Chapter 44
Loki looked over to Bucky with terror in his eyes. "We must go. Now," he growled in his terror to make sure you were safe. The people who were after you were here. You weren't safe. He had to go get you to safety. Now now now. He glared at the agent. "Those shocks will continue until you inevitably die from the pain," he snarled and rushed toward the door, expecting Bucky to come with him.
Bucky grabbed his arm to stop him. "Wait," he ordered the angry god, glad they were friends and Loki wouldn't smite him without good reason. "Teleport him to the detainment cell of the tower in case we need more information from him later. We don't want anyone to find him," he told Loki, praying he wouldn't get smited for angering the god. Loki at least seem to realize that Bucky was being the voice of reason here. Loki nodded brusquely and waved a hand so the screaming man was teleported away. Bucky raised his hand to his ear to touch the comm device there. " Thor, do you have eyes on Striga?" He asked. Loki paused his headlong rush to get to you, realizing that Bucky could communicate faster with Thor than he could reach Thor easily.
It lasted a whole ten seconds of pausing before he started rushing off again. Bucky cursed Loki's rashness and followed him.
"Yes. Why?" Thor's voice came over Bucky's comm.
"Hydra is here and they're trying to get her back. We're coming to you. Keep an eye on her," Bucky said as Loki came to a complete stop. He must've somehow overheard that Thor had eyes on you and his brain kicked back in. He could feel Thor wherever he was, could track him with magic. They were brothers after all. He grabbed Bucky's arm and teleported straight to Thor's side, where you were happily looking over merchandize at one of the stalls.
You looked up at the sudden appearance of your Loki and gave him a bright warm smile. "Feeling better?" You asked, thinking he'd gone off with Bucky for some time away from all the mortals before he got stabby. Bucky was looking a bit green from teleporting, though, and cursing Loki's use of magic.
Loki tried to smile for you. He really did, but it came out as more of a grimace. You looked concerned at that. Loki may be the god of lies, but he tended to have a hard time lying to you, because he didn't want to. He didn't answer you and turned to Thor instead. "Brother, we must get out of here. Now," he told Thor firmly.
You knew you looked worried. "What's wrong, Lokes? Did something happen?"
Loki's eyes looked haunted when nodded. You could tell that he didn't want to worry you, though. Whatever was going on had to be bad. "It's a long story, dearheart. Just know that right now the convention center is unsafe." You nodded worriedly and took Loki's arm, scanning the area around you, trying to figure out what the danger was and wishing Loki would just tell you, but he was too panicked. Loki glanced at Thor and Bucky while you took his arm. "We need to go. I refuse to lose her to these imbeciles again,"
The pair nodded and you all started for the exit. Bucky was scanning the room for threats, leading the way and Thor followed behind you, guarding your backs. You wished one of them would tell you what was going on, but they all insisted that you needed to get out now. Bucky cursed as you were walking. "Loki, take her. They're disguised as the event security and heading this way to arrest us. Take her home and tell Stark and Cap they may need to bail us out," Bucky told Loki, changing your worry to actual fear.
Loki nodded and teleported the pair of you straight back to the tower where you arrived in the common room standing in front of Cap. "Where is Stark?" Loki demanded when you arrived and while Cap was jumping to his feet at Loki's sudden appearance.
"In the lab. What's going on?" Cap demanded in reply, recognizing there was trouble when Loki teleported back with a frightened vampire in tow. Especially when you were only supposed to be going to a comic convention.
"You, Stark, and I must return to the convention center to help Bucky and my brother. Hydra is after my little vampire and they are holding them off so we could make our escape. Where are Lady Natasha and Barton?" Loki asked, sounding desperate to fix this. Hydra was after you again. No wonder Loki was so terrified.
"They're out on a mission for Fury," Cap replied as he grabbed his shield. It seemed to always be nearby wherever Cap was. "Bruce is at Stark Industries," he added before Loki could ask.
Loki growled softly. "I will not leave my lady here alone. She needs someone to keep her safe while we go back to help my brother and Bucky," he growled at Cap, upset that there was no one here for once.
Cap pondered that for a moment. "Send her to the office. Bruce can lock her in the lab with him and the security there will look after her," he suggested, but Loki looked wary at that suggestion. He was clearly remembering that you'd been taken from the office last time Hydra was after you. Cap gave him a look. "Unless you can teleport her to the helicarrier where Nat and Clint are with Fury, she either stays here locked in our lab, comes with us, or goes to work. There's no one else to keep her safe," Cap insisted, spelling out Loki's three options. You noted that you got no options in the matter. You knew that you weren't a fighter, no matter what Hydra had done to you. You were also still weakened from your last trip to Asgard. You would be useless if this came to a fight.
Loki nodded. "I will teleport her to the helicarrier," he turned to you and finally remembered to consider your feelings on the subject. "Are you alright with that, darling?" He asked gently, softening his tone as he realized that he hadn't been considering you besides his desire to keep you safe. You nodded, but still felt helpless in your fear. Stark had come running in at some point while you were talking, having been told by Jarvis that there was trouble. Loki pulled you into a kiss, hugging you tightly to reassure you. "It'll be alright, darling. I'll come get you when it's safe,"
You kissed him lightly. "I should be helping you," you protested softly, worried for him. You couldn't help when you were being shipped off to shield for safety.
