Movie and spell backfired
*Virgil's P.O.V.*
No way... We can't be soulmates can we...? I have liked him for a while now but I'm a ghost and he's a zombie... Hell... Probably doesn't even have the emotion love... He has sadness, happiness, and fright, but never said anything about love... "Hey Logan and Virgil! Thomas, Roman, and I wanted to know if you two wanted to watch some movies with us!" Patton asked from the other side of my door. Logan got up and opened the door to meet our furry little friend. "I wouldn't mind watching some movies with Thomas, Roman, and yourself Pat." Logan said. Patton smiled showing his sharp fangs meanwhile wagging his tail. "Virgil? It's fine if you don't want to." Patton asked me. "Ah, sure. Why not." I said, smiling. He giggled lightly and ran downstairs. "Let's go Nerdy." I said, floating past him. He rolled his eyes. He got out of my room and closed my door. Then we went downstairs.
About halfway through the movie, Tangled, I started feeling sleepy. Thomas was on a chair a little off to the side but not far. Patton and Roman on the couch, and Logan and I sitting by eachother on the ground. I yawned. Since I could lean on surfaces and all still, I leaned onto Logan without thinking and closed my eyes. He became stiff for a moment and relaxed. I felt something wrap around me. I realized it was an arm and had to be Logan's. I cuddled closer to him, resting my head on his shoulder. And slowly, falling asleep.
*Logan's P.O.V.*
I thought it was cute that Virgil was cuddling up with me. Even if his touch was a little chilly, I still loved it. Then I heard a few 'Aws'...
*Thomas's P.O.V.*
I look over to Roman and Patton, finding them cuddling. Then I look down to Virgil and Logan and find Virgil asleep on Logan's shoulder. And Logan had a small blush and a smile on his face. I got Roman's and Patton's attention and pointed down to Virgil and Logan. Then us three awied when Logan wrapped his other arm and Virgil bringing him closer to him. He looks up at Patton and Roman then over to me, death glaring us three. Patton's ears went back. "Don't. Wake. Him. Or. Else..." He whispered, teeth clutched. Then he faced back to the movie, Virgil curling up by him to sleep. Roman, Patton, and I look at each other, knowing that Virgil and Logan should get together.
*Next morning, Virgil's P.O.V.*
I woke up realizing I was asleep on Logan still. I got up quickly and floated just a few feet above him. He looked so peaceful... "Virgil..." He mumbled, turning to his side, moving his arms and hands, trying to find something. He opened his eyes slowly, looking around. I put on his glasses, making a flip in mid-air. I giggled as he got up and fell back down. "Oh quiet down. My back just hurts a little from sleeping on the hard wood ground. Then we heard Patton, Roman, and Thomas scream in the kitchen. I decided to run than float and I was quite fast at running, Logan being fast too but behind me. We made it into the kitchen to find Patton holding a baby Thomas. "What. The. Fuck. Happened!?" I scowled. Patton whimpered. "He tried a spell but it backfired..." He told Logan and I.
Logan and I looked at one another. Oh. No... Then Thomas started to cry. "Shh, shh, hey hey it's okay it's okay." Patton was panicking. "Let me try." Roman said, taking Thomas from Patton. "Hush..." He said, trying to do a soft tone but was a little hard. Logan took Thomas from Roman who cried a little louder. "Hush... Everything's alright Thomas..." Logan said in a calm tone, rocking a bit. Thomas's crying hushed down a tad bit not to a stopping point. "Oh, give him here." I said. Logan gave him to me. "Hey, hey... It's okay..." I cooed holding Thomas in my arms with our foreheads touching. He calmed down a lot more. "Are you hungry?" I cooed. He giggled. "How!?" Roman exclaimed. "Just thought of it really..." I said. I walked over to the fridge to look for something for Thomas to eat since he was a baby now. I looked in a few cupboards and found a jar of 'Pumpkin Butter'. I checked the date, it was good, and went and grabbed a small spoon. "Well aren't you the mother?" Roman joked. I rolled my eyes.
I went and sat down in a chair. Thomas was in my lap, his head tilted slightly confused. I got a little bit of the pumpkin butter on the spoon and held it a few inches away from his reach. He stuck his tongue out. I sighed. I have to do this in front of the others... "Here comes the Cho cho train!" I said in a happy tone. Patton awied, Roman giggled, Logan rose his eye brows and awied a little as well. Thomas ate the pumpkin butter (P.B. btw) and didn't sit it out or anything. He ate it and laughed and giggled. I smiled wide.
I did that till the pumpkin butter was gone. He yawned. I got up with him in my arms while the other three watched and rocked him lightly. I was floating criss cross applesauce. He fell right asleep. "Well who knew you could do that?" Roman whispered. "It was so adorable!" Patton whisper yelled, his tail wagging. "I must say Virgil, that was motherly talents there." Logan said. "Now about where he's going to sleep... It's going to be my room because from my point of view, I was the only one able to calm him down and, my room is away from you three's so if he does cry at night, it wouldn't wake you three." I whispered, a protective side showing. "Acting more like a mother now huh? And let me guess...." Roman smirked looking at Patton, "Logan's the dad now?" He asked. I knew I blushed, Logan did too. I sneered at him and waved bye to Logan and Patton. I floated upstairs to my room. I entered and closed my bedroom door. I did a spell to make my second table lamp into a crib. I made the color light blue and white with a couple of stuff animals in it. I lied the sleeping Thomas in there and sat on the edge of my bed, knowing I would act more like a mother than anything and how to fix this...
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