A beautiful young girl was born on the most cursed day of the year; October 31, 1855. The spirits of her ancestors were all very happy on the day. Their grandchild was born with the power so great, all creatures know who she will become. The child's mother was not born with any power, so she rejected the witch culture, and hoped that her daughter would follow her foot steps.
The young, happy family lived in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania. They all lived in peace until July 1, 1863.
The little girl, Samantha, was only eight years old. She was outside the day that the gunfire started, and didn't stop for the next three days. Samantha's dark brown hair was in a loose braid and her light blue dress--that matches her vibrant eyes-- whipped in the wind as Sam ran back to her house. The high pipping of rifles and the low boom of cannons are ringing in the small child's ears, along with screams of the dying and the terrified.
"Mommy! Daddy! the soldiers are here! They're fighting!" Samantha's high voice screams. The door to the stone house was opened by Sam's father.
"Get in, get in! Hurry!" Her mother appeared behind her father. Samantha's little feet carried her into the safe arms of her parents.
Jean Ann, Sam's mom, shut the door and locked it. Jean Ann locked the door, and then scrunched up her cream-colored apron.
"What are we going to do?" Jean Ann's worried voice asks as she hugs her father around his waist.
"We stay inside and wait it out." His dark brown eyes harden as the sounds of gunfire drowns out his voice.
The family then departs to do their things. Samantha went into the attic during the day and used the light from the windows to look at the photos of her ancestors. Jean Ann worked on her current quilt as her husband, James, sat at his desk and worked on the bills for his office.
Three days have gone by and Samantha has grown restless with sitting in the house. The gunshots have stopped last night.
"Mommy, can I please go outside?" The little girl jumps up and down, her light blue skirt fluffs in the air. Jean Ann looks up to the roof of her house as her child jumps around her.
"Fine, fine. I give! You can go after lunch." Sam stops jumping after her mother presses down on daughter's shoulder's
"Yay! Daddy, I get to go outside!" The little ball of energy ran through the house, excited about going outside.
After a lunch of potato soup, Samantha runs outside, and a short hour later, she came home confused.
"Mommy, Daddy. I think we have a problem." Her bare feet walk through the house to find her parents sitting on the back porch.
"What is it, sweety?" James pulls his daughter on to his lap.
"I can still see soldiers, but I can see through them." Sam bunches her skirt up with her hands. James whips his head over to his wife and glares over at her. The chances were slim to none that Samantha would inherit the witch magic. James doesn't like this because his mother was murdered by witches.
Samantha just turns her head from the problem and runs off to play with the other children.
A few years have passed and Samantha can not stand to be in the same building as her abusive father. James beat and yelled at both his wife and child because of the ghosts that Sam can see. When people asked what happened to the two women, James would say that he was putting them in their place.
Jean Ann and the teenager Samantha then bought poison and poisoned the man of the house, and in later years they move to New York City after they got enough money.
But Sam wanted to know more about her medium abilities. She can see ghosts, talk to ghosts, and feel their presence when they are near. Samantha spends most of her time at her local library, looking up everything that she can about her heritage, witches, ghosts, and good roast beef recipes
Samantha's mother is not a witch herself because she did not inherit the powers of her ancestors, but Samantha did. Jean Ann is against her daughter's learning about anything but to be a housewife. Oh, how she was wrong.
Jean Ann found the books stacked up on Samantha's desk and promptly kicked her 20-year-old daughter out of the house.
Samantha roamed the streets and spent more time at the library in the month that she was on the street. A 100 dollar bill that was shoved into Sam's bra by an old man kept her fed.
Then Hannah found Samantha sleeping on a bench in central park. Hannah saw the potential of the girl and welcomed her into her home in hell. Then after a year, Samantha was off to a school for witches and wizards.
"Why do I need to make all of the health potions? Wouldn't I learn more if I could make different potions?" The potions instructor glares at Samantha, but her fellow students nodded and agreed with her.
"Do you want to switch? You make the mana while I make the health?" A short man comments from next to Samantha.
"Sure." She bushes her hair back over her shoulder and hands over her ingredients while the man gives her his. Samantha reads over the instructions carefully while making the new potion.
