Twenty Nine
"What are we doing here...?"
Gulping Renjun stuck closer to the monster just by the sight of the woods that laid vastly in front of them. Heaving a sigh the monster stepped forward pointing at the woods.
"This is where I met him..." He said, a small smile spreading on his face.
"C'mon let's go inside" with that he grabbed Renjun's arms earning a yelp from him.
"I don't want to..."
"Why? It's not like you haven't been here before" murmuring Haechan dragged the other earning a sound of confusion from the older.
"What do you mean by—"
"So like I said, wouldn't you want to know how we met?" Tilting his head he shot a wink at the human and begore Renjun could get the other in his hands Haechan ran off deeper into the woods leaving the human stranded.
"Haechan this is not funny! Where the hell are you?" Stomping the older decided to go with his guts choosing a path he saw, leaving footprints of himself just in case he got lost...
"Haechan! Where are you? This is not funny! I'll bury you six feet alive once I find you" Yelling Renjun moved forward, the path starting to feel familiar to him. He looked around looking for clues regarding the monster but sighed when he could find none.
The breeze was cold and the deeper he got inside the wilder it looked. It reminded him of that one evening he was all alone inside a grove and the night where he met that wicked old woman. Pain shoot through his head as renjun fell to the ground clutching his head.
"Hae, please where are you?" He called out desperately but got up in an attempt to get out of there. The longer he stayed there the greater his pain worsened.
"I shouldn't be thinking of her" murmuring to himself he started walking backward, his throat going dry at the image of something move across him.
"My my look at that! If that isn't my little Renjun"
Clutching his head the said the male faced the woman, shaking his head violently.
"Go away!!!"
"You're just a fragment imagination...nothing more..."
The old woman chuckled micing dangerously close to renjun. His breath hitched as he felt her dragging her nails across his neck.
"Do you feel that? My nails braising your beck? And you still think that I'm a fragment of your imagination?" Laughing she backed away earning a glare from the male beneath her.
"Go away..."
Renjun knew he would blackout anytime from then. His vision was starting to get clouded and the way his breaths were getting heavier was enough for him. He regrets chasing the wicked demon.
"Renjun! Renjun! Where are you? I'm sorry for leaving you alone!"
"Please reply. I'm sorry for leaving you like that! I shouldn't have done that! I promise I'll be a better person"
"Renjun ah Ill even buy your— RENJUN!"
If one were to ask Haechan why he thought running deeper into the woods was a good idea he would justify it by saying that it was where he met Renjun. The boy whom he had met ages ago coincidentally, happened to be the one he's sharing the house with and the monster came to know about this the night before.
Having stumbled upon an old album that was laying in the room that was assigned to him, the monster couldn't help but curious about what was there. He had heard about humans keeping photo albums but have never come across one himself. Curiosity got the best out of him and he opened it, a gasp leaving his mouth at the sight of little huangs. The boy he had been searching for was there near him yet he was stupid enough to not know it.
A sense of joy overcame him as he sat there in the bed mumbling to himself whether what he saw was true or not. Of course, it could be. Who else would keep photo albums of someone to who they're not even related? Yet the monster wanted to be sure before he made a move.
So sneaking down the monster made his way towards the living hall excitedly. Having stumbled upon Mr.Huang his first question was, "uncle do you know who this is?" To which he replied "well that's my son renjun. Where did you get this album from? We've been searching for this for so long!"
Haechan couldn't hide his happiness. The day has finally come. He had finally met his love but what's even great is that he wouldn't terrify the human as he knew who he was. Smiling to himself the monster headed back to his room screaming to the pillow to let out his happiness.
"Will it be okay if I go and watch him sleep?"
"Should I go and kiss his forehead mumbling a goodnight?"
"How will I confess to him?"
Of course, knowing renjun Haechan was sure that he couldn't outright tell him that he's the one whom the monster had been searching for. That would be outwardly weird for the older male and he didn't want to destroy whatever they had in between.
"I should just ask him to help me" remembering their previous conversation Haechan decided to use to go out with him and maybe just maybe confess to him.
"I'll tell our story, how we met and Ill see his reaction. I'll describe him until he knows it's him" satisfied with his plan the monster turned out his lights.
Haechan was afraid that the human would not be free for the day but due to his luck he was and thus the two decided to go to the mall of all places to search for his "love".
It wasn't until an idea shot up as Haechan diverted Renjun's attention from the mall to the woods where they first met. Feeling playful the monster ran into the woods leaving Renjun alone on the edge.
"How will I start this? Oh my god, hyuck think of a way! Think think think!"
"Haechan this is not funny! Where the hell are you?"
"Oh look who's in search of his love?"
"Haechan! Where are you? This is not funny! I'll bury you six feet alive once I find you"
"As if!"
"Hae, please where are you?" The desperation in his voice surely pleased the little devil.
"Try harder love"
It was followed by silence as the monster started to get anxious.
"Shit, why did I leave him alone? Omg Hyuck why are you like this?" Mumbling to himself he started to go in search of Renjun.
"Go away!!!" He could hear the latter's scream as his pace fastened, beads covering his forehead.
"Should have stayed beside him. All thanks to your stupid idea Donghyuck. Look what it has brought to you"
When he was sure that he wouldn't be able to find the other, he started yelling out his name to get some sort of reaction. The monster grew desperate as the minutes passed, not receiving a reply from the human.
"Renjun! Renjun! Where are you? I'm sorry for leaving you alone!"
"Please reply. I'm sorry for leaving you like that! I shouldn't have done that! I promise I'll be a better person"
"Renjun ah Ill even buy your— RENJUN!"
However, after tremendous search he came across the unconscious self of Renjun, his eyes widening in the process. Scooping him up bridal style, the monster headed towards the edge of the woods wanting to get away from there as soon as possible.
"I'm sorry love..." Pressing a light kiss on the human's forehead he walked them to a nearby stop from where he took a cab.
"I won't pull that shit on you...ever again" rubbing his hands the monster looked outside, the image of woods fading away greeting the view of the city.
So it's the twenty-ninth chapter and Haechan now knows the truth. I would have turned it into a chapter but you know...I'm lazy plus I have a short time with me so yikes.
Also, hope this was understandable?
And I'm sorry for the lack of updates. Filled with revisions for my finals and you know I was having writer's block. I know I have the summaries for each chapter done but developing it is time-consuming and needs attention.
Also, I've been feeling off lately with lots of stuff going through my mind. Lots of regrets and stuff. Don't get me started on overthinking! That's the worst.
Plus drop your Twitter ids if you guys have one. We can be moots. I'm pretty sure I'll get ignored once again but who cares? I mean I do care but yea :)
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