Chapter 63
Loki's arms wrapped around you and he rubbed your back comfortingly while you tried to catch your breath, while you tried to calm from the pain in your chest of your heart beating again. You finally relaxed after a minute. Your breathing slowed as your heart-rate did. It was strange to feel both again. It had been four years.
You looked up at Loki, turning in his arms. "Loki?" you wrapped you arms around him.
It was the most lucid you'd been in over a day and Loki was relieved since it was such a good sign. He gave you a warm smile. "I'm here, kitten," he reassured you and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
"What-? How long-?" you tried to find the words to ask... whatever you were trying to ask. It was so hard to think, to brain that much through the exhaustion.
Loki stroked your hair reassuringly. "You've been out for a few days," he told you gently, easing you in to whatever painful thing had had to say. "This cure has not been very easy on you and I apologize for all of the pain it has put you through," he said with sorrow in his tone.
You leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Don't be sad," you told him softly. "You cured me of being a monster. You and your mother," you added quickly when Frigga sat on the bed beside you. Loki relaxed at your reassurance that you weren't upset with him for whatever you'd been through while you were asleep.
"You're looking much better, dear," she told you after she looked you over, pressed her cool hand to your warm brow in such a motherly gesture that you couldn't help but be reminded of your own mom. "Do you think you can eat something?" she asked you gently, though she glanced at Loki. She wanted him to team up with her to goad you into eating something.
"You need to eat, darling. You've been asleep for so long, you're probably starving," Loki jumped in obediently to help Frigga.
You nodded your agreement. You were too tired and hungry to argue. Especially against logic and reason.
"Darling, keep her awake," Frigga told Loki and went to go speak to the servants to get you all something to eat.
Loki started up a conversation, making you talk to keep you awake. Bucky jumped in to help. "Boyfriend let me actually touch him without stabbing me," Bucky told you, which made you giggle at that image and how strange that sentence would be coming from anyone else.
"You're lucky I was so exhausted, Cyborg. It might have been a different story if I was more lucid," Loki mock-grumbled at his friend. Loki still didn't like being touched. Except by you and Frigga.
Bucky shrugged. He didn't seem concerned "I only moved your freakishly cold hand back to her forehead. Figured if you were awake enough to care, you'd be awake enough to move your hand your own damn self," he teased, joking, friendly with Loki. Loki seemed surprised still by having a real friend. He gained his composure and chuckled at Bucky's reply, since it was absolutely correct. You couldn't help giggling too at your silly boys.
Frigga returned quickly with a tray of food for you: a thick stew, fresh warm bread, and a fruit juice. She also had a bribe of her special chocolate cake. The one Loki loved so dearly. "Finish that and you can have this," she teased you, though smirked at Loki. She was waiting for his pout over not getting chocolate cake. She knew her son well. You took the tray from her with a polite thank you.
Loki pouted predictably at his mother. "Why didn't I get any cake?" he asked in a boyish whine.
Frigga laughed. "Because you have not eaten anything either," she teased him warmly and another tray of lunch appeared next to him. He was eager to dig into his lunch so he could get the beloved chocolate cake.
Frigga laughed at how quickly that changed things and she and Bucky settled on the couch with their own lunches that she summoned. "I'm going to have to find out what's so special about this cake to get that reaction out of him," Bucky teased. Loki stuck his tongue out at his friend and resumed his meal. He was unsurprisingly the first one done and Frigga laughed as she vanished the dishes, summoning a slice of chocolate cake instead. Loki lit up in absolute delight and moaned as he took the first bite of cake. Bucky was about halfway through his slice of cake when Loki had finished his. He smirked over at Loki. "Don't even think about it, Odinson," he told the known food thief firmly.
Loki pouted, but wisely didn't try to steal the cake.
Not in front of Frigga anyway.
Loki looked over to find you asleep, your lunch only half finished. Loki smiled fondly at you and covered you with a blanket that he conjured. Always loving and caring.
