Chapter 33
As promised, a few hours later you were disturbed by a pair of maids coming into Loki's suite. You jolted awake at the intrusion and it was obvious that your instincts had been affected by Odin's treatment and the fact that you were still in this realm when your instinct was to jolt awake with blades in your hands. You didn't know where the daggers had come from nor did you care. All you cared about what intruders when you were sleeping and helpless.
Loki grabbed the daggers from your hands and vanished them. "Easy, darling, it's just the maids. They're here to help you," he told you gently. You heard the heartbreak in his voice that his little non-fighter of a vampire was drawing daggers on the maids.
"Maids?" you asked him softly, confused, but let him take the blades. You weren't used to such things and while you didn't trust Asgard, you loved and trusted Loki, so if he said it was safe, it had to be.
He chuckled and kissed the top of your head. "Yes, darling, maids. Welcome to life as a noble on Asgard," he teased as he got up to let the maids in.
"I'm not a noble!" you protested, feeling and sounding much more like your normal self. You got up too, shakier than you'd like, but managed to keep your feet under you.
"Yes, but you are being courted by one of the princes of Asgard," he reminded you with a smirk as he looked back over at you. He saw your unsteady wobbly legs and wrapped an arm around you, supporting you. "Steady, darling," he told you with concern in his voice. He didn't like at all that you were this weak.
"I'm fine," you reassured your worried Loki quickly. You were at least fed and rested enough to get to your feet and stay there. It was better than you had been. Loki didn't look reassured, though.
The maids entered and Loki's summons. "Your highness? The Allmother sent us to help your lady," the elder of the two women said a touch too politely, a bit nervously. Loki was known for his short temper, though you thought he was usually polite with the maids. It was then you saw that his short temper was plastered on his face. He was on edge with you in this state and you could see that he didn't think you were safe, not when you'd been abducted and brought here by the Allfather who was supposed to care for the people.
You saw his effort to soften his expression to polite instead of hostile. "Very well. Get to it, then," he told them a bit stiffly, but as politely as he could manage.
/Loki~/ you whined at him. You didn't want to deal with maids. Even more, you didn't want to be separated from him. It wasn't safe here in this stupid realm. You were thin and frail, though and the maids easily whisked you off to the bath.
Loki sighed and heavily returned to sitting on his bed. He was worried over how weak and frail you were and extraordinarily pissed at Odin for doing this to you. He hated that you weren't safe in Asgard, in his home. You should have been safe. Being courted by him should have granted you safety from any threat on Asgard since an attack on his love was an attack on him. All he wanted to do was get you back to the tower under guard and come back to beat the shit out of Odin, but he didn't think you could handle travelling by Bifrost in your state.
"How is she?" Thor asked from the doorway to Loki's bedroom. "Don't worry, my friends are fed, drunk, and happy without me for a little while," he reassured Loki quickly.
"I thought you hated Y/N for the fact that she needs blood to survive," Loki growled coldly at him. He hadn't forgotten Thor's outburst earlier.
Thor huffed. "No, I do not hate Lady Y/N. She's like a little sister to me. I was just... frightened earlier. She took more of your blood than she should have, than was good for you. I was frightened for you to see you so weakened and she very well may have killed you had I not stopped her," Thor explained softly, gently.
"She wasn't coherent enough to know what she was doing. We should have realized... I'm just so used to her having such impeccable control that I hadn't even thought that she might not be coherent enough to know when to stop," he seemed relieved that Thor didn't hate you. He relaxed and looked up at Thor. "To answer your question: she's doing better since she fed, got some food in her, and gotten some rest. She's still weak and frail and I don't trust her to be able to handle travelling by Bifrost in this state," he admitted. "I just want to get her back to Midgard and safety so I can come beat some sense into the Allfather for this injustice," he sighed heavily. "I don't think it's going to be safe for her to travel until she's fed again..." he was clearly trying to figure out how to convince you to take his blood now that you were coherent enough to argue.
