Chapter 74
Loki couldn't help chuckling at Bucky's whining. "I don't know. I'm sure Stark and Nat miss the little kitten. And I'm sure the Captain misses your company, Bucky," Loki teased.
Bucky rolled his eyes at the insinuation that he was gay for Steve. The insinuation was getting old. You smiled at the mention of your friends. "Everyone misses Pisoi when she's not around. I'm sure Steve does miss me, and Natal'ka will pretend she didn't miss either of us..." Bucky replied, thinking fondly of their friends.
"Buck, what's with the new nickname?" you finally got around to asking, since it clearly wasn't going away anytime soon.
Bucky chuckled. "I couldn't keep calling you 'vampire' now could I? 'Kitten' is much more fitting," he teased you warmly. You stuck your tongue out at him. Bucky was a great friend and you were close after your time together in Hydra, but he was also annoying at times, like deciding you needed yet another new nickname.
"I think it fits," Loki announced, deciding to speak in Russian to annoy Bucky. Those two loved annoying each other.
Bucky replied in Russian, which just annoyed you, since you didn't speak Russian. "Of course it fits," Bucky replied smoothly in Russian. "Your trick won't throw me. I know that Allspeak is exactly what it says on the tin," Loki switched to Bucky's native Romanian for his next reply, which just made Bucky laugh. "Natal'ka and I used to play this game too," he reminisced fondly.
The game continued as you walked back to the palace. The three of you switched between languages while Loki tried to find one Bucky didn't know. You made it through Spanish, Portuguese, German, Latin, Mandarin, and Japanese. You kept up with Spanish, Latin, Japanese, and Mandarin, though Bucky doesn't know Mandarin. You all signed together, still signing away as you entered the great hall for breakfast.
Frigga was already there and looked up at the three of you, smirking at your signing. "Good morning, darlings. What fun are you up to so early?" she knew Loki well enough to know that he was playing some kind of game, especially with how happy and relaxed he was.
"We are going through Midgardian languages. I was trying to find one Bucky doesn't know," Loki explained the game to his mother. It was a simple and silly little game.
"He won at Chinese," Bucky added with a smirk. He'd gotten more comfortable around Mama Frigga in his time on Asgard.
"You boys both beat me with most of them," you contributed, laughing. Frigga smiled warmly at the innocent game and seemed pleased that Loki had such a good friend in the soldier. You turned your attention to her. "Thank you for the jewel, Allmother, it is perfect for what I needed," you told her politely. She'd gone out of her way to get the jewel for your project, though she'd agreed readily enough when you'd explained that it was for her son.
You got a warm "It was no trouble dear," in reply. She turned to Loki and Bucky, who had continued their signed conversation. "There is a Midgardian language speaking with hands?" she asked curiously.
"Yes. It's for those who are deaf. I learned about it in a book I was reading while on Midgard," Loki explained.
"That and Clint uses it when he's too lazy to put his hearing aids in," you added. "So we all had to learn out of necessity,"
Loki nodded in agreement. "Barton is always lazy, so it has become a norm to see the team signing around the tower,"
Frigga laughed, but sobered quickly when a grumpy-looking Thor stomped in and over to your table. "What's wrong, darling?" she asked him, all motherly concern and care. Frigga loved her sons dearly, though she had a soft spot for her Loki.
Loki tensed at Thor's mood and pulled you closer to him as soon as Thor entered the hall. He didn't trust his brother to behave.
"It's nothing, mother," Thor said gruffly and fwumped into a chair on the other side of the table from you. You tensed in Loki's arms, worried, and borderline afraid of Thor's mood. Loki watched Thor too. Thor had only barely cooled his temper and had managed to get it down from pissed to upset. His temper snapped again and he glared at you. "That trick was cruel, lady," he growled at you, despite that you actually cowered from him and his anger, hiding in Loki's arms. "I expect that kind of behavior from my brother, but not from you..."
Frigga was about to jump in and stop him when you wailed at him: "Thor, I'm sorry! I didn't know! I didn't mean for you to get hurt!" There were tears in your eyes as you spoke.
Loki growled at Thor. "Do not do this here. She did not mean to hurt you. We just got her calmed down from earlier. Your reaction almost threw her into another asthma attack. She is sorry for what she did and did not mean to do anything to you. It was a precaution she set up so no one unseemly could take my weapon from me," Loki re-explained to his idiot brother.
"What? And she just decided to test it on me with no warning?" Thor growled in reply. "She knows damn well what those toys she makes are capable of," he glared at you.
"Thor, please," you wheezed, your airway closing at your upset.
Frigga realized that this was more than just her children squabbling and stood, pulling her royal authority around her. "One of the four of you tell me what this is about. This. Instant," she ordered.