"Don't fret, darling, she will be alright," Frigga reassured him. She kissed the top of Loki's head. "When she wakes again, you can take her back to your chambers to finish recovering. She'll be happier there than the healing wing," she leaned down to add in a whisper: "I know it is not the most proper... but I had your consort's suite set up for her use," Frigga informed him. You'd have your own space if you wanted or needed it, but would still be close enough to be under Loki's protection. "I would appreciate it if you are at dinner tonight, especially with your father off world," Frigga had a mischievous look; she was up to something. Bucky could see where Loki got his mischievous nature from. "Thor and his friends will take care of the Sergeant and his sleeping quarters," she added a touch too innocently.
Loki gave her a warm smile. "Thank you, Mother. For everything you are doing for me and my love. And of course we will join you for dinner. It would be good to spend more time together while we are here," he smirked over at Bucky. "Have fun getting into Asgardian attire. You'll fit right in," he teased, trying to hold back a snicker at Bucky's grimace of reply.
Frigga left you all to attend to her other duties. It was a sign to Loki that you would truly be ok. She never would have left otherwise.
"Asgardian what-now?" Bucky demanded indignantly once Frigga had left. "You never said anything about Asgardian attire. What the fuck even isAsgardian attire?!?" he growled.
"Means I have to wear a dress," you murmured sleepily. Bucky's roars had roused you a little from your nap.
Loki just smirked in reply. "You'll see when you get to your quarters, Cyborg. It will, of course, be required that you change out of your Midgardian attire and into something more fitting of Asgard," he added regally, his tone leaving no room for arguing.
Bucky growled softly and facepalmed. "I should never have agreed to come here," he grumbled, though it was clear he didn't actually mean it. He never would have passed up the opportunity, especially when you needed the extra guard.
Thor burst into the healing room disturbing you all. "How's she doing?" Thor asked when he rushed in. He'd been in to check a few times, but he'd been busy dealing with "emergencies" that needed the throne's attention.
Loki glanced to Thor hoping his brother would be quiet since you were back to half-dozing in his arms. "Better than she was. She is still fighting off the fever, but she will be well enough to join us for dinner,"
Thor sighed in relief. "That's excellent news!" that was way better than any other prognosis he'd received. He then tilted his head like a confused puppy as he evaluated something. "It worked!" he exclaimed giddily. "It really did work. Her heart beats!"
"Shh! She is still trying to rest, you oaf!" Loki scolded, but he couldn't get the tone quite right. He was also ecstatic that you were cured of being a vampire. Thor rolled his eyes, but the damage was already done you made a soft noise as you sat up. Loki turned his attention to you. "How are you feeling, darling?" he asked you gently.
You looked up at him a bit confused. "Better... I'm sorry... I didn't mean to fall asleep..." you didn't remember falling asleep.
Loki kissed your cheek. "It's alright, kitten. You have been through an ordeal. It only makes sense for you to be tired," he reassured you gently, warmly. He was so glad that you were alright now.
"I haven't done anything but sleep for days," you protested.
"Yes but you just went from being a vampire to an Asgardian. Not an easy thing to go through from what I've read," Loki reminded you. He wasn't going to remind you what you actually went through it you didn't remember it.
Bucky scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I would hardly call that sleeping. There was a seizure involved..." he grumbled. Loki rolled his eyes and groaned at the fact that Bucky had told you about the seizure. He didn't want you freaking out more about the transition.
"Oh... that doesn't sound like sleeping," you said, luckily still out of it enough that you didn't get the full implication of what Bucky had said.
Thor stood and ruffled your hair. "It's good to see you feeling better," he told you warmly. He turned to Bucky. "Come! I shall introduce you to my warrior friends! Don't fear, Brother, I will make sure the Sergeant arrives safely for dinner," Bucky groaned, but had to let himself be dragged away. He especially hoped that Thor didn't know about the Asgardian attire Loki thought he should wear to dinner.
However, unfortunately for Bucky, the first place Thor took him was the room Bucky would be staying in and Bucky had to change into a garment of leather, metal and armor. Bucky felt ridiculous, but had to admit the Asgardian clothes did look good.
Though he admitted it extremely grudgingly.
And would never admit it to Loki.
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