1. The Vanishing
"Crackin at the same time, does it shock you?"
Was Emma Byers supposed to be coming home from a party. No. Was she supposed to be keeping an eye on her brother like Johnathan asked. Yes.
But she was rebellious so when she found out some kids were having a house party she couldn't refuse the idea of going.
This was a decision Emma would regret for years to come.
The second Emma closed the front door looking around the suspiciously empty house.
That's when she heard the sound of the back to door slamming. Will? Slightly scared, Emma picked up a Baseball bat they had in the front doorway and she walked out the back door quickly.
Then her heart stopped, there was a monstrous silhouette standing outside the shed, then it disappeared. Was she crazy? Had she actually just seen that?
Then the power in the shed went out. Not caring about the monster Emma ran forward, and when she opened the door Will was gone. Poof. Without a trace.
"Will?" Emma called out to no response, "Will!" Emma called out louder this time now frantically searching for her younger brother.
Then in an instant in front her inches away from her face, was the monster, staring right at her its cold breath on her face. Then she passed out.
"Ems... shit." Emma heard someone mumble faintly as someone grabbed her and picked her up. Then she blacked out again
Emma opened her eyes her breathing quickening as she looked around, she was standing outside her house but different. It was cold, empty, dark.
She coughed the spores in the air entering her lungs as she walked around, looking for something but she wasn't sure quite what.
Then she heard a boy scream Emma knew that voice.
"WILL" Emma screamed running in the direction of the voice, without a second thought of what she could be running into.
"EMMA!" Will called out, running towards her too, after running and running, Emma found herself standing in front of Will. He was pale, and shaking.
"Emma?" Will said but it wasn't his voice, it was an older voice, "Emma, Wake Up." Then everything went black again.
Johnathan shaked Emma as she slowly aroused looking up at him the sunlight peaking through the curtains hurting her eyes.
"God you scared the shit out of me." Johnathan groaned throwing a pillow at Emma before he proceeded to walk to the kitchen where he was making breakfast as their mother Joyce came hurrying out of her room.
"Where the hell are they," Joyce asked herself looking for her keys as Emma stood up from the couch helping her brother with Breakfast, "Jonathan, Ems?"
"Check the Couch." The twins said in sync as they turned towards their mother who grumbled and hurried over to the couch.
"Ugh, I did." Then she reaches into the couch and pulls them out, "Oh, got them!" Then she walks towards the two in the kitchen and kisses the girl on the cheek, "Okay, sweetie, I will see you tonight."
I nod as Johnathan responds, "Yeah see you later." Then Joyce looks around the house realising something.
"Where's Will." Then Emma freezes and the next part of the conversation blurs out, as she remembers the events of the previous night. She hasn't let the thought sink in yet. Her little brother was gone.
"Do you know where he is Ems?" Johnathan asks snapping Emma out of her train of thought. She couldn't tell them. They'd think she was loopy.
"Um, I'm sure he just stayed the night at the wheelers or something Mom." Emma comforts her mother with what is the definition of a lie.
Mom nods and calls Wills Mom as Emma clutches her head which is pounding with pain. And when she open her eyes, they're spores and vines everywhere but when she blinks again she's back in her kitchen.
What was Happening to her?
Hi Guys!
This is a short one but I wanted to introduce Emma and her little problem.
I hope you guys liked this!
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