𝐜𝐡𝐚𝐩𝐭𝐞𝐫 𝟓𝟒
I HADN'T FORESEEN SCOTT BEATING ME TO IT IN TELLING STILES OF ISAAC AND I'S KISS. He had though and my heart had slipped into my ass and remained there since Isaac had texted me to inform me. I wanted to scream because it was exactly how I didn't this to go. I had to be the one to tell Stiles in order to keep some of his trust but now it just looked like I was trying to keep it as a secret from him.
I was panicking and I was scared because Stiles wasn't answering my calls and I knew with absolute certainty that he was awake and that he wasn't busy.
I couldn't be mad with Isaac for telling Scott because I had told Allison but I could sure as hell be mad with Scott. I understood he was trying to look out for his friend but right know I just really wanted to punch him in the face for putting me in this position. I'd have to fight for Stiles to listen to me now, prove that I was as despicable as I sounded.
Dread consumed me whole as I pulled up outside of Stiles' house and I felt physically sick with nerves. I didn't even want to get out of the car but I forced myself to move. The last thing I wanted to see was the Sheriffs car parked on the drive and I whimpered quietly under my breath. I prayed to god that Stiles hadn't told his dad and if he had that the Sheriff didn't see my in a different light now.
It took me minutes to pluck up the courage to knock on the door and when I did I stood back and held my breath in trepidation, trying to swallow my overwhelming nerves.
The sheriff opened the door and a surprised expression littered his face, "Alex." He said before he looked behind him and up the stairs. He released a long breath before he looked back to me, "I don't think it's wise of you to be here."
I froze upon hearing his words and as I closed my eyes air stormed out of my lungs. I felt as if I'd just been kicked in the stomach, winding me and robbing me of the ability to breathe. Slowly, I dragged my hands across my face and into my hair before I met the Sheriff's hesitant gaze again, "Please, I need to talk to him."
"I don't know, Alex—"
"It was an accident." I blurted out, "If you knew the truth you'd understand. I never meant to."
He gave me a sympathetic smile, "I'd like to say he's getting a taste of his own medicine but that sounds slightly cruel." The Sheriff said to me before he opened the door further and moved to the side, "And if he says anything, I let you in."
"Thank you." I responded sincerely before I passed him into the house and walked up the staircase. For a minute, I was reminded of the familiarity of finishing school and coming here, or returning after one of our plans had gone south. This house had been my home since I'd moved back — not the one my dad had.
With every step I took my heart beat increased, the drum of it pulsating behind my ear as it reminded me of how anxious I was. I hesitated when I arrived in front of Stiles' door and I didn't know whether to just walk in or knock. I didn't feel as if I was welcome enough anymore to just walk in whereas before both he and I didn't mind if I allowed myself in. It didn't feel right anymore and with a heavy sigh I lifted my hand up and knocked on his door three times.
I didn't know what to do while I waited. Every second I stood waiting was agony and I couldn't even control the tremble in my hands.
When his door opened a small part of me wanted to jump over the banister and run out of the house but I forced myself to stay where I was. I had to face what I'd done and fix this.
Stiles' perplexed expression immediately dropped when he laid eyes on me and seeing it switch so suddenly filled me with dread. His defence was up and his jaw clenched as he fixed me with a hurt glare. When he tried to close his door on me I felt as if I was trying to win a battle I'd already lost.
I put my foot in between the door and the frame while I pressed on the door itself to stop him. He tried to push it shut but the both of us knew who was the stronger one here and after a minute he gave up, "Go away, Alex."
"No, Stiles, I need to talk to you." I refused.
He rolled his eyes, "There's nothing to talk about."
"Please." I said to him then, "There is.. and if you still want me to leave afterwards then I'll go."
He narrowed his eyes, "Why should I listen to you when you wouldn't listen to me."
I knew that one was going to be thrown in my face tonight.
"Because you're a better person than me Stiles." I said to him, "You're more understanding."
He shook his head, "Alex—"
"Stiles if we keep going round in these circles we are never going to get back together." I responded quickly.
