Chapter 25
"Loki? You still have not found your brother?" Frigga's voice asked from behind you and Loki, sounding sad as she approached. She must have gotten impatient waiting for Thor to show up on his own.
Loki turned to face her with you asleep in his arms. His response was a whisper loud enough that Frigga could hear him, but not loudly enough to rouse you. Your weight was nothing to him, so there was no effort in carrying you, or holding you safe in his arms while he spoke with his mother. "He should be coming to find you soon. He had gotten caught up with those moronic friends of his. My lady and I delivered the message that you wished to see him," he added, his voice clear at his distaste for Thor's friends.
Frigga nodded, accepting that her Loki had done his job and Thor's friends were the real problem. As per usual. She turned her attention to you, concern evident in her expression and tone. "Is she alright? It's not even noon," Frigga asked, her voice concerned over your state. It was much too early for you to be logically so far asleep. Frigga was a healer and had slipped into worried healer mode at your state.
"She's fine, Mother, don't fret. She is simply not used to travel on the Bifrost and she has had to deal with so very much recently. It's catching up to her," Loki tried to reassure her, trying not to tell her that you needed to rest when the sun was highest, how much it drained you, even here when you could go out and not burn, not be blind.
"Poor dear," Frigga replied with a warm soft smile. "Those Midgardians should take care of such a treasure as your genius of a love," she sighed, a hint of spine in her expression and tone, a desire to go hurt the people who had harmed the being her son loved. A moment passed before she continued "I will go break up Thor and his friends, I am quite sure they have work they should be doing anyway..." she told Loki with steel in her spine. The warrior boys were doomed against the force that is Frigga, especially when she would be taking out her distaste for the ones who had harmed you on Thor's idiot friends. She did spare Loki a warm smile at how adorable he was with his lady.
He smiled kindly at his mother in reply, pleased by her approval of him and of you. "Thor should have known to come see you before he had to deal with your wrath," he commented with a mischievous glint in his eyes.
"He should have," Frigga agreed with a sigh, "but he always was a slow learner, especially when his friends were around to play with instead," she added with a mischievous smirk of her own. "Perhaps, I will have the Warriors Three scrub the bedpans..." she mused over their punishment for keeping Thor from coming to see his mother like he was supposed to. "Take care of your lady, darling," she told him warmly before she would head off.
He chuckled. "I will, Mother. There is nothing I would not do for her." Frigga nods her approval and storms off to go deal with Thor and his drunk friends. An idea came to Loki and before Frigga can get too far away, Loki called her back over. "Mother, if I were to tell you a secret, can you keep it from Father?" he asked after she had taken the couple steps back to him.
She looked slightly hurt that he wouldn't automatically assume she would keep his secret. "Of course, darling. Have you ever known me to let you down?" She asked him warmly, knowing that whatever it was, it had to be important for him to question her ability to keep the secret from Odin.
He hesitated a moment before he started. "It's about Y/N. She is not exactly...normal," he sighed while she waited patiently for him to find the right words. "I am not quite sure how best to explain..." he finally admitted.
"I believe we have already established your genius Midgardian with the medical condition is hardly normal, darling," Frigga told him dryly, a light joke to ease his mood and his worries.
He chuckled dryly in reply. "Very true," he agreed. He pondered a moment longer before he continued. "Have you ever heard of the Midgardian creature known as a vampire?" he finally asked his mother, to ease into the conversation.
"I have not," Frigga replied, her voice hurt that she could not be much help. "You boys and your Father always did much more travelling than I ever have. I never had much use for studying creatures on the other realms..." she trailed off. She knew she wasn't being helpful, but she didn't need to explain further either.
"Would you mind coming with me to my quarters before you find Thor, so I might explain this properly? I really do not wish to keep anything from you and this is something I feel you need to know," he asked softly, tentatively, hating asking anyone for any favors, even her.
"Of course, darling," Frigga replied warmly, willing to indulge her son, especially for something so important to him. She walked beside him the rest of the way while he carried you in his arms, and somehow you hadn't woken through their whole conversation, or the trip to his chambers. When you arrived, he laid you gently in his bed and tucked the covers around you, while Frigga watched warmly. She noted how hard he tried to be proper and not kiss your forehead. And how much he failed. Miserably. And did so, with a hint of pink on his cheeks.