"Absolutely not," Thor protested firmly. Loki opened his mouth to protest that you needed more blood, desperately. "You're in no shape to donate more to her. She already took too much from you," he told Loki, who growled in reply, knowing that Thor was right and hating it. "What about animal blood? I can get the Warriors Three sober enough to go on a hunt," Thor suggested.
Loki shook his head. "Animal blood can sustain her when she's at full strength or restore her when she's close to it, but she's far too weak for animal blood to do her any good. You saw how much she had taken of my blood and mine is full of magic, plus Asgardian and stronger than human blood." He'd wheedled a lot of information about vampires out of you over the near year that you'd known him. "So I have to give her mine. I need to get her home. I don't trust her to be safe here. Not when it was the Allfather who put her in this state in the first place..." Loki said with tears in his eyes.
"No," Thor repeated firmly. "You cannot-" Loki opened his mouth to protest and Thor cut him off. "I will instead,"
Loki looked downright shocked at that. "You would do that for her?" He asked Thor, touched since Thor always seemed to hate that you needed blood to survive.
Thor inclined his head. "I will," he told Loki. "I trust her and she's like a sister to me and I wish to get her strength up as soon as possible as well. We will all feel safer when she is back on Midgard,"
As he was talking, the maids led you back out of the bathing room after a battle consisting of you insisting that you could do things for yourself and them not listening to you and insisting on helping you bathe. You'd lost the battle for which you were deeply ashamed. Especially since they'd been so polite about it. The maids looked relieved to turn you back over to Loki to let him deal with you. You may have been a bit stubborn with them.
Just a bit.
The maids had dressed you in an Asgardian style nightdress which would normally be flattering, but now had just painfully displayed just how thin and frail you'd become.
Loki rushed over and wrapped his arms around you to support you while Thor stepped back to give you the illusion of privacy. The maids fled, their jobs done and looked relieved to flee. "That wasn't so bad, was it, darling?" he asked you trying to be his warm jovial self.
You stuck your tongue out and made a face. "The maids were horrid. They tried to insist that I can't bathe myself," you grumbled at him. "I don't know how you deal with the feather-brained maids...but getting clean was nice," you admitted softly.
Loki seemed to look over your form then when he saw what you were wearing. His expression turned sorrowful. "Oh, darling," he said mournfully when he finally got a good look at you.
"What, Lokes?" you asked him softly, though you knew. You knew you looked bad. You knew it was awful when you could barely stand on your own.
"I'm so sorry for what Odin did to you," he told you softly, tightening his hug, though that just upset him when he could feel how thin you were.
"It's not your fault," you reminded him, wrapping your arms around him and laying your head on his chest.
"Still, no one deserves this, least of all you, my darling," Loki told you softly, his voice still mournful. Thor cleared his throat from the corner of the room where he was standing. Loki nodded to acknowledge his brother and sighed, turning his attention back to you. "Darling, we need to get your strength up so we can get you home. It's too dangerous for you to travel by Bifrost in this state," he indicated the fact that you were leaning on him. You were already weak and tired again and had barely been out of bed. "You need to feed," he told you gently, knowing what your response would be.
"Loki, no, I can't take more blood from you," you told him softly, but forcefully.
"Not from Loki, from me," Thor told you and stepped over.
"No!" you protested, horrified at the idea. You couldn't take blood from the vein. You couldn't take Thor's blood. You glanced between the two boys and saw that they were both in on this plan.
Thor came over to you and placed his big warm hands on your shoulders, turning you from Loki so you had to look up at him. "I trust you, little sister, and we both want you well enough to take you home," he told you gently. "It will not harm me, not when you have recovered this much already, but you are still in such desperate need, so please, take what is being offered freely," he added softly.
You should have fought him, but he was right and you wanted to go home where you could feel safe again. It was safe with Thor and Loki, but they couldn't fight against the king, against their father, to guarantee your safety. So against your better judgment, you nodded. "You're sure?" you asked Thor.