It was true though, no matter how hard it was to comprehend. Stiles and I would no longer be compatible and not only would we not have a relationship anymore, we wouldn't have a friendship either. It would tear us apart for the longest time in more ways than one and I didn't want that to happen.
What I had said was harsh but it was the truth and he needed to hear it.
He was silent for a while and his jaw clenched and unclenched several times. He was torn in the middle, I could tell, and for a minute I really thought he was going to slam his door in my face. When he opened his door for me to pass through I was pleasantly surprised and with slightly raised brows I walked into his room.
I looked around for a minute, struck by extreme familiarity. I hadn't been in his room since the night we'd broken up and I was reminded of an array of memories. I saw his drawers and my eyes caught the third and fourth drawer, the ones I'd used to put my clothes in when I lived here. I pressed my lips together gently and when Stiles caught me looking at them he said, "There's still a few bits of yours in there."
I nodded once before I sat down on his desk chair and watched as he sat down on the edge of his bed. He rested forwards on his legs and clasped his hands together as he looked at me, waiting for me to initiate the conversation.
I took a deep breath, crossing my legs under me as I thought of a way to start. I didn't have a clue though, how could I start this? I knew what I wanted to say to him but I wasn't sure how to break the ice that had formed between us.
"I am sorry." I finally said, speaking the only words that came to my mind, "But it wasn't me Stiles, you have to understand that."
He looked down to his hands, "I'm not sure what hurts me more. The fact that you kissed Isaac or that you didn't even mean to kiss me."
"That's not true, Stiles." I groaned, dragging my hands into my hair, "Everything I did was what I'd wanted to do for weeks, ever since I forgave you .. as for what happened between me and Isaac, I don't know."
"Oh." He nodded but there was a sarcastic bite to his tone, "You forgave me? Nice of you to tell me."
"I was going to but I was kind of preoccupied with making a point of moving out of the loft and fighting an Alpha pack." I retaliated, "But to be honest if Lydia hadn't told me what happened that night I'd still be finding my way to forgiveness."
"Of course Lydia would tell you." He mumbled under his breath.
"I'm glad she did because clearly you don't have to balls to." I snapped under my breath.
He narrowed his eyes at me but I didn't have the urge to take back what I'd said. I stuck by my words.
"Are you here to just throw things in my face?" He snapped.
"I was here to explain to you what happened but your bitchy attitude interfered."
His eyes widened as he gaped, "My bitchy attitude?"
I shook my head in frustration. We could go round in circles about this and I'd never get the chance to explain to him my rationale of what happened. The constant arguing was futile and if I didn't straighten it out we would be here all night making things one hundred times worse.
"Stiles, the night at the motel when Scott was under the influence of wolfsbane he allowed himself into Allison's room and walked into the bathroom while she was showering. He spoke to her in a manner that you and I would deem inappropriate now they're not together and he had no control over it. Seven doors down Isaac did the exact same when he walked into the bathroom while I was showering. The both of us had no control over our minds because of the wolfsbane. We were being poisoned and if we hadn't of been it wouldn't of happened."
"Then how did you stop him?" He asked me.
My brows furrowed, "Huh?"
He only nodded before he repeated himself, "How did you stop him? You must've done somehow.. and when I stopped you from taking it any further between us you looked at me and said 'it happened again'. So surely you had some control over it."
"I didn't!" I yelled, "Just ask Scott what he went though and he'll tell you."
He shook his head, uncaring of my point, "Alex you've strung me along for days. We shared the same seat on the bus and you didn't say a thing during the ride when you knew exactly what had happened."
"Because I was trying to make sense of it, Stiles." I replied in distress, dragging my hand over my face, "I wasn't going to not tell you and lie to you like you lied to me!"
"I lied to you?" He scoffed angrily then as he shot up. His voice was rising with every passing second and I was well aware that the sheriff would be able to hear every word we were saying.
Nevertheless, his defensive nature forced me on to my feet too, "Heather's party?" I recalled, "The one that you knew about for a week and just listened to me talk about our date night that week knowing fine well that we weren't going."
"This is ridiculous." He rolled his eyes.
