Chapter 61
"I'm glad. Though I do have one more surprise for you. That one will have to wait for when you open your presents," he told you warmly, teasing you with the prospect of presents. You saw that he hoped the idea of presents would soothe whatever ill feelings you had about being spoiled so much.
"Loki..." you sighed I exasperation "I thought you said a little spoiling..." you huffed at your incorrigible love.
He smirked. "Just enjoy it, darling,"
You grinned and kissed his cheek, giving up, for now. You'd let him have his fun, unless he got too out of control and chaotic. "Fine, silly noodle," you told him warmly, letting him hear how happy you were. "Was Bree terribly awful to you?" you asked him, concerned. You knew how Bree could be. You'd grown up with her after all.
"She was fine darling. Some minor interrogating but otherwise, perfectly fine," he reassured you. You could sense the fib. You weren't as good at detecting lies as he was, of course, but you were learning to read him well enough to sense when he was lying.
Plus you knew Bree better than that.
"Minor? huh? That's doubtful. Overprotective thing she is probably gave you the third degree to make sure you're worthy of dating me," you told him with an eyeroll. His smirk confirmed your suspicion. You realized then, that he wouldn't speak ill of your family, no matter how annoying your little sister had been. You sighed. "I'll go kill her real quick..."
Loki wrapped an arm around you quickly and pulled you into a kiss to distract you from sororicide.
Nat approached the pair of you. "C'mon lovebirds, cake, ice cream, and then presents," she said brightly. She was excited for your birthday and a celebration in the tower that didn't involve Tony bringing out all of his alcohol. Plus she thought of you as a little sister. Hell, most everyone in the tower did.
She led you over to the giant chocolate cake that everyone else was gathering around. When you arrived, everyone started singing off-key, which just made it more charming. Though the poor Asgardian boys looked confused at the Midgardian display. You made a wish and blew our the candles. "So, what'd ya wish for?" Bree demanded as the cake and ice cream was served.
You huffed and rolled your eyes. "If I tell you, it won't come true," you have her the traditional reply without hesitation. She laughed and it warmed your heart that you could hear her laughter again. Loki chuckled at your answer and how familiar and comfortable the exchange was. He was so happy for you.
As soon as the cake was finished, it was time for presents.
And you were going to kill Tony until he was flatter than dead.
Because he was full of sarcasm and thought it would be funny somehow, he had actually set up a throne for you. After much coercion and cajoling, he actually managed to get you sitting on it with a tiara on your head. You had no idea how that happened. But you blamed Loki. It was usually safe to blame Loki. "Who brings the first offering to the birthday princess?" Stark demanded of the room in his showman style.
/You were supposed to contain him!/ you scolded Loki even as you were laughing at Stark's antics. Loki was standing next to your throne. You could tell by how he carefully placed himself that that the exact placement meant something on Asgard. You just weren't sure what. Bodyguard? Consort? Something else equally silly? It was difficult to tell with your trickster love.
/I did tell him not to go over the top. Did you really think he would listen to me?/ Loki replied and you could hear the amusement in his voice.
/I thought the god could make him/ you replied sourly and Loki chuckled in your mind in reply. He hadn't wanted to stop Stark from treating you like a princess.
Bucky stepped forward first with a very lumpy looking, poorly wrapped present. You loved him all the more for making the attempt. "It's not much..." he said shyly as he handed it over.
"Buck, you didn't have to get me anything," you protested, knowing how much he hated leaving the tower. Especially to go to the store where people stared at him.
"Sure I did, Doll. Happy birthday," he told you warmly. Bucky had come to care for you as family while you were both trapped by Hydra and you knew he would always have a soft spot for you. Despite what you were.
You opened the lumpy package to find a heated throw blanket for the couch. Bucky knew you were always cold. And a Bucky-bear to be friends with Lokibear. You thanked him warmly for the wonderfully thoughtful gift.
The rest of your friends stepped up to give you their gifts after Bucky had broken the ice. Stark gave you the computer he'd bought you, which you squeed over, since it was nicer than the model you'd been ogling. He had to forcibly remove it from you before you opened it and started setting up your new shiny during the party.
Most of the team and your friends gave you simple little thoughtful things. Then Nat brought over a decent sized box. You opened it confused, wondering what she could've gotten you. Inside was a purple and black skater dress with a hood that had cat-ears on it, a pair of black leggings, sensible combat boots, and black fingerless gauntlets. You touched the material and realized what it was: a proper battle costume. You didn't go out on missions with the team all the time, but now you'd be able to dress for the occasion and be safe in the kevlar-like material that Shield made its uniforms from. They'd also made the costume adorable to make you seem like less of a threat. You knew exactly what they were doing and you appreciated the care and skill that went into your perfect battle costume.