"Freely given, freely taken," he replied. Damnit, had everyone learned that stupid phrase?
You sighed, steeling yourself and nodded again. Thor reached up to his collar to expose his neck. You shook your head. You weren't taking blood from his neck with your boyfriend in the room. That would put you in way closer of contact than any of you would be comfortable with. Also you weren't going to take enough for him to get weak in the knees, so you could do this in a way that you would all be as comfortable with the situation as possible.
You took Thor's hand and moved to sit on the edge of Loki's bed. "Lady?" Thor asked, confused when you stopped him from joining you on the bed.
"Taking blood from the wrist works just as well and won't have me sitting on Thor's lap to reach his neck," you told them both a little bluntly. You were flustered and embarrassed to be doing this at all, but you were also weak, frail, and exhausted and just wanted to go home. This was the only way to get what you wanted.
"It's alright, darling, do what you need to," Loki told you gently. He was worried and hated that he couldn't offer you what you needed. You could see it in his face and he hated that he had to let Thor help with this. He came up to stand next to you and touched your shoulder, reassuring both of you with the simple touch.. You nodded and moved to take Thor's left arm. He took his gauntlet off for you and you gave him a small smile at his courtesy.
"Thank you," you told him softly, and not just for his courtesy.
"We want you well, little sister," he told you softly, and you heard the slight urging for you to get this over with. You hated it, but concentrated for just a moment and felt your fangs extend. You flipped his wrist over and lifted it to your mouth. You wouldn't look at either of them as your fangs sank into his flesh and you tried not to react to how amazing his hot blood tasted, and it was like lightning ran through his veins. You drank more than you would from a human, but you were careful, so very careful not to hurt him. You could have taken a lot more when you stopped, but you were being careful, so you licked the wounds healed and dropped Thor's wrist.
"Are you alright?" you asked him, concerned, but feeling more human than you had since you were taken.
He nodded and kissed the top of your head. "Just fine. Loki is correct, a little bloodloss will not harm us, and you are looking much better already," Thor told you warmly. You stood and hugged him, purring at his warmth.
"Thank you," you told him softly with a yawn. While you were feeling better, there was still a long way to go before you felt well. Both of the boys knew it too. Thor extricated himself gently from your arms and Loki was herding you back to bed.
"Rest for a couple more hours, then we'll get you something to eat and head home, alright, darling?" Loki asked you gently. You nodded and let him tuck you back into bed.
"I'll go entertain my friends so they leave you alone," Thor reassured you both and left again.
Loki nodded to him in acknowledgement and stroked your hair gently. He looked relieved. "You're looking so much better darling. Rest for a little longer and we can get you home," he told you warmly.
"Love you, noodle," you told him and closed your eyes.
"I love you too, kitten," he replied and kissed your forehead.
A couple hours and a couple of sandwiches later: "We should return to Midgard soon, love. Our friends are very worried about you and I'm sure you're stable enough now to travel," Loki told you warmly. He was so relieved that you were doing better.
You nodded, relieved that you could go home. You looked at your nightdress and decided that it wasn't an appropriate outfit for wandering the palace and used magic to summon the black and green dress Loki had give you on your last visit. "Did Stark blow a gasket?" you asked him over his grumbles that you should be preserving your strength and not using magic right now.
"Not Stark, Lady Natasha," he corrected looking exasperated at whatever Nat had put him through.
"Nat? She never loses her cool," you reminded him, impressed that it would be Nat who lost it over you being gone.
"She seems to have grown rather attached to you, kitten. I though she was going to try to kill me just because you hadn't walked back into the compound after we left,"
You sighed in exasperation at Nat and shook your head. "You seemed to have survived her wrath," you told him warmly.