"What's ridiculous is that you thought I'd actually go behind your back and kiss Isaac." I snapped.
"Yeah well you thought the exact same about me!" He yelled.
"I wasn't in my right mind! You were!" I argued, "Stiles you might be forgetting that I actually saw you two in that basement, I saw you kiss her back."
"It was for a split second." He defended.
"A split second too long!"
"Well at least I didn't let another person climb into my shower while I was naked and kiss them." He bit back.
"You just don't care what I have to say do you?" I asked him, "I could get on my knees and talk to you into I go blue in the face and you still won't understand."
"I understand." He nodded, "I understand that you can pull yourself out of it because you did it with me so why couldn't you of done it with him."
"You have no idea how it feels to have someone twisting everything in your head." I yelled, "I did push him away but I had to fight damn hard to stop it. It was so powerful, Stiles. I couldn't even stop myself from almost jumping off the roof or the motel, or did you forget that?"
His face didn't change. It remained in a hard expression, his eyes fixated on mine with no source of emotion behind them and his jaw clenched together tightly. I'd said all that I could've and he wasn't going to change his mind, not at the minute anyways.
If Scott had just kept his mouth shut and hadn't of said anything I wouldn't of been facing this predicament. I'd of been able to tell Stiles in my own time and in my own words and I was almost sure he wouldn't of reacted this way.
I shook my head to myself before I brushed past Stiles' shoulder, opening his bedroom door to leave. I didn't feel his presence behind me though and so when he closed the door before I could even escape I jumped somewhat in surprise.
His breath tickled the back of my neck and I could feel the light graze of his hand brushing against mine, "Alex—"
I shook my head as he whispered my name and as I squeezed my eyes shut I swallowed the lump in my throat, "You clearly think I've done something so despicable, Stiles, otherwise you'd of forgiven me.. accepted my apology.. but you haven't. I was right, this is going to be the end of us."
"Don't say that." He said quietly as he dipped his head into the crevice of my neck and shoulder blade. I could feel his lips press to my skin as he wrapped his hand in mine, "Please, don't say that."
I bravely turned to face him, "But do you forgive me?"
The moment of hesitation was all I needed. It was my answer. He didn't know. He didn't know what to believe — he was torn.
I pressed my lips together and nodded and while he was still unsure of what to say I reached for the door handle and slipped out of his room, pulling my hand out of his while wishing I didn't have to. I savoured the feeling of his fingers against mine and I imprinted it in my brain incase it was the last time I'd ever hold his hand again.
I walked across the landing to the stairs and I ran down them quickly, ignoring as Stiles shouted after me. I passed the sheriff on the way out as he tried to stop me and I left the Stilinski household, getting into my car and driving towards the McCall house ready to give Scott a piece of my mind.
I wish I could've said I woke up feeling well rested when I was startled awake by Melissa's voice but I wasn't. I was exhausted and my back hurt more now than what it had done almost a week ago when Kali threw me into a concrete pillar in the mall. While Scott and Isaac scrambled to get up off the floor I remained sitting in the arm chair in the corner, yawning loudly in exhaustion.
"What do you think you're doing?" Melissa said to us.
"Uh.. we were watching over you." Isaac replied.
"We wanted to make sure you weren't the third sacrifice." Scott nodded.
"But you were asleep." Melissa said to the three of us.
"Huh." I said then as I scratched my forehead, "So we were."
Scott looked down to me, "You were on watch last."
I shook my head, "Nu-huh, Isaac was."
Isaac looked down to me, "What are you talking about? You were on watch last."
"No, you were on watch last." I replied.
Isaac looked up to Melissa and nodded, "I might've been on watch last."
Melissa chuckled, "My heroes." She said to the three of us before she furrowed her brows, "Wait, didn't you say that they were all doctors? I mean I haven't had an M.D. recently attached to the end of my name so I think I'm in the clear."
"Yeah but it could just come under any kind of healer, mom, and you were definitely a healer last night."
"Yeah, well, I'm not gonna be anyone's human sacrifice today." Melissa said to us, "So, all three of you, get your butts to school."
I groaned, "Oh, I'm not digging school today mamma McCall."
