Chapter 27
Thor strode confidently up the long aisle to the golden throne. Loki was at his side, but Thor could feel his nerves, though Loki hid them well behind a stoic court mask. Loki had been perfecting that court mask for years, perfecting the ruse of the cool, calculating prince, the dutiful son. Thor knew he was faking, especially this time. Loki's little ball of sunshine had mellowed him out, had broken his mask around the tower and their friends, and Thor knew that with the little vampire in the balance, Loki was way more emotionally involved in this meeting than he would even admit.
Odin didn't move as his sons approached, though he watched them carefully. They both stopped and bowed when they reached the base of the stairs to the throne. "Welcome home, my sons," he greets them, his own emotions hidden, though he was glad to see Thor. He'd never had much use for Loki
"Father," both of the boys intoned as they rose from their bows to face the Allfather.
Odin looked between his sons and turned his attention to Thor. "The ravens helped you to your satisfaction?" Odin asked them both.
His words were directed at Thor. Loki knew he should be the one to graciously accept the gift. His beloved was the one saved by the use of the ravens, but he let Thor take and keep the spotlight. Odin liked Thor better anyway. "They did. I appreciate that you let us borrow them to save our teammate, to save Loki's beloved," Thor replied in his usual booming nearly jovial way. He was glad you had been saved and truly grateful to Odin for the use of the tool that had allowed you to be saved
"And you brought the Midgardian here and did not see fit to bring her before me?" Odin demanded, glaring at Loki, sure it was his fault that Odin was being slighted. Loki was used to the treatment and didn't cringe under the Allfather's glare
Thor jumped in to the rescue. "Mother wished to get to know her," he protested before Loki could say something stupid or lose his temper. Thankfully, Loki remained silent for once in his life.
"Your mother had always been softhearted," Odin replied fondly, seeming amused that his wife would show interest in the little mortal. He turned his attention to Loki with a hint of a displeased expression, as if Loki were never good enough for his standards, no matter what his younger son did. Loki held stoic under Odin's expression. "So I have heard you are finally worthy?" he demanded of Loki, sounding disbelieving.
/Found something, Lokes/ you interrupted, not knowing the details of their conversation, but Loki had told you to let him know as soon as you found anything that would work.
/Thank the Norns. Cast it as quick as possible. Father might wish to see you very soon./ Loki replied kindly to you.
His expression was still stoic and blank as he looked up at Odin. "That is how it appears," he answered dryly, not impressed with Odin's theatrics.
/I need you for it. We can use your heartbeat to mask the lack of sound from mine. It has to be yours, though, since your overprotective ass will stay within the spell's proximity once it's cast/ you explained quickly, knowing Loki would understand from the basics you laid out for him.
Odin glared at Loki expectantly. "Well? Show me," he demanded, not trusting his known liar of a son. Though Loki usually didn't get Thor involved in his lies, at least not in the telling of them.
/I'll be there soon, then/ Loki told you with his usual warmth, but you could hear the distraction in his tone.
/See you soon. I love you/ you reminded him that he was loved, knowing that Odin would not give him the same feelings. You felt his reassurance through the telepathic bond.
Loki looked over at Thor. "Throw it," he told his brother, who was already taking a few steps further away from Loki.
Thor gave his brother a wide grin. "Gladly," he replied jovially and chucked the hammer at Loki as hard as he could.
Loki held up his hand and quickly grabbed the hammer, sliding back a pace as the hammer's momentum made him skid while he dug his heels in to remain in one place. "Did you have to throw it so hard?" he growled at Thor, shaking out the sore hand that caught the stupid hammer.
"Nay, I should have thrown it harder," Thor grinned, antagonizing his brother, trying to rile up his temper. Loki chucked the hammer back at Thor aiming for the moron's stupid nose with a growl.
He turned to Odin and casually caught the hammer when Thor tossed it back? He had lost his court mask, annoyance clear in his expression. "Happy?" he demanded, sarcasm dripping like poison from his silver tongue.
"Boys, enough!" Odin roared at them, exasperated by his children's antics. That's what Thor had been going for, provoking Loki's temper. Thor wanted to get them kicked out of the throne room, to get Loki away from Odin as quickly as possible. "I expect to see you both at dinner," Odin dismissed the pair.
"Yes, Father," both boys respond, seeming chastised, though neither was. They bowed again and quickly turned to stride out of the room.
