Chapter 34
Thor walked beside Loki on the way to their father's chambers. "I know you wish to get back at Father for what he did, and I agree he should pay, but you cannot attack him physically. At best you would be imprisoned again. At worst he would smite you where you stand,"
"I know," Loki growled. "It doesn't mean he doesn't deserve it," Loki knew that Odin couldn't stand such insubordination from his sons. From his wife he could and not have to retaliate. She technically had equal power, even if she didn't often show it. He would have to react if his sons actually moved against him, especially Loki whose place was already so precarious since he was out on the equivalent of parole. "And it doesn't mean I can't introduce him to the sharp side of my tongue," he growled. "He deserves more, but I'm not stupid," he reassured Thor.
Thor laughed. "Good, I was beginning to question your sanity on this little mission of yours. At least your lady is safe with Sif," he sighed in relief at that. He couldn't handle both of you being troublesome at once right now, especially when Loki was bordering on homicidally stupid and you weren't in good shape at all.
"That she is. I hope to make this quick, make sure Mother is handling Father alright, and then get my lady back to her home," Loki told Thor, who seemed to sigh in further relief that Loki wasn't being incredibly stupid and risking his entire future. Loki knew how to plan and wait for the endgame, though, and this wasn't the right time to strike at Odin. It would just hurt you both.
They came to the door to the entrance to Odin's chambers and both paused outside. It was easy to tell which room they were arguing in, since the noise was bleeding through the closed door. Loki smirked over at Thor. "I really would not wish to be in Fathers position, much as he deserves it for what he has done,"
"Nor I. Mother must have been yelling for hours by now. I don't think I've heard her yell this much since the first time you got truly drunk," Thor replied as he started at the closed door, remembering how Loki's magic had gone completely out of control when he'd been that drunk the first time and had blown up a wing of the palace. Thor didn't want to walk onto this battlefield. It was a battle they were doomed to fail, righteous though it was. He prayed again that his brother could avoid getting them both killed.
"I believe it is beyond time to give Mother a break and take our turn to give Father a piece of our minds," Loki said too pleasantly. Thor knew that maliciously pleasant tone and couldn't help checking to make sure Mjolnir was on his belt, assuming this was going to go terribly wrong. Loki shoved open the door and barged straight into Odin's entry room. "You have gone too far this time, Allfather," he snarled at Odin. Thor steeled himself and followed, praying that Loki would keep this confrontation to verbal so they didn't both die here today.
Odin glared over at his sons, looking worse for the wear. His eye was black and based on the state of Frigga's knuckles she had punched him at least one more time. Both of his sons were sure there were injuries that they couldn't see, besides the slim blade the noble ladies carried sticking out of his side. Loki had gotten his propensity for stabbing people from somewhere it seemed...
"I will not defend my actions to you!" Odin yelled at Loki, though he glared at both of his sons for interrupting and barging in. He couldn't fight Frigga's rage, but he could fight his sons.
Loki's rage flared and his magic sparked around him, barely controlled as his rage and pain boiled. "You kidnapped my lady from under my nose, tossed her in a dungeon when she has done nothing wrong, and nearly kill her just to please yourself," Loki growled out his rage at Odin.
He summoned a dagger and threw it in Odin's direction while Thor yelled "Brother! No!" And Frigga stepped forward to try to stop her son as well. The dagger vanished before it even touched Odin, who had flinched from the oncoming blow. It was clearly Loki who had vanished the blade, making his point that he could harm Odin if he were stupid enough to do it. "She has done nothing to deserve your wrath. My lady despises what she is and what you've just done shows how much the power of being the Allfather seems to have nearly corrupted you," Loki snarled. The Allfather was supposed to defend the nine realms, not harm her residents for no reason.
"Watch your tongue, boy, my actions were to protect the realm, as is everything I do. Just because you cannot see how and why does not mean it is not the case," Odin snarled and stormed over to glare at Loki in closer range, trying to intimidate Loki into backing down.
