Chapter 48
Loki teleported himself and Bucky back to the tower. You and the entire team were in the common room, waiting for his return. "It has been taken care of," he announced and tossed Mjolnir back to Thor. You saw that Cap in particular wanted to ask what 'taken care of' meant, but he also wasn't sure he wanted to know what Loki and his best friend had been up to. He didn't want to know how many people had died.
Thor caught the hammer easily while you jumped off of the couch to check on your boys and then hug your Loki when you were convinced that they were both ok. Loki kissed you and relaxed in your arms. You kissed him back, just as glad to have him home safely as he was to see that you were safe now. You were safe and he didn't have to worry about your secret being shown to the entire world any longer. "You have nothing to fear any longer, little one. Hydra will not be coming after you again after what we did," he reassured both you and himself.
"So can you get her to tell us what she did? She's being annoyingly humble," Stark grumbled at Loki, interrupting your kiss. You huffed and grumbled about how you had told them about your code that would stop the footage from reaching the press or internet.
Loki smirked over your head. "She completely dismantled Hydra from the inside," he informed them proudly.
"WHAT? HOW?" the entire team demanded loudly, staring in awe at you, the tiny little vampire, looking far too innocent in your pajamas adorably hugging your Loki.
"The code may have had something to do with it..." you said modestly, flushing a little at all the attention. You weren't used to it. Besides, you code wasn't that impressive... Sure it wasn't.
"My lady is modest," Loki commented and squeezed you a little tighter, kissing the top of your head. "You are absolutely amazing, dearest," he informed you while the team continued to stare.
You stepped out of Loki's arms and pulled him onto the couch so you could curl yourself properly in his arms. Loki allowed himself to be dragged without question or complaint and purred when he had you safe in his arms. "Kid, what'd you do?" Cap asked once you were settled.
Stark gave you a look too. "What exactly did you set the code to do?" he demanded of you. He was in the right to demand to know what you'd done with his tech.
Thusly cornered, you had to answer properly and though over how to explain it to the non-techheads. "I intercepted any attempts to send out that footage and traced it back to the source device, no matter how many access jumps it took. Jarvis followed behind, pulled all of the data from the device, and then blew it up. So if it worked correctly, which I'm guessing it did by Loki's excessive praise, all of the cellphones, computers, and servers in Hydra are currently on fire and Jarvis has every piece of intelligence and secret that Hydra had," you explained. It was a tricky piece of code and some creative working with Jarvis' capabilities that had allowed it.
You were too damn smart for your own good.
Loki inclined his head. "You deserve every ounce of praise I have given you and more. You even had Cyborg in awe," he explained and Bucky nodded his agreement. You could see the awe in his eyes.
Nat seemed to figure out the implications first. You could practically see the gears in her head spinning as she thought over what you'd done and what it meant. "That cripples Hydra and gives us all of their intel," she said softly. The others looked impressed when you nodded your agreement of her assessment.
"Stark, I think she's officially smarter than you," Clint added dryly.
Stark just nodded his head in awe while you blushed at the high praise coming from him. "I never could have done that with nothing more than Jarvis, some energy drinks, and an ancient computer that should have been put out of its misery years ago..." he was clearly thinking of what it would take for him to have pulled it off and coming up with a lot more than what you'd done.
"Don't make fun of Gigo!" you scolded him, overly defensive of your poor ancient desktop computer. Stark chuckled at your computer's name. He understood the reference.
"I would never dream of making fun of Gigo. And he has a much better name than Dum-e and You..." his machines were terribly poorly named.
Loki kissed your forehead. "Truly remarkable, you are, my love," he praised. You didn't even want to know how many shades or red you were from all of the praise. Cap started working with Nat in particular, but all of the team to come up with plans to go through all the new intel they had and determine what to send along to Fury.
You turned to Loki. "I meant to ask you, but got distracted. When you took Gigo's body home... d-did you notice...?" you trailed off, unable to finish your question. He'd been in the house longer that time, but he was trying not to be seen and probably hadn't checked on your mom and little sister.
Loki shook his head. "I did not. It was quiet both times I was there,"
You nodded and couldn't tell if you were relieved or worried. "I'm sure they're ok..." you finally said softly, trying to convince yourself as much as anything.
You were all sitting around at breakfast a few mornings later when Cap spoke up. "Because of what she did to Hydra, Director Fury wants Y/N to come to the helicarrier and help Shield out with something," he told you and Loki.
You looked at Cap confused. "He actually wants me back there? He hates me for bypassing his stupid security system last time I was there..." you grumbled, not comprehending why Fury could possibly want you back on his helicarrier after the last time you were there.