You couldn't thank Nat enough for the gift.
Loki gave you a warm smile and handed his present to you next. It was in a small box wrapped in green paper with a gold ribbon. You opened it and found a jewelry box inside. You were beyond shocked when you saw the ring box inside. Surely he wasn't? He couldn't? Not yet? You opened the ring box, half expecting a diamond. Instead, the ring inside was silver in a Celtic design with amethyst braided in. "It's lovely, Loki," you told him warmly as you lifted the ring out of the box.
Loki smiled brightly. "Flip it like a coin," he instructed with a smirk.
You raised an eyebrow, but did as you were told, flipping the ring up into the air. It transformed into a gorgeous silver staff with a beautiful amethyst orb on the end. "A mage staff? It's perfect, Loki, thank you!" you told him brightly when you figured out what it was and realized he'd given you the gift of increased magic.
"You're welcome darling. It will help enhance your abilities like your little gift has done for me," he told you warmly and indicated the arm that had the tech you'd enhanced for him still on it. He never took It off. You were already planning on how to upgrade that piece of tech for him, since you'd made the original with subpar materials.
You stood from your throne and wrapped your arms around Loki's neck to kiss him deeply to the cheers of the crowd around you.
Thor cleared his throat from behind Loki. "There's one more offering for tribute on your lady's nameday," he informed the pair of you and approached your throne.
Loki showed you how to turn your staff back into a ring and you slipped it on carefully before you took the little box from Thor. You opened it to find a slim black ring with a purple stone. "It is tradition on Asgard for a noble lady to wear such a ring in her colors," Thor explained softly enough that those who didn't know you were half Asgardian wouldn't overhear. You looked concerned at the ring, it was far too big. Thor chuckled. "Don't fret, Mother charmed it herself. It will fit its wearer," he told her and while you slipped it on, he gave Loki a look, hoping his message was delivered to his brother. He and Frigga both approved of you in order to make sure you had this ring. Loki smiled at Thor and nodded his thanks. "Oh, before I forget to mention. Mother sent something home for you with me when I returned to get your lady's present. I left it on your bed for you," he told Loki .
Loki nodded and kissed the top of your head. "I will be right back, darling," he told you warmly and went to see what his mother sent for him.
Thor sighed. "I didn't mean for him to go get it right now," he grumbled, but should've known better when it was something related to Loki's beloved mother. You laughed and turned to the rest of the guests to thank them again for the wonderful gifts.
While you were socializing with your friends and family, Loki found a package wrapped in cloth and sealed with a magic ribbon on his bed. He smiled warmly at his mother's handiwork and broke the spell on the ribbon. Inside the package, he found an old healer's journal with a page marked and a note from Frigga. [I found the proof it will work] read Frigga's note. Loki read the marked page of the journal which told of a nearly exact same case a millennia ago where an Asgardian/Midgardian mongrel was healed and turned completely Asgardian after they had been cursed by a parasitic Midgardian creature that drank blood.
/Thank you, Mother/ Loki called across the realms. His relief could be heard in his voice.
/I will be ready whenever you are/ Frigga replied warmly.
/I will let my lady know after her nameday party. I'm not sure how the news of our return to Asgard will effect her/ Loki was understandably concerned that you would be reluctant to return to Asgard after what you'd been through the first two times you'd been there.
/Very well. Let me know when you are returning. I miss you, my son/ Frigga told him warmly.
/I miss you too, Mother. I will see you soon./
He ended the connection and returned to the party. He smiled warmly at you when he saw you surrounded by your friends. Like a little ball of sunshine, all the attention in the room was on you. He went to approach Bucky while you were occupied. He might be able to help. Yes, he might be able to help Loki indeed. Bucky looked over at him as he approached. "What's up, Odinson?" he asked.
Loki sighed. "I just received some news from my mother, I need to tell kitten," he'd adopted just referring to you by his nickname for you in front of everyone. "but I'm not sure of the best way to tell her," he admitted. He knew how much you would resist the idea of returning to Asgard, even for this.
Bucky raised an eyebrow. "You're the one with the silver tongue. Besides, I'm sure whatever your mother has to say would hardly be something that would harm Striga," he added. He'd heard all about the wonderful Frigga and doubted she could do anything to harm someone on purpose.
"It might if it means returning to Asgard," Loki grumbled. That was the holdup.
Bucky winced. "Yeah... Why does she have to go to Asgard?"