She narrowed her eyes at me in amusement, "Mamma McCall?"
"Yeah." I nodded with a tired and proud smile, "Fashioned it myself."
"Well, whether you did or didn't it doesn't matter, you're going to school." She replied to me with a smile before she got out of bed and walked out of her room. She left the three of us standing in her room and I turned to Isaac, "We should get to Boyd's."
He nodded in agreement but before we could leave Scott frowned, "What?"
"We're not going to school today." I said to him but he didn't even meet my gaze.
Scott still didn't dare meet my gaze two days after I'd thrown him through his open bedroom door and into the wall. He was walking around like a sad puppy and he apologised to me every time he saw me. He said he knew what he'd done was wrong and that he wished he hadn't of told Stiles because not only had he betrayed me but he'd betrayed Isaac as well.
He'd told Scott about that night in confidence and Scott went and told Stiles — something he shouldn't of done but didn't realise until it was too late.
Isaac and I had talked about it and we both agreed it was something that would never of happened if it wasn't for the wolfsbane poisoning us. He still saw me in a friendly light. The entire thing was a big mistake but more importantly it wouldn't ever of happened if we were both of a sound mind.
He said the voice in his head told him that he wanted me and that I was into him. The voice inside of my head told me that he was better than Stiles. It was a recipe for disaster.
The entire pack had split and we had all been torn apart by various reasons. At the moment, Scott's main focus seemed to be the Darach and the sacrifices after two doctors had gone missing last night and Isaac and I's main focus was protecting Derek. Last night Kali had officially declared war on our pack by engraving her symbol for revenge on the outside of Derek's window in the loft. She was coming for him and us and we had to stop her.
Scott couldn't stop us from leaving for Derek's loft this morning. He'd tried for ten minutes straight to get us to come to school after I'd told him we weren't going but he couldn't provide us with a relevant argument and so the three of us parted our ways. Scott got on his bike and went to school and Isaac and I got into my car and picked up Boyd. The three of us formed a plan and we headed to the loft feeling exceptionally proud of ourselves after having just phoned into school sick.
I could only hope that our plan would work. It was a good plan, we just had to execute it perfectly.
The first thing I saw when the loft door opened was Kali's symbol for revenge still spray painted on the window and I glanced fleetingly to Isaac and swallowed nervously. The three of us walked into the loft but there was no sign of Derek until he called out, "Go back to school."
"Well, actually, we can't. Boyd and I are incredibly and unbelievably sick." Isaac said.
I saw Derek sitting on the spiral staircase as he said, "With what, brain damage?"
"Well, I have a migraine, and, uh, Boyd here has explosive diarrhea." Isaac replied.
I nodded, "And I just couldn't be assed to go in today." I smiled.
"We're here to protect you." Boyd said to him then.
"You're here to protect me?" Derek said as he walked down the stairs and Isaac hopped up on the table, "Well, I'm in trouble then."
"I'm taking offence to that." I said to him.
Isaac pulled his head out of the book he was flicking aimlessly through and said, "Actually, Boyd here came up with a plan."
The person in question put his bag on the ground and knelt down to unzip it, "Yeah, I thought about the time Gerard had me and Erica locked up, tied up with electrical wires pushing current through us. I was wondering how we could do something like that... But on a bigger scale." He said, pulling out a cord of wire.
I smiled at Derek and looked up to him with my arms crossed, "We're going to electrocute the shit out of her and take great pleasure in doing so."
Derek gave me somewhat of a disturbed side eye before he looked back to Body and nodded, "So how exactly do you plan on doing this?" He asked him.
"By flooding your apartment." Isaac replied.
He sighed under his breath, "Yeah, I don't like the sound of this plan."
"Well suck it up." I said, "Because it's happening whether you like it or not."
Boyd nodded as he stood up and walked over to the faucet in Derek's wall. He connected the pipe to it and ran the water through it, allowing it to fall freely on to the floor of the loft, "In a pool of electrified water, it can take up to 50 milliamps to kill a normal human, less than the power it takes to turn on a light bulb." He said, dropping the wire on to the floor.
