Chapter 86
Loki stared in shock at the woman who had just kissed him. You saw a flash of emotion in his eyes and knew that look meant that he was contemplating stabbing the mortal. You took his hand to remind him to keep his composure. He couldn't kill her, even if it had been her mistake to kiss him. Maybe you should stab her yourself...
"Um, no. I'm Loki. Tom is over there," Loki pointed to where Tom was standing next to Chris, nearly laughing his head off. At least he seemed to know what was going on. Loki relaxed a little, knowing Tom was in on it. He trusted Tom.
"No, darling, wrong one. I'm not wearing the wig today," Tom called over, laughter in his voice. He came over and wrapped an arm around the woman's shoulders while she was spluttering a billion apologies to Loki for the mistake. "Loki, this is Katie, she plays Y/N in the new Avengers movie. And my girlfriend," he added a bit shyly. That explained the confusion. Loki and Tom were practically identical, except for their hair currently.
Loki pulled you closer and kissed you softly. "And this is my love, Y/N," he replied to introduce you properly to your actress. You had your own actress now. You weren't upset she was an unknown actress. Chris and Tom had been unknown before they'd been cast for the Thor movie.
You found that you were amused by the mix-up and not upset. Really, it was hilarious, or would have been if she hadn't kissed your Loki. And she was still babbling off apologies, bright red in embarrassment. She'd definitely been checking more closely if it was Tom or Loki if there was a chance Loki was around.
"Surprise?" Tom asked with a lopsided smirk. He hadn't told Loki or Katie about this bit of mischief.
"I'm so sorry Loki!!" Katie blurted, not unlike you when you were flustered.
Loki smirked, finally moving into being amused. "No harm done," he reassured her. It was an honest mistake.
"The mistake is understandable, darling," Tom reassured her and kissed her hair. He was clearly relieved that Loki wasn't actually upset, or going to hurt his girlfriend over the mistake.
Loki nodded in agreement and offered her a gentle smile. "I must admit that Tom and I do look a bit alike." They were identical, but Loki always whined that he and Tom looked nothing alike.
You smirked up at him. "About time you acknowledge that he looks like you, Noodle," you teased him, trying not to laugh aloud at your victory. You'd been trying to get him to admit it for months.
Loki sighed heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose, which he did when you were being particularly annoying. "It's quite difficult to avoid acknowledging now. Especially after that mix up." You heard how much it pained him to say it, admitting he looked like a moral.
You giggled and kissed Loki's cheek, which prompted Katie to pout and steal a kiss from Tom. "Great now theres two pair of lovebirds," Chris and Thor both groaned, practically in unison.
You had to stand with the cast and get your pictures taken by the press. You were actually included this time because of Katie. A long while later, you were finally ushered into the theater for the premiere. As soon as you were inside the theater and away from the press, Tom, being the gentleman he was, slipped off his jacket to place on Katie's shoulders as he kissed the top of her head. They really were adorable together.
They all find seats in the theater, you and Katie sat between Tom and Loki. Loki smirked, not to be one-upped by Tom in the gentlemanly behavior contest, and conjured two blankets, one over you and the other over Katie. Tom inclined his head, acknowledging that Loki had bested him, and thanking him at the same time. Tom could express a lot of things in one little look. You and Katie thanked Loki for the blankets as you cuddled up adorably in them.
Loki wrapped his arm around you shoulders so you could lay your head comfortably on him and pressed a kiss to your hair. You settled in to get comfortable for the movie.
The movie itself was pretty standard, some kind of adventure where Thor and Loki had to work together to fight dark elves. It was the end credits scene that explained quite a lot. The post credit scene was of Katie's character moving into the tower with a bright "Hi Uncle Tony!" And Tom/Loki looking up from where he was reading on the couch in the common room. They were setting up introducing you in the next movie.
Loki raised an eyebrow at the scene and chuckled. "We already know what happens next," he said as he gave you an adoring look. He pulled you into a kiss moments later. You giggled as you returned his kiss. He was being silly and doting.
You also noted that they were changing your story to make you Tony's niece in it. You'd have to find out later why they'd made that decision and how the hell they'd gotten it past Cap and Fury. There had to be a reason behind the change.
The blankets disappeared as you got up to leave the theater to go to the after party. You placed you hand on Lokis arm automatically to let him escort you. You were a happy, if a little sleepy, little ball of sunshine, as per usual. You all left the theater together with the press taking pictures of you.
The after party was just across the street, so you didn't have far to go.
Right after you left the theater, you heard a noise that sounded like a car backfiring, though there weren't any cars around. You looked around, shocked and confused along with everyone else to find out what had made that noise. You saw Thor reach for Mjolnir, which was currently hiding as a keychain in his pocket.
You finally looked down and saw the red stain on your dress, just above your left breast. You didn't remember spilling anything on yourself at dinner.
Then the pain registered as the stain spread, too dark, too fast as your blood spilled.
The bullet had gone clear through your heart.
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