He stepped back over to Frigga and conjured one of the books you had recommended about vampires back when you had first met. "This is a book that explains what vampires are more accurately than I could," he explained and flipped to a page that contained a description of the creatures, though it wasn't in the kindest terms. He handed the book to Frigga.
Frigga raised an eyebrow at Loki handing her a book instead of just explaining, but she took the book and read the description within. Her expression grew concerned. "Darling, you do realize that this does not paint those with your lady's affliction in a positive light..." she finally said, worry in her voice.
Loki sighed heavily in reply. "That is true, and from my understanding, most of the vampires are as monstrous as described, however my lady is a special case. She was taken without her say and turned against her will. She hates what she is, what she was forced to be. Everything you read in there is what she is physically but not who she is as a person. She is kind hearted, intelligent, witty, a gentle being who just wishes to help others. She is not the creature that book paints her to be," he told Frigga firmly, his volume rising with emotion as he defended you.
Frigga smiled warmly, reassured by his fervent defense of you. "I have met your lady, and she does appear to be all of those things. Plus she can keep you on your toes to boot. But this affliction? She must drink the blood of others? And cannot go out in the day? But-" Frigga looked out of the balcony doors at the bright sunlight even brighter in the golden city.
"It appears that the sun here on Asgardian does not harm her as the sun on Midgardian does. She can go out in the sun here. Back home, if she ventures out in the day, she goes blind and it drains her energy quickly. The blood matter is something else entirely, something not even I completely understand. Though it is what keeps her kind alive since her blood no longer circulates through a beating heart," he hedged a guess at the logic behind the need to drink blood, but it was just that, a guess. "She refuses anything but animal blood purchased from the butchers,"
Frigga nodded her understanding, reassured by all of Loki's words. "She seems like a sweet girl. Especially considering all of the hardships of her affliction. Fear not, darling. I will not betray your secrets," she told him warmly. You made a small, soft noise in your sleep, disturbed by their less than quiet conversation. "And that is my cue to go find that brother of yours..." she said with a grin.
Loki moved to hug Frigga, initiating the contact for once. "Thank you for understanding, Mother," he told her warmly. She hugged him back and kissed his cheek.
"Of course I understand, darling, did you expect anything else from your mother?"
He chuckled. "Of course you would understand," he told her warmly. "Good luck with Thor, Mother,"
She smirked in reply. "I can handle Thor, and his silly friends. If they're too drunk at this hour, I will simply put them to work... If you need me, you know how to reach me," she reminded him with a twinkle in her eye and left his suite. She caught him returning to you, stroking your hair and soothing you back to proper sleep with gentle words and smiled at how adorable he was with you.
"Time to wake up, little one," Loki bid you gently some time later, he kissed you lightly and brushed your hair back away from your face.
"Hmm?" you asked him softly, opening your eyes to look up into Loki's bright green eyes and his warm smile.
His smile grows warmer and brighter. "You did wish to see my surprise didn't you?" he asked with a grin.
You bounced up excitedly and nearly bashed his nose with your forehead. "Of course!" You replied excitedly.
He chuckled. "Calm, kitten. There is no need to rush," he told you warmly and gave you a kiss. You straightened your skirts and used a touch of magic to fix your hair so you were presentable. He smiled warmly at you and offered his arm. "Now, on to the surprise I mentioned,"
You placed your hand on his arm and leaned up to kiss his cheek. "Love you, Lokes," you told him brightly.
"And I love you, dearheart," he replied and showed you around his suite before leading you out into the corridor. He led you through the halls and stopped at a pair of double doors. "Here is my surprise," he told you and dramatically opened the doors to reveal a beautiful sunlit garden full of amazingly gorgeous strange flowers.
You wandered in, full of joy at the gorgeous colors surrounding you, at the strange plants in all of their glory, at the sun on your skin and not harming you. "They're gorgeous!" you exclaimed over the brightly lit, beautiful gardens. You couldn't find the words to explain how wonderful it was to be out in the sun, to even be able to enjoy this after so long.
Loki smiled warmly at your obvious joy and picked a flower, placing it in your hair. "Nothing in these gardens are as beautiful as you, little one," he told you and leaned down to kiss you.
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