Twenty one
Renjun was sitting upright on his bed, his mind wandering elsewhere. He had a lot of questions and sure enough, he was curious to know. He wanted to know more about the two.
He had always known that the two were in fact nothing but trouble. Renjun doesn't know how to describe it. It was as if he wanted to know more about them, specifically Haechan, yet keeping a distance as he's afraid.
Coming to know that the two in fact were not humans was a blow to his face. He certainly didn't expect that thus leading to him blacking out. After knowing what they are it seems as if his energy is drained, his bravery disappearing to some corner.
He wished he hadn't barged into the room when he heard them talk. He wished he had walked past by calling it a day.
Pulling his knees closer to his chest, he rested his chin on his arms looking towards the window. Weird enough he was reminded of that old woman in his dreams.
"Do you believe in monsters Renjun-ah?"
Clenching his fists Renjun sighed loudly.
"Is Renjun awake?" his ears perked up at the mention of him. It was Jeno, he could tell.
"Well, let's get inside then. After all, we have some words to exchange with him to make sure that he wouldn't spill anything"
"But what about Jaemin?"
Renjun creased his eyebrows at the mention of his best friend. What did he have to do with the situation they were in?
"He says he saw a monster"
"I tell you hyung they're real. I even saw one myself"
"That...I can't tell. But I'm saying the truth. I saw one"
So he knew about sungchan...
"Let's see...I'll make sure that he'll keep his mouth shut" those words left a bitter taste in Renjun's mouth as his fist clenched. He loved Jaemin and if the monster dared to mess with his best friend Renjun might keep his fear aside and act up.
The door, as the human expected, soon opened to reveal the two monsters. Rolling his eyes Renjun looked away but was soon alerted when he saw them approaching.
"Don't come near me" he growled as the two looked at each other before raising their hands in defense keeping their distance. From the corner of his eyes, he could see Jeno closing the door behind them as Haechan seated himself on the couch.
"Renjun" Jeno started as he took the place beside his brother. He wore a serious expression "We need to talk to you about something important"
"Does it seem like I'll listen?" especially after hearing the comment made by Jeno regarding his best friend, Renjun had his guards up.
"You will listen to us and if you don't" Renjun could see a small smirk tugging on Jeno's lips, "You'll regret your choice"
Renjun nibbled his lips looking away as he gestured the other to continue. Haechan smiled a bit at that before speaking up.
"We don't request much from you nor Jaemin. Don't disclose our identities to anyone. That should be known within our small circle. We wouldn't hurt you at all that is if you don't speak up against us. I'm sure that you're smart enough to keep your mouth shut and don't disclose the information.
This brings me to my next point. Don't get out of the house until we say so. This, indeed, is by someone from our species but unlike us, his intention is not good. We have to find them before it's too late. This is for your own safety.
Also after our mission is done we'll leave earth. Don't worry you wouldn't be remembering us by then. You would be living happily without hating every minute you spend with us"
Renjun nodded his head lightly his eyes fixed on the ceiling. He was grateful by the last condition that they indeed will be erasing his memories. He wouldn't want to spend his time thinking about them.
Plus he wasn't a loudmouth as his pink-haired best friend. He was pretty sure that he would be able to not disclose it to anyone, unlike Jaemin.
And what did they mean by mission?
"Mission?" he couldn't help but ask after several minutes of silence as Haechan's eyebrows quirked up at the realization. It was evident from his face that he didn't mean to blurt it out.
"Well..." rubbing his nape he faced Jeno who frowned a bit before saying.
"Basically...we're in search of a human"
Renjun blinked his eyes, straightening himself as he faced the two.
"A human?"
"Yes...someone who is very important to Haechan..."
Important to Haechan?
Renjun knitted his eyebrows at that.
"Someone important?" he averted his gaze from Jeno to Haechan who seemed to be having a small smile tugging on his lips at the mention of that.
"Who's that?" though he didn't know why, Renjun decided to ask as he saw Jeno nudging his brother who seemed to be getting shy all of a sudden.
"Let's say he has his eyes on someone and he wants to meet that person face to face."
"So he has never seen that person?"
God, why do you keep asking them Renjun? It seems as if you're getting curious. Why would it bother you anyway?
"Haechan has met him once. He wants to see him once again and maybe, if he allows, take him with us"
Great? That's all you could say?
Renjun didn't know why but he was frowning throughout and seeing Haechan flushed, it agitated him even more. It was weird, really weird. He should be happy for the monster. He should be happy at the thought that they would be leaving-
"We-well" Renjun wanted to hit himself for stuttering, "Do you know where he lives?"
"He lives in Seoul...let's hope he is still living here...or it would be a pain in the ass to search for him" Haechan hit his brother's arm annoyed by his wording as the older winced rubbing his arm.
"Oh...he lives here? What's his name?" he didn't even know why he was so curious to know about their business but it seems like the two didn't care about disclosing the information.
"Well...about that...we don't know his name"
Renjun's jaw dropped at Jeno's words as he turned to Haechan letting the younger's words sink in.
"Do you know how he looks like?" he asked further as they shook their heads baffling Renjun even more.
"Then how is he even important to Haechan? You both don't know where he lives, how he looks like, his guys are making up a story aren't you?" He was furious. They were trying to fool him and he wasn't buying their lies. Never.
"Are you calling us liars? Sure enough, we lied a lot but we're being honest here. Haechan met him at the age of eight and that too late at night. Somehow that human managed to enter his heart and after years of being confined within the walls of our palace, we finally managed to escape.
It may seem unrealistic to you but for me and my brother, it isn't. We'll find him and we'll talk to him. We'll return to the underworld thereafter."
Jeno explained their side as it was renjun's turn to raise his hands in defeat. Sure enough, the thought of them searching for whoever that was didn't settle well with him and it was evident on his face.
Renjun looked at the two. They didn't seem to be lying and a part of him wanted to believe them.
"Fine...I believe you..." Renjun fumbled with the hem of his sweater wondering whether he should say what he had in his mind. Summoning up his courage he decided to talk further.
"Do you want help? And don't think that we're friends! That would never happen! It's just...I want to get rid of both of you..yea that's it...that's exactly it"
Jeno and Haechan couldn't help but crack an amused smile at Renjun. It was evident that the human was trying so hard to make it seem like he wasn't helping them out but rather an act to fly their asses away from his house. They looked at each other before facing him.
"Sure, we would love to"
Tw: mention of Jonghyun
(I'm putting a trigger warning since some people are still sensitive about his death and I've to take that into consideration)
It's been three years since Jonghyun left us. We love you <3
SHINee was, is, and always will be five. No matter what!
Also sorry for not updating (ik I say this every time) but our school decided that it would be a good idea to let us know in the last minute that we'll be having exams at school. So yea I have to go to school tomorrow and on the coming Tuesday. My exams end on Wednesday. Maybe we'll get Christmas break? Idk. If we do (or even if we don't) I'll make sure to conplete this before my school reopens.
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