"Barely. However, I would like to get you back to Midgard to reassure our friends," he didn't add the part where he wanted to get you away from Odin as soon as possible. "So we'll go collect Thor then we can drag him with us to bid our farewells to Mother and go home,"
"Sounds like a plan," you told him warmly and took the arm he offered so you could walk with him to wherever Thor was. "Any idea where he's hiding?" you asked. The palace was huge and you didn't want to spend forever hunting down a wayward Thor.
"He is probably still keeping his friends away from us. Mother set him the task of keeping them in line," Loki explained and led you toward the morons' lair.
You sighed and rolled "Great," you grumbled, not up to dealing with their nonsense. "How many bets they're gonna try to get us drunk?" you asked him, trying to lighten the mood, though your hand was gripping his arm too tightly. Your unease in the palace was understandable given everything you'd been through on Asgard, but you still didn't want Loki worrying more than he had to.
Loki smirked in reply. "I am not betting anything because that is most definitely what they are going to try to do,"
You sighed even more heavily. "Joy..." you grumbled. "Stab them yourself this time, ok? I'm too tired to do it for you," you told him, exasperated with Thor's idiot friends before you even saw them again.
Loki laughed. "I plan to. Besides, you should not do any more magic while we are here. Or get drunk at all..." he added as an afterthought. Though you were of age. You didn't feel like getting drunk anyway. It didn't sound like fun right now. You wanted to go home.
"Agreed.... though I don't actually know if I can get drunk. I really don't feel like finding out today," you couldn't help cringing and holding on tighter to Loki's arm when you passed any of the guards. Loki pretended not to notice, but you saw him stiffen and saw his temper sharpen every time you cringed. He hated that you were afraid and there was nothing he could do to ease your fear until he got you home.
"Agreed. You are in no state to find out right now," he told you, trying to keep the conversation light. You reached the lair of the morons and Loki moved to stand in front of you as he entered the room. He had moved into position to protect you from the morons. "Brother, we should be heading back to Midgard," he announced when he entered the room, before the morons could start pestering the pair of you.
Thor looked over from his conversation with his friends at the interruption. The warrior boys looked too excited to see Loki and proceed to haul you both into the room with the usual mugs of ale pressed into your hands. "Has it been that long already?" Thor asked with a sigh, clearly hoping for more time to visit with his friends before he'd had to head back to Midgard with you.
Loki grabbed the mug of ale out of your hand and vanished both your and his. "It has," Loki agreed, though knew as much as he didn't care for Thor's friends, Thor missed them. "And we really must return. The team is worried about my lady and I'm sure they would like see for themselves that she is alright,"
Thor sighed and stood "You could not have told me that before Mother sent me down here?" he teased. He'd volunteered to come back down here anyway, but teasing Loki was a favorite pastime.
The Warriors Three started protested that you and Loki needed to stay and hang out with them. They insisted quite loudly that they needed to get to know the lady the reserved prince actually liked. You weren't sure if they were too drunk to realize that you'd been brought here against your will or to remember all the horrible things Odin said about you last time you were here. Or if they were just that dumb. Or maybe Thor had told them to act normal.
Loki completely ignored the Warriors Three. "Where would be the fun in that?" Loki asked Thor with a smirk. You relaxed at their typical bantering.
"The fun would be where I do not have to travel by Bifrost while intoxicated," Thor replied grumpily, and proceeded to down the rest of his mug of ale anyway. That wasn't going to help him not travel by Bifrost drunk. He clapped Fandral on the shoulder and steered him away from trying to sneak past Loki to bother you. You were still half-hidden behind Loki, watching the scene from safety. "Leave her be," Thor told Fandral firmly and pushed him back onto his own couch. He turned to you and Loki "Come along, children, we had best go track down Mother," he told you both warmly.
Loki growled predictably. "I am not a child!" He protested as he followed Thor out of the room, leading you out with him.