"Not when it means putting you in danger, sweetheart. They are after you. I will not let them take you again," Loki told you gently, but his tone was firm. He would not be reasoned with on this one.
"So you're going to rush into danger instead?" You asked him softly.
"To protect you, yes. But I will not be alone," Loki reassured you.
"I'm not helpless!" You protested. You were taught how to fight by Hydra. You knew how. You just weren't a fighter by nature. "I can help you..." you tried again, but you saw in his eyes that he was implacable on this one. He would be sending you to safety whether you agreed with him or not.
"Please, darling. Just allow me to protect you, this time. They are after you in particular. I have lost you to them once, and only gotten you back a second time so recently. I cannot lose you again," he begged you.
"Tinkerbell, listen to boyfriend. It would be different if they weren't specifically after you. None of us are willing to lose you out of being careless," Stark told you kindly. You knew he was being extra nice to not call Loki 'reindeer games' or one of his other stupid nicknames. 'Boyfriend' was actually a huge step up on the nickname front from Stark. Cap wouldn't fight you if your really wanted to fight Hydra. He was the last one to discourage someone from fighting bullies, but Stark would keep you safe too. He sometimes acted like you really were his niece, or more. You finally nodded, giving up on fighting them, though you felt terrible for it.
"Be careful, all of you," you told them before you'd consent.
"We will, darling," Loki promised and kissed your forehead before he teleported you to the helicarrier with a wave of his hand. He turned quickly to the others, more relaxed when you were safely away from Hydra. "We need to get back, now. We have already delayed enough. I will going to have to teleport us so that we get there faster. Are you ready?" He asked them. They both nodded, though Stark growled that Loki was going to have to touch him to teleport them.
Loki grabbed both of their arms and they reappeared a moment later back at the convention center, right next to Thor and Bucky. Loki could find Thor anywhere and teleport directly to him. A scene was forming around the pair as security people were trying to arrest Thor and Bucky on bogus charges and both were at a loss about what to do about it in front of all of the mortals.
Loki created multiple illusions of himself to usher all of the mortals out of the room where they'd be safe and not witnesses to whatever happened. A small German man stepped foward. "Schmidt," Bucky whispered, identifying the man.
"So, you've hidden the girl away somewhere, pity," Schmidt said, smirking at Loki in particular. Loki growled and moved to rush forward to kill him. Schmidt shook a finger before Loki could get more than a step. "Uh-uh I wouldn't do that unless you want the footage of the avengers pet monster going viral..." he threatened.
Loki growled, a deep menacing sound, but he paused in his attack. "You will pay for what you did. I am not known for being merciful," he threatened right back.
"Nor are you known for being stupid. So you will do nothing to me," Schmidt replied confidently. He knew he had Loki strung up to keep you safe. Loki wouldn't risk your life and freedom.
"We will see about that," Loki snarled.
"We will get the asset back, and our soldier," Schmidt shrugged. "It may not be this day, but even you can't keep her locked away forever,"
"You will not touch her. You will have to get through me first,"
Schmidt laughed openly at that. "Your guard will drop. It has before. It nearly did today had that moron not spilled everything... and even you cannot guard her every moment," he taunted, trusting that his threat would keep him from being killed today. His threat was valid, he would ruin your life with one click of a button. Which would also get the vampires on your tail if that video got out. He watched Loki and laughed again "My how it's fun watching you squirm, Odinson you wish to harm me so badly and yet you stop because of sentiment." Loki continued to glare, wishing he could just stab the bastard who was threatening you. Schmidt read his expression "Go right ahead," he taunted, spreading his arms wide. "I'm sure the public would love to see the monster the Avengers are harboring and letting free upon the world. And I'm sure the vampires will be pleased with her when their secrets are revealed to the world,"
Loki tensed, his hands tightening around the daggers held in his grip. His magic was beginning to spark around him. "Loki, don't," Thor warned softly while Schmidt continued to laugh.
Loki tried to calm himself, but his anger and fear continued to rise. "I can barely keep control, Brother," he admitted just as softly, so Schmidt couldn't hear his admission to weakness. "I do not know what to do,"
"We are at an impasse and he knows it. He has us strung up by the balls to protect your lady. We have to let him go for today," Thor told him softly. "Your lady is safe and we will make sure she stays that way,"
"I cannot just let him walk away for what he did," Loki growled
"Do you wish to ruin her life or worse?" Thor growled in reply, hating having to be the voice or reason for once, but Loki needed him to be, you needed him to be. "If that footage gets out before Mother finds the cure, the vampires will tear your lady apart. Or she will be sent to that special prison in the middle of the ocean where you will never see her again,"
Loki growled and vanished his daggers. He glared at Schmidt. "You're free to go for now. But know this, I will come for you when you never expect it,"
"That is what I thought," Schmidt taunted. "You have won the battle, but we will win the war and reacquire the asset. And if anything happens to me, that footage will go viral, so I highly suggest you bring wine when you come calling," he continued taunting.
Loki teleported to the helicarrier to prevent himself from doing something stupid out of anger.
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