Requested by @StealthyE
You groan as you turn in bed, the light from the sun hurting your eyes, wanting to continue sleeping in your dark, cozy room. It had been a long night for you last night, and you just wanted to sleep. But the sun made you rise from your bed, stretching and smiled a little to the sound your body popping and cracking, letting the tension from the nights rest to leave. Shuffling through your small home, you got into your bathroom and began your morning routine.
Grabbing a bowl and some cereal, you went and sat down to eat your small breakfast, looking out the window to see the small clearing in your backyard, trees surrounding it, promising privacy from the outside world. You noticed that your small tool shed was slightly open, confusing you a little. Did you leave it open when you put the ladder away? Finishing breakfast and changing into a comfortable pair of clothes, you started to head outside, grabbing a baseball bat that you carried around for protection.
It's not much, but it's kept animals from attacking you and people usually back off, so it's the best thing when checking your tool shed for an unwanted guest. Heading into the meadow, the birds sang loudly, the grass swayed with bright, colorful flowers dancing in it's midst, a bit of dandelion fuzz flying by. Butterflies flew around the clearing with bees, both trying to match the rhythm of the flowers to collect their nectar. The breeze that went across the clearing cooled anything that might suffer under the hot sun, making it a truly perfect day.
Eyes trained on the shed, you jumped when something bolted across your path, looking to see it was only a rabbit, who paused after a few feet to gaze up at you, before dashing into the forest. Chuckling at your own freight, you relaxed, reminding yourself of the metal bat that was warming up in your palm, the leather rough from years of use. Now at the shed, you readied your bat, before pushing the door open, peering inside to just see the tools you had stored there. Some of them were on the ground, meaning that there was a disturbance in the small space, your eyes scanning the small area to see if there was a small creature hiding in there.
You felt like you were being watched, and when you looked up to see if there was a bird or something nestled on the ceiling, you were meet with a pair of glowing green eyes. Jumping out of the shed, the door now wide open, you hold your bat in front of you, able to tell it was the shadowy shape of a person.
"Get out of there, right now!" You yelled, holding the bat in a ready position in case they wanted to attack you. "What the hell are you doing in my shed?!"
The person dropped onto a shadowed shelf, the sun bathing most of the floor and they seemed to be trying to avoid it's rays. In the dim shadow, you could make out his unruly, curly green hair, freckles decorating his pale skin underneath his wide, green eyes. His body was lean, and he wore a jacket and pair of sweats, like he had been out on a jog, forcing himself to press against the wall the best he could with a toolbox behind him.
"I-I'm sorry miss." He apologized, embarrassment in his voice and eyes, one of his hands covering his mouth while he spoke. "I-I didn't notice h-how late it got. I-I thought you w-wouldn't mind if I stayed in here u-until the s-sun went down, or a-at least u-until the shadows of the t-trees reach h-here."
"Well I do mind." You growled, watching him as he jumped on top of the toolbox when the sun began to creep onto the shelf. "We are you scared of the sun anyway? Are you a vampire or something?"
It was supposed to be a joke, but the panic look in his eyes when you said that made you wonder if he really was.
"No. No." He denied, his eyes wide, pushing against the wall further and the hand around his mouth clamped tighter around it, muffling his panicked voice. "I just get really bad sunburn. I don't like the sun that much either. It's too warm today too, and it's really bright and hurts my eyes. There is no reason why you should say that. Why did you say that? Where would you get such an idea? No, you got it all wrong."
He said it so quickly, that it took you a minute to process all of his muffled, hurried words, his body beginning to shake from panic and the strain to stay on the wall. A sudden thought came to mind and you poked your head in to look at the ceiling, not seeing any handholds or anything that would keep a person up.
"How did you stay up there?" You asked, gripping your bat tighter as your gaze went back to the boy. "And who are you?"
"Ah, well I'm Izuku." He introduced quickly, looking around in a hurried gaze to try and find something. "And... I... Uh.... I just pushed on the walls to keep me from falling."
"Uh-huh." You acknowledged, looking him over again, spotting a nasty looking burn on his hand that clutched the wall, looking like he stuck his hand in fire. "Got a pretty bad burn, don't ya."
"Y-yeah." He agreed, quickly pulling that hand behind his back, loosening his grip over his mouth. "My skin gets really agitated with the sun."
"If I treat that for you, will you leave?" You question, watching as Izuku's eyes widened with disbelief.
"S-sure." He nodded, looking around at the clearing outside. "I-I just might need to borrow something to k-keep the sun from touching my skin."
"Why don't you just wear sunscreen?" You ask, bending down to pull a tarp from under your work bench.
"I-I keep forgetting to buy some." He said in a sheepish voice, looking at the ground.
"You can use this." You said, tossing the tarp at him, which he grabbed once it entered the shadow.
He quickly unfolded it and wrapped himself in it, giving enough of a hood to shield his face, gripping the edges to keep it from opening. Getting off the shelf carefully, he followed you to your house, taking careful steps so the sun didn't get into the tarp.
"Don't try anything funny." You warned as you entered your house, Izuku, seeming to relax in the shade it gave him.
"I-I promise." He agreed, letting the tarp drop onto his shoulders, standing to his full height, which was a few inches above yours. "I-I don't think I got y-your name."
"(Y/n)." You obliged, before going to the bathroom to grab your first aid kit.
You treated the really nasty burn on his hand, your stomach turning at the sight of torn flesh that seemed to have melted. Talking to Izuku, you two became fast friends, the strange boy not letting his hand leave his mouth while he talked, but you both liked the All Might cartoon, so it was ignored as you both talked about the series and theories you both came up with. You had drawn your curtains to make sure he wouldn't be uncomfortable, and you both were talking through lunch that you prepared for the both of you. It was strange when he ate, cause he was trying to keep his mouth covered while, at the same time, take a bite out of his sandwich.
Watching the All Might cartoon after the lunch fiasco, where Izuku had ended up spilling his drink over himself and the floor when he tried to drink from a glass and hide his mouth. You both sat silently while the cartoon played, and then talked about it when it got to credits and commercials, laughing at the strange possibilities that you both brought up. Night soon fell and you had to say your good byes, your bat forgotten against the door while you waved your new friend good bye. He finally uncovered his mouth and sent you a large grin, your heart seeming to stop at the sight of two sharp teeth, that were too long to be normal and were peeking from his lips.
He was suddenly gone in a puff of smoke, a dark, green bat flying into the woods as you just stared at where he used to be. You just had a vampire in your home. Shutting the door, you went to the couch and stared at the blank TV, before taking out your phone and trying the number he gave you, already excited for when he would visit again.
Sorry it took so long. Hope you like it.
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