I woke up to the feeling of someone or thing tapping me lightly. I shifted a little and opened my eyes. I found Joseph looking a little frighten. I sat up immediately and took him into my arms. "Nightmare...?" I cooed softly. He nodded lightly. I sighed. I lied back down and lied him on my chest. "Want me to sing something...?" I cooed softly also. I felt him nod lightly. I cleared my throat.
"You're alone... You're on your own... So what, have you gone blind. Have you forgotten what you have and what is yours? Glass half empty, glass half full... Well either way you won't be going thirsty... Count your blessings not your flaws. You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown! You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head... Put all your faults to bed... You can be King again. You don't get what all this is about. You're too wrapped up in your self-doubt... You've got that young blood, set it free. You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound... There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown! You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head... Put all your faults to bed, you can be King. There's method in my madness, there's no logic in your sadness, you don't gain a single thing from misery... Take it from me. You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound. There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown! You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head... Put all your faults to bed... You can be King. You've got it all, you lost your mind in the sound... There's so much more, you can reclaim your crown! You're in control, rid of the monsters inside your head... Put all your faults to bed... You can be King again..." I sang softly.
Before I knew it, Joseph was sound asleep. I cuddled back up with Logan. At least I didn't wake him up with my horrible singing. Then I went back to sleep myself...
*Logan's P.O.V.*
I woke up to the sound of singing. I peaked out a bit and saw a blurry figure laying down under a foot by me, singing. Being blind, hard to tell who it was but I saw the hair had purple tips and the voice sounding like Virgil a bit. I didn't want him to feel guilty for waking me up so when he was finished I just pretended to be asleep. He had such a great singing voice... Why did he tell me about it earlier? Probably felt embarrassed...
*Next morning Virgil's P.O.V.*
I woke up to a bang and a crash from downstairs. Joseph was still with me but frighten. "I'll be back... Everything's going to be okay I promise." I cooed softly. I put Joseph in his crib and went out of my room and closed it behind me, doing a locking charm just in case. I ran downstairs. I found people hold Patton, Thomas, and Deceit tightly. "There's another monster! And wizard get him!" The one with Deceit yelled out. I heard someone behind me and someone coming from somewhere else. I cased a shielding charm but it can be seen. I saw another man behind Patton holding Alan. "Let. My. Family. GO!" I screamed. I saw Logan and Roman running from a pair of people.
'It's either me, or all of them...' I thought. "I have the most power out of all of us, I have the most strength... You don't want them they aren't strong enough or powerful enough... Let them go and just take me..." I said loudly. "NO!" Patton and Logan screamed. Deceit's and Thomas's mouths were covered but I heard a muffle. Roman was busy trying to get away from two people. "Sure, we want all of you. And I think there's one more... You! Look in all the rooms and break down the doors if they're locked!" The one with Thomas ordered. That left me to no choice...
I stopped the shielding charm and caused lightning, which made the ones with Patton, Alan, and Deceit jump back and let them go. And someone from the floor above fell through the railing. I didn't care if I was going to be caught but I caught the person that fell and brought her to her feet and caused another strike of lightning. The one with Thomas just held Thomas tighter.
"Jesus Morales... I know you're here!" I screamed. The one with Thomas took off his mask. "Correcto Sr. Black ... Soy el líder de matar monstruos, brujas y magos ... Así que ríndete porque no eres lo suficientemente fuerte como para vencerme." Jesus Morales said. (Correct Mr. Black... I am the leader of killing monsters, witches, and wizards... So give up because you can't be strong enough to beat me.) "I will win..." I said. Jesus shook his head no. "STOP!" The girl I saved screamed. She was about my mom's height... Odd... And she sounded like my mom a little. "He saved me didn't you see that? It they were bad first off, they wouldn't be taking care of a baby, second he wouldn't save me from dying." She yelled. Jesus lowered the gun he was holding. He cleared his throat. I knew he was about to speak English, he knew how to...
"Still... We don't know about these other ones..." He said. "Look behind you! This vampire is protecting the werewolf and the child, and the snake face!" The girl yelled again. I looked and saw Deceit and Roman protecting Patton and Alan from four men. "And the vampire and snake face aren't attacking Alex, Micheal, Eddie, and Ron!" The girl also screamed. Someone from behind grabbed me tightly. I screamed out. I yanked at the arms trying to get free. I couldn't breathe property. "I... Can't... Breathe!" I said, trying to get arm into my lungs. "Let him go!" The girl yelled. "The Neko doesn't want to use his magic don't you see!? He is nice! Like all the others!" The girl screamed. I felt the arms realise and I felt someone in front of me. I opened my eyes to see Logan. "Joseph's upstairs in my room, safe and my door's locked." I said to him quietly. He nodded.
"See! They're planning something!" Jesus yelled. Logan ran upstairs knowing that I wouldn't go up there knowing that the others were down here in danger. I snapped my fingers once, heard the door slam, snapped again. "Get him!" Jesus yelled. "Or this time I will hang you Jane!" Jesus also yelled. Jane was my mother's name... The girl took off her mask. "No Morales... I'm not letting my son and his friends die..." She said. Mom... Jesus rose the gun to Thomas's head. "I will kill this wizard not by hanging... If you don't listen to me... You'll have to say bye to him..." Jesus said. I knew this one spell but it was risky... Right before Jesus pulled the trigger I yelled the spell... Thomas stood where I was and I was where he was. The spell worked. Jesus stopped. "What the hell..." He mumbled. "I would much rather you just kill me than any of my family..." I said softly. "Let them go Jesus..." My mom said.
