Chapter 41
You didn't wake again until late afternoon, nearly twilight. It took you a long time to recover from your state of being so hung over. Loki was somehow still asleep beside you, which was impressive since she had been far less hungover than you were. You smiled warmly and brushed the hair out of her face and leaned down to kiss her. "Lady-love, it's almost dinner. You should wake up so Thor doesn't eat it all," you told her gently and kissed her again.
Loki seemed to be finally willing to wake up when you peppered her with kisses and she giggled in delight. It was a sound you'd treasure forever. "Should I stay like this or go back to normal?" she asked a bit hesitantly, waiting to see what you'd say.
"Up to you," you replied warmly, pressing another kiss to her lips. "Whichever one is you right now. I don't mind either way." She kissed you happily in reply. You grinned into the kiss and enjoyed kissing your Loki, who was an excellent kisser in this form as well. The kiss eventually ended and Loki looked at you with a warm, loving smile. You grinned and kissed Loki's nose, making her giggle as you bounced out of the bed to open the curtains, letting the evening light into the room before you dug in your dresser for something clean to wear. Loki climbed out of the bed and magicked on an adorable green and black sundress.
"That's cute!" you told her brightly in approval and saw her light up at the praise. Poor thing was so affection starved she was still surprised when you gave her any. You glanced at the jeans and t-shirt in your arms and sighed. "And I'd look like a ragamuffin next to you in this," you grumbled, self conscious about it when she was in female form. You went to your closet to hunt for something nicer.
"I could always help with that," Loki offered with a bright smile. She liked you dressed in nice things. You turned to look at her and tilted your head curiously. Her grin brightened and she snapped her fingers. You felt the magic flow over you in a shimmer of green light.
You looked down to see what your Loki had chosen, assuming it would be something either adorable, gorgeous, or magically both.
It was a red sundress.
A lovely adorable dress. Except that it was scarlet in color.
You nearly immediately started hyperventilating, your brain forgetting in your panic that you didn't need to breath. "No. No. Nonono," your words were too fast, your eyes wide in panic as you felt the blood on your skin, smelled it in the hair. You felt it in your hair. You could see the dead bodies around you. You reached around you, trying to find the zipper or the closure, or anything to rip the offending red dress off. "No! Not again!"
Loki was suddenly male again and snapped his fingers, changing the dress' color to green as he rushed over to you, pulling you into his arms. "I'm so sorry, darling," he told you as he held you tightly while you fought to breathe. You didn't even register that the dress' color had changed. You clutched onto him tightly, trying to calm, trying to think past the memory off all of that blood, of the damn red dress. "I'm sorry," you murmured when you could breathe again, could think again. Once you could think again you started to get embarrassed now over the ridiculous reaction to a pretty dress.
"It's alright, darling. Everything's alright. You're safe. The dress is not red any longer," he told you gently as he ran his fingers through your hair to try to soothe your panic.
You looked down at the dress and nearly sighed in relief. "No. It's not," you agreed softly, still embarrassed.
"You're alright, darling. No harm shall come to you here,"
"I'm sorry...I shouldn't have... not over a silly dress," you protested as you held onto you Loki tightly. He was safe and steady. He also understood better than almost anyone. Though really, anyone in this tower would know and understand what just happened. Hell, Bucky had PTSD episodes all the time. Tony did too, though he tried to deny and hide it.
"I understand, kitten. It brought back too many memories," he told you gently. You nodded and finally calmed
"I'm sorry," you told him softly.
He kissed the top of your head. "There is nothing to be sorry for, my darling. You have done nothing wrong. I should have known," he told you gently. "Are you alright enough to head down to dinner?" he asked you just as gently.
You nodded. "I'm alright now," you reassured him. He kissed the top of your head and took your hand to walk downstairs with you, not at all surprised when you wrapped your arms around his arm adorably.
"Brother, we need to review a document for the Captain after dinner," Thor greeted you when you came down for dinner.
Loki raised an eyebrow. "What document?" he asked as he held your chair out for you and seated you at the table, kissing your cheek as he did.
"The studio sent over the script for the next movie," Cap explained as Loki took his own seat. "We need to review and approve it before they can begin filming. I need you to review it too since you're in it," he explained. Loki inclined his head in agreement.
"Lokes, don't forget we're going to comic con tomorrow," you told him with a grin as you ate your dinner. You'd gotten VIP tickets thanks to your connections of everyone thinking you were actually Stark's niece. Plus you worked with the Avengers. The comic con staff was super excited to have you and Loki coming to attend the con.
"And what exactly is this event?" Loki asked. He'd agreed to the outing without really caring what you did; he just wanted to spend time with you.
"There's a large group of mortals who like superheroes, movies, nerdy things like Star Wars," you made him watch those movies, so he knew about those things. He nodded along, keeping up so far. "They have these gatherings and get famous actors, writers, artists, etc all together for a huge weekend of celebrating the things they love. People dress up as their favorite characters. There's even people there selling merchandise," you told him, nearly bouncing in excitement. You'd been a nerd since you were a small child.
He gave you a bright smile, pleased with your enthusiasm and excitement if nothing else. "I look forward to attending the event with you," he told you warmly.
"In uniform!" you reminded him.
He huffed and rolled his eyes at you. "Yes, darling. In uniform,"
"And the horns!" you insisted.
"Why-?" he stopped at your expectant look. You weren't going to budge on the question of the horns. "Yes, dear, with the horns," he relented.
You don't know who made the whip-cracking noise, but Loki turned tomato red when they did. And growled a threat down the table which was just met with laughter. Poor Loki.
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