As soon as they were safely out of the room they both breathed a sigh of relief. That had gone better than expected, mostly because of the time-honored tactic of annoying the shit out of Odin to get out of his presence sooner. Loki looked at Thor with a smirk. "Thor, fetch," he grinned and threw Mjolnir as hard as he could out of the nearest open window and teleported to the library before Thor could get the hammer back.
Thor just held out his hand and the hammer came flying back to him. He looked over at Loki to make some quip about having to practice more with the hammer, but by the time it had returned, Loki was gone. Thor just sighed and shook his head in exasperation at his brother's antics.
You and Frigga both looked up from your books when Loki teleported into your midst. You were on your feet in a moment and rushed to him, wrapping you arms around his neck in a hug. His arms wrapped around you and you felt him relax. "Well, that was fun," he said sarcastically.
Frigga chuckled. "Hello, darling. Seeing your father went that well?" she asked as she approached you and Loki.
"As well as could be expected," Loki replied with a sigh. His face was against your hair, breathing in your scent and he relaxed further that you were here and safe in his arms. "I did have a little fun with Thor afterwards," he chuckled.
You giggled and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "You didn't stab your brother this time, did you?" Frigga asked, concerned and her tone disapproving.
"No, Mother. I simply threw his hammer out of window and disappeared before he could say anything," he reassured her and chuckled more at Thor's expression when he'd thrown his precious hammer out of the window.
You giggled at him. "You're enjoying your newfound power too much, noodle," you teased him, just as per usual.
"I couldn't pass up the opportunity, kitten," he replied and kissed the top of your head. You smiled, glad he was back to normal after his encounter with Odin.
"Uh-huh, sure you couldn't, noodle. At least you escaped from you Father in one piece," you teased him with a bright grin and stole a kiss.
He kissed you back, his lips soft and gentle on yours, chaste in the presence of his mother. "So what is this spell you found?" he asked when he let your lips part.
You stepped out of his arms and summoned the spellbook and handed it to him, open to the correct page. "As long as you're in proximity, the spell will allow us to mask my lack of heartbeat with yours," you explained.
He read over the spell, studying it and evaluating whether it would work. He finally nodded. "That should be simple enough. Mother, would you be willing to cast it?" Neither you or Loki could do it yourselves. You needed a third person.
"Of course, darlings," she replied warmly, she seemed so full of joy to see Loki so happy with you, and from your work in the library this afternoon and walk through the gardens she seemed to like you for your own person, even if she was a little uncomfortable with the fact that you were a vampire. You were also a tiny ball of sunshine.
She waved her hand and the spellbook floated from Loki's hands to hers. You loved seeing all the casual uses of magic here. It was just a common thing, where on Earth magic was hidden and feared. Though around the tower it was like this. Frigga looked over the spell more carefully. She had looked it over when you found it, but not as carefully as she was now. She looked up and smirked at you and Loki. He had wrapped his arms back around you. "I would tell you to stand together, but..." she grinned and began to work the spell.
Loki's arms tightened around you and he laid his chin on top of your head. "Aww, such a cuddly danger noodle," you teased softly enough that Frigga couldn't hear. He chuckled and kissed the top of your head.
"I love you, kitten," he replied softly in your ear, his lips close enough to brush your ear as he spoke, his breath sending a shiver down your spine and he chuckled as he squeezed you a little.
Frigga completed the spell quickly, it really was quite simple. She snapped the spellbook closed and vanished it. "Darlings, don't forget, the spell will become ineffective if the proximity is broken," she reminded you both firmly. The spell was quite clear on that one.
Loki removed his arms from around you, but took your hand as he went over to Frigga. He would definitely keep you within proximity of the spell's influence. "Thank you, Mother. We will try our best to avoid being too far from each other. Though I don't plan on going too far," he smirked at you, making you smile.
"Of course, darling, but take care. You know your father cares not for deceptions," Frigga warned her son and you could see the concern in her eyes. She would do what she could to help you both, but she would still be worried over her son.
"I am aware, mother. We will try to avoid messing with the spell so that Odin doesn't find out and feel deceived. It would just... be better were he not to find out about my lady's affliction," he added and kissed the top of your head to reassure you.
"A mother is allowed to worry over her son," Frigga reminded him warmly and reached up to cup his cheek.
He smiled warmly at her and you knew that of everyone on Asgard, Frigga was perhaps the only one he truly cared for, though he cared for Thor, it wasn't as deep as his feelings for his mother. "I know, mother," he replied just as warmly and kissed her cheek.
