Chapter 31
Frigga wasted absolutely no time opening the barrier of your cell. You could barely open your eyes and didn't bother just for Frigga. Not even when she stepped in and carefully lifted you into her arms. You should have been concerned. You should have cared, but you couldn't even muster that much. All you could manage was a tiny whimper, while you tried to ignore the call of the hot blood in her veins. A call you were too weak to answer if you'd wanted to.
You should have also cared that Frigga had lifted you in her arms, but Asgardians were strong, you were small to begin with, and you could barely care about anything but not being in pain, and the call of the hot blood in her veins. It took more effort than you wanted to admit to fight back those thoughts. You knew it was understandable given what you'd been through, and you also knew that it was only because you could scarcely move that you weren't automatically acting on that impulse, despite that it was something you'd never do.
You felt the swirl of magic around you and you found yourself laid on a soft bed that smelled of Loki. It smelled so safe and comfortable that you relaxed into it and barely noticed that Frigga was trying to get you to tell her how to help you. She was the strongest healer in the realm, but she didn't know how to help a vampire. So there wasn't much she could do until Loki arrived.
/How is she, Mother? I will be there as soon as I can. Thor and I are on our way to the Birfrost now/
He found Thor and only had to tell him "She's been found," before Thor was running with him wherever Loki needed him to go. Thor would follow him to the ends of the realms if that's what it to to get you back safely.
"Where?" Thor asked as they ran past the other Avengers.
"Asgard," Loki replied, loudly enough that the rest of the team would hear and know what was going on.
/She is in dreadful shape.../ Frigga wouldn't insult her son by mincing her words. /I do not know how to help her and she either cannot or will not tell me. All I've been able to do is take her to safety. We're in your suite/ she added, sounding sad that she couldn't do more.
/We'll be there soon/ Loki promised and broke the connection so he could focus on returning to Asgard as quickly as possible.
They were already outside and to the Bifrost circle. He grabbed the hammer from Thor and raised it impatiently to the sky to call Heimdall. The Bifrost opened an instant later and they were soon in Asgard again. He finally got his head on straight and remembered there were faster ways of getting places than running and grabbed Thor's arm to teleport them both to his quarters.
It didn't surprise Loki at all when Frigga had a blade drawn at their sudden arrival, or the bolt of golden magic in her other hand. She was prepared to defend you from whatever danger might threaten you. You were her charge. She sighed in relief when she realized it was her sons who had arrived and only long years of training kept her dagger from clattering to the ground.
"I'm sorry, I did not know how to help her besides to bring her somewhere safe," she told Loki. He nodded gratefully at Frigga for even that much help before he spotted you on the bed and his heart broke at your condition, how emaciated and frail you were, especially since you hadn't even opened your eyes at the commotion.
Loki ran to your side, sitting on the bed next to you. "Darling? Y/N, wake up, dearheart. Come on darling, open your eyes!" he bid you so very worriedly.
You made a pathetic noise as you fought to crack your eyes open to look up at him. "Loki?" you croaked through a hoarse throat and cracked lips.
Tears were in his eyes at how frail you looked and sounded. "It's me, I'm here. You're safe now, sweetheart. What happened, darling? Tell us how to help you," he bid you, though he knew. You saw in his eyes that he knew how to help you, of course he did, but he still needed to know what had happened. He needed to know if you were still in danger before he got to helping you.
You reached up a hand, touching a fingertip to his temple so you didn't have to try to talk. /Odin tricked us. Sent guards to steal me from Earth. Wanted to study vampires. Wanted vampire einherjar. Tried to force me to turn one. Said I wouldn't eat again until I did/
Loki growled deep in his throat, rage sparking in his eyes over what had been done to you. "He will not get away with this. I swear to you, my love. Now, let me help you," his tone and expression softened.
Your arm fell back to the bed. It was too exhausting to keep it lifted.
Loki's expression fell further at just how weak you were. "Let me help you, darling," he bid you softly and held his arm to your mouth.
"No," you protested in a weak whimper. You couldn't take his blood.
"Yes, darling. You can barely move or speak," he told you gently. He turned to Frigga and Thor. "She is a vampire and has been starved. If she does not consume any blood soon, the results will be dire." Your eyes were closing in exhaustion. Loki gave a pleading look to Thor. "Brother, I need help," he told his Thor, heartbreak in his voice at how you were too weak to even take his blood on your own.
Thor nodded and moved, lifting you into a sitting position, sitting behind you to hold you there, even as your head lulled onto his shoulder. "She is too weak. You will have to make the cut for her," he pulled his belt knife from his belt. "Or I can give her my blood instead." He made the offer. It would have warmed your heart that he was willing to spill his blood for you, especially when you knew he didn't approve of vampires eating people. He would still help you.