Loki pulled the inhaled from his dimensional pocket and handed it to you before he looked to his mother. "Thor and I were training this morning. After my lady updated the gift she gave me, we decided to go into a more extreme bout, powers and all. At one point, Thor decided to try and take my weapon from me and it shocked him. It resulted in Thor losing his temper and almost causing my love to go into a panic attack," Loki explained.
"Don't forget the part where he refuses to believe it was an accident," Bucky added dryly while he was watching over you to make sure you go the medicine into your system properly.
"And that," Loki agreed as he looked over to you, returning to your side to fret over you. "Love?" he asked you gently.
"I'm alright," you tried to reassure him as you were struggling to calm, though your breathing was a little easier, thanks to the meds.
Thor looked chastised. "It was truly an accident?" he was so used to Loki's tricks and sometimes cruelties that it hadn't quite registered that you wouldn't be the same way.
"Do you seriously think she would be acting like this if it wasn't true?" Loki glared at Thor. "If so, you truly are more dim witted than I originally believed," he growled and returned his attention to you. Thor wanted to protest that he'd seen Loki pull similar stunts to get out of trouble, but kept his mouth shut for once.
"H-he's so mad," you wheezed at your Loki, desperately wanting to fix it, but not knowing how.
Loki shushed you gently. "It's alright, darling. He will understand eventually how sorry you are," he told you and combed his fingers through your hair.
Frigga rushed over and placed her gold glowing fingertips on your chest between your breasts. Your breathing eased instantly. "Thor accepts your apology dear. He knows you wouldn't hurt him on purpose," she told you gently and spared a glare to Thor who quickly agreed.
You calmed after a moment and leaned up to kiss Loki's cheek. "Thank you," you told him softly.
Loki sighed in relief and pressed a kiss to your hair and to Frigga's cheek. "Thank you, mother," he added warmly.
She nodded and touched a fingertip to Loki's temple. /Let me teach you how to do that before you leave/ She bids him and waited patiently for him to let her into his mind so she could teach him the spell mind to mind. It was faster and she'd taught him plenty of magic that way over the years. Loki opened the connection without reservation and Frigga was quick to leave him the spell and get out of his mind quickly. She kissed his cheek before she returned to her own place at the table.
The group calmed and Bucky started to tell you old stories of Steve from when they were kids.
Thor looks around Frigga to address Loki. "She has seen our tempers before and was never like this. Why is this time different?" he asked softly, concerned now that his temper has finally cooled, now that he realized he'd hurt the girl who was just trying to do something nice for his brother.
"I'm not sure, exactly," Loki admitted. He turned to Frigga. /Mother, do you have any ideas?/ he asked her telepathically, for his conversation to be private.
/I do. Your brother is quite like his father. And your darling has not told any of us what happened to her last time she was on Asgard, but if I am correct in my assumptions, Thor's anger reminds her of those events since he is so like Odin/ Frigga replied sipping nonchalantly on her tea. She was used to having private conversations with her son with no one being any the wiser. Loki nodded and wrapped an arm around you. You looked up at him from your conversation with Bucky, raising an eyebrow.
"Darlings, are you still planning to return to Midgard after breakfast?" Frigga asked. The boys both nodded. "I know your duties take you off world, but I will miss you all terribly," she told your whole group. "Before you ask, yes your darling can travel, even by Bifrost. But I would urge her to rest after your friends fret over her to a little bit," she told Loki warmly. She knew you didn't do well at resting.
"We will come back to visit as soon as we are able. And I'm sure I can convince my kitten to rest a little more after we spend a little time with our friends," Loki reassured his mother. He'd take care of you whether you liked it or not.
/Be careful with her. It will take awhile for her heart and lungs to heal properly from years of not using them. Even though she's Asgardian now, it will still take time/ Frigga warned Loki.
/I understand. I will do what I can to make sure she continues to rest. I'll even have the team help. They will not allow her to wander around while she is still recovering./
/Then I will allow you to take her home/ Frigga replied warmly.
/Thank you for everything, mother/
/Of course, my son/ Frigga replied
Loki turned to you "Are you ready to return home?" he asked you gently. He'd stall if you thought you needed to stay longer.
You nodded. "I'm sure our friends miss us,"
You all exchanged your goodbyes and headed to the Bifrost, your pockets full of pastries for the journey on Frigga's insistence. Heimdall looked over Loki's staff and nodded his approval of it. He confirmed that your modification will allow Loki to call him with it. Loki had always been able to call to Heimdall, but the staff would make him easier to find.
Heimdall opened the Bifrost for you and you all stepped in to return home.
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