"So now that that trial is over, what are you planning for the rest of your visit, darling?" Frigga asked, sure he would want to show you something of Asgard while you were here.
"I admittedly had not planned this far ahead," Loki admitted a bit sheepishly. "I wasn't positive on how long we would be staying in Asgard, or the outcome of my meeting with Father," he explained at Frigga's questioning look.
She smiled warmly at her son. "I'm sure you will come up with something interesting to show your lady before she devours the entire library. It is market day in the city, and the people would appreciate seeing their prince," she suggested kindly. "Unfortunately, I do need to be getting back to work. Those ninnies in the healing wing can't function without someone to give them orders," she sighed in exasperation at the silly healers. "I'm sure I will see you at dinner," she told you both warmly.
"Of course, Mother," he replied and kissed her cheek again. She bid you both farewell and headed back to the healer's wing. Loki turned to you. "Would you like to see the markets?" he asked, not sure his mother's suggestion would be welcome. You weren't exactly the shopping type, unless it involved books or computer equipment.
You smiled up at your Loki. "Sure, sounds like fun," you didn't care what you did as long as it was with him. Besides, Frigga had indicated that he should go make an appearance to do his duty to the people.
He smiled warmly and offered you his arm. "Alright, let's head out then." You took his arm, cuddling it because that's what you did and leaned up to kiss his cheek. He smiled warmly down at you and led you out of the palace to the city outside. You wandered down the main streets and he pointed out some sights of interest, the image of the perfect polite courtier. You enjoyed the feel of the sun on your skin and kept sneaking glances of it, as if you weren't sure it was real
Loki smiled at you when you reached the markets. "So, my darling, is there anything you wish to see first?" he asked you warmly, seeming pleased with your obvious joy at just being out in the sun with him.
"Like I know what's here," you replied with a smirk and sarcasm, making him smile. "I'm sure the lovely shopkeepers can't wait to show off their wares to the prince," you teased your smirk widening into a grin.
He chuckled in reply. "And I'm sure there's something I can get here to spoil you with, sweetheart," he replied with his own grin and teasing mischief in his eyes.
You sighed heavily. Of course Loki would be like this. "You're incorrigible. I don't need anything, Lokes," you reminded him as to why you didn't usually go shopping at all. Sure, it was interesting to see what they sold in the markets on Asgard, but that didn't mean you were planning on getting anything here.
"That may be true, but I enjoy spoiling what's mine," he told you with a warm purr and kissed your cheek. Something fluttered in your stomach at being called 'his'. You didn't see his possessive side terribly often, but it did happen occasionally.
"Incorrigible noodle," you teased and leaned up to steal a kiss.
"Adorable, feisty kitten," he replied warmly and kissed you in front of all of the Asgardians who had noticed their prince was among them.
You broke the kiss and took his hand, dragging him into the market, proper. "Well, while we're here, we might as well terrorize the poor shopkeepers," you told him with a mischievous smirk.
He laughed full-out, a hearty sound that surprised the onlookers as it came from the reserved prince. "Oh love, you're about as mischievous as I am," he informed you with mirth in his eyes.
"You're just now figuring that out?" you laughed and dragged him a few more steps before his longer stride caught him up to you.
"You always manage to surprise me somehow, kitten," he replied warmly. You were a whirlwind through the markets, oohing and ahhing over all of the wares and shinies. You didn't need anything, but you loved window-shopping here, just to see how very, very different it was from shopping on Earth. Loki watched, playing the role of dutiful prince, loving courtier, guard, and put-upon boyfriend as the need occurred. It was almost as fun watching him switch between roles as it was to look at the wares the shop. He was watching you as you wandered the market stalls and shops, amused by you and happy at your simple joy. "Anything catch your eye yet, love?"
"You're delusional if you actually expect me to tell you something does catch my eye," you reminded him with a smirk. You weren't going to make it easy for him to spoil you.
He rolled his eyes, then gave you his Cheshire cat grin. "If you do not tell me something, darling, I am simply going to have to purchase the most expensive thing here for you." Damn Trickster knew you too well. You'd never want him to do that.
"Well that just seems illogical," you told him, reminding him that you wouldn't be happy if he did that.
His Cheshire cat grin got more pronounced. "Not the most logical, I'll admit, but it would still mean that I get to spoil you. So you get a choice, little one, you either tell me something you like or I buy you something random anyway." He smirked at you, mischief glinting in his eyes.