The young witch then notices a slight commotion of people talking in the usually quiet classroom. Sam looks up from her work to see that others are copying her and are switching their assigned potions.
Sam smirks and looks over to the instructor that has fallen asleep. The man beside her snickers and Sam looks over to him and smiles at him. They get back to work.
At the College of Magic, men and women come together to learn in the many different guilds. And the guild that they have mastered declares their title. Samantha has mastered the identification and usage of herbs and magical plants, along with potion-making. Her mastery gives her the title of a witch.
Samantha could have also been a wizard, but after her last training, she was not worthy.
"We split up and conquer the ground," Sam calls to her teammates. They all nod and start to move out. Samantha adjusts purple gauntlets as she walks forward. Her team was placed on the south side of the training field, and the other opposing team was placed on the north side. The first team to cover the most territory before all of their team members are taken out wins.
Not only is the other team a threat, but there are wild beasts roaming the field too.
Samantha's training robes billow around her as she walks forward, her head on a swivel. A twig snaps behind her as she powers up her gauntlets to shoot a bolt of mana, but nothing is there.
Her eyes narrow as she looks for any alterations to the trees and ground, maybe an invisibility cloak was used. Samantha keeps walking on the leave covered ground after she could not find anything.
The pattern repeated. Sam would hear a noise, stop, listen, and then keep going. But whatever was following her never showed it's face.
Day turned into night, and Samantha has covered a lot of ground. She only came across one small snake, which she obliterated. Now Sam is jogging through the open field, looking for cover. She has no clue how many people are left on her team or the opposing team.
Once Sam reaches the cover of the woods on the opposite side of the meadow, she hears the high pitch whistle of a power rocket being shot. Power rocket are used to blast your opponent back so that you can run away.
Samantha runs towards the whistle and comes to a small clearing. She notices the purple robes of one of her own teammates lying in the crater made by the rocket.
"Hey! Hold on!" Samantha slides down into the hole and checks her teammate for any injuries.
"Don't bother. Once you're down, you're down. They'll teleport us to the guild once we're done." The man with blond hair grabs Sam's wrists so that she can stop checking him over for injuries.
"Are you in pain? I have a numbing potion." Samantha still attempts to comfort the man.
Then in one moment, bright rays of light start to encase the blonde and the next moment, he is gone.
Samantha sat still for a moment, absorbing what just happened. In order for her to graduate as a wizard, then she needs her team of ten to win.
Now she knows that her team is down one person, so she must be moving twice as fast.
For the rest of the night Sam used the shadows as her allies so that she can move quicker through the night. Anything the came in her path was blown to bits. Nothing was going to stop her.
The guild master that are observing the final challenge have taken notice that Samantha has covered the most ground out of her three remaining teammates. The rest of the teammates were eaten by a rogue dragon.
An opposing woman stood in Samantha's path of success. Samantha threw all of her best shots at the powerful woman, but nothing would bring her down. If Samantha cannot bring down the woman with magic, then she will slay her with her double bladed sword.
The witch pulls her daggers from her sheaths and the two apprentices battle to the death. Hacking, chopping, and blocking with all of their training that they received.
What Sam did not see was the Dragon coming up from behind her. When the eyes of the opponent widened, and she ran away, the witch knew that something was behind her.
Sam spun around, throwing her sword at the dragon. She then blasted the dragon with Holy Light. The dragon winces at the blast, and Sam summons her sword back into her hands. Blod dripped from the cut on the dragon's neck.
The young witch is racking her mind for a spell that will injure the dragon enough so that she can run in and hopefully strike the final blow.
Her eyes observe the burn and cutmarks that are all over the dragon's body. Everyone else must have been fighting this dragon too.
Samantha then thinks of the two spells that she needs. She sprints to the other side of the clearing, her and the dragon face off.
Samantha's lips move as the incantation rolls off her tongue, then she charges at the dragon, her sword raised. Three invisible swords pierce the dragon in it's stomach, the dragon falls to the ground.
Sam runs and jumps, attacking the neck. Her sword pierces the top of the dragon's neck and her body weight pulls the sword down it's neck, leaving a long and deep cut.
The dragon takes a bite from her leg. Sam then uses an ancient dragonborn shout, Force. The dragon is pushed back, taking Sam with it. They both get taken out of the final test.
After Samantha was healed by the healer (She still has the bitemarks) she was taken to the ceremony hall and attended her graduation. She now has full marks as a witch, and can still use the wizard powers that she has achieved.
Then a year later, Samantha was traveling the world while using her powers. Wars raged on, and so did her depression. She knew that she had no job anymore, nothing to work for.
When Sam crossed paths with Hannah, the Demon convinced Samantha that working for hell would give her purpose. Hannah only wants the power that Samantha possesses, nothing else.
While Hannah was in Hell, she found that her ex lost control of his thrown and was overthrown. Now Hannah has recruited her most trusted people (Dominic, Julian who is a werewolf that has worked with Dominic in the past, and now Samantha) to track down rogue demons and monster that have rebelled.
"I've got another job for you, Sam." Hannah walked into my bedroom. I roll my eyes at her rudeness, she just barged right into my apartment.
"It took you long enough," I comment.
"I had to secure your position for you." She walks into my line of sight through the mirror. I lock eyes with her, nodding my head for her to continue.
"There is a powerful witch hiding in the plain sight over in Las Vegas, Nevada. She is working for one of my rogue demons at a bar that also serves as a motel. I need you to go in as a maid to work beside the witch. Once you find a break in her chains, you summon me so that I can destroy her and capture Damien, the head demon." Hannah then sits on my bed behind me, picking on her skirt.
"When do we leave?" I take out my curlers as I question her.
"I would like to leave now, I told the manager that a new maid would be coming in within the hour." I roll my eyes at her before standing up and fixing my floor-length skirt.
"Let us go then." Hannah grabs on to my arm, snaps her fingers, and shadow travels us over to Las Vegas.
Samantha adjusts her skirt so that her stomach wouldn't stick out. Men were eying her like a piece of meat. Hannah just walks in front of Samantha, going on her merry way. Sam adjusted her white shirt and ran a few steps to catch up to the demon.
"Are you sure about this? This area doesn't look safe." Samantha was not fine. Going from the lifestyle of being a badass while kicking ass to cleaning up people's messes and learning information is a huge jump. Samantha is sharing a bedroom with Riley, the supposedly powerful witch.
"So you're the new girl. " Riley comments as she brushes out her wert hair. Both girls are sitting on their beds, Sam is reading one of her favorite books, Sherlock Holmes.
"I-yes. My name is Samantha if you didn't hear." The brown-haired girl closed her book, sensing that the redhead would want to talk.
Riley finishes brushing out her hair, and almost immediately, it bounces right back into its short curls.
Their beds are close together, little walking space in between. Once someone walks into the room, one large dresser is on the right, and two single beds are pushed up against the opposite walls. A window showing the busy streets of downtown Vegas.
The two younger-looking women share a nightstand between their beds.
Sam and Riley then sit opposite of each other, their backs pressed against the walls.
"Where are you originally from? You act too shy to live around these parts." Riley's ocean eyes stair into Sam's blue eyes. The young with clears her throat before answering.
"I have previously lived in Pennsylvania, then in New York City, and now I'm here. Now, what lead you to this job?" Riley straightens her back, and answers.
"I just got out of an abusive relationship and needed something new. I have always wanted to be a waitress, so I filled out the resume and I got the job. Plus a new roommate. What about you, why did you get this job? Why do you want to be a maid, to clean up other's mistakes?" Samantha didn't have to think long before answering.
"Because I find it relaxing to just clean, and I feel productive while doing it." The two women talked all night until the candle went out.
"Do you need help with that?" Samantha, the taller of the two women ask Riley as the shorter one climbs up on top of the back counter in the restaurant.
"No, I can do it myself, thanks." Samantha just rolls her eyes at her roommate and hands her the dusting cloth.
The two have been cleaning at the motel/restaurant for two weeks, and have gotten used to their schedule. They would rise before the crack of dawn each morning and quickly scrub the hallways and the public bathrooms. Then the girls would split the 12 rooms and clean those, they would normally get done around 1:00 in the afternoon. Riley and sam would then hang out in the kitchen with the two chefs and eat their lunches.
Once 3:00 hits, the doors would be opened to the public. Sam would hostess, clean up tables and serve drinks behind the bar with Riley, the latter would be waitressing most of the time.
"Riley, will you please hurry up? I don't want you to fall." It is now after closing, and since it is Saturday night, they get the clean the whole restaurant and bar. Luckily, the last thing on the list is to dust.
Riley then turns around on the counter and throws the rag at sam, who catches it with both hands. Samantha's eyes watch Riley as she crawls down off of the counter.
"So miss bookworm, are you going to stick your nose in one of those boring books of yours, or are we going to talk until the crow cries out in the early morning?" Riley slips her arm through Sam's as their leather shoes click down the hallway as they make their way to their room.
"I guess we can talk since tomorrow we only have to clean in the morning." Sam looks down at the confident woman.
"I knew you couldn't resist my charm." Riley and Samantha then talked under the moonlight that shone through Samantha's bedside window. They shared smiles and laughs as their bond grew stronger. Samantha and Riley fell asleep together on Sam's bed, their fingers loosely interlocked.
"I told both of you that you are not allowed to go near the basement. And what do you do?" The two women are sitting in their boss's office, like two children being lectured by the principal.
Samantha stared down at her interlocked hands that lay on her brown skirt-clad lap. Riley's eyes stared defiantly into the demon's eyes. Riley tried to stop the younger witch, but Sam slipped through her fingers.
"I won't let it happen again," Riley says with a chilling voice while giving her boss a piercing stair. They agreed to work together to run this part of Vegas, and the Demon needs Riley. So whatever Riley says, goes. The demon is scaring Samantha, and Riley doesn't like that.
"It won't, I promise sir. I didn't even look in the basement before you showed up sir. I'm sorry." Samantha's chin wobbled, her eyes brimming with tears. Samantha's head was pounding from the pressure of keeping away her parents voices, their ghosts still haunt her. Being around Riley made the ghosts more agitated.
"Miss Riley, please retire to your room. I would like to have a private word with Miss Samantha." The tall, evil entity loomed over Samantha as Riley tried to interject.
"Sir, she didn't do anything wrong, it was me. I shouldn't have told her how to get down there in the first place!" Samantha flinches even further back into her armchair, all of the yelling makes the pounding in her head even worse. Her skull feels like it could crack from the pressure.
"Get out Riley." Samantha opened up her terrified and bloodshot eyes.
"No, not without you." Over the weeks, the two have grown close. Too close for just a mission to gather information to find out Riley's weaknesses. But Sam can't find anything wrong with her.
"Don't lay a hand on her," Riley growls as she stomps out of the room, not out of her free will either.
The evil shuts the door with a wave of his hands and then makes the room go completely dark. Samantha's breath picks up out of fear, she has confirmed that the rogue demon works here.
"Stand up." His deep, scratchy voice commands to the young witch. Samantha stands up on her shaky legs. Her heart is racing faster than her mind. She tries to think of a protection spell and tries to move her hands to perform the motions, but her hands are forced to her sides.
Suddenly, she is thrown into the wall from the sheer force of the slap she received to her face. The breath was knocked out of her once her back made contact with the wall. The hair that was wrapped up into a tight bun came undone along with the tear ducts in her eyes. Tears were streaming down her face as the demon crouches down in front of her.
Samantha grabs at her throat, trying to regain her steady breath. The brown-haired girl can hear Riley banging on the door, yelling for the demon to let her in. The demon turns his ugly head and brushes his cool hand against the heat of Sam's hot cheek.
"Do not disrespect me again." Were the words Sam heard before a snap. The lights were suddenly turned on and Riley came storming in through the door. Riley dropped on her knees beside Sam's body. Riley never wanted to get this attached to Samantha, let alone tell her that she is a witch.
Riley knows that being a witch is what ruins all of her relationships. That doesn't matter when your crush just got thrown across the floor by your boss.
"Sit still. This is going to feel weird." Riley warns Samantha Before she places her hands on Sam's head and ribs. Samantha sucks in a deep breath before crying out in pain. She didn't notice her broken ribs.
"Shh, I got you baby." Riley hushes the young woman. Once Riley healed Samantha, the two girls embraced and held each other. Samantha's loud sobs could be heard through the quiet room, Riley's hands rubbed Sam's back soothingly.
