Twenty Three
"Renjun, you're okay right?" a knock on the door brought Renjun back to his senses as he sighed before turning on the lights, reaching for his slippers. Once he was done fixing the mess which was his hair, the male made his way towards the door.
"gè" Renjun called out once he realized who that was. Lucas was standing in front of his door with a tight smile.
"You're alright, right?" he asked as Renjun tilted his head not knowing what the other meant.
"I saw Haechan and Jeno carrying you back to your room. They said you fainted. Didn't you take your pills?" he asked as he entered the room followed by a sigh from the latter.
"I didn't..."
Lucas groaned looking at his brother with a slight glare.
"Why didn't you? You do know you have to!" he lashed out as Renjun focused his eyes on the floor clearly knowing he was at fault. He was advised to take pills every day to reduce the risk for anxiety attacks triggered by his nightmares.
"I'm sorry gè"
Lucas didn't murmur anything before engulfing his brother in for a hug.
"You know you could tell me anything, right?"
Of course, Renjun knew his brother. Sometimes he does wonder how lucky he was to have Lucas as his brother. The older male looked out for him, and even when he got a boyfriend for himself, an additional someone receiving his attention, Lucas still made sure that his brother was safe and healthy.
"Something's clearly bothering you. You don't seem so fine" Lucas decided to not beat around the bush as Renjun sighed, hugging Lucas tighter. His brother was his personal comfort and the very first person who he runs to vent about his feelings.
"Is this about the Lees? Are they bothering you in some form?"
Truth to be told, Lucas felt bad for turning his brother down whenever the latter raises his suspicions about the two. But after his encounter with the two today, he couldn't help but feel a bit weird. Was he at wrong for bringing the two to his house and offer a place for them?
"What do you mean gè?"
"I'll be quite straightforward now that it's just us. Did they act inappropriately towards you?"
Renjun furrowed his eyebrows pulling away from the hug.
"No way, they didn't do anything to me! Why would you think so?"
" have been telling me for quite some time that they are not what they seem to be...I know I put you off whenever you raised that issue. But after my encounter with them today, I don't know...they do give out weird vibes."
Renjun hummed knowing how exactly his brother felt. The same feeling he felt when he saw them for the very first time in their school.
"So...I want you to tell me the truth. Did they treat a bad way?"
Renjun shook his head slowly with a small smile.
"No gè. I'm all good. They didn't do anything to me inappropriately."
"They didn't right?"
"Oh, c'mon don't you believe me?"
"Yes yes, I believe you. I just wanted to make sure!" raising his hands in defeat he passed a smile looking across the room.
"Well...take your medicines on time. You shouldn't forget it dumbo!" smacking renjun's head, the older male laughed a bit seeing the way Renjun reacted. Wincing he rubbed his forehead before pinching Lucas's arm.
"Ouch, what was that for?"
"For smacking me, idiot"
"Hey! I'm older than you!"
"Then act like one"
Silence engulfed the room before the two broke out into strings of laughter, Renjun feeling a lot better after talking to his brother. The two stopped as Lucas held Renjun's hand before rubbing it gently.
"Renjun, I want you to know that I'll always protect you no matter what. We want you to be safe and we hope you are. If you are going through any sort of trouble don't hesitate to let me know. I'm going to smack the living hell out of that person!" Lucas punched the air earning a small snicker from Renjun.
"You know you sound like dad"
"That's cause I am. I'm your second father and I wouldn't let anyone hurt you. You're my brother and if someone dared to mess with you, trust me I'm digging his grave"
Renjun chuckled a bit before leaping into Lucas's arms taking the older by surprise.
"gè, I have lots of stories to tell you"
"Stories?" Lucas asked confused as Renjun nodded, a sigh leaving his lips for the nth time.
"Lots of stories. But I wouldn't tell them now. When the right time comes I'll reveal it to you. And trust me you will wonder how on Earth did those happen"
"Really? Huang Renjun, what are you hiding from me?" pulling away Lucas crossed his arms earning a low chuckle from the male.
"A lot" smiling mischievously he ruffled his brother's hair earning a stern gaze.
"Why can't you disclose it now?"
"Just because"
"Just because?"
"Just because it's not the right time"
Lucas looked disappointed but nevertheless put on a smile to fake his emotions.
"Well...I'll be waiting for that when you'll open up to me...I hope whatever path you choose will lead you to a happy ending Renjun-ah. You better make us all proud"
"I hope so too, gè. I want to make you all proud."
"That's my brother" Lucas felt his heart swelling with pride as he faced his brother before making his way towards the door.
"I'll be heading back to my room then. Goodnight and sweet dreams"
"You too gè!" Renjun greeted his brother back before walking back to his bed, turning off the lights. beaming, he closed his eyes and drifted off to his dreamland clearly looking forward to the next day. An emotion that was absent for the past few years.
Lucas smiled a bit seeing the sight of his brother making his way back to his bed before heading to his room. He had a lot to ask. He had lots of suspicions regarding their tenants. But Renjun putting off his claims was kind of a relief for him.
Their family had suffered a lot due to renjun's constant nightmares and anxiety attacks. After that specific night, though Lucas himself was not remembering the incidents fully, he was instructed to look out for his brother always.
He had always done but looking back at the incidents that took place during the past few days he felt disappointed in himself. He should have paid attention to his brother and not let two strangers be inside his house.
Lucas had thought about this thoroughly before going to Renjun's room after everyone has fallen asleep. The thoughts of him making a wrong choice had been bothering him throughout the dinner. It didn't help the fact that his brother was awfully quiet unlike other dinners when he was bothering the siblings with his sharp tongue.
But after hearing his brother he felt a lot at ease. If something bad had happened to his brother, just as he promised Renjun, their house would have turned into a bloodbath. Lucas would make sure that no remains of the Lees would be found as he finishes them off. Family comes first for him and his brother was precious to him.
"I should stop overthinking" mumbling to himself he grabbed the duvet before covering his whole body, letting sleep take over.
That was for this chapter. Expect 2 more updates tonight! Also welcome to another episode where Gouri rants.
Anxiety, depression, and overthinking suck. What sucks, even more, is the fact that people think you're faking it. Like wtf! Just because someone shows a different side of them to you doesn't mean that they're not going through something like this! Just because they faked a lot of smiles doesn't mean that they're okay! I'm so tired of people taking this issue in a light manner.
plus we all have different coping methods. some may seek help while the others seek solace in music or other related stuff. don't fqing judge that.
Also please stop faking depression. It doesn't make you look good, kid. It's not a fqing joke okay?
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