3rd POV
Today was a happy day. If you'd told him that the resets would stop long enough for him to get married, he would have called you insane. But there he was, standing before a podium, waiting for his beautiful bride. He himself was wearing a dark grey suit with a baby blue dress shirt underneath it and a white tie. He looked over to his best man, Papyrus, who gave him a happy thumbs up, then over to the maid of honor, Toriel, who looked unbelievably happy for the both of them. Asgore stood behind the podium as he was the one making Sapphire and him an official married couple. Then he saw her, in all her beauty, being walked down the isle by her grandfather. She wore a silver dress, nothing big and puffy, with embroidered flowers on it. Lillies most likely. They were her favorite. Her grandfather handed her off to him as they made it to the podium and he couldn't help smiling wider. He'd never felt so unbelievably happy. Sapphire's grandfather took his seat and Asgore did his whole shtick. Then it was time to say their vows. "sapphire.. i never thought i'd ever be happy. my only propose was to keep m' bro happy.. but than you came into my life. i have never, ever, ever felt this way about anyone before an' i'm glad that i can spend the rest of my days with someone as amazing and beautiful as you.." He heard Undyne grumble about Alphys being cuter in the crowd. He ignored her. Sapphire was on the brink of tears and she smiled at him lovingly. "Sans.." She took his hands in hers. "I love you with all my heart.. With all my soul. I'm glad that I make you happy, I never thought I'd be happy again when my parents died.. I like to think that they sent you my way. Thank you.. So much for.. For just being you. I love your puns and jokes and your laid back demeanor.. I even love that trombone of yours.." She laughed a little. "In sickness and in health." She finished. "in sickness and in health." Sans repeated. MK than proceeded to bring the couple their rings, with Frisk's help since he didn't have arms. Sans and Sapphire exchanged their rings and he finally got to kiss his bride. Everyone stood up cheering and clapping for the newlyweds.
Sans teleported them into their hotel room. It was way early into the next day, the reception lasted longer than expected. It was honeymoon time though and he'd been waiting a long time for this. She wanted to stay a virgin until they were married and he respected that. Well guess what. Now they were married. It was probably a good thing that they had the floor to themselves. It was three days later that Sans' happiness was ripped from him and he'd never see his beloved wife again. The Player had returned from their reprieve and reset once more into a genocide route. Sapphire forgot that she was ever married, but dear readers this is not the end, as you can see from the title.. This is only the beginning.
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