You sighed heavily. "I've always sucked at this kind of thing. Mom always took my sister shopping because she was actually good at it. I just liked to windowshop, because I don't need anything," you grumbled at him.
He kissed the top of your head. "Then we'll just keep looking around. Something will catch your eye eventually," he told you warmly.
"Sure it will," you grumbled, not sounding convinced because you weren't convinced, but Loki would hold to his word and his threat, so you had to find something to point out to him. You went back to looking over the wares, more focused now with Loki's threat looming. You relaxed when Loki didn't press you to hurry up and choose something. The shopkeepers called out their wares to you trying to draw the prince in to purchase something. "They're really excited you're here," you teased him as you wandered into a little jewelry shop, "it's like you're famous around here or something," you smirked at him.
You giggled as you watched his over-dramatic eye roll with glee. It always amused you when he did that. "Very droll, kitten,"
"What? I'm not allowed to tease?" you asked him too innocently.
"I said no such thing, dearheart. It just makes you more adorable,"
"Good, cuz that wasn't gonna stop me," you replied with a smirk before you turned your attention to the wares in the little shop, an idea sparking as you looked for something in particular. He watched you, noting your more interested look, noting the spark of an idea in your eyes. You finally spotted what you were looking for. You hesitated, shy and nervous about pointing out anything for yourself, but you pointed out the necklace with the extremely simple, plain pendant. "Would that fit your exacting specifications?" You asked Loki, still shy, nervous about pointing anything out, even the simple, probably very inexpensive necklace and had only done so under threat.
He gave you a warm smile. "It's perfect, kitten," he replied, reassuringly. He turned to the merchant. "How much for the pendant?"
The merchant listed a price that you assumed was low. The necklace was very simple piece. Something you'd be able to wear every day and not have to worry about getting broken in the lab. You could see that the merchant wanted to haggle, though and adds "Your highness, forgive my rudeness, but I would be remiss if I were not to point out that this particular piece is unworthy of a prince's lady. This one would be far more suited to a lady of her stature," he tries to sell some giant gaudy thing full of diamonds. It wouldn't have fit you at all.
Loki glared at the merchant as he while gave him the money for the necklace you had chosen. "My lady has made her choice," he told the merchant with a hint of ice to his tone. The exchange was made while the merchant looked terrified of having enraged the prince.
"Play nice, you know he had to try. Besides, I'm sure it's strange for a lady of standing to choose such a simple piece," you scolded him as you turned and lifted your hair out of the way so Loki could clasp the necklace around your neck. You turned back to face him once he had finished.
"I know, darling. But not everyone has the same tastes," he gave you a warm smile. "It looks perfect, and suits you well, excellent choice," he leaned down to kiss you.
You smirked at him. "If I was getting something, which I was due to a certain trickster's threats... I was going to choose an everyday piece," you explained and stood up on your toes to kiss him. "Thank you," you added shyly, still shy over him buying you anything at all, even such a simple little thing.
He gave you a warm smile, pleased with himself, and it seemed even more pleased that you were wearing his token. Of course he was, silly overprotective trickster. "Of course, kitten. I enjoy spoiling what is mine, and making sure it is known that you've been claimed," he adds with a bit of a snarl to his tone. You had a feeling he'd had ladies wooed away from him before, though that would never happen with you. You leaned up and kissed his cheek reassuringly. He smiled and kissed the top of your head. "Would you like to head back to the palace or spend some more time here?"
You looked up at the sun and saw it was starting to set. "I can't imagine it's too much longer before dinner..." you told him, but as you'd rather spend the time just with him, you both had to attend dinner. Frigga was expecting your presence. So was Odin.
He nodded a bit sadly, he was enjoying Asgard with you at his side. "You're right, of course. We must get back before mother starts to worry," he offered you his arm and you strolled back toward the palace.
"We'd hate for her to have to come find us. She might put us to work," you teased with a grin.
He chuckled in reply. "My mother is not someone you keep waiting," he said fondly.
"She's quite formidable," you agreed.
The trip back to the palace was much shorter, more direct. Loki had taken you on a roundabout way to get to the markets so he could show you around his home. When you arrived at the palace, Thor and Frigga were at the entrance waiting for you.
"Cutting it a bit close, aren't you, darling?" Frigga asked, though there was plenty of time before dinner.
"We got a bit caught up at the markets. But I would never miss dinner with you, mother," Loki told her fondly while Thor rolled his eyes and mouthed something about 'mama's boy'.