Jesus held me tighter, gripping the gun tighter. "Listen Jesus... Not every monster, witch, or wizard is bad... Some yes like the one that cursed Deceit, or snake face to you... You killed innocent people... Like me but somehow... I came back as a wizard again... I'm not struggling nor trying to use magic on you don't you see? I used the lightning spell to scare you... Not hurt you... And I saved the girl... Don't you understand? Not everyone is evil... But you are..." I said. He was froze. I got out of his grip. He snapped out of his trans and pointed the gun past me. "Jane... Get. This. Wizard. Now..." Jesus said. I heard a hiss. I looked past Jesus and saw Roman was about to get shot... I screamed a shielding charm. The charm was the same one I used on myself earlier. But it was protecting my mom, Thomas, and the small group, Alan, Patton, Deceit, and Roman... I didn't use it on myself. "Some wizards and witches care for their families... Like me... And don't want to hurt the opposite ones... Like me as well..." I told Jesus. I looked at my mom and Thomas and nodded my head towards Roman, Patton, Deceit, and Alan. They nodded. They started walking slowly.
"Where's the zombie!?" Jesus yelled at me. "Protecting my son thank you..." I answered, making the shield around my mom and Thomas follow where they were walking. "Probably not your son... Probably someone held hostage... Or you stole him and infected it to look like you like this werewolf and vampire..." Jesus said, looking at Roman, Patton, and Alan. "No... We don't steal... We share not steal... We earn what we have... Like their son and my son... Or even eachother..." I said. My mom and Thomas made it to the other four... I heard someone behind me creeping upstairs... I held the shielding charm up my I had to do risky magic... This was hard for the most skilled wizards and witches to do... 3... 2... 1...
I yelled out a spell and everything went white for about 5 seconds then the room came back into focus... I looked at the shield where Roman and all of them were and saw Logan with Joseph in him arms. I smiled to myself. It worked. "WHAT DID YOU DO!?" Jesus yelled. "A spell to not harm anyone..." I responded. "Only to protect two more people..." I also said. I mumbled a spell to keep the shield up even if I forgot about it. "Leave my family alone..." I told Jesus. Then I felt everything go freezing cold. I knew what that was. Remus was a half wizard but his parents never knew... This was a spell he always did to let Deceit and I know if he was near. He did it on accident most the time, unable to fully control his powers. I backed up, looking behind me first until I hit the wall behind me. Then I looked at Deceit. He nodded knowing what I was thinking, part of the curse a wizard cased on him...
"REMUSSSSSSS!" I screamed. "What the hell is wrong with you!? Why would you yell a random name like that!?" Jesus yelled. Deceit yelled the same thing. "What the fuck is wrong with you two!?" Jesus screamed. One person came running down the stairs, taking off his mask. "Did someone named Virgil and Deceit call me?" He asked. It was Remus! "What the hell!?" Jesus yelled. "Back off and leave my family alone Morales... This city allows monsters, witches, and wizards anyways so I can call up the real cops or the Mayor and get you hung... None of these other people since they were tricked by you." I told Jesus. He froze, dropping his gun. "Now leave!" I hissed. Everyone but Remus left knowing I wasn't kidding.
I cancelled the shielding charm and ran over to them. "Are all you okay?" I asked. But instead of verbal answers, all of them hugged me. "What the..." I mumbled. "That's my son." Someone said. Everyone but my mom back up a few feet. I hugged my mom tightly. "I thought I watched you..." I said but my voice faded. "No... Stunt doubles were used... But you were the first real wizard/witch to be hung instead of tested..." She said. She backed up. "You're family?" She asked smiling. I nodded.
"Patton is the werewolf, Roman is the vampire, and this is their son, Alan." I started. "Aww... Alan's so adorable." My mom commented. "You know this 'snake face'... Deceit..." I said. "Mrs. Black." Deceit said, bowing a bit. "I will never forget how you had Virgil's back when his father got caught..." My mom said. "Thomas... The one that brought us together..." I said. "Another wizard!" She exclaimed. "And Logan and Joseph... My boyfriend and son..." I said, walking up to them. "Pleasure to meet you ma'am..." Logan said after I took Joseph onto my arms. I saw out of the corner of my eye, Deceit running up to Remus and hugging him tightly. "Wait... Logan Vincent?" My mom asked. Logan and I got confused a bit. "How do you know his last name?" I asked. "There was a famous scientist that created a zombie like person but it failed the first time... He put his brains and all into the new zombie named 'Logan Vincent'!" My mom explained. Logan was frozen. I gave Joseph to my mom and went back to Logan. "Logie...? Are you okay...?" I asked softly. He shook his head to snap out of his trans.
"My creator cheated at the system..." Logan mumbled. "Logan it's okay... Please don't make a big deal out of it... Please...?" I asked him. He sighed. "I'm alright Love..." He said, giving a real smile. "He's so cute..." I heard my mom say. I looked over towards the others and saw Roman staring at Remus... "Roman...? Are you alright...?" I asked him. He just blinked. I looked over towards Remus, once he got out of the hug with Deceit, he looked over at Roman and froze, staring back at Roman. I bit my lip, confused. Something happened between these two before...
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