Samantha POV
I have been in my room for at least a week. My body has been shutting down from the lack of food, water, and sleep. I do the bare minimum. Riley and I havent stopped looking through my college notes and old tomes.
We're getting no where.
When Audrey would bring me up food, twice a day, I can sense the Moon Dust becoming stronger. The dust attatched itself to her soul, and is eating at her life force. My gut tells me that without Blake and the Mate Bond, she could have given up already.
The darkness in the world is spreading. Hannah has been sending forces from Hell to tear through North America. The demonic possessions are leading to an increased amount of roits, murderers, and terrorist attacks.
When my body would shut down, I would be sent glimpses of a dark cloud moving north. A darker, more powerful entity is at the center of the storm. I've never felt this much darkness.
The demons and Hannah have set up Hell Fire catapults, and are slowly pushing my wards towards my house. At the rate they're going, I will have less than a week to find the cure for Audrey.
Audrey and Blake have both been having nightmares too, many even night terrors. If the demons cant harm us physically, they'll do it mentally. I'm certain that Hannah is behind my dreams.
"This one has nothing either." Riley pushes her book away. I set mine down and rub my eyes. The grease on my face makes me cringe, I wipe my hands on my shirt.
"Sam?" I look up to Riley's semi-transparent form. I've been feeding her enough energy to allow her to move objects.
"What?" My voice is scratchy from not using it.
"You look like shit." I roll my eyes and get back to reading. There has to be a way to help Audrey.
"Don't roll your eyes at me, you need a shower." I ignore her and turn the page- only for the next section to be in Latin.
I yell in frustration and throw down the book. I stand up and let my greasy hair out of the bun.
"Where are you going?" Rileg hovers behind me as I look for two clean towels.
"To take a shower." I could practically hear her smirk.
"Shut up." I grumble as I make my way to the bathroom.
A hot shower never felt so good. I got done washing myself very quick and the rest of the time I was just standing in the shower, contemplating my past life decisions.
I finally got out of the shower and got dressed in a long brown skirt and matching crop top.
I walk down the stairs, through the little hallways, and into the livingroom. Audrey and Blake are stairing at eachother, almost glaring.
I step closer, Blake makes a move. Audrey yells in agony and slams her fist on the table. Blake does an evil laugh and I start to become mildly concerned.
He says something that makes Audrey fall dramatically to the ground.
"Uno." I let out a short laugh, which startles Blake and Audrey.
"Ah! The witch comes out of her cave!" Blake says as he rounds the couch to come and stand by me.
Audrey straight up tackles me. We land on the ground as Blake pulls Audrey off of me.
"Damn girl, you're giving me more action than Blake." They haven't fully mated yet, the whole animal kingdom would know when an Alpha Male is mated.
Blake glares at me while I smirk right back at him. Audrey offers her hand to me.
"Its tradition to be full mated within pack boarders." Audrey nods her head with him, they already went over this.
"I'm going to make some food, you guys like ham pot pie?" They nod their heads and I get to making the soup.
Riley decides it's a good time to talk.
"Who all did you fondue with while I was trapped here." Riley's form sits ok the counter, like she used to do at the hotel.
"No one. Everyone that I've met now a days steers clear away from me. I have like two close friends, excluding Audrey and Blake. The humans can sense my powers and steer clear." I chop up the potatoes as I talk quietly to Riley.
"You know, I've been thinking."
"That's a shocker. First time for everything." I clap back at Riley, i see her standing on the counter top, a part of her head is in the roof.
"Ha. Ha. Ha. Very funny. I was thinking that maybe you dont just control ghosts. What if it's the soul. The spirit forms after the soul leaves the physical body. You always said that you could tell who the bad guys and good guys were. Maybe because you could directly see into their soul." Riley drops off her voice, like she just figured something out.
"Keep going." I add the potatoes into the pot of water and throw it on the stove.
"What if you don't just sense the Moon Dust, what if you can sense her soul, her life force." I haven't thought of it like that.
"Maybe this power of yours allowed you to attatch me here, even though you didnt mean too." Riley motions to the house, she then sits back down on the counter. For a ghost, she looks pale.
"I think I remember a way to save your friend." A rush of excitement bursts through me as Riley jumps through the ceiling, right into my room.
An hour later, Blake, Audrey, and I were in the tiny dining room. We were all eating the food in content silence.
"Did you find something to fix me?" Audrey pushes away her bowl and looks over to me. I nod my head and push away my food.
"I found a theory to help you, I just need more than the theory." Correction, Riley did, not me.
"When do you think you'll be ready?" Blake fixed his eyes on Audrey, like he can feel her soul slipping away too.
"Give me at least one more week." Audrey then drops her head, her body slamming into the table.
Blake and I rush to her side. My heart drops as I feel the Moon Dust growing. The parasite almost completely took over.
If Riley was correct, then I would be able to do this.
I put one hand on her shoulder, the oother on her head. I channel energy into Audrey, like I do the ghosts. Her head picks up, stairing directly into the wall. Blake waves a hand over her eyes, Audrey doesn't flinch.
"What did you do to her?" His voice is tense as he tries different methods to make her focus again.
"Do you want the long or shorter long version?" I stand up and wring my hands together.
Blake looks at me like I'm a crazy person, Audrey looks in my direction, her eyes still unfocused.
"He'll want the whole story." How does she even know the whole story?
"Long version then." Blake looks at me expectantly.
My feet pace as I talk.
"When I was a child during the American Civil War, I could see ghosts walking through the streets. Once my father was murdered, I could see him too, silently following me. Years after that, my mother joined him. At the college, the thing that I picked up the easiest was the different eyes sights, like I showed you. Plus mental manipulation, but I hate using that. I also found it easy to channel the three different energy sources within a witch. There is mana, Holy Light, and your own personal storage that comes from your head. I could channel energy to spirits and make then do things." I pause, looking at Blake and Audrey for a reaction. The poor girl was stairing at the wall, Blake had his serious face on, no emotions, all business.
"At Zack's house, the first time I met him, there was a women's spirit stuck there. I put energy into her to make her speak. A dark entity was holding her there and making Zack sick." Blake tilts his head, but keeps silent.
"One spirit that I have a... deep connection with had the idea that I dont just control ghosts and spirits. What if I control the soul itself, no matter what form it's in." Audrey looks to me, her eyes normal.
"When you fed me energy to help my soul, I saw flashes of your own life. Like a part of you went into me." She stands up and hugs me.
"Riley wouldn't have wanted you to do those things." She whispers in my ear, hugging me tighter. I nod my head and wrap my hands around her. I never stopped doing those things, I'll probably have to start doing it again.
"Did it work?" Blake and I both jump at the voice coming from behind me.
"Something is there." He growls as he pulls Audrey away from me.
"I am a person you dirt bag." Riley sticks out her tongue and glares at the wolf. I roll my eyes at her comment and channel a large amount of energy into her.
Riley's almost solid form lands on the ground. Blake and Audrey take a step back as Riley glares at me.
"Riley?" Audrey whispers from behind Blake.
"At the pretty ladys service. The wolf, not so much." Blake growls at her, Riley growls back.
"This isn't normal." Blake says, I roll my eyes.
"These are not normal circumstances. Ryls, it did work, although Audrey could see my life as well."
Riley nods her head and taps her chin.
"That would be normal, or at least something like that should happen. I think that your were given a fourth power source that connects to your soul." I give Riley my best what in the world are you talking about look.
"Yeah, I think it allows you to control other souls. No one has had this power in hundreds, maybe even thousands of years." We are all stunned into silence.
"Holy shit." Audrey whispers, she then gives me a weird look.
"Would you be an Avatar then?"
"What is an Avatar?" "I guess. " Riley and I speak at the same time.
"I'm not explaining it to you." Audrey chimes in after me. We don't have time to nerd out.
"Let's get back on track." Blake says, snapping his fingers.
"There were rituals done to possessed people in ancient Greece that historian's have forgotten about. A priest's blessed by a certain god, I forget who, would separate the soul from the physical body, remove the possessor, and then replace the soul. They did that so the souls would remain pure. Demons often taint that soul so that it will never be like it once was." Riley says as we all stand dumb founded.
"Holy shit." Blzje says as he pulls Audrey closer to him. Hope fills the room as we all start to think that we can win this.
"Riley and I will be doing more research now." With a snap of my fingers, the kitchen and dining room are cleaned up.
That night, after rectacting the energy from Riley, we started meditating.
It took me a little, but I could finally channel the Soul Energy.
The palace was dark and elegant. My form landed in a glowing garden, filled with plants that I have never seen before.
"I have chosen well." The cold voice sends chills up my spine.
"Have we met?" I look around to find a body to match the voice.
"Once when you were a small child. My brother is your father, and the oricale told of a prophecy that you were in. My blessing was needed in order for you to succeed." The voice is surrounding me, I can't pin it to one place.
"You cannot hold a god in one place." My mind clicks.
"Hades." The noise stops. The air is dead as I wait.
"You're smarter than his other children." The man appears before me, long and slender. His hollow and handsome face studies me as I look at him. His all black suit matched his pale complexion. His black eyes stare in to mine.
"What are these gifts that you gave me?" I step towards the god, having to look up to him.
"The witch is correct, you do control souls. The others before you could only manipulate human souls. You, however, are given the ability to control anything's soul. You can do whatever you want with it." Hades takes his time speaking as he walks around me.
His hand slicks back his greasy hair.
"But this isnt enough to save Audrey, is it?" I question him.
"You must understand you father's powers in order to save her." Hades stops and stands before me.
"My father was human, a bank owner." Hades laughs, the deep voice booming through his palace.
"Your mother was behind that. My brother fell for her, she realised her mistake and married a mortal. The ignorant mortal thought she could play god when the gods were playing her." I was confused by what Hades was saying. None of this made sense.
"Alas, you are not here to discuss your father. You're here to test your worth, to see how limited your powers truly are." His hand touches my head, my blood runs cold. My body shuts down all at once, throwing me to the ground. My mind was still working.
I saw his life. Eons of sadness and pain, joys and triumphs. Hades entire life passes through my mind, minutes go bye before he takes his hand off of me.
My soul is relased. My body starts to function again as my brain goes on autopilot.
"You have no limits." Me mumbles as I make myself sit on the ground.
"Father!" A young voice yells. I'm experiencing what Audrey experienced times 100.
"Percy wants to know if Mrs. O- oh. You're busy. I'll come back later then." The voice got closer and then stopped.
"Percy." I mumble. I know that name.
"Is she a half blood father?" The voice asks.
"Your cousin, with my blessing. She should have met Jackson at one point." Hades grumbles. My head starts to pound, I'm so close to remembering his name.
"Percy Jackson?" I say under my breath, I can almost see his face.
"She knows Percy, but why is she like this?" The voice continues.
"You ask many questions son. She has been given my blessing." Hades explains like it's a normal thing as his life flashes before my eyes.
"You touched her soul?" The voice asks after a moment.
"Quiet Nico." Nico, where have I heard-
"Nico Di Angelo!" I yell the name, looking up from the ground.
Hades and a teenaged Nico stand beside eachother.
"How do you know my name?" Nico grabs at his sword, I will his hands to relax by his side.
"For the past twenty years, I have followed the life of a boy, my brother. I would have visions, or you guys would show up in my dreams." I stand up and walk to Hades.
We look eachother in the eyes.
"I understand now." He nods his head and places a hand on my shoulder.
"We will be watching." The vision fades to black.
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