"Of course you wouldn't, darling," Frigga replied kindly, oblivious to Thor's teasing of his brother. She took your arm, surprising you, and started leading you back into the palace proper, asking about your trip to the markets. You told her all about the beautiful city and gushed over her gorgeous realm. She smiled brightly and seemed glad you'd enjoyed yourself.
Thor grabbed Loki's arm to stop him from immediately following, though Frigga is careful to make sure you both remained within the spell's range. Loki growled at Thor for keeping him from you and shook his arm free of his brother's grasp. "What is it, brother?" he snarled impatiently.
Thor glanced at the ladies to make sure you were safely out of easy hearing before he reached into his pocket and pulled out a potion vial, filled with blood. He quickly passed the vial to Loki. "It's elk," he reassured his brother quickly. "We brought one down for the feast tonight, but your lady is shy about such things..." AKA you would barely admit to drinking blood in front of the team and definitely wouldn't in front of strangers.
Loki took the bottle with a sigh of relief and a smile for Thor. "Thank you, brother. I was starting to worry about her and how we would convince her to eat something while she was here,"
"Of course you were," Thor replied, knowing just how overprotective Loki was about the few people he actually cared for.
Frigga looked over her shoulder at her sons. "Are you coming, my sons?" she asked them warmly.
"Coming, mother," Loki said quickly, vanishing the vial of blood and moving to catch up with you and Frigga and took your arm from his mother.
You smiled up at him with mischief in your eyes. "Your mother has such excellent stories," you told him while Thor wrapped an arm around Frigga's shoulders and kissed the top of her head.
"She has always been the greatest storyteller in all of Asgard," Loki replied warmly and kissed the top of your head. "Which story was she telling you, darling?" he asked, a hint of concern in his voice that she was telling embarrassing stories.
You gave him a warm, reassuring smile. This time she had in fact not been telling embarrassing stories. "About how your father took her to stroll the markets when they were courting and he proceeded to get into a fistfight with one of the shopkeepers because her tastes weren't fancy enough for her station," you replied with a grin while Frigga took Thor's arm to walk with him to dinner. It had reassured you to hear that Frigga had had the same experience in the markets, that she had just been a simple healer with simple tastes and was pleased and shocked that Odin had wished to get her anything at all.
Loki chuckled, remembering hearing the story before. "The merchants always think they know best,"
"They have to try to upsell, darling. It is their trade after all," Frigga reminded him kindly. "It is your job to know your lady's tastes and not get distracted by the desires of the merchants." She seemed unable to go into mom-lecture-mode, which amused you and got eyerolls from her sons.
"I'm aware, mother," Loki replied and smiled kindly at his mother, despite the eyeroll.
Frigga took the lead when you had nearly reached the great hall. She turned her attention to her sons. "Try to get along through dinner," she told them sternly, but with a mirth in her tone that spoke to her repeating this instruction nearly every dinner they'd had since they were children.
"Yes, Mother," both boys intoned, making you giggle. Frigga laughed and moved to step forward, her hand still on Thor's arm.
Loki paused, keeping you with him. "Go on ahead. We will catch up in a moment," he told Thor and Frigga. Thor nodded, knowing what Loki was up to. Frigga accepted her sons' judgement and went on ahead.
Loki pulled you into a corridor just outside of the great hall. "What's up, Lokes?" you asked him, concerned over his strange behavior.
He glanced around to make sure no one was around or watching before he flicked his wrist and the vial of blood appeared in his hand. He pressed it into your hand before you could protest. You noted that a healing spell had been placed on it for it to be at the right temperature for you. Thoughtful noodle. "You need to eat something," he told you firmly.
"But-" you started.
He glared at you. "No buts. It's elk," he added before you could protest. "No one's around besides me, and you know it doesn't bother me," he reminded you before you could get shy and protest again. You glanced up and down the hallway before you finally nodded and unstoppered the vial. You felt your fangs extend when you smelled the warm blood and you flushed. Loki kissed your forehead. "You're beautiful, fangs, glowing purple eyes, and all, now stop stalling," he told you firmly. You flushed at being so obvious but drank the vial quickly. Loki vanished the empty vial from your hand. "Thank you, love, you know I worry," he told you and kissed your forehead again while you focused on shrinking your fangs and replacing the illusion on your eyes.
"I'm not that helpless that I need blood every few hours," you reminded him softly.