"That's comforting." Derek muttered.
"That's exactly what I said." I replied.
"If we disable the circuit interrupter in the building's electrical room, the current will keep coming, and anyone who steps foot in here, they'll get a pretty shocking surprise." Boyd said.
"Especially someone who's barefoot." Isaac mused, leaning against the wall.
"So you big idea is to electrocute her?" Derek asked us.
I sighed and scratched my head, "Look it's a basic plan but it'll work."
"We hope." Isaac said then.
I turned my head along with Boyd and Derek to glare at him and he shrugged innocently.
"As long as no one kills the power its a fool proof plan." Boyd said, "The only thing we'll have to worry about is not falling into the water."
"We should get started." I said then, "We're going to have to move all the furniture out of here."
"Shot gun not me." Isaac said, shooting me a sly grin.
I met his gaze and arched my brow, "Well if you don't want me to push you into currents of electricity I suggest you take that back."
His face fell and he turned his head to look back at Derek who just shrugged.
I thought that moving the all furniture in the loft would've been the hardest part but it wasn't. The hardest part was the four of us cramming on one safe spot in the now flooded loft and watching as Boyd tossed a live wire into the water. The electricity crackled as it connected with the water and I swallowed nervously, the four of us now trapped.
"Is this gonna kill them?" Isaac asked.
"I hope so." Boyd replied as the four of us looked around.
"You know this plan is starting to make me nervous." I admitted honestly.
"Why?" Derek asked me.
I exhaled steadily while shaking my head, "Because if either one of us falls in there we're as good as toast." I replied, "And for other personal reasons."
"You mean the twins?" Isaac asked me then.
I pressed my lips together as I looked at the water, "Just because we're on weird terms right now doesn't mean I want them to die."
I caught Boyd shaking his head out of the corner of my eye, "They helped kill Erica."
"And that was shitty of them." I replied, "I get that, I really do, but they've been like brothers to me."
"You can't control their lives, Alex." Derek said to me, "They can make their own decisions."
I looked up to him then, "But what if they're only making these decisions because they're scared incase they'll end up dead?"
"Then they're cowards." Isaac replied as he joined Boyd in sitting down.
I scoffed as the loft grew darker as the night rolled in, "Right, and you wouldn't act how they were if you were in their shoes?" I asked him.
"And you would?" Boyd asked me.
"Stuck in a pack with two people who would kill me if I betrayed them?" I asked him before I nodded, "If the odds favoured my death over my survival then yeah, I might."
"If the twins were on our side we could kill Kali and Deucalion easily." Isaac said.
"But you wouldn't ever let them on to our side." I replied, "None of you would .. and you've got to think Deucalion and Kali have been their family since they were fourteen."
"It still doesn't justify what they've done." Boyd said harshly, "An eye for an eye. It's only fair."
"Oh, but when Kali comes for you saying those exact words you won't have that same response will you?" I said to him in an attempt to try and open his eyes. This hate-fuelled rage against the twins wasn't going to get him anywhere and that response was one of the worst I'd ever heard in my life.
Boyd remained silent and it was the reaction I'd wished for because now he was contemplating my words.
"Look, I'm not saying we shouldn't kill Kali because we should, she's a psycho. What I'm saying is you guys need to give the twins a chance." I replied.
"I just don't—"
"Hey isn't the light on that supposed to be on?" Isaac said aloud then, interrupting Boyd before he could finish his sentence.
I furrowed my brows and looked over to where he was pointing to see the breaker on the wall. It was Derek's alarm and I'd always noticed it to be on, a bright red colour emitting.
"Yeah." Derek replied somewhat harshly then.
"And what does it mean if it's not?" Isaac asked.
I gulped nervously, "I'm not sure I want the answer to that question."
"You and my both." Boyd quipped.
"It means someone cut the auxiliary power." Derek responded anyways.
Boyd looked up to him, "But what about the main—?"
The four of us were thrust into darkness as the generator powered down, killing everything inside the loft. My enhanced abilities gifted to me through lycanthropy allowed me to see almost as clear as day so I wasn't as disadvantaged but it didn't bring me much comfort in this particular moment of time. In fact, nerves bubbled in my stomach as my hands shook at my sides. I released a shaky breath, "Oh, shit." I cursed.