Loki glared up at Odin and reached out a hand towards Thor. Mjolnir flew into his hand from Thor's. He smirked as if Odin had stepped into his trap. "If what you're saying is truly what is best for Asgard..." he began and carefully set the hammer on the ground between them. "Then prove it," he gestured to the hammer, his voice pleasant and polite. Frigga took another step forward, prepared to defend her son.
"Would you stop doing that?" Thor grumbled at Loki, reminding everyone that he was there too and would defend Loki if it came to that. He was also getting annoyed with Loki randomly stealing Mjolnir from him whenever he felt like it because he could now.
"I do not have to prove myself or my actions to you, boy," Odin snarled, but still reached automatically to pick up the stupid hammer, which didn't budge an inch. Loki smirked in triumph without saying a word, allowing the current events to register to the others in the room. Thor and Frigga both stared at Odin, who was staring in shock at Mjolnir. All three had horrified expressions on their faces. Odin stopped and considered recent events and what everyone in the room had said about you and your personality. "I... may... have been overzealous in my efforts to defend the realm," he finally admitted softly. It didn't fix anything or make anything better, but it was a step.
"The great Allfather has just admitted he has made a mistake? Preposterous," Loki scoffed in a superior tone.
"Loki, enough, your point has been made," Frigga told him gently. Loki nodded, obedient to his mother, though he wanted to torment Odin more. "Your Father has some thinking to do over recent events and will be unable to resume his duties as king due to a couple of unfortunate spells that have come his way," Frigga explained to her sons with a mischievous smirk. She had done something to Odin, though she wasn't saying what. "I will be taking responsibility for the throne while he is unable. I believe the effects will last at least as long as your lady was and remains ill," she added too innocently.
Loki still bit back a growl. He wanted to do more to get payback for you for the unjust treatment.
Frigga looked directly at him before she spoke again, but this time her voice was ethereal, her eyes glowing gold as she spoke. "Retribution will come in time. This is not the correct time. Events from the past must come to light. Secrets must be revealed. Great golden change will come. Then and only then will it be time for retribution for this crime," she said in that ethereal tone that told Loki and Odin that she was seeing the future.
She blinked and shook her head as if to clear it and her sons and husband quickly schooled their expressions so as to not worry her. She tended not to remember the things she saw and asking her about them would just distress her. Odin was wisely staying silent for all of this, and was looking sicker and sicker as the conversation continued. Frigga looked between her sons concerned, but turned her focus to Loki. "Where is your lady? Surely you did not leave her alone in her state?" There was a slight hint of disapproval in her tone.
"Not to worry, Mother. She is with Sif in the healing wing," Loki told her warmly, completely ignoring Odin, though there was a gleam in his eye at Odin's state, at the revelation that Odin was no longer worthy, at whatever spells his Mother had wrapped around the Allfather.
"That is not a reassuring statement, darling. Care to rephrase it?" Frigga asked, also ignoring her husband as she picked up the hammer to hand back to Thor.
"Lady Sif is merely keeping her company and acting as guard," Thor reassured Frigga quickly before she got too far down the wrong idea that your health had deteriorated.
Frigga nodded her understanding, reassured. "Surely you came up here for a reason, boys?" She asked them, getting back on track, all while ignoring the deteriorating Odin, who was wisely remaining silent since the attention was off of him.
Thor took the hammer and looked like he was going ask her something about her vision until Loki stomped unceremoniously on his foot. Loki also waved his hand and Frigga's blade removed itself from Odin and flew to Loki's hand. He summoned a handkerchief to clean the blade before he handed it back to Frigga. Noble ladies, even the queen, did not go unarmed. He also healed the cuts on her knuckles, tutting over them as he worked. She thanked him and kissed his cheek. He was always taking care of her.
"We did," he told her when he was finished taking care of her and had kissed her cheek. "We were hoping to speak with you, Mother. My lady, Thor and I must return to Midgard soon,"
"Are you certain she is alright to travel?" Frigga asked them concerned as she led the boys from the room to head back down to the healing wing.
"She is fine for now, Mother. But the team is surely worried about her well-being and she has supplies back home that will help her heal properly," AKA an entire refrigerator of blood from the butcher's. "She likely also does not wish to be here longer than she has to be. Nothing against you, of course, but we will all feel better when she is safely back to her home..."
