"All cats old enough to run on the moores, gather beneath the Tall Rock for a Clan meeting!" A mighty cry echoed over the fields. With it, his call brought a familiar memory, yet it was so vague no one could remember. The cats scattered throughout the fields lifted their heads, quite aware of the beckoning. They then gradually began to near their home, everyone in different directions appeared below the elevated rock and gathered into a crowd.
The leader looked breathlessly bold standing upon the stone. His pale-colored eyes gazed outwards, soaking in the vivid images of the expanse. Where he was standing, the cold stone beneath his pads, it felt right. It felt like he truly belonged in the moores; generations and generations of his kin had passed down the noble ranking. And now, finally, it was his turn.
Molesnake, who was now identified as Molestar, no longer had the desire to slither around in treacherous evil. He was no longer poisonous with monstrous ways and like the suffix of his name, he had dropped his sin. Molesnake was now a star. He was now the cat others looked up to.
Once all of the WindClan rebels had gathered beneath the Tall Rock, he began. "WindClan, it feels so good to be united." The mumbling cats hushed at the sound of his voice. Many colorful, forward perking ears spun to focus on their leader. Molestar proceeded, "As my first act of leader, I feel it is my duty to elect a new deputy."
Reactions to his announcement consisted of vicious buzzing. The Clan cats frantically whispered with excitement, conjecturing ideas to who the deputy would be. But deep down, they were all hoping the next the deputy would themselves.
"I say these words before StarClan," The dauntless tom regained his cat's attention. "So that the spirits of our ancestors may hear and approve of my choice." A vision of his mother suddenly entered his head. He could feel her soft presence, mellowing amongst the untouched heather fields. Molestar hoped that she was proud of him. "The new deputy of WindClan is Falconrain."
The apprehensive seething ended once the warrior's name fell to the air. The calico tom, perching near the back of the gathering, lifted his head. His glossy eyes were wide with shock, almost as if he was hearing the name wrong. But Falconrain's mood shifted once he saw his brother's reassuring expression. Molestar did want him as deputy. A thrill of adrenaline coursed down his spine. Falconrain cleared his throat, "Thank you. I promise to serve and protect my Clan."
And with that, the Clan erupted into cheering for their new deputy. They clearly approved of the choice as many tom's and she-cat's raced to congratulate the tortoiseshell. Falconrain had never been seen smiling so much. His electric eyes then drifted across the clearing to a particular she-cat. His Clanmates frenzy meant nothing if she didn't approve.
The moon-colored feline smiled dazzlingly once her lavender eyes came into contact with his. She solemnly dipped her head, welcoming the novel deputy. Secretly, Violetsky was so very proud of the ex-soldier. In this moment, he seemed to be a different tom compared to the time she first met him. He looked to be no longer suffering. Falconrain was finally at good terms with the world.
"Settle down," Molestar's courteous coaxing silenced the gathering. "I have one last thing I must do before we part ways," He seemed to hesitate with serious sadness. His head dropped to the side as he was lost in a mosaic of memory. "My mother should've done this a long time ago. I apologize on her behalf." Realizing he was still in his Clan's eye, Molestar straightened himself. "My apprentices, Bramblepaw and Rowanpaw, please come forward."
Both of the young warriors were sitting beside Violetsky, one on each side. At Molestar's command, they both synchronized and worriedly gaped up at the silver she-cat. She nudged them both forward, amused by their innocent reluctance. As the apprentices stepped before their leader, the crowd of cats shrunk into a semi-circle.
"It is time I give you your warrior names." The two apprentices gushed with happiness. Their eyes had a thrilled spark and looked like a million stars. "I, Molestar of WindClan, call upon my ancestors to look down on these apprentices." The brown-coated leader voiced reverently as he gazed at the ginger toms before him. "Bramblepaw," At the mention of his name, the young warrior timidly slid forward. He tilted his head up towards the darkening sky. "From this day on, you will be known as Bramblefeather. For it is your soft heart that makes you so strong."
Bramblefeather. Violetsky loved it.