If the entire power was out that meant the electricity was no longer running through the live wires we'd tossed into the water.
I looked down and saw my reflection in the pool of water that we'd created and slowly I hovered my foot above it before I stepped off the ledge we'd been curled up on for protection. Water seeped into my shoes immediately and it soaked my ankles but it didn't electrocute me.
I clenched my jaw nervously as Derek followed me into the ankle deep pool we'd created in the loft and we walked around slowly. My guard was all the way up and the hairs on the back of my neck and my arms rose in anxiousness. It was clear that they were here — she was here, and somehow she'd managed to figure out or plan. We had minutes before Kali and her excessively long toenails would be walking through the door to the loft and I tried to swap my anxiety for strength and nerve. I couldn't cower away a second time.
Derek and I stood in the middle of the loft as we looked to the closed door and Isaac's voice echoed around the room, "Derek.. what do we do now?"
I looked up to my cousin to see a face of determination and his irises glowed an impeccable red colour, shining brightly.
I cracked my knuckles in anticipation as I stood by his side and I relaxed my body, tuning into my senses and everything they were telling me. In the weeks since my change into this life I'd learned to naturally suppress my senses, giving me the chance to live like a normal teenager still. I'd practiced my control still in secret and I'd spent hours dipping into the anger that every werewolf has. I'd learned what was good anger and what was bad, taught myself when I'd gone too far and I'd learned my boundaries.
I knew how far I could push before I turned into the monster that had taken over my mind the night I first shifted.
I had control now and so when I elongated my claws an adrenaline-induced shudder ricocheted throughout my body. I exhaled deeply though my nose, closing my eyes as Kali started pounding on the door and I pushed through the barrier that separated my anger from my rationale. When I opened my eyes everything had heightened significantly and I knew my eyes were glowing their own golden amber colour.
When the door was pulled I held my nerve and I lifted my chin somewhat higher into the air as Kali stood there. She didn't intimidate me, she didn't scare me.
"Gonna be honest, Derek, when Ennis died I thought to myself I'd just go for it." She said, walking slowly into the loft with her claws already out, "Find you and kill you wherever you stood. Then I remembered of how surround yourself with these teenagers, hiding behind them and I thought 'what's a girl got to do to get you alone?'"
She turned back to the open door and I watched as Ethan and Aiden appeared, restraining Miss. Blake.
"You and me, Derek, or they tear her apart." Kali proposed, "What do you say? You think you can beat me one-on-one?"
A low growl slipped passed my lips, rumbling deep from within my chest and I couldn't contain it, "Don't be an idiot, Derek." I warned.
Kali looked to me then and surprise erupted across her face, "Someone's got some nerve." She quipped before she looked to Derek again, "I think you need to teach your Omegas some respect."
I clenched my jaw as I looked to Derek but he didn't even pay the three of us a glance as he nodded his head to the side, gesturing us away. I didn't want to move but Isaac slipped his hand around my upper arm and tugged me away off to the side. This was how it felt to be benched and it sucked.
Isaac and I watched from one side of the room while Boyd stood on the other and Derek said, "I'm gonna rip your throat out.. with my teeth."
Kali growled at him and Derek growled back just as threateningly as he jumped up into the air with his hand high and claws out before he landed on his feet and tried to slash Kali but she ducked under his swinging arm while she turned. The two swapped places and she tried to claw at Derek's chest but he leaped back and as she swung her foot across the ground he jumped over it, creating a large splash in the water.
I watched silently in anticipation, tense and as Kali slashed her claws across Derek's exposed torso my breath hitched nervously as Miss. Blake screeched his name in fear. I so desperately wanted to help and as I watched them fight my gaze caught sight of Boyd as he looked down at his phone before he put it back into his pocket.
Derek fell back a few steps and while he recovered Kali ran across to the pillar and jumped off it, kicking Derek in the face. He fell back again and as I stepped forwards to help Isaac caught my arm again and tugged me back, "Alex you have to leave them to this."