Loki squeezed your hand. "Don't fret darling. If Fury tries to do anything unseemly, he'll have to go through me first." You nodded and kissed Loki's cheek.
You shrugged in response to Cap. "I guess I can help him out. I mean I am the reason he and all of Shield have so much data to go through..." you admitted.
"They would not have the data without you. You technically took down a whole portion of hydra with your code," Loki reminded you all.
Thor hesitated, but he had to remind Loki of a fact "Brother, you do remember that Shield is even more overprotective and unreasonable than you are..." he started, then hesitated again. "You know they will not allow you on the helicarrier without your powers bound,"
Loki growled in frustration. "Have I not proven myself yet? I have done nothing but help this realm and this team. What cause do they have to continue to bind me after everything I've done?" he asked, his voice wounded.
"Director Fury is an ass. He is a lot like father, attempting to do what is best for the people as a whole at the sacrifice of the individuals involved. It does not matter to such as they whether you deserve the treatment or not," Thor replied sadly. He didn't want to hurt Loki. He never wanted his brother hurt.
Loki growled, but seemed to have nothing else to say to that. You touched his arm to try to reassure him. "Look, I'll call Fury. I'm sure whatever he wants help with, I can do from here. It's probably tech related anyway..."
Loki sighed, knowing you wouldn't be able to get out of going to the helicarrier just for his sake. "He will likely wish for you to go to the helicarrier. If I need to be bound in order to be there with you, so be it," he finally said through gritted teeth. He'd do what he had to in order to be with you. He wouldn't let you face Fury and this unknown task alone.
You shook your head firmly, even more firm when you saw how distressed this was making Loki. "No fucking way. I'm not bringing you in front of a guy who hates me without your powers. If he wants me there so badly, he'll stop being stupid," you growled defensively.
"I am not completely defenseless, kitten, even without my powers. I was trained as a warrior alongside my brother. My specialty may be magic, but I can still do well in hand to hand combat,"
"Don't care, I'm not doing it ," you growled, defensive of your love.
Loki chuckled and kissed your nose. "You're adorable when you're upset, little one,"
You huffed. "Can't anyone be a little afraid of an angry vampire?" you grumbled, actually comfortable enough with the group by now to joke about what you were in the safety of the tower.
"Not a vampire as adorable as you," Loki replied with a fond smile.
You rolled your eyes and gave him a grudging kiss, because your silly trickster was being adorable. "Still not letting Fury get away with this. If he wants my help he can accept it on my terms,"
Nat sighed and finally gave you the rest of the news. "Fury doesn't just want your help. He's making us all come. Stupid yearly physical and mental assessments to make sure those of us besides Stark aren't power hungry megalomaniacs with superpowes," she smirked at Stark, who glared in reply, but eventually shrugged and accepted his assessment as a power hungry megalomaniac. "So it won't just be you and boyfriend there,"
"Will I have to partake in these assessments?" Loki asked, clearly dreading the idea.
Nat just gave him a look and had clearly not had enough coffee yet as she was glaring and grumpy. "Why do you think I'm warning you about them, noodle?" she grumbled at him. Only you were allowed to call him 'noodle' though apparently annoyed sleep deprived assassins were also allowed without stabbing. Loki groaned and grumbled about the stupid nickname, but he wisely didn't argue with the grumpy assassin.
"When do we leave?" he asked instead.
"After breakfast. Fury is sending a jet to collect us," Cap explained.
Nat downed about three more cups of coffee and looked like she was about to fight Thor over the last sausage. He wisely gave it up. After breakfast, the team scattered to get dressed and met back up on the launch deck. You sat just inside the building, out of the sun, playing with the nanotech reactor you stole from the lab while you waited for the jet to arrive. Loki walked up to where you were sitting. "I am surprised Stark has not yet asked what you're doing with that,"
You looked up at him with a smirk. "He was more surprised I respected your wishes for me to stay out of the lab that long,"
"It was for your own good, darling. You needed the rest,"
"I'm not saying it wasn't. Just that Stark was surprised I actually listened instead of just letting myself back in the lab," it wasn't like you couldn't have hacked your way back into the lab whenever you felt like it. You were just respecting Loki's wishes for you to rest.
"I'm just relieved you actually listened to me," Loki told you with a warm smile and kissed your forehead.
You smiled up at him and put the last screw back in the nanoreactor. "Stark! Heads up!" you called and tossed the reactor out to where he was standing in the sun with the others. He caught it easily and gave you a look, wondering what he was supposed to do wiht it. "Try it on, doofus," you told him with an overexaggerated eyeroll. He did and the nanotech suit assembled around him smoothly.
