering out, "Maybe he just wanted to bury his sister."
"Do you really think it's his sister?" He asked me with an arched brow.
"She was a werewolf was she not?" I counted.
"I mean.." Stiles faulted, "Yeah, she was."
"So it's very possible." I replied.
We sighed at the same time, silent in our thoughts. It was tricky and neither of us agreed on each other's theories so we were just going to end up going round in circles.
But honestly? I didn't know what to think.
Stiles went with his theory in the end over mine and he ended up getting Derek nailed for murder this morning. I wanted to say I couldn't believe it but part of me expected it really. He said one of the reasons for pinning Derek for the murder was so he could get him off Scott's back but that was just idiotic in my eyes. He was only trying to help him and if Scott truly believed Derek would kill him he needed to start taking things lighter in life.
What made matters worse was that Stiles decided to keep the wolfsbane plant and he had it with him when he and Scott were driving back from the Hale house earlier. Scott flipped and then disappeared after wolfing out which really was fantastic. Him running around as a werewolf in broad daylight was going to do down a treat.
Note my sarcasm.
Stiles or I hadn't heard from him and as the day dragged out I lost hope that he was going to show up.
I got ready for the lacrosse game and Stiles picked me up, him heading for the locker rooms while I walked to the pitch. I saw Allison and Lydia and I started my walk to them but then I noticed they were with Allison's dad. I turned my back on them before they could see me and I found Melissa walking in from the parking lot just as both teams came out on to the pitch. Everyone already on the bleachers cheered in excitement as both teams finished up preparing for the game to start.
I headed over to Melissa, smiling at her as she noticed me and the both of us walked to meet each other.
"Hey, Alex." She greeted me with a smile, putting her arm over my shoulder and pulling me into her side for a hug.
"Hey, Ms. McCall." I responded with an equally bright grin.
We slowed our strides as we walked by the bleachers and Melissa continued to hold her arm over my shoulders, "How many times?" She groaned lightly as she looked to me, "Melissa."
I nodded, "Melissa." I repeated.
She smiled at me before looking out to the pitch and spotting Scott, we both waved to him and I felt some relief lift my heart slightly in my chest. At least Scott was still alive and human after his vanishing act earlier today.
He and Stiles made their way over to the bench, both dressed in their uniforms and Melissa and I found a seat in the bleachers, sitting down next to each other closely for warmth.
"This is so exciting." Melissa beamed with a smile, "The first time I've seen Scott play."
"Yeah. He's been really good in practice." I nodded in agreement. This was the first time Melissa had seen Scott off the bench, I just hoped nothing went wrong.
"Oh god, I cant wait!" She said, rocking back and forth in excitement, "I bet he's so nervous though."
I shook my head to try and comfort her, "I'm sure he's fine." I said to her, "He'll probably be more excited than nervous."
"You're right." She nodded before she squeezed my arm tightly while squealing, "God, I'm such a proud mom right now!"
I laughed lightly as I smiled at her. It was so nice to see how genuinely happy Melissa was that Scott had made first line. He told me he'd been waiting a long time for it and I was happy he was getting his shot.
My eyes drifted to the bench as the referee blew his whistle and while everyone cheered for the start of the game my eyes homed in on number 24.
Melissa must've noticed my lack of cheering as I saw her looking at me out of the corner of my eyes, "Alex? Everything okay?" She asked me.
I continued to look at Stiles back and nodded in response at her, "I just wish Stiles got the chance to play with him, y'know?"
Melissa nodded, "He's been on the bench with Scott for two years." She said to me, "They both never really seemed bothered to be there but I know how much Stiles wants to play. They talk about it all the time."
It was almost as if he had supernatural hearing also because as Melissa finished talking about Stiles he turned around, looking around until he met my eyes. I gave him a small smile and I'm sure Melissa did too and he reciprocated it, lifting his hand and waving over at us.
Melissa nudged my arm lightly, "Scott told me you guys are really close." She said to me, motioning between Stiles and I as my friend turned his head back to the pitch.
"Yeah." I nodded with a smile, "It's like I never left."
And that was true. Stiles and I gelled so easily and the dynamic between us was one that I loved. Our friendship had resumed on the exact level we had left it, it hadn't dropped to an awkward 'we used to be best friends but it's been a while since we've spoke' type of thing — we were still as close as we had been six years ago.
She smiled at me before she gasped lightly and looked around, "The girl Scott likes." She said quickly, "Oh, is she here?"
"Allison?" I asked her with a smile, "Yeah, she's right over there."
I turned and pointed to the bleachers across from the one we were seated at and pointed up towards her, "Which one is she?" Melissa asked me, grasping my knee lightly.
"The girl with dark brown hair." I said to her, looking at my friend, "With the hat on."
"Oh, she's so pretty." Melissa said as she too looked at Allison. She turned back to me with a bright smile, "She looks like a really nice girl."
I nodded, "She is. My dad and hers worked together in San Francisco, we were really good friends there."
"Isn't that nice?" Melissa said to me, "And a coincidence you both moved to Beacon Hills, huh?"
Not really, I thought to myself, not coincidental at all.
"Well, business.. y'know.." I said to Melissa uncertainly, "They just happened to be going to the same place."
She nodded and the referee put the ball down on to the pitch, ready to start play, "Down!" He called.
"Oh it's starting!" Melissa beamed in excitement.
"Set!" The referee shouted.
I exhaled steadily, silently praying for Scott.
And then the Referee blew the whistle and the game started. Immediately everyone began cheering, some getting out of their seats as they shouted for their team. Melissa and I watched the ball being passed as the Cyclones took possession of it straight away. The team headed down the pitch towards their goal but I couldn't help but notice that every single one of them ignored Scott, even when he was the obvious pass.
Melissa and I stood up, trying to get a better look as the people in front of us got out of their seats and together we watched the game as it unfolded.
One of the opposing team players knocked the ball from us as he rammed the player and it fell on to the grass for anyone to retrieve. With my eyes on Scott I saw as he made a run for it, this would probably be the only way he had of actually playing but just before he reached it he was knocked off his feet and on to the floor.
"Oh my god." I muttered to myself as Melissa gasped from besides me, putting her hands over her mouth as Scott rolled on to his back on the floor.
I looked to the person who had rammed him and saw the number 37. I wasn't good on remembering which number belonged to who but I knew Jackson's number was 37 and I scowled at him. Why he felt he had to ram into Scott was beyond me. Obviously he was still sour about what happened in practice the other day.
Regardless though, Jackson took the ball and he ran with it — scoring the first goal of the night in our favour.
I wanted to cheer because I was happy that we'd one upped the opposing team but I was annoyed that it was at the hands of Jackson. If it had been anyone else then, yeah, I'd of cheered but I couldn't bring myself to cheer for him.
From my side Melissa clapped begrudgingly, "C'mon, Scott, shake it off." She muttered under her breath, "Shake it off, you got this."
The game progressed and the opposing team sharply took over us, taking lead of the game. As we waited for play to resume again everyone had settled back into their seats, listening for the Referee's signal. The game wasn't looking to get any better, not for the Cyclones and not for Scott because he still hadn't had made a single pass. I was nervous and my legs bounced in anticipation.
I was getting frustrated watching the team ignore Scott so I couldn't imagine how he was feeling right now.
I just hoped he had enough in him to control his anger.
"Down!" The Referee instructed and we watched as play was ready to resume. Jackson lowered his lacrosse stick to the ground, crouched opposite a member from the guest team. The both of them were waiting to make a quick grab for the small ball, "Set!"
The whistle blew and the cheers of support started again. I watched as the opposing team player scooped the ball up in his net and threw it high up into the air and as a few players readied to catch it when it landed Scott jumped up into the air, snatching it before any of them ever could.
I jumped out of my seat in excitement immediately, Melissa following me as we both cheered loudly, "He's got it!" She cheered, "He's got it, come on Scott!"
I watched with my hands clasped together tightly as Scott ducked and dipped under the opposing teams Mid-Fielders, running for the goal quickly.
"Yes!" I shouted for my friend, jumping slightly, "Go, Scott!"
And with just over a minute left of the entire game Scott scored his first goal.
"Yeah!" Melissa screamed loudly in excitement.
"Come on Scott!" I yelled, jumping as I cheered loudly for my friend.
The rest of the team celebrated, running to Scott and patting his helmet or his shoulder and Coach crossed the edge of the field, "Pass to McCall!" He shouted to his team, "To McCall!"
And play started again, this time the opposing team passing the ball directly to Scott and while my eyes widened in confusion I cheered for my friend.
"What?" Melissa exhaled loudly in disbelief, looking to me with excitement, "Did he just pass to Scott?"
"Yeah!" I laughed in disbelief, "But who cares! Go Scott, run!"
He sprinted down the field, weaving in and out of the way of the opposing team and when he reached the goal he threw the ball. I watched with baited breath as the goalie raised his stick to catch it but the ball ripped through the net and soared into the goal — evening out the score.
"Come on Scott!" I yelled loudly in excitement as Sheriff Stilinski stepped forwards and gave Melissa a high-five as we cheered.
"What the hell." Melissa breathed out.
I shook her arm with excitement, "He's amazing! Didn't I tell you?!"
"Yeah." She nodded quickly, "Yeah, you did."
As the opposing team's coach argued with Finstock over the goal being a foul everyone readied to start again with only 39 seconds left. We were awarded the goal and what would probably be the last whistle signalling go was blew. I watched as Jackson took the ball before making a pass to Scott and my friend ran down the field until he slowed to a stop.
The time ticked down as the opposing team homed in on Scott as he stood there and I clasped my hands tightly in front of me, pressing my lips together. There was no way Scott was shifting now, he'd managed the whole game.
"Come on, come on, come on." Melissa repeated under her breath, sitting on the edge of her seat.
Me on the other hand, I couldn't sit down and I bounced on my heels nervously, my eyes flickering from Scott to the timer.
15 seconds to go.
"Come on." I groaned under my breath, biting my lip, "Get yourself together Scott."
But he didn't move and by now everyone was screaming for him to. If the game ended and he didn't score the winning goal nobody would let him live this down.
7 seconds..
6 seconds..
"Come on!" I yelled to my friend.
And just as the two defenders for the other team homed in on Scott he pulled his lacrosse stick back and took the shot.
It was like watching it in slow motion as the ball flew towards the net and I held my breath, waiting to see if the goalie caught it or not.
And then just before the last second the ball went into the net and the winning goal was scored.
"Yes!" I screamed loudly, "Yes, go Scott!"
Melissa jumped up, screaming in excitement as she jumped up and down next to me. Everyone cheered loudly, celebrating our win and they piled down from the bleachers and on to the field.
"He did it! He did it!" Melissa cheered just as Sheriff Stilinski came over with a bright grin.
I jumped off the bleachers and ran down to the bench, jumping on Stiles back in excitement as he cheered for our friend, "He did it! We won!" I yelled in excitement into his ear.
He turned around and hugged me, "He did it!"
"Yeah he did!" I replied happily, looking to Stiles with a bright smile.
"Oh my god." Stiles exhaled in relief, dropping his head back as he held his arm around my shoulders, "He did it."
"And he didn't shift." I said to him, lowering my voice so only he would hear me under the cheers of excitement.
"Maybe he can control this." Stiles nodded, "If he can get through the game he can get through anything."
"Right?" I agreed, "He's got this. He's going to be fine."
Stiles smiled looking away from me and around as we watched the team cheer for their victory.
"Dad? What's wrong?" I heard him ask.
I turned back to see where Stiles was looking and saw Sheriff Stilinski stood behind us, his phone pressed to his ear as he strained to hear whoever was calling him. He held his finger up to indicate he was talking and Stiles and I exchanged wearily glances.
We waited until he finished on the phone and put it back into his pocket before looking to us, "That was the lab." He said to us.
"And?" Stiles pressed eagerly.
The Sheriff shook his head to himself, "The medical examiner determined the cause of death to be by an animal, not a person."
My eyes widened, lips parting and I looked to Stiles. This was a serious 'I told you so' moment right now.
"Is-is that it?" Stiles asked, ignoring the look I was giving him. He was just as shocked as me.
"No." His dad shook his head, "He actually ID'd the body. Her name was Laura Hale."
"Ho-ly shit." I muttered, releasing the breath I didn't know I was holding.
"They're releasing Derek Hale as we speak." Sheriff Stilinski told us both.
"We have to talk to Scott." Stiles said lowly to me before he looked to his dad, "We're gonna go find Scott, congratulate him for scoring the winning goal."
"All right." He nodded in confusion, "I've got to stop by the station but I'll meet you back at home?"
"Yeah-yeah." Stiles stuttered quickly.
"Alex, will you be stopping over tonight?" He asked me.
"I don't know." I shrugged, "Probably."
Sheriff Stilinski nodded, "All right. If you don't, I'll catch you later."
"Yeah, bye, Sheriff!" I nodded with wide eyes.
"Bye dad!" Stiles rushed out quickly, grabbing my hand and pulling me backwards towards the school.
I turned around to run as Stiles pulled me along, "Hey—"
"—Don't say it Alex." Stiles replied, cutting me off quickly.
But I said it anyways and I smiled up at him sarcastically, "I told you so."
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