"What if she kills him?" I looked back at him and I watched as Isaac broke away from my gaze to watch the fight over my shoulder. His jaw tightened as Kali growled and I turned back to see her jumping off the table as Derek ran towards her. Again, she kicked him back and I watched as he fell back into the water as Kali jumped down from the table and kicked him again.
Miss. Blake screamed his name again and as Isaac made an attempt to rescue her I made an attempt to help him but he turned to us both and shouted, "No!"
We froze as Isaac turned back to Boyd and said, "Wait!"
Derek and Kali began fighting hand to hand and he blocked every one of her advances, landing one of his own in before he kicked him in the stomach. I could tell he was getting tired and as Kali pulled him up by the collar of his shirt and pulled him into a headlock I ran into the water and headed straight for Kali.
I grabbed Derek's arm and I pulled him away from her, swinging his body by pulling on his arm until I let go and tossed him away. He fell into the water away from us and I turned back to Kali immediately and swung my hand towards her face, my claws slashing against her cheek. Her head snapped to the side but before she had the chance to recover I kicked her full force in the stomach and watched as she fell to the ground.
I walked over to her, grabbing her by the shoulder of her jacket and just as I pulled on it a fierce wave of electricity pulsated throughout my body. Agony consumed me and with a pained cry my knees collapsed under me and Kali and I fell to the ground again.
I felt as if I'd lost control over my body as I was electrocuted, the currents frying every nerve ending and vein in my body. I couldn't breathe with the pain as it paralysed me and even after it had ended by body felt like jelly.
I tried to push myself up on to all fours, panting heavily for breath but before I could muster enough strength to hold myself up I was kicked in the side.
I fell on to my back in the water, trying desperately to keep my head up to stop myself from drowning. I tried to get up Kali grabbed my jacket in one hand and she held her claws to my throat with her other, digging them into the side of my neck.
I cried out in pain as she slowly dragged her claws across my throat, making it as painful as possible and when I dug my own into her wrist to try and pull her off me she said, "These claws are a lot sharper than yours."
"Kali, stop!" Aiden yelled and before she could slit my throat completely he tackled her, pulling her off of me.
I gasped in the water as the warm oozing from my neck trickled down my shoulder and into the water and I rolled on to my side to try and push myself up.
Kali pushed Aiden off of her and towards Derek with a growl as she yelled, "Take him!"
I watched as the twins sprang into action, grabbing Derek and restraining him while forcing his hands up with his claws out. Meanwhile, Kali stormed for me and she grabbed my hair to pull me up off the ground and I stumbled to my feet roughly.
I felt as if I couldn't breathe, that I was suffocating on what little air I could consume and so every effort of mine to fight back was futile. When I jammed my elbow in her stomach she didn't even flinch and so when she lifted me up into the air in front of Derek and his claws I panicked.
I kicked out blindly, thrashed around to try and get myself down and as I met the twins' gaze I pleaded for their help. They both hesitated and just as Aiden loosened his grip on Derek I felt myself falling to the floor by Derek's feet, narrowly missing his claws.
I scrambled away as fast as I can before I turned back to see Kali stumbling away, Boyd now lying on the ground where she had held me up just seconds ago.
He'd pushed her away, stopping her from dropping me into Derek's claws but in retaliation, Kali grabbed him by his jacket and she hauled him to his feet before dropping his body on to Derek's claws.
The sound of Derek's claws impaling his skin echoed over the choppy water. I gasped, completely frozen in my spot as I watched Derek drain the lift from Boyd's body.
He gasped in pain, each breath becoming more laboured than the last. There was nothing any of us could do to stop it as Ethan and Aiden let go of Derek and he dropped Boyd to the ground.
Kali walked away from him and passed me, completely ignoring me as she said, "I'm giving you until the next full moon, Derek, make the smart choice. Join the pack.. or next time I'm killing all of you."
Derek struggled to hold Boyd up, his claws still deep rooted into his chest as Kali walked out of the apartment. I thought the twins were going to follow her too but they walked over to me and while Ethan held back Aiden walked over to me and he crouched down by my side, trying to help me to my feet.