Loki looked impressed. He knew how long Stark had been working on that piece of tech. "Excellent work, little one,"
You smiled and kissed him softly for the praise, but quickly turned your attention back to the suit. "It's not right..." you murmured and headed out to get a closer look, squinting agains the bright sun that day.
Loki noticed you squinting as he came outside with you. "Is the pendant not working?" he asked, concern in his tone.
You pulled out your sunglasses. "It works," you reassured him quickly "My eyes are just sensitive." You saw the light in Loki's eyes, saw the gears in his mind turning as he was considering a stronger spell. Or asking his mother for advice on a stronger spell to better protect you from the sun.
You investiaged Stark's suit and took notes as you discussed it with Stak. It needed some fixing and perfecting before he'd be able to use it. Soon the jet arrived and everyone piled onto it. You curled up with Loki where you could hide from the windows. Loki caught what you were doing and tucked your face against his chest to help hide your eyes from the sun. It would be brutal to you when you got above the cloud line.
You blushed a little at his attention, at his desire to keep you as safe and comfortable as possible. "Sorry..." you murmured. "It's just... the sun's brighter up here," you confessed.
"I would never be against cuddling with you, my darling," Loki reassured you and kissed to top of your head as he pulled you tighter into his arms. You smiled at that and relaxed in his arms.
Some of the Shield agents began drawing lots as soon as you took off to see who had to remind Loki about the restraint tech. Surprisingly, none of them team was willing to help them deal with the soon to be angry Loki. Loki was just content to spend his time with you and ignore the idiot agents. Eventually, though, one of the agents approached the pair, looking terrified. "Um... Mr. Loki... sir? Director Fury said you had to wear this..." he trailed off, holding a piece of tech up.
You sat up and snarled at the idiot agent. Your temper was shot with the exposure to the sun. Loki glared at the poor idiot agent. "Is there a reason I am still required to wear that?" Loki asked too politely. Everyone was scared of Loki when he got that tone of being too polite. That was when he tended to be his most dangerous.
"Not by my book, sir," the agent squeaked quickly. "Director's orders,"
The team was making absolutely no moves to help the agent and kept sneaking looks to Loki that clearly said they'd jump in and help him. Loki smirked, noting that you were still snarly and upset. "My lady seems vehemently against me allowing you to put that on me," he commented too innocently.
The agent didn't look concerned about the tiny adorable vampire. You, the little vampire in question got an idea and snatched the tech from the agent's hands while he spluttered in protest. "Seriously? They want to bind your powers with a piece of Jarvis run tech when I'm around? Insulting," you grumbled as you looked the tech over, holding the agent back with one hand on his chest while he tried to reach around you to take it.
"They fail to appreciate just how intelligent you are, darling. Perhaps they forgot that you singlehandedly dismantled Hydra with a computer code,"
"Apparently," you grumbled, then smirked at him. "Wanna have some fun so they'll never try this particular stunt again?" you asked him with a grin.
His smirk of a grin matched your own. "I am always up to causing a little chaos." The rest of the team wisely remained out of whatever you were doing.
You grinned and settled back on the seat next to him and kissed his cheek. "Be a dear and make sure those mean men don't try to steal this back from me?" you asked as you pulled a little tool kit from your dimensional pocket and got to work on the piece of tech. Loki spelled the agents so they were frozen in place like statues and watched you work, wondering what you were up to.
You hooked your phone up to the tech and with a little reprogramming, a couple of curse words, and one spark of electricity, reassembled the tech bangle. "Here, try this on," you told Loki with a grin as you handed it to him. "Trust me," you reassured him when he hesitated. "Would I do anything to hurt you?"
He looked it over curiously. It looked no different than it had ten minutes ago. "What did you do to it?" he asked as he slipped it on, but you saw in his eyes that he felt what you'd done.
You grinned with an extremely mischievous look in your eyes. "Reversed the effects so instead of binding your powers..." you shrugged. "They should be doubled or near abouts." Everyone on the jet gasped at that. They hadn't known such a thing was possible.
Loki's grin turned mischievious as he felt the increased power course through him. "What did I ever do to deserve you?" He asked and pulled you into a deep kiss.
"Treated me like a person and not a monster," you replied when the kiss was broken. You smiled up at him, glad you'd saved him from having his powers bound unjustly. "Have fun, but the sun's giving me a headache, so I'm going to close my eyes until we get there," you told him and kissed his cheek before you curled back up with him, hiding your eyes from the sun.
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