"Ģe don't you find those two a little suspicious?" That was the first thing Renjun asked as soon as they bid goodbye to their friends. Lucas was walking right beside him and he too agreed with Renjun. Sure he did find the two a bit weird if he could term it like that.
"Now that you talk about it, yes. They indeed seem weird. But maybe we're just over thinking injun. They might be harmless." Lucas tried to be positive. He didn't want to imagine the worst scenarios.
"I still don't find it settling..."
"Injun you're just over thinking. Don't bother about it much. Just don't mind."
Lucas patted the back of his brother. Renjun pressed his lips into a thin line. He tried to ignore the weird thoughts that kept invading him. But he couldn't. For some unknown reason his thoughts kept going back to the duo who tranfered.
Soon enough they reached the familiar house. Taking off their shoes Renjun and Lucas barged into their house only to be met with the sight of their parents making out. Cringing at the sight Renjun headed upstairs while Lucas stayed wailing how much he wanted Mark by his side so as to not feel this single.
Renjun threw his bag on the bed before rushing towards the bathroom. He had to take a shower and freshen up. The day had been quite hectic and of course he had to let go of all weird thoughts.
He ran the water before checking whether the temperature is set right. Being satisfied with it he sat in the tub letting it engulf him.
"It's better to stay away from them" Renjun murmured to himself as he thought about the two brothers. Something about them kept bugging him. The worst thing was that he didn't even know why he was so worked up about it. He hates to admit but he's curious about them. Something inside him kept telling him that he knows them or at least has seen them before. But he don't know where.
"Renjun you idiot. How can you even feel nostalgic about two people whom you haven't even met before? That doesn't make sense" hitting his head he sighed. What was he even doing inside the bathroom thinking about the newcomers?
But are they bad? Were they nice people?
"Of course not idiot! How can they be nice people. They're really handsome. That wouldn't-" upon hearing those words coming out of his mouth he clasped.
"Huang fqing Renjun, stop over thinking. Relax for God's sake."
He sighed. After some time he got out, immediately changing into a nice pair of clothes. He sat down to write his homework.
"Stupid algebra. Stupid teachers! Stupid Na Jaemin. If only he hadn't volunteered tagging me along it would've been easier for me to ignore those two..." sighing he kept his pen down running fingers through his hair. Why was he getting worked up over two transfer boys? He never know.
"Why the fqk am I still thinking about them? OMG!" Yelling he ripped off the page, crumbling and aiming it towards the dustbin at the corner.
"Huang Renjun why the fqk are you yelling?" Came a voice from outside as Renjun sighed. That must be his mom. Who else?
"Now open the door" she demanded. Sighing he opened it only to see his mom having her wallet and a list in her hands. He groaned knowing where this was leading to.
"Mom it's not my-"
"I don't care if it's your turn young boy. You're gonna run errands for me this week. That's that. I don't want to hear any objections coming from you." She cleared her throat and rolling his eyes he took them both from her hands throwing it towards the bed. He got out his shoes and headed downstairs. His father was watching television while his mom was sitting right beside him cuddling her husband making Renjun gag. Could his parents stop acting all lovey dovey in front of his single ass? Oh wait it was his decision to be single by rejecting all those people who proposed him, even his best friend Na Jaemin.
Jaemin had crush on Renjun and as they grew it wasn't getting any better. So he decided to confess. But alas! To his dismay the older wouldn't talk to him for a week. Finally manning up he asked the older and truth to be told Renjun wasn't interested in any kind of relationships even if he had known that person for a long time. He had always seen Jaemin as his own brother and he wanted it to stay in that way. Jaemin seemed to understand it and he moved on.
"Why are you glaring at us?" His mom voiced out and Renjun snapped out of his trance only to see both of them squinting their eyes at him.
"Can you both stop being all lovey dovey?" Renjun covered his mouth as soon as those words accidentally slipped out of his mouth. He was planning to reply with 'nothing' but his mouth won't cooperate with his brain.
"Well it ain't our fault that you rejected Jaemin" said his mother as his dad nodded. Both of them knew about their kid's sexuality and it didn't bother them. The only thing bothered them was that Renjun rejected Jaemin. They, especially his mom, had a soft corner for Jaemin out of their son's friend circles and this didn't help them any better. They were disappointed in their son. But then again they knew where his decision came from. So his parents accepted it. But that doesn't stop them from irritating him at times.
"Oh c'mon I thought we were over it. Even Jaemin has moved on. Why can't you both?"
"Then give us a son in law" was all his dad said as Renjun sighed stomping towards the door shutting it loud. Breathing out he started making his way towards the convenience store nearby. It wasn't as if he had a choice.
Once he reached the store he started to grab all the stuff listed, placing it carefully on the cart. Pressing his lips into a thin line he moved from one aisle to another his hair going up due to the motion. Once he was finished collecting everything he grabbed a candy paying for everything. Thanking Renjun made his way out.
"Finally I can eat this in peace" popping the candy to his mouth, he started walking down, humming his favourite tune. That didn't last long, however.
Someone bumped into him making him fall on the ground, his candy falling out. Cussing he looked at the other and creased his eyebrows at the stranger who had their face covered with mask and a cap.
"Sorry" was all the person said as they started to run the opposite direction not even looking back at Renjun. Somehow the voice felt familiar but Renjun couldn't hear the other properly since it was muffled.
"What even- great" huffed Renjun as he got up picking up the cover. He looked back the ruined candy before walking back to his house.
All it takes is one bump to ruin everything.
Once he reached home he could see his parents in the same position with Lucas sitting across them, typing something away with a stupid grin on his face. Renjun didn't have to be told twice to know who his brother was texting.
"Why are you late?" Asked his dad as Renjun sighed trying to not roll his eyes too much.
"A stupid bish bumped into me and ran away mumbling a sorry." Said Renjun as he plopped into the couch next to his mom, clinging into her.
"Serves you right" mumbled his mom earning a light slap from her husband. Renjun pecked his dad's cheek wriggling his eyebrows. Rolling her eyes, she pulled her son towards for a hug earning a pout from someone sitting across them.
"What are you gawking at? You should be here by now. If you didn't notice we left a little space on the other side" said his mom as Lucas threw his phone to his seat before jumping into the three making them groan.
"Honey when did he get so heavy?" Asked his father groaning as she shook her head.
"I fqing don't know."
Sorry for this shiety chapter. