"I knew this would be a bad idea just by seeing the way you were looking at him" Jeno murmured rubbing his head as he helped Haechan to carry the human to his bed. His sibling, though he heard the older, decided to keep mum as he knew Jeno was right. He indeed was the cause of it but he didn't think Renjun would faint right after he revealed himself.
"Haech- wait what happened to him?" A voice was heard in the background as the siblings turned to look at Lucas who seemed to be blinking his eyes at the sight of the two carrying his brother.
"He fainted..." Jeno answered the older as Lucas creased his brows.
"God this idiot forgot to take his pills once again?" Slapping Renjun's arm lightly the oldest joined to help the two as they carried him to his room. Haechan and Jeno looked at each other for a minute before turning to look at Lucas who seemed to be worried about the younger.
"Hyung, can I talk to you for a second?" Jeno asked once they settled Renjun down as Lucas nodded his head.
"Sure, go ahead"
"Not here...somewhere private..."
Though the taller didn't know what Jeno meant by the word private he nodded his head before walking towards the door. Stopping midway he turned to haechan, yelling.
"Haechan, please take care of my brother until I return," he said as the monster smiled a bit before looking back towards Renjun. Once he heard the door shut he heaved a sigh of relief, slumping back to the couch. He eyed the beauty lying in the bed as he folded his arms.
Haechan knew why Lucas looked confused. He revealed himself to Renjun and based on how their powers worked it would stop time. Renjun, since he was the only monster revealed himself to, will be able to witness as the world they live in come to a stop. This power was created by their forefathers after something that happened millions of years back which even led to their extinction. Had they not developed this, the underworld wouldn't be even there.
It was a bold move from his side, the younger realized. He shouldn't have done it in the first place but the way he kept bothering the monster, Haechan would be revealing himself one way or the other.
"It's a time-stopping thing, a dangerous one as well" he remembers her words as his eyes fell back to the human wondering whether he should wake the other or not.
"He's going to lash out one way or the other idiot. It's better to watch him scream at you now than to let others witness it and know his secret" murmuring to himself he got up making his way towards the other. Leaning in a bit he patted the other's shoulder in an attempt to him up.
"Renjun-ah" if this was any other moment he would cringe at the way he was calling out the human's name. But the circumstance was different and he indeed was the reason for Renjun blacking out.
"Renjun" he shook the other, using a bit more force, and was happy to see him stir. Moving away he watched the other blinking his eyes before getting up. Renjun rubbed his eyes continuously before looking back at the male.
Haechan could see the other's eyes shaking as he backed away even more making the monster sigh.
"Look, Ren-"
"Leave me alone..." his voice was surprisingly low as the male sighed before passing him a glass of water.
"Drink this" Renjun looked at the other before grabbing the glass shakingly earning a small smile from Haechan. The monster was glad that he accepted it.
"Are you okay now?" he knew it was stupid of him to ask and judging the way the human reacted he wished he would've kept his mouth shut.
"Please leave. I'm having a terrible headache"
Haechan hummed. Who was he to say no to that? It was the human's house. Plus he didn't want to upset the older any further.
He got up from his seat and made his way towards the door, looking at Renjun before walking out. He could see jeno, to his surprise, grinning from ear to ear staring at his phone. His brother seemed to be obviously happy about something.
"I made up with sungchan!"
oh, this fast?
"How did you-"
"Using Lucas. He kept bugging me to know what happened but either way he called chan. That idiot answered his call and Lucas gave it to me."
"Didn't he hear your conversation?"
"Stupid, I asked him to leave beforehand as the matters were personal. Initially, I wasn't going to use that time to talk to Sungchan but knowing where our conversation was heading to I used him to escape."
"How is this beneficial for us?"
"Oh believe me it is. Not soon after our call ended Taeyong somehow managed to know where sungchan lived. He paid him a visit and that idiot even gave us away-"
"What the- see this is why we should never trust him in the first place"
Jeno rolled his eyes
"Calm down. Do you think I would be happy with how these events have turned out without any reason behind it? He was not angry. Sungchan said he was really emotional and that he wanted to meet us soon"
Haechan couldn't believe his ears. The Taeyong they knew would end those two if they got caught. Hearing this was a pleasant surprise and he, obviously, couldn't digest it.
"Are you still believing that stupid boy? He gave us away Jeno! What if this is another trap set up by taeyong using him as bait?"
Jeno knew where his brother was coming from but he knew they had to take their chances before it's too late.
"It's funny coming from you Hae. You managed to mess up the very moment you showed Renjun your true self. Do you think he will keep this as a secret forever?"
