Samantha POV
Audrey and Blake both went into their separate rooms while Zack and I walked into his room. From the was that Zack's house is set up, the kitchen, laundry room, and garage are all connected on one side of the house. The living room and dining room connect the bedrooms and the office to everything else.
Zack and I easily mended into our old routine. I went into his walk-in closet to change clothes, he would go into the bathroom and do his thing. After we switch, I laid down on top of his bed and checked my phone for new messages. After coming up with no messages, I got under the covers and tried to fall asleep.
Something was nagging at my brain, something was missing.
I abruptly sit up. My hands pull my long hair back into a bun and I scurry out of the king-sized bed.
My nerves got the best of me. Even though I was exhausted from teleporting everyone, I tapped back into my magic reserves. Even the most trained magician will run out of magic before they have to switch to something else. That's why the college had us making mana potions, arcane absorbers, and healing potions. Your body could literally burn up from using too much of your own magic.
My hands lit up with the white Holy Light as my eyes see the white souls of Audrey and Blake in their separate rooms.
I didn't even hear Zack leave the room, but he did leave the door open. I keep the Soul Vision up as I sprint out of the room.
Even though Zack is a demon hunter, he didn't have any of his equipment on him. Any demon, no matter how powerful, could overpower a human.
I sprint down the stairs and into the living room. The lights are all shut off, but the Holy Light in my hands illuminates the furniture surrounding me. My eyes quickly scan for Zack's soul, and I find him standing in front of his kitchen window.
I quietly walk up behind him and press my white glowing hands to his back. The Holy Light would easily expel any demon presence. After I take my hands off Zack's back, he immediately turns around with his fists raised to fight whoever touched him. In this case, that would be me.
"Hey, just me." I dim the glow in my hands until the light is extinguished.
"What did you do to me?" Zack asks as his hands pat down his body.
"Nothing that would harm you. I kind of just cleansed you." I grab his hands and pulled them to my chest.
Zack then lets go of my hands and pulls me in for a hug. His large arms go around my waist as my smaller ones go around his neck. We stayed in the embrace until Zack pulled back and kissed the side of my head.
"I missed you." He mumbles into my hair. I step back and take his head into my hands.
"I missed you too." Our eyes connect, blue meets blue for the first time in two years.
Zack then moves abruptly, picking me up by my hips and setting me on top of his kitchen island. he then wraps his arms back around my waist and puts his head in my shoulder.
My hands run through his fluffy hair.
"We could be in bed doing this you know," I comment. Zack just groans into my neck. The man then kisses my neck and lifts himself off of me.
With me trapped between his arms, and him standing between my legs, Zack starts to talk.
"Ever since you had to leave me two years ago, I have been having nightmares. It was always hard for me to focus on what was happening, but I'll try to describe it for you. At first it would feel like I'm falling. the once I would land, everything was blurry. I could tell if I was in a building, a city, or outside by the general shapes. But one thing that I could always see clearly was the Demon Queen. She would always be talking to Demons. Most of them were different because of their size and shape. The demons were all back and blurry though." Zack takes my hands and places them on his chest.
"The Queen, she would make two black daggers appear. She would walk towards me, and I can never move. I can't even scream. I know that it's coming every single time. She stabs me in the heart, and I wake up with chest pains." Zack keeps my hands on his chest. His heart is beating rapidly, like this is the first time he told someone.
Riley's death replays in my mind as my eyes start to water.
"Hey, don't cry. I don't want to see you cry." Zack uses his hands to wipe the tears that escaped.
"That's... That is how she killed Riley." I told Zack about Riley while I was staying at his house two years ago. I woke up one night after I watched myself kill Riley. As if I switched bodies with Hannah.
Zack pulls my body into him again. We stay like that for a couple of minutes, both of us comforting each other.
That moment didn't last very long.
Doors were slamming, two voices were screaming (although, I could have sworn I heard the third voice) and the temperature was dropping quickly.
Zack and I rip apart from each other as we both sprint upstairs to get to Audrey and Blake.
Zack and I round into Audrey's room to see her on the ground, her hands over her chest.
"She is having one of her episodes."
"What?" Both Blake and Zack said. I take note that Audrey is in Blake's polo from the club, and is in a pair of Zack's shorts.
"Yes, they started once she woke up from an induced coma." I sit beside Audrey and try to reach for the moon necklace that she is still wearing.
Blake growled at me and pulled Audrey further into his arms.
"Look, I understand that you want to calm her down through the mate bond, but I need to tell her mind to sleep." I try to reach for the necklace again, but Blake verbally tells me no.
"Man, listen to her! The poor girl can't even breathe!" Zack yells in hopes to get Blake to understand.
"Alpha Blake, the moon dust is acting like a parasite. I need to calm her down. The more she panics, the worse she is going to get." Blake looks at Audrey to try and decide whether or not to accept the help.
Audrey's eyes were open and she was looking around the room like crazy. Like she couldn't focus on anything. The dark blue eyes had little sparkles in them. It was like I was looking at the whole galaxy in her eyes.
My arm reaches out and my hand latches around the crescent moon.
I specifically enchanted the metal for moments like this. I sent a pulse of energy into the charm, the charm then sent a message to Audrey's brain, telling it to calm down.
Her body relaxed seconds later. The temperature in the room then raised to what it was before.
I watched her eyes turn back to normal before shutting completely. The young girl then curls into Blake's arms.
I stand up and look at the ghost in the corner. The ghost's eyes were focused on Audrey. She must be the third voice that I heard.
"This is too much for her. All of the new environments are causing her too much stress and her head is working overtime with absorbing new information. But something is triggering her attacks."
"Are you saying that you won't let her come back to my pack?" Blake glares up to me.
"Yes," I state simply. But from the fierce look in Blake's eyes, I quickly added on.
"I have a cabin in the middle of nowhere. there are very strong wards up all around it. Nothing gets in, nothing gets out. I have a 100 percent stress-free environment. You, on the other hand have a very large pack that is on the verge of war. That is not the environment that she needs. " My tone goes from strong to quiet in a couple of seconds.
"We won't be there long either. I just need a few weeks to recuperate and figure out how to get the Moon Dust out of her ." We are all silent for a moment.
"I'll think about it," Blake says as he picks Audrey up.
"Great. Let's all go to bed." Zack practically drags me back to his room to get some peaceful sleep.
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