Chapter 90
Loki laughed aloud at Bucky's question. "Of course she is quite formidable," he replied as they headed back upstairs. "On Asgard, when a loved one is in danger, the women of my home are to be reckoned with. They don't take protecting those they love lightly, especially the healers. Their job may be to heal but they can also do great damage when threatened," he explained.
"I see that," Bucky replied dryly. "Let's not get the pisoi that riled, shall we?" He suggested, not wanting to deal with you when you were that homicidal and upset.
"Agreed. I would not like to see what would happen to the little ball of sunshine we all love when angry,"
"Though her kicking Thor in the face was hilarious," Bucky replied with a laugh, remembering you ballet-kicking Thor, despite your stature and perceived ability.
"And very impressive," Loki agreed
Bucky shrugged. "I'm not surprised she could. That was a ballet move and she way underestimates her skills there..."
"I didn't want to comment but I am the god of lies. She really didn't fool me a bit about her skills. I know there is more to it than she wishes to admit, however,"
Bucky nodded "I have an idea what it is," he offered tentatively. He didn't like advertising that sometimes he understood your behavior better than Loki did. Loki raised an eyebrow, waiting for him to continue, so he did. "Natal'ka was the same way for a while because the people in that place made her use the thing she loved so much for their desires. Vampires are known for loving cultural things, at least according to the stories I read. I wouldn't be surprised if they had made her use and improve her skills for their entertainment." Bucky had clearly done research on your condition while you'd been a vampire.
Loki pondered that for a moment, then inclined his head "That does make sense," he agreed as it matched up with his research.
"That's my theory anyway, and if they told her she was no good at it on top of it..."
"She would lose confidence in her skills," Loki sighed, hating the vampires who had turned you. "The vampires that turned her continue to irk me even after their demise," he grumbled.
"Of course they do. They brutalized that little ball of sunshine. Speaking of, time to put on happy boyfriend face so she doesn't worry," Bucky reminded Loki with a laugh as they neared the common room.
Loki shrugged off their conversation and a wide smile bloomed on his face as soon as the elevator opens and he saw you. "Hello, love," he greeted you warmly as you looked over at him from where you'd been sitting with Nat.
You ran to him and launched yourself into his arms. He caught you easily and held you to him, never letting you fall or get hurt if he could help ti. "Loki! I was worried!!" You explained as you held him, your arms tight around his neck.
Loki's grip on you was steady. "I'm fine, darling. Nothing to fear," he soothed.
"Good," you told him warmly but didn't let him go more than to move enough to kiss him. Which Loki gladly returned. You kept the kisses light, knowing that you weren't up to more while you were still recovering.
"I told you boyfriend would be just fine," Nat reminded you, drawing attention to both you and Loki that there were other people in the world besides each other.
"She wasn't too much trouble?" Loki asked her, teasing you, which got him smacked lightly.
"Just worried over you," Nat replied with a shrug. "It was to be expected and obviously should be resting..." she added dryly, as you were visibly sagging, swaying a little as the adrenaline was wearing off.
Loki bent down and lifted you into his arms bridal style, the movement smooth and effortless. "Time to rest, little one," he said to stifle your protests as he held you in his arms.
You didn't even argue that time, just laid your head on his shoulder with a soft purr. "Are you going to think it's ugly if it scars?" You asked him sleepily, meaning the latest wound.
Thankfully, Loki knew you well enough to know what you were asking. "Never, darling. I'm just relieved you're alright."
"Nat says I have to take it easy," you whined since you'd already been taking it easy.
"You should listen to her. Your near-death makes the need to recover even more important," Loki said firmly.
You sighed "Resting is boring," you informed him.
"I agree but you need it after everything you've been through,"
You decided it was time to change the subject. "Tom and his girlfriend were cute. Even if she did think you were him," you said with a giggle.
Loki laughed "That was something. I was not expecting a random Midgardian coming up and kissing me thinking I was Tom." It wasn't that long ago that he would have stabbed the person who made that mistake.
"Me either," you replied with a laugh as Loki started to carry you from the common room. "Sneaky Tom not warning us he has a girlfriend," you grumbled.
"He's about as mischievous as I am. I think playing me has had a negative effect on him," Loki teased. Tom was one of the few Midgardians Loki actually liked.
That just made you laugh harder. "And now he's dating not-me. I think he's been playing you too long," you teased.
"Possibly," he agreed.
You settled yourself more comfortably in his arms, exhausted for some strange reason. And were dead asleep before Loki had gotten you back to his room. He smiled down at you fondly when he realized you'd fallen asleep.
As soon as you reached his room, he magicked on pajamas for both of you, settled you in the bed, and climbed in next to you to get some much-needed rest. He was finally able to doze off when you were safe and happy in his arms and properly alive again.
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