"And Rowanpaw," The Clan's attention shifted and was placed stiffly over the russet tom. He bowed his head, feeling his whiskers burn from the tinge of embarrassment. Molestar continued, however he didn't recite the usual warrior-ceremony speech. Instead, he strayed from it, marking a new path with his footsteps. "You have suffered greatly from the loss of your brother and our dear Clanmate, Adderpaw. I could've named you after him."
Violetsky shot a worried glance at Falconrain. Her thoughts raced through her mind; where was Molestar going with this? But the tortoiseshell tom simply nodded. Just a painless duck of his head induced the she-cat into a calm state of mind.
"However, what leader would that make me if I plagued you with the shadow of him?" Molestar's endless green eyes were dripping with sympathy. He knew what it felt like to lose someone.
Rowanpaw nodded sincerely. Remembering his loyal brother hurt his heart greatly, nothing would ever compare to the pain of losing him. But Rowanpaw's name did not belong to Adderpaw's legacy. He would never be known as Rowanadder.
And then Molestar announced the name. It's sound felt like a revival; like rebuilding a home from its past ashes. "Rowanhope." The name swept into a flurry of optimism and was borne with the wind. "From this day on, you will be known as Rowanhope. For the reminder that our hope shall always be stronger than our fear."
"My Clan," Molestar suddenly addressed. His dark words ruptured the growing sense of faith. "We are going into battle." Molestar should've held his tongue. A swarm of pelt's bristled into spikes, colorful eyes expanded, and distraught murmurs all brutally attacked the precious moment. But the WindClan leader refused to act intimidated by his decision. "I'm tired of cowering away and I'm especially tired of letting Wolfstar win." His eyes criss-crossed over the faces of his Clan, eyeing their fearful expressions. "We should no longer live afraid. We should no longer have to stand with such tyranny." His Clanmates were gradually easing into the idea. Bit by bit, their furs began to rest on their backs and they were no longer twitching with complaints.
Molestar continued to stand like a god on Tall Rock. His face was structured gravely, threatening a fearless rebellion. "Let our hope of one day having freedom reign over our fear." He swallowed his doubt, the WindClan silence was devising his uncertainty. "Are you with me?"
The afterthought of his words was nothing but silence. The tension of the atmosphere soiled into the ground, the absence of noise was planting it. Falconrain was the first to cheer. Despite everyone else's silence, the tortoiseshell tom yowled loudly, throwing his agreement with his brother into the air. Then Violetsky joined in the hollering chaos. As did Bramblefeather and Rowanhope. With each passing second, another cat joined in with the fury of the noise. Soon enough, all of WindClan was bursting with cheering. It was a beautiful symphony. For once in a long time, the Clan was one. Each individual cat, each flashy pelt, was united through the hope of creating a better tomorrow.
The Clan was soon dispersed into separate conversations, everyone was still gathered in the front, chatting away. Violetsky rested near the back, watching happiness come to life. And never before had she truly felt at home. Her adopted son was seeking new adventures, chatting to the younger warriors. Molestar and Falconrain were sharing a rabbit beneath the leader's rock.
The silver she-cat was consumed by warmth. And to think this land all began as a story, as a myth told her by a ginger tom, showered her in even greater gratitude. Despite her paws being forever scarred by the terrain she traveled across and her skin being bruised with the journey, at least now she could say she was forever home.
Violetsky's lavender gaze then scanned across the clearing. Her eyes were suddenly caught on the bright fur of Rowanhope. She let her thoughts wander when seeing his red-stained coat. Memories of the good and bad pieced together like a mosaic in her mind. If there was one cat she could have sitting with her right now, it would be- Suddenly, a huge gust of wind seized the camp in its arms. It rippled through the long grasses, forcing them to sway in stilted motion. The breeze then elegantly swirled around Violetsky, caressing her fur warmly. And dancing with the wind came forth a familiar presence. Violetsky let herself ease with the spirit, a ghostly yet soft feeling blanketed her skin. The wind trickled into her ear and then a familiar voice whispered. One she had not heard in a long time. Adderpaw. "This is not your destruction. This is your birth."
The end.
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