"I'll never let any demon touch you ever again." It then clicked in Samantha's head.
Riley's weakness is Samantha.
"Let's get you to bed, okay?" Riley pulled herself away from her crush. Samantha wiped her eyes, but the tears didn't stop. Samantha was getting attached to Riley.
Apart from Sam's job is telling Hannah, her boss, all of the information that she gathers. But Samantha doesn't want Hannah to kill her crush.
Riley and Samantha fall asleep holding each other. Blue shimmering lights that were above them were made by Riley in order to calm Sam down. Samantha took the witch news surprisingly well.
Now both of them are waiting with anxiety to tell their bosses their updates.
"And then I hit him in the ankle with my pipe! That was a good pipe, a good copper pipe." Riley retells the story every day just to see her girlfriend smile. After the episode with their demonic boss, the women have been inseparable, except for at night. Riley would leave to work on the potion down in the basement after Sam fell asleep.
"Oh, I love that story." Sam stretches out her body on her bed. Her shirt rides up on her stomach, exposing her pale skin.
Riley's eyes look at her girlfriend up and down through the mirror's reflection. The two have been dating for one month of the 4 that they have been living together.
"Do you ever want to live in any place other than the city?" Samantha asks out of the blue.
"I have thought about it." Samantha's eyebrows raise at the comment.
"Oh really, tell me more." Riley crawls over Samantha's body before lifting Sam's head, sitting down and laying Sam's head on her lap.
Samantha is shocked by this information because every Sunday the two would be out and about in the City of Vegas, shopping and trying out new foods.
"Yes, before I settled down here, I found a beautiful patch of forest in the middle of Ohio. It is secluded, and a little house would be built there. I would want the logs on the outside to be a nice White Oak, but the furnishing would be made of red cherry wood." All while saying this, Riley twirls Sam's wavy hair in her fingers.
"I would love to go there someday." Samantha smiley up to her beautiful girlfriend.
The two look in each other's eyes before leaning in slowly.
Gunshots ring out, ruin the moment. They could have had their first and only kiss.
"That was close!" Sam jumps off of the bed and then walks over to the door to lock it.
"It sounds like they're getting closer." Riley tells Samantha, the words triggering a memory that was buried deep in the back of her mind. Samantha's mind unravels as her physic abilities come back. Her mother and father are standing over her, screaming at her for all of the things that she has done and is doing.
Riley sensed more presence in the room. She turns around to see Samantha on the floor, her eyes squeezed shut, tears streaming down her face.
Her hands pull at her hair. Riley rushes over to the young girl and untangles her hands from her hair. Riley then holds Sam's hands with her own.
"What' the matter sweetie?" Riley's soothing voice calms Sam's racing heart. Ocean eyes meet turquoise.
Samantha then hiccups.
"I've suppressed it for so long that they came back screaming." The extra presence and the response from Sam confirm Riley her suspicions. Sam can see ghosts.
"Just calm down and I can make them go away, okay?" Sam nods her head and tightens the grip on her girlfriend's hands. Riley replaced the mental wards around Samantha's mind. The two then fell asleep again, holding hands.
The closest thing to a kiss was a light peck on her forehead from Riley before they were torn apart the next day.
It was raining the next morning, but they both wake up warm from sharing Sam's bed. The don't even get to say good morning, or good bye.
Hannah and Dominic have been following Sam the whole time that she was there, for safty measures.
"She is going to hate you." Dom mutters from besides Hannah. He has gotten used to the presence of having Sam around for the past cuple of years. He thinks of her as the smart comic relief sister. But if Hannah would even lay a hand on his mate, then he would kill Hannah.
This isn't going to be pretty.
"We have to strike now. You need to run in and grab Sam. I will take the witch. Destroy the demon with Sam and keep her out of my way so the I can kill the witch with out distractions." Dominic reluctantly agrees with Hannah's plant. Riley the witch as been a bitch for their whole team.
The vampire then used his superspeed to run through the motel, to enter Sam's room, and then to take Sam down to the basement. Samantha woke up once Dominic slammed open her bedroom door.