"My mother has found something to help her, a cure, but it has to be done on Asgard,"
Bucky sighed. "You best just suck it up and tell her, then. She can usually be reasoned with. If it's something to help her condition, she might even agree. You know she hates what she is, and hates it more now that the pendant you gave her broke and she can't go out in the sun anymore. She tries to hide it but," he shrugged. He observed a lot more around the tower than anyone gave him credit for. Most people only saw the stoic soldier, not the man. "If she refuses, I'll bundle her up myself and drag her kicking and screaming if that's what it takes to help her," he offered with a smirk.
Loki placed a hand on Bucky's shoulder. "Thank you, Bucky." Bucky nodded. He was willing to be the bad guy so Loki didn't have to. Loki went to speak with Thor. "I need your help with something, brother," he greeted Thor without preamble.
Thor looked up from his conversation with Brenna. "Go bother someone else for awhile, little imp. Lady Natasha has quite a few stories about her fighting prowess," he told Brenna and pointed out Nat for her. He turned to Loki when Bree had gone. "What do you need?" he asked Loki, always willing to help his brother with whatever he needed.
"Once this party is over, we need to speak with kitten about returning to Asgard. Mother says the item to help her with her affliction will work but only on Asgard," he told Thor simply.
Thor sighed heavily. "Why can you never set me an easy task once in awhile?" Thor whined, teasing his brother. Loki stiffened and Thor chuckled, until he saw Loki's expression. "Don't fret, I will help, though you know she will listen to you far sooner than she will listen to me. Unless you're planning on having me throw her over my shoulder and carry her to Asgard..." Loki smirked that he and Bucky both made the same offer to make sure you got to Asgard.
You came over to the pair before Loki could answer and stole a kiss. "Everything ok? I've barely seen you all night," you told him.
"Everything is fine. Though I do have something to speak with you about as soon as your party has come to a close," he told you gently.
You smirked and reached up to push his lips up into a smile. He chuckled at your antics. "I'm sure whatever it is will be just fine," you told him with a grin.
It wasn't long before the party broke up, but you spent a long time saying goodbye to your mom and sister, despite promises all around that to visit again soon.
"Farewell, Aunt Bryn," Thor told her when they finally were leaving and kissed her cheek. "Little Brenna," he added and kissed the top of her head, apparently having adopted her already. It's what Thor did.
"Take care of my daughter, little Loki," your mom told Loki firmly before she left.
You rolled your eyes. "Mom~" your tone clearly told her that you didn't need anyone taking care of you. You were already dead for goodness' sake.
Loki smirked, ignoring you. "You have my word, Lady Brynhilde," he told her warmly.
She kissed his cheek. "I did always think she would get along with you swimmingly were you two to ever meet. I'm glad I was proven correct," she told him softly while your sister gave him a not quite real glare.
"If you break her heart, you have to face my wrath," she warned, glaring up at him. As if he weren't a thousand year old god who could kill her with no more than a thought.
"Bree!" you scolded, knowing Loki's homicidal tendencies when he was challenged, though he usually gave some consideration for youths before he went completely homicidal and stabby, but still. It wasn't wise to challenge him, especially when your sister couldn't wind.
Loki gave Brenna his trademark mischievous smirk. "Do not worry. Your sister is safe in my care. I would not do anything to hurt her or allow anything to happen to her,"
Bree put her hands on her hips and continued to glare up at him. "Or do something stupid like break up with her and break her heart?" she demanded. You glared at her, trying to get her to stop before she ended up very dead.
"I would never do anything of the sort. Breaking her heart would just result in me breaking my own. I love your sister with all that I am. Nothing will change that," he told her warmly, clearly accepting the challenge of his character, though you didn't know why.
Bree grinned. "Good!" she informed him and kissed his cheek too before she and your mom left after one final goodbye and bone-crushing home.
With their departure, the party officially ended and you vanished your presents up to the sitting room in your suite to sort through later. You went to Loki and hugged him. He wrapped his arms around you and pressed a kiss to the top of your head. "Did you have a good birthday, sweetheart?" he asked you warmly.
"It was wonderful!" you replied, your voice fully of warmth and joy. You leaned up to kiss him and he eagerly returned your kiss.
Though it was broken all too soon. He hesitated, something clearly on his mind. "We need to talk, little one," he told you gently.
You looked up at him, instantly concerned. "That is never a good start to a conversation..." you informed him, scared. Loki hesitated, trying to figure out how to explain. "Loki, what's going on?" you asked him nervously.
He sighed. "I have received word from my mother. She has found a way to cure you of your vampirism," he told you and you felt yourself light up in excitement. You wanted nothing more that to stop being a vampire. You hated needing blood. You hated not being able to go out in the sun. "The cure requires us to return to Asgard," he told you gently.
Your excitement vanished in an instant when his sentence registered. "Lokes, I can't go back to Asgard," you reminded him. "I can't. Your father wouldn't let me return except to be his lab rat," you reminded him that you'd been kicked from Asgard and experimented on.
"My mother will not allow that. You have my word that we will all protect you. My mother will stand against the Allfather to keep you safe if she has to. She would not invite you to Asgard for this cure if it is unsafe," Loki reassured you gently.
"No, Loki. I'm not going to get all of you in trouble on my account," you told him, more worried about him and Frigga than yourself. "I can live with this affliction. I can't live with anything happening to you, or your family,"
/Mother, this isn't going very well. She's worried about putting all of us in danger. Have you figured out what to do about Father?/
/Your Father has very grudgingly agreed to allow her here for healing, especially when I informed him of her heritage. I just neglected to tell him what the healing will entail. It's all sorted/ Loki thanked her and ended the connection now that he had more ammunition to convince you with.
"If Mother says she can cure your affliction, then she can. You will be safe, you're a Lady of Asgard too. And before you worry about us, Father will not do anything against us," Thor jumped in, trying to help.
"My brother is right, dearest. Now that we and the Allfather know that you are a noble of Asgard, you will not be harmed. Even he would not take the risk of upsetting all of the court," Loki reassured you gently.
You were still afraid for them. "Are you sure it's worth it?" you asked, afraid of Odin's retaliation to Loki, Thor, or Frigga for protecting you.
"If you wish to be rid of this affliction that I know you do not like, then yes,"
"I do" you agreed softly. "I-if you're sure it'll be ok," you agreed nervously.
"I will be with you every step of the way. Nothing shall do you harm," Loki promised. That didn't help. Why couldn't he see that that didn't help? That wasn't what you were worried about.
"Always so perceptive about everyone but yourself, brother," Thor quoted Frigga's words to his brother. "Your little lady is not concerned over herself, but over you. She'd risk her own cure to make sure you're safe," he turned to you. "He will be just fine, lady, now kindly agree to come with us," Thor's tone left no room for questioning. So you agreed. "When do you wish to leave, brother?" Thor gripped your arm to keep you from wandering off to go play with your new computer, since she assumed you were leaving much later, if the boys didn't forget about it entirely.
"As soon as possible. Mother does miss the both of us and I'm sure she'd love to see my little kitten," Loki teased you and kissed you sweetly to keep you from grumbling about the nickname too much. "We will keep you away from the allfather and I will be alright. Don't fret too much." Thor let go of your arm since you wouldn't wander off while Loki was speaking to you directly. Or prying you with kisses to behave.
Loki and Thor led you over to the others in the ballroom where they were cleaning up the last of the cake and party decorations. Loki actually addressed them instead of leaving it for Thor to do. "We are needed back on Asgard. My mother has found a cure for kitten's affliction," he explained to the team, who looked understandably apprehensive, though they knew the boys weren't going to let anything happen to you.
"She can really cure this?" Stark asked, too hopefully. He really had a soft spot for you.
"My mother would not tell us something without first ensuring that it would work," Loki replied defensively. Stark nodded. He'd met Frigga and actually liked her, so he accepted Loki's logic and nodded.
"Let us know when you get back," Bucky told the Asgardians firmly. He was worried about you, given your previous visits to Asgard. Loki nodded, though he reconsidered, wanting to invite his friend along. He would make the perfect extra protection for you.
Thor caught Loki's expression. "Loki, no, I know that look. We can't bring anyone else with us," he protested worriedly
Loki sighed, wanting to argue.
"You want me to come to Asgard with you?" Bucky asked, getting the gist of the issue. He would gladly go to Asgard to keep you safe.
Loki nodded. "It would make me feel more comfortable that kitten would have more protection while in Asgard. And besides my kitten and my brother, you're the only other person I trust." Thor sighed, resigned to the fact that Bucky was coming and they'd have to protect him from Odin as well. Though, it would be good to have him there.
"Hey!" Nat protested with mock-indignation and stuck her tongue out at Loki.
"And Lady Natasha, of course," Loki corrected quickly with a grin. She nodded her forgiveness for his mistake.
Bucky nodded and considered the request. "Bucky! No!" you protested. "It's too dangerous!" you started to go into a long, well-prepared speech about how he shouldn't put himself in danger on her account especially with his life still being put back together and his mind so newly healed.
Bucky huffed and cut off your rant by stomping over and throwing you over his shoulder, holding you in place with his metal hand. "She's a handful when you get her riled. Shall we?" Bucky asked Loki pleasantly, ignoring your logical, if quite loud, protests.
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