"No. I will do it," Loki told Thor firmly and drew his own dagger. He trusted his daggers that he knew so well way more than Thor's questionable belt knife. Thor put his blade away. Loki steeled himself and carefully dragged the blade across his own wrist with a wince.
Your eyes snapped open when his blood began to flow and you couldn't help staring at the fresh blood in fascination, your fangs extended. He held his bleeding wrist to your mouth. "Come on, darling. Drink," Loki nearly begged. He knew how much you hated drinking blood from people, how much you hated drinking from the vein. Despite that you desperately needed the blood, despite that you needed so much blood to recover, you didn't want to take his. Especially as out of control as you were. "Drink, love. You have to,"
The scent of fresh blood hit your nose and there was nothing else you could do. Your hands clamped on his arm holding his bleeding wrist to your mouth, drinking his power-filled blood greedily, helpless to the need to drink. You had absolutely no control in your desperation.
You weren't counting the heartbeats.
You didn't notice his eyes start to glaze. Didn't notice he was drooping and exhausted.
Thankfully Thor noticed and pried Loki's arm out of your grip. "Enough. Even we have our limits," he told you both. You blinked quickly and the blood haze faded, leaving you exhausted, but stronger and more stable.
Loki shook his head to clear the haze of bloodloss as he looked down at you, trying to gauge if you were doing any better. He pulled you from Thor's grip and held you in his arms. "Are you alright, darling?" he asked you gently.
"You'll yell at me for lying, noodle," you told him softly. His sigh of relief that you were speaking coherently and clearly again encompassed his entire body. He kissed the top of your head, holding you to him, afraid to let you go. Frigga slipped over to heal the cut on Loki's arm as you curled yourself more comfortably in Loki's arms. He kissed your head again, nuzzling your hair, so relieved that you were moving, even that much.
"Get some rest darling. I need to speak with my mother and Thor for a moment," he bid you and laid you back on the bed before he kissed your forehead. He tucked the blanket around you and was so relieved that you had color again, were breathing though you didn't need to. You'd recover. He stroked your hair as your eyes fluttered closed in exhaustion. "Sleep, love. You're safe now," Loki bid you softly.
He didn't leave your side until you were asleep. When you were properly asleep, asleep not unconscious, he stood and took a few steps away to discuss the situation with Frigga and Thor. He quickly told them what you'd managed to tell him. "What do we do now? The Allfather can't get away with this. She nearly died!" Loki was fuming, rage making magic spark around his fingers.
Frigga and Thor were both fuming as well. "What your father did was unconscionable..." Frigga agreed, but hesitated on what to do about it. She was always in the position of holding the family together and a thousand years of instinct wasn't broken so quickly. Though this time, this time she had to take a stand against Odin. What he had done was wrong. That didn't mean she had to get her sons involved. She still wanted to keep them safe. "I would suggest you take your lady home. Get her home safely. Leave your father for me to deal with," Frigga told them both. She could rip Odin a new asshole when her children, all three of you, were safely out of his possible line of fire.
Thor also wasn't looking pleased, because while you had nearly died, you also could have easily taken Loki's life before Thor had intervened to stop you from drinking more of his blood than he could stand to lose.
"She is in no shape to be moved right now. She needs to rest after that ordeal. I wouldn't risk taking her by Bifrost for at least a day," Loki protested. He also wanted to beat the shit out of Odin himself for this injustice.
Frigga made a decision and shoved up her sleeves. "Then stay here with her. I'll rip Odin a new asshole myself for this insult," she snarled and stormed off without waiting for either of her sons to agree to stay, or get over their shock that their prim and proper queen of a mother had just cursed.
Loki sighed heavily when she was gone. "I never should have never let Y/N come to Asgard," he said miserably.
Thor clapped his shoulder consoling his brother. "It is not your fault. We had no way of knowing Father's reaction or that he would dare do something like this,"
"I should have known better!" Loki protested, looking over at you worriedly. "He would have starved her to death in his attempt to force her to turn one of the Einherjar. If we had not returned to Midgard, we wouldn't even have known she was missing!"
"She will be fine, Brother. She is already recovering. Even if she did take too much of your blood to do so. What Father did was wrong, but she has been found and she's safe now. So you should lie down too. You need to recover from that much blood loss," Thor grumbled, but was being the reasonable one. He was worried about Loki. They didn't usually have to worry about blood loss, but you'd taken more than you should have and more than was necessarily good for him.
Loki sighed heavily in exhaustion. He couldn't think straight like this. If he couldn't think straight he couldn't come up with a good plan for murdering Odin. "You're right. For once," he told Thor, giving him a small smile before he crawled into the bed with you, pulling you into his arms before he'd consent to getting some rest himself.
"Of course I'm right. I'm the older brother. That's my job," Thor replied with a smirk. He looked over you and Loki worriedly. You were both in bad shape, but he decided to just make sure the blanket was tucked around you and went to the chair near the bed to stand watch and make sure nothing happened to either of you.
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