He nodded. "I know," he replied. "But you need more than most vampires because the blood also fuels your magic," he reminded you patiently.
You nodded with a heavy sigh. "I know. I can still hate it, though," you looked up at him and gave him a smile. "Back to looking human?" you asked him, verifying your illusions were in place before the public saw you. It wasn't quite as big of a deal on Earth, especially with Loki with you, but here it was more important. You were all trying to hide what you were.
He nodded. "Though I think you're beautiful without your illusions as well. It is best if the Allfather doesn't realize your affliction. He tends to cause trouble about things he doesn't understand. I am a perfect example of that." You knew of his past and nodded, accepting his logic. Besides, you didn't want to go advertising what you were either.
Loki offered you his arm again and led you the rest of the way to the great hall. Your grip tightened on his arm, nervous at appearing in front of all of these Asgardians when you clearly didn't fit in.
Loki noticed your grip tightening on him. "There is absolutely nothing to worry about darling. I'm here with you and Thor and Mother will not allow any harm to befall you," he reminded you firmly, but his words soft so he wouldn't be overheard by the Asgardians staring at you.
"They all know I'm different, and you better than anyone know how Odin is about mortals in his realm..." you replied just as softly, even you could hear the fear and worry in your voice, though you'd tried to hide it.
"No harm shall come to you, dearest. There is nothing the Allfather can do to you. Mother and Thor will not allow it. And neither will I. The people are simply not used to seeing a beautiful woman on my arm," he told you, reassuring you on all of your fears.
"None of the court ladies were good enough for you?" you teased.
He chuckled. "None of them hold a candle to you, sweetheart," he replied warmly. He led you to the head table and the servants pulled back your chairs for you and seated you. You were never going to get comfortable with the idea of servants.
You had to stand again moments later when Odin finally deigned to join you, making a huge production of being the last to dinner so everyone had to stand again to greet him. Odin kissed Frigga, for a moment his attention fully on her and you could see the warmth and love in his expression for her. He clapped Thor on the shoulder, then turned to you and Loki. "This is the Midgardian your brought to our realm?" He demanded, obviously disapproving of you and your presence and he didn't even know you were a vampire. You could see in his expression though that he knew something was wrong. He looked over you more closely, seeming to know that something was wrong and everything wasn't as it appeared.
"Father, this is my lady, Y/N of Midgard," Loki replied formally, his stoic court mask in place when dealing with his father.
/I'm not sure the spell we cast is working. Father looks too suspicious/ Loki told Frigga telepathically, his voice terrified and frantic, though he didn't let it show on his face.
You dipped a curtsy and offered a polite greeting to the king, trying not to cower at how disappointedly he looked at you, how angry and suspicious he appeared. There was nothing you could do to convince him besides play the part of the polite little Midgardian.
/No, I do not think the spell is fooling him. There is nothing we can do but hope your father will be reasonable. Stay calm, darling/ Frigga bid Loki in reply. His fear wouldn't help anything.
Odin glared at you when you rose from your curtsy and banged his staff once on the floor. Though you knew from what Loki and Thor had told you that he didn't have much magic on his own, the staff did, and had powerful magic at that. Frigga's spell was dissolved in an instant as were your illusions. Since the sun has set, your eyes were glowing softly, though you wisely keeps your mouth shut to hide your fangs.
Odin turned to glare at Loki "I know you hold little love for Asgard, but even you should know better than to bring this creature to Asgard and proclaim it to be a lady. I know of these monsters, blood drinking parasites that dwell on Midgard, killing the mortals they feed on. You endanger our people by bringing this thing here!" Odin roared at his son, raising his staff as if to use it against one of the pair of you.
Loki's arm pushed you behind him, defending you from the Allfather's rage. You let him with tears in your eyes. "Father, stop!" he told Odin firmly and more bravely than you knew he felt. Odin was powerful and frightened his sons. Thor moved to stand beside Loki, an extra line of defense for you both. Thor was the prodigal son and could stand more easily against Odin's rage.
Frigga grabbed Odin's arm, always the voice of reason. "Odin, stop. She's a sweet intelligent child and has done nothing but bring your son happiness," she bid him gently, warm and caring as usual.
/It's alright darling. Mother will help./ Loki tried to reassure you, though you could tell from his tone that he didn't believe it possible to calm Odin's rage.