"That is quite understandable," Frigga replied reassuringly. She understood your sentiment. "This realm has not been particularly kind to her... my idiot husband in particular..." she grumbled as she led them quickly to the healing wing.
Sif rushed over the second the trio entered the healing wing. "Loki, I'm so sorry! I only turned my back for a moment!" she told him with a hint of franticness in her voice that was so unlike the goddess of war.
"What happened, Sif?" Loki was immediately on the defensive, worried for you. "Where's Y/N?" he demanded, terrified you'd been taken or worse.
Sif pointed at a giant piece of expensive looking equipment which you were currently halfway inside of with a toolbox next to you. "I have no idea what she's doing..." Sif told him. "I was telling her old stories of you and Thor as kids to entertain her, the ninnies came over fretting over something, and the next thing I knew she was like that!" Sif gestured again to where you were working.
Loki shook his head in exasperation relieved that you were just being... you and weren't in actual danger. "Darling, what do you think you're doing?" he asked you gently, his voice full of loving exasperation at your antics.
"The ninny-brained healers were whining the machine doesn't work," you replied distractedly, not bothering to move except to grab a different screwdriver.
"So you decided to completely take it apart?" he asked you overly patiently.
"I had to take it apart to reach the broken piece"
Loki glared at the healers while Sif grumbled: "She's reasonable when she answers you questions," she growled in frustration. "She started babbling science at me when I asked what in Valhalla she was up to..."
"What was it about this machine that wasn't working?" Loki asked the healers with ice in his tone. Frigga watched on amused to see how he would handle the situation. She occasionally tested her sons' leadership skills and this was just an example of those kind of tests.
The healers looked scared and more sheep-like and ninny-brained than usual. "It wouldn't turn on!~~" They whined pathetically as if that would get Loki off of their backs.
Loki growled in annoyance and frustration at them. "Well, there's nothing to stop her now that you've got her going..." he grumbled as they fled.
You laughed. "Hold your horses, noodle, it's almost fixed," you replied and soon were putting the machine back together.
"You never cease to amaze, kitten," he told you warmly and helped you back to your feet when you were finished, stealing a chaste kiss as he did. He also conveniently led you away from the machines before you found something else that 'needed' fixing.
Sif snirked and grinned at Loki getting called noodle again. "Noodle?" she asked and burst into actual laughter. Loki completely ignored her.
You turned to Frigga and blushed a little at getting caught repairing her machines again. "I patched up the machine. The power supply is faulty, but it will hold until you can get a proper mechanic up to do a full repair of it," you told her politely.
"On that note darling, are you ready to return to Midgard?" Loki asked you.
You nodded, unbelievably ready to return home. You would ask him about what happened with Odin later. Right now you wanted the comfort of home. "Definitely," you agreed. You turned to Sif with a grin. "Thanks for the stories!" you told her brightly. Sif inclined her head, amused by Loki's little ball of sunshine.
You all made your way to the Bifrost where Thor's idiot warrior friends were waiting to see you off too. The morons were at least very careful around you, since Thor, Loki, and Frigga were all making damn sure that no offense came to you.
Fandral smirked at Loki when he was out of Frigga's and your earshot. "So Loki, there's bets going around on why your lady keeps calling you 'noodle'. It's cuz you can't get it up, right?" he teased stupidly. Loki rolled his eyes, but otherwise ignored the stupidity that was that answer. Much as he wanted to stab Fandral, he didn't want to cause a scene in front of Frigga. "Spoilsport," Fandral grumbled.
You caught Loki's expression and went over to hug him. "Do I have to beat up Thor's friends for you?" you asked him, though you weren't in any shape to actually accomplish that task. They didn't need to know that.
Loki gave you a warm smile. "I appreciate that, little one," he told you and kissed the top of your head, giving Fandral a malicious smirk. "It is nothing I can't handle. Are you ready to go?" You nodded, relieved to be finally going home.
After one final farewell to Frigga, Heimdall did the thing with the the sword and you stepped toward the Bifrost . Thor came up on your other side so you were between the two boys and you all went through together.
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