The younger's lips turned into a thin line at the words of his brother. Sure enough, he managed to mess up. How dumb could he get? He shouldn't have reacted in the first place. No matter how much the human taunted him to get answers he should have stayed silent in the first place.
"The thing is we are in this together Haechan. You managed to mess up. Even I did but remember we set out together for you. For you to find him. And no we wouldn't back up until we find that person. Until we make sure he is yours. The thing is we have come this far so taking chances wouldn't hurt us as you think it does.
Let's think of it this way. An evil entity has been set out to this world after us. Only four of us could stop it. And yes I know we suspected taeyong but now I'm sure that it's not him. So let's try to end it and fix this world how it used to be? it wouldn't' cost us much and it certainly wouldn't since we're doing this for these people. who knows if the one you love end up in that position"
As if that struck a nerve haechan looked furiously at his brother who patted his shoulder.
"Calm down Hyuck I was just talking about a possibility. Anything can happen and we certainly don't want that to happen right? The faster we managed to destroy it the easier it's for us as well as humans"
The younger nodded his head. Jeno did have a point. He didn't want his loved one to end up six feet under the ground. Who knows if he might've-
"But the thing will we convince Taeyong? That man is quite stubborn and will he help us with this?" Jeno asked pouting as haechan furrowed his eyebrows. There was an 80% chance that the older wouldn't care but he wanted to stick to that remaining 20% no matter the difference.
"Let's hope that he will. Heck, we will convince him. Ask sungchan to arrange a meeting and make sure that bubblegum-haired boy won't be there at that time" Haechan said as the older passed another sheepish smile, rubbing his nape.
"About that...well...he knows about us"
Haechan's eyes widened as he started shaking his brother violently
"Hush down will ya? See this is the main reason Renjun came to know about us. You're so loud, impatient, and even quick to jump to conclusions. Remember Jaemin even caught Sungchan talking to us so it wasn't really a surprise to me when he told him about us"
"And yet you resort to trust sungchan? Geez he's the complete opposite of his brother. I'm not believing that traitor anymore"
Jeno shook his head disappointedly. He wanted to say more but knowing his brother and seeing the way he was in, Jeno decided to swallow whatever he wanted to say.
"Is Renjun awake?"
"Well let's get inside then. After all, we have some words to exchange with him to make sure that he wouldn't spill anything."
"But what about Jaemin?" Haechan couldn't help but ask. He didn't even want to imagine how the pink-haired male would react when he came to know that they were monsters as well. Would he snitch on them?
"Let's see...I'll make sure that he will keep his mouth shut"
First of all a big sorry. I knew I promised to update daily but I couldn't. sorry about that. I wasn't really online (and was making stupid announcements when I was). Either way, I managed to write this during my free time so I apologize if this chapter was even worse.
Plus my exams are starting tomorrow and I'm stressed out man. And my cousins are coming over. What a time to be alive! (note the sarcasm)
Plus my cat is okay now ^^ his eyes turned back to normal and he's, even more, whinier now. and me and my mom ended our dad when he brought up a topic regarding cats. He said that they won't love their owners which, uhm, me and my mom heavily disagree with. They'll treat you the way you treat them. (except for our cat tho. He has trust issues just like me so no matter what he wouldn't let us touch him)
Anyway, I'm addicted to Twitter. Twitter to me is the same way Instagram is to Doyoung. I didn't know it was this addictive. Maybe cause I love tea and heck I even managed to tangle myself in some dramas yikes (and practically jobless we been knew)
And not @ the way people are dragging NCTs and SM's vocals! Like honey, if you don't know anything about vocal techniques don't speak. Seriously I was so frustrated with people saying that Doyoung was lipsyncing (and probably the reason why I'm making this whole ass author's note). You all said that he was lip-syncing just because you couldn't see his VEINS POPPING. Honey, he was clearly using a falsetto instead of his chest voice to hit high notes so obviously, he's way more relaxed.
Plus Jungwoo. He's getting sexualized at this point due to those smoking pictures but either way I'm happy that most of the fans are not sending him hate. Heck, my tl is filled with memes (which I want to share but uhm wattpad). Plus NCT dating rumors (those are hilarious btw)
So yea. That was quite long but since I've been away for a few days why not talk about these? Imao. Yea I'm basically jobless now, lurking on Twitter when in fact I hated that site a few days back. I'm having way more fun blocking people and reading stupid stuff as well. Don't even know why I'm extending this note but yea.
*Sending you all love cause you deserve it*
Stay smiling.
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