Odin shoved Frigga behind him as if to protect her. He turned his attention back to Loki "And you have even let it enchant your mother," he snarled. "Did you let it feed on her too? I know you have little care for any of us, but I thought you at least cared for your mother!" he roared at Loki. You gripped the back of Loki's tunic, terrified of Odin's roars.
"She has done no such thing!" Thor protested. "She wouldn't!"
"My lady would never do anything like that!" Loki protested at the same time.
Odin wasn't moved by their pleas. "Those creatures will do whatever they can to keep their corpses moving," he snarled at the pair.
Frigga came around him again. "Odin, you're being unreasonable. You haven't even met the girl. She's nothing but kind. She even enhanced our technology in the healing wing with no expectation or want of reward," she told her husband, pleading with him to be reasonable. You weren't like the others of your kind, just as Loki wasn't like the other Jotuns.
Odin turns to her, his expression softening slightly at addressing his lady. "I do not hear it denying the accusations either," he told her.
Frigga glared up at him. "Of course not, you ass," she told him calmly, though both of her sons gasped at her using a curse word. "She is a visitor to a foreign realm, and not a moron to argue with the king of the realm," Frigga's voice remained calm as she spoke.
Odin turned to the nearest guards. "Take the queen to her chambers and keep her there until the creature's enchantments have worn off of her," he snarled at the guards, who quickly rushed the queen from the hall, despite her protests. She was overruled by the orders of the king. She knew it and went with grace.
"There are no enchantments! She has done absolutely nothing wrong! And stop calling her a creature! She is a lady that deserves the right to be here!" Loki protested heatedly, demanding to be heard for once.
"It is a parasitic corpse and a danger to this realm!" Odin roared, glaring at his son for not listening and obeying. "Even you cannot claim it has not used you to keep itself from being permanently dead," he continued to glare at Loki while you sniffled and clutched onto Loki's tunic, terrified.
"She didn't do it unless I forced her into it! She is no parasite!" Loki protested again, but stiffened when he realized his heated words were the wrong ones. He never should have admitted that he'd let you feed from him.
Odin softens a little, but not in a way that anyone wanted. It was the expression of someone reasoning with a mentally ill person. "They are known for being manipulative creatures. It is no surprise that you were caught up in its enchantments as well," he told his son gently.
"She has cast no enchantments on me. She has done absolutely nothing to me unless I asked her to," Loki replied with a growl as he summoned a dagger. "I will defend her if you try to do anything to her. She has done nothing but finally make me feel like I belong somewhere!"
"Father! You're being unreasonable," Thor tried again. "Lady Y/N would not do any of those things." Odin ignored his sons and started to order the guards to take the creature to the dungeons, claiming it's for Loki's own good. You cringed and clutched onto Loki's tunic tighter. "Father, no! Let her go back to Midgard!" Thor protested.
"If she is forced to leave, then I am going with her. You cannot take her from me!" Loki told Odin firmly.
Odin glared at Thor for stepping in to defend you. "Fine, get that creature out of our realm, immediately. Keep your brother here, by whatever means necessary," he ordered trusting that Thor would do as he was told and actually follow orders.
"You will not keep me here, Thor. She won't be returning to Midgard without me," Loki turned his attention to Thor and you could nearly hear tears in his voice. You saw his grip tighten on his daggers, ready to defend you both from Odin's ruling.
"Come along, Brother, you can say goodbye at the Bifrost," Thor told Loki gently. He grabbed Loki's arm and wrapped his other arm around your shoulders, keeping himself between you and Odin as he walked you from the great hall, dragging the protesting Loki with you.
"Brother, stop," Loki pleaded, not with his usual stoicism, sarcasm or any of his usual emotions. No, this was the plea of a small child begging his older brother to help him. He struggled to remove his arm from Thor's grasp, his blades forgotten. He hadn't actually been intending to using them on Thor.
"Brother, I'm helping you. Now shut up," Thor snarled at him and dragged him along since Odin was watching
"What are you doing, Thor?" Loki growled softly.
"Exactly what Father told me not to, now shut up," Thor growled back, softly enough that his words wouldn't travel back to Odin. Loki relaxed and let Thor drag him along. He trusted that Thor would help him. Thor always helped him. Once you were all safely out of the great hall, Thor let Loki go. "I'm taking you both to the Bifrost and you're going to escape from me and go with your lady. There will be tragically nothing i can do to stop you," Thor told Loki his very simple plan.
"Can I hit you with your own hammer?" Loki asked with a smirk.