I shoved him away from my lightly as I shook my head, "Go away Aiden."
"Alex, come on—"
"Get the fuck away from me." I snarled, meeting his gaze.
He didn't move those and I pushed him away forcefully and I watched as he stumbled back while I shouted, "Get away!"
Ethan tried to step towards me, "Alex, just listen to us."
"Listen to you?" I scoffed, "Ethan look at that." I snapped, pointing towards Derek and Boyd, "You did that to him."
The two of them looked towards Derek and Boyd where he tried his hardest to stop the bleeding from the wounds he'd forcefully inflicted upon him. He was panting for breath and Boyd could hardly keep his eyes open.
I looked up to Ethan and Aiden again and glared at them, ignoring the seething pain in my neck, "Get out of here, the both of you."
The two of them shared a glance before they slowly walked out with their heads dipped. I sat back in the water, putting all my weight into one hand as I reached up and cupped my neck with my other, placing it over the slashes from Kali. I could feel my skin slowly healing but the process was no where near as quick as what it was when Derek and Isaac used to nip me when they were training with me.
It hurt, a red hot searing pain that I couldn't escape and I looked to Derek as she tried frantically to stop Boyd's bleeding.
"It's okay." He said to him.
"No, no. No, it's not." Derek stuttered, "It's not."
"It's all okay, Derek." Boyd reassured.
He looked to him wordlessly before he said, "I'm sorry."
"The full moon." Boyd said quietly, "That feeling .. it was worth it. Did you know it was the lunar eclipse? I always wonder what that felt like for one of us — for a werewolf."
And that was the last thing he said before Boyd fell from his gasp and on to the floor, dead in the water. My eyes filled with tears as I was left with a sudden hole in the pit of my stomach. I didn't understand it at first but after a minute I recognised it to be the feeling when you lost one of your pack mates.
I didn't know Boyd very well at all but from the few conversations I'd shared with him minus today he seemed like a really nice person. He'd saved my life today, taking my position. It should've been me who Kali forced Derek to kill, not him. He didn't deserve it.
I forced myself up on to my feet as Derek started at his blood stained hands and I walked past Boyd's body to reach him, my knees buckling out from underneath me as I hit the floor. The pain was nothing though as a crippling numbness consumed my body.
I slowly reached out and I put my hands over Derek's, forcing them to stop trembling and he slowly lifted his gaze to look at me. My lip trembled as I looked into his eyes, sorrow and guilt rippling through them in ways neither of us could imagine and I reached up and pulled him into a hug.
The two of us held each other in an embrace as Cora ran in, collapsing over Boyd's body as she cried out loudly for the loss of her friend. She knew him the best out of all of us and they were all each other had in that vault.
I could sense a presence behind Derek and I and as I inhaled through my nose I caught Stiles' scent as he stood there and slowly placed his hand on Derek's shoulder for added comfort.
After a minute or so Issac made his way over slowly too and he got down to his knees besides me, wrapping his arm around me as he embraced me from behind and I slowly looked up to meet his gaze. It was then that my tears slipped down my cheeks as his eyes flickered down to the gash marks on my throat.
"It should've been me." Was all I could force out before I choked on a sob, "That should've been me—he .. he sacrificed himself for me."
"I know." Isaac nodded softly.
I looked to Boyd again and I pressed my lips together as I said, "Do you feel it too?"
"I do." He mumbled, placing his head on top of mine, "I feel it."
That night we were left mourning the loss of our pack mate, a void pit in our stomachs that we would never be able to replace.
A/N; I knocked out this full chapter in less than six hours and I have no idea how I managed it. I think this falls in the rank of one of the sadder episodes I've written with Stiles and Alex's argument and Boyd's death but we're nearing the end of 3A and so we're reaching Stiles and Alex's much anticipated reunion. I've thought about scrapping my plans and writing them back together on numerous occasions but I have the perfect moment and I don't want to ruin that.
I want to thank you all for the continued support. This is one of my favourite stories I've ever written and seeing you guys loving this really does make me happy. I love you all💓
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