Chapter 88
Thor dragged the gunman to the containment cells while your mom prepared to explain things to the team. Bucky and Nat both jumped off the couch in the common room and rushed over to where Loki teleported in with you in his arms, before he could escape with you to the medical wing.
"She's covered in blood, what happened?" Nat demanded as she looked you over, while Loki held you. She'd had more than enough experience as a combat medic, and Bucky had the training too. Plus, they both had a soft spot for you.
"A soon to be dead man decided to shoot her after the movie premiere. Our actor counterparts are taking care of the police. Her mother and I healed her as best we could. I would just prefer to have her looked over again just to be safe," Loki explained to them. His words were getting slow as the exhaustion was starting to catch up with him. He had used too much magic, though he wouldn't admit it.
Bucky looked him over with concern. "You're dead on your feet, Loki." His use of Loki's real name instead of a stupid nickname meant that he was serious. He moved to take you out of Loki's arms before Loki dropped you. "You need to rest. The gunman will still be in the containment cells. Nat and I can look over our girl,"
Loki wanted to argue. He desperately wanted to keep you in his arms and make sure you were ok for himself, but he knew that Bucky was right. He was dead on his feet and needed rest. He handed you over to Bucky, however reluctantly. You were half-asleep or more and barely noticed, besides giving Loki a small mew when you were no longer in his arms. His expression saddened at seeing you in Bucky's arms, but he knew this was for the best. You'd be grumpy if you were dropped, especially after being so injured. "Come get me as soon as she wakes again. Please," Loki told Bucky. He tried to be polite, but it was still an order.
Bucky nodded. "You know she's safe with us," he reminded the god. He and Nat would never let anything happen to you.
Loki kissed your forehead before he headed off to get some rest. Bucky and Nat took you to the med room to look you over. They determined that you were alright since your mother had healed you and took you up to your own room and bed. Nat helped you get cleaned up and into pajamas and let you sleep in your own bed. You were dead on your feet from the healing and the gunshot wound and didn't argue with them when they got you tucked into bed.
They both kept guard over you while you slept. They both loved and cared for you, which was enough for them to do it anyway, but Loki also trusted them with your care and safety. Loki didn't trust easily, but he did trust Bucky and Nat. They'd earned that trust time and time again.
It was a few hours later when you woke again, dazed and disoriented still, but knowing something was wrong and that you had to find your Loki. Nat tried to keep you in bed, but it was no use when you were fretting so much over your Loki. She sighed heavily and supported you on the short trip across the hall as you were still to exhaustion-drunk to walk there on your own. Loki's wards let the pair of you in without pause.
"Loki, sorry to wake you, but sestricka wouldn't calm until she could see for herself that you're ok," Nat said into the room as you two crossed the threshold. She made a distressed noise when you managed to escape her grip to rush to Loki's bed and climb in to join him. You wrapped your arms worriedly around him. He had been awake from the second you opened his bedroom door with Nat.
Loki wrapped his arms around you, gripping you to him and sighed in relief that you were alright. "I'm alright, dearheart. I'm just relieved you are too," he told you and pressed a kiss to your forehead. He glanced to Nat by the door and Bucky who had followed. "Thank you both," he said earnestly, grateful that they'd helped you and cared for you when he couldn't. With that, the assassin both stepped into the hall and closed the door, leaving you with your Loki.
"You're ok!" You exclaimed, worried over him.
"I'm fine, darling. How are you feeling?" Loki asked, pulling back enough to look you over.
"I'm ok. Tired," you admitted softly, which was a bit of an understatement. "Don't remember much except that fucking hurt... and he called me your wife." That was unimportant, but it had somehow stuck in your mind anyway and you were drunk on exhaustion and healing magics and weren't exactly watching what you were saying.
"He must have seen how much we love each other and just assumed," Loki replied, pulling you back to him tighter. "I'm just glad you're alright."
You smiled up at him a bit dazedly. "Glad you're ok too," you told him and held him just as tightly. You remembered something and looked up at him confused. "Did mom show up? How did mom show up?" You asked him stupidly. You really were drunk on exhaustion. Or magic. It was hard to tell.
"She did, but I am not sure how she knew. I am just extremely relieved she did," Loki replied and kissed your forehead.
"How dead is that asshole?" You asked, a bit viciously for how you usually were. But then again the guy had shot you.
"Not dead yet. But he will be soon," Loki told you. He let you go and started to try to climb out of the bed to head to the containment cells and deal with the man who had tried to kill you.
You nodded, but didn't let him go. "You'll be ok?" You asked, worried about him. You knew he would want you to stay in his room where you'd be safe, but that didn't keep you from worrying about him.
Loki nodded. "I'll be fine, but I need to go take care of this." The sooner the man was dead, the better.
"Are you taking Bucky and Nat with you?" You asked, not quite wanting to be alone.
Loki considered. "Bucky maybe. I might need his assistance,"
You nodded and moved to get off the bed with him, intent on not being alone. The two assassins were still in the hall outside Loki's room. They'd only been giving you privacy until Loki came to tell them what you needed. Loki was relieved they were there. "Kiborg, would you be willing to come help me with something?" Loki asked with a glint in his eyes that Bucky knew meant that Loki wanted help killing the man who had hurt you.
Bucky nodded, knowing what was being asked, and still keeping his tone light and easy. "Sure ved'ma, what'd ya need?" He asked with a touch of teasing, a lightness to his tone for your benefit. He didn't want to worry or upset you when he saw how you were wrapped around Loki.
"We have some interrogation to do. Lady Natasha, would you be willing to watch over my kitten while Kiborg and I are busy?" Loki asked, polite as ever to Nat.
"I'll keep her company," Nat reassured him and managed to pry you off of your Loki. "C'mon sestrichka, we'll wait for the boys in the common room." At least Nat was smart enough to know that unless Loki used magic to make you sleep, you were going to stay up fretting regardless of what anyone told you to do.
Bucky and Loki headed off to the containment cells while Nat led you to the common room to wait for them. You weren't in any shape to join the interrogation and you knew it, despite how you didn't like it. Besides, you didn't really want to watch Loki kill someone brutally.
The guys found the gunman in one of the cells very bruised, but otherwise unharmed. Your mom and Thor were standing guard. "Has he said anything?" Loki asked when he and Bucky joined the pair by the gunman's cell.
"Some unseemly things about my prince," your mom growled, falling back into Asgardian habits when speaking, though she remained speaking English for Bucky's benefit. "But nothing useful. We were saving the proper interrogation for until you got here,"
Loki smirked, malice dripping off of him. He looked like a predator and fear filled the man's eyes. "Then let us continue," his voice was just as malicious as his smirk, a croon of something dark and wicked.
Your mom's wicked smile mirrored Loki's own as she inclined her head, looking just as regal as Loki or Frigga ever did, but with a cold anger. It wasn't the hot anger of emotion, of normal every day injustices. This was the frozen anger of deep rage. Her rage and power seemed to emanate from her. She felt like the most powerful person in the room, even with the princes, her princes, there as well. A mother's rage over an injustice to her daughter was a thing to be feared and all three men had a healthy respect for an angry mother and for her power. "Mayhaps he will learn before he dies that he should not cross the mages Asgard..." she said icily.
Even the man in the cell had the sense of mind to flinch from her, to cower from her power and anger.
Bucky leaned over to whisper in Loki's ear. "Your future mother in law is scary,"
Loki didn't dare disagree with that point, but where Bucky had a hint of fear at your mother's rage, Loki only had admiration for her, and for you, knowing where you got your spine and power.
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