"How about 'no'?" Thor replied dryly, his arm was still around your shoulders, holding you safely against his side as you walked. Your arms were wrapped around yourself and you were sniffling, trying so very hard not to cry.
Loki turned to you and came up on your other side since Thor had let him go. "It's alright darling. We will be out of here very soon," he told you gently, kindly, trying to ease the hurt of Odin's words, of your banishment from the realm that you had already come to love if only because you could be out in the sun here. Loki looked to Thor. "Give my apologies to Mother, please,"
Thor nodded and led you all quickly to the Bifrost. An illusion of Frigga stopped you on the way "Children?" she asked, looking over your sorry little group with concern.
"Mother. We both have to leave. I should have known coming back would be a bad idea..." Loki told her softly, sadly, his arms around you helpless to ease your tears until he got you out of this place.
"Your lady has to leave. I have to keep you here, remember?" Thor asked dryly, glaring at Loki for forgetting that point.
"Mother won't tell Odin we planned to both leave. You know that, Brother," Loki growled at Thor for interrupting.
"The walls have ears, Brother," Thor reminded him with a growl of his own. He didn't want to get in more trouble over this than he was already in for.
"Boys, stop arguing," Frigga interrupted them. Both of them went silent instantly at her command. She turned to Loki. "Coming home is never a terrible idea. I only wish your father could be reasoned with..."
"Do you know Father to ever be reasonable when it concerns me?" Loki asked her sourly, remembering past slights against him.
"He usually tries a bit harder," Frigga replied dryly. "He's worried; it's his job to protect the realm from threats, though he is incorrect about the threat in this case..." Even Frigga could only defend Odin's actions so far.
"You're right on that point. He couldn't be more wrong about my little vampire," Loki gave you a warm reassuring smile, trying to convince you that Odin was wrong.
"It'll be alright, darling. I will talk him around. Or beat some sense into him when he doesn't have the guards for backup," Frigga growled at that particular treatment. "You three best get going before he comes to check. I will see you later, my sons," she bid them warmly. She turned her attention to you. You looked down, trying to hide your glowing purple eyes from her. Whatever Odin had done was keeping you from putting your illusions back in place. "Don't fret so, dear. Odin is wrong. Take care of my Loki for me, will you, darling?" Frigga asked you gently, in her warm caring way. Even in your current state you weren't immune to her charms.
You risked looking up at her, shyly, scared, but managed to nod. "Of course. I love him too," you told her softly. You flushed in embarrassment and knew your fangs showed when you spoke.
"You have nothing to hide with us, dearheart," Loki reassured you when he caught your shyness your embarrassment over them seeing you without your illusions. He smiled fondly at Frigga. "We will see you again soon, Mother. Good luck with Father." Frigga smiled warmly at her sons and the illusion vanished.
"Mother was right, we should hurry," Thor told Loki and continued toward the Bifrost, towing you with him, his arm around your shoulders again. He was keeping up appearances as much as he could. Loki had to use his long stride to keep up with Thor and you were practically dragged along, though you didn't much notice, distressed as you were over Odin's actions.
Thor let you go when you reached the Bifrost chamber. He turned to address Loki. "Brother say your goodbyes quickly. Father wants her out of the realm immediately," he added for the benefit of Heimdall, who had probably been watching the whole thing to be honest.
Loki moved over to you, wrapped his arms around you. "Get ready. You and I will have to make a quick escape," he whispered into your ear. You nodded and held him tightly, as if you were being parted forever and not just setting up a ruse.
"Say something, silvertongue. Heimdall's watching. You have to make it convincing," you hissed in his ear. He had to sell this ruse to the gatekeeper.
"I'll see you soon, little one. I swear I will come for you as soon as I am able. Wait for me," he told you warmly and kissed you deeply, leaving you slightly dazed when he finally broke the kiss. He kissed the top of your head as he let you go.
You stood up on your toes to steal a kiss. "I love you, Loki," you told him softly. Thor came over and gripped Loki's arm again while he ordered Heimdall to send you back to Midgard.
"I love you too, dearheart," Loki replied just as warmly. As soon as the Bifrost opened, he grabbed Thor's hammer from him and bashed him across the face with it with a small smirk of glee at getting to hit his brother with his own stupid hammer. He ran over to you, grabbed your hand and dragged you into the Bifrost with him, not losing the momentum of his stride.
"Loki! NO!" Thor yelled while you grabbed firmly onto Loki's arm and ran with him into the Bifrost.
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