"What are you doing? You'll blow my cover asshat!" She whisper yells as she throws her hair over her shoulder.
"I'm afraid that your cover has already been blown, Miss Samantha." The demon says before turning on the light in the basement turned torture chamber.
The fighting began instantly as the demon threw knives ingnited with Hell Fire at the pair.
Sam deflected the attack with a shield of Holy Light.
"What's the plan?" Sam shouts over the yells of the demon as the latter throws attack after attack.
"You distract, I'll gank!" Dom's gravel voice yells as he doges another knife and then runs out of the room to find a weapon.
Sam rolls her eyes at the idiot. Her pajamas then rip because of the knives that she barely doged.
"That's it." She grumbles before attacking the demon. She sends out two blasts of mana with her one fist as the other summons her sword. The demon go blown back from the mana blasts.
Once her silver sword appears in her hand, Sam makes a shield out of Holy Light on her other arm. The demon shields his eyes form the bright light and summon his own black obsidian sword burning with Hell Fire.
The two charge at each other, yelling their native battle cries.
Their swords class, making a sonic boom. With both of their battle training, the blast only blew them back and didn't mess with their head. They keep fighting, clashing their swords with offensive attacks and Samantha had to often block with her shield to keep up with the demon.
Where is that dumb ass vampire at?
Then as it on cue, the vampire ran into the room with an angel blade and stabbed the demon right in the back.
The demon's eyes flashed orange as the demon was killed in the human host. Samantha fell on top of the dead body because of their locked swords.
"What took you so long?" Sam stands up and brushes off her legs. Her sword disapears back into her enchanted chest that holds all of her magic items.
"Had to find my boyfriend so that I can use his blade." Dom wipes the blood off of the holy blade.
The mention of his sigificant other made Samantha remember about Riley.
"Where is Riley." Her mind is rushing miles a minute. Hannah has gotten more reckless and unpredictable lately, and Sam doesn't want Hannah to do anything Riley.
"Dom where is she." Dom pretended to be calm, but he knew that his cover was going to be blown soon.
"Why don't we grab a bite to eat. I could use some pie. Or maybe some pudding." Sam knew that he was ovoiding her question.
"Where did Hannah take Riley?" Samantha was becoming more stressed, so her mental bounds are coming undone. The undead are screaming in her ear as her hands charge up with mana.
"ANSWER ME!" Her eyes drip with wet and angry tears.
Dominic looks to his friend with fear. He has never seen her this upset.
"I don't know." He answered in a calm voice, hoping to in turn calm Sam down to.
Her chest is heaving as she recites a tracking spell, tracking Riley's heart beat.
Once Sam find the beat, she teleports to her girlfriend.
"Riley!" Sam screams as her bare feat land on the wet forest floor. Her eyes only see brown and green as she scans the area. The sound of rocket charging up leads Sam to her girlfriend.
"Sam stop!" Dom yells from behind her as he tries to catch up with her.
Their nimble feat stumble over the tree roots at the race to the opening. Once Sam got there, what she saw before her was Riley on her knees, holding up a shield of Holy Light against Hannah's Hell Fire attacks.
"STOP!" Sam screams as Dominic grabs a hold of both of her arms.
"Calm down Sam. Hannah is going to be pissed at the both of us if you don't calm down and get out of here." Dom says into her ear. The young witch just screams in frustration as the demon and the older witch fight to the death.
Sam then yells again as she watches Riley's shelds break and Hannah charges up with her black obsidian dagars, and stabs Riley in the heart. Sam rips herself out of Dominic's hold and sprints to her now dead girlfriend.
Hannah stands back and glares at the young girls. Sam broke one of Hannah's rules, don't get attached to the job. If you break an of Hannah's rules, you're fired.
Hannah grabs Dominic by his arm ruffly as she drags him away from the sad scene.
Samantha is down sobbing on the forest floor. Riley's head is propped up on her lap, and her wide, fear filled eyes are staring straight up at the grey clouds.
Sam closes her late girlfriend's eyes as she picks up the smaller girl in her arms. She then teleports herself and Riley to a rich forest area in Ohio. Riley now lays there under a patch of blue flowers, with a large rock covered in moss as her hedge stone.
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