"Kid brother and his girlfriend? Especially the annoying ball of sunshine that is your lady? Children," Thor teased as you took a couple hurried steps to catch up with Loki's longer stride. "So where is Mother?" Thor asked Loki when you were a few steps outside of the morons' lair. He thought Loki was a mama's boy and seemed to always know where his mama was.
"I believe she may still be with Father," Loki replied with a glint in his eyes.
Thor sighed. "Great, just what I wanted to do today. Are you sure we can't just wait until tomorrow to return to Midgard? Interrupting Mother beating up Father does not sound like an enjoyable activity for the day, nor something we should get involved with," he reminded Loki quite logically in his opinion.
Loki smirked mischievously, and a bit maliciously. "I may actually be hoping their conversation has not ended. I would very much like the opportunity to give the Allfather a piece of my mind as well,"
Thor sighed more heavily. "You should have left your lady somewhere safe if that was your plan, Brother," he told Loki. He didn't want you anywhere near Odin.
Loki thought about that for a moment and seemed to agree with Thor that he didn't want you anywhere near Odin, for which you were grateful. He turned to address you properly. "Would you be willing to stay with my brother while I help Mother teach the Allfather a lesson?" he asked you gently. He wanted to face down Odin for this, but also wanted to make sure you were safe and felt safe without him.
Thor glared at him. "I am not letting you face Father alone, even with Mother as backup. Your position out of the dungeons is precarious enough. None of us wish to risk it. Your lady can stay with Sif. She is babysitting the ninnies in the healing wing while Mother is dealing with Father," Thor suggested instead. He knew he couldn't talk Loki out of facing down Odin, but between himself and Frigga, they should be able to keep Loki from doing something stupid enough to get his parole to Midgard revoked.
Loki nodded, accepting Thor's words and trusting the goddess of war with your safety. She was also the only one of Thor's friends that he could stand "Would you be alright with that, darling? I'm sure you and Lady Sif will get along well. She is also the goddess of war and I trust her with your safety," he added. It was high praise indeed for Loki to tell you that he trusted her.
You could see it was important to Loki that he go confront Odin and you didn't blame him for it. You would go beat the shit out of Odin yourself if you were remotely in the shape for it, but since you were barely on your feet after two Asgardian blood donations, you weren't in much shape to do anything besides go home. "That's fine, Lokes," you told him softly. You weren't pleased with this plan, but if he trusted Sif it would be ok, especially since he was going with Thor.
"Luckily the healers are close," Thor told you and led the way the short distance to the healing wing.
Sif looked over form her babysitting when they come in. "Your Mother isn't back yet," she informed the boys, assuming they were looking for Frigga. It was a safe assumption, if partially wrong in this case.
"We know," Loki told Sif. "We were hoping you would do us a favor," he told her looking at her seriously. Sif nodded. She would do whatever favor the boys needed her to. "I'm trusting my lady in your care while Thor and I deal with a personal matter," he explained, his tone was absolutely serious.
"What's one more charge to babysit?" she teased, but Loki's expression turned even more serious and into a scowl. Her expression turns serious too, showing her strength and warrior's soul. "Your lady is safe with me," she told Loki firmly, reassuringly.
"Thank you, Sif," Loki told her, gratitude apparent in his voice. He turned to you and kissed your forehead. "Don't fret. You're perfectly safe with Lady Sif," he reassured you and pressed another kiss to your forehead. "I'll be back soon, dearheart," he bid you and leaned down to kiss you softly.
Thor turned to Sif. "Don't let her get bored. She will be upgrading all of the equipment in here again if you do," he warned her warmly. Sif groaned at getting another troublesome charge to babysit, already plotting on how to keep you from getting bored while you waited for the boys to return.
You ignored them and stood up on your toes to steal a kiss from Loki. "I love you," you told him softly. You weren't happy he was going off to potential danger without you, but you accepted that this was something he needed to do.
"And I you, my darling," Loki told you warmly. He kissed the top of your head before he and Thor left the healing wing. Leaving you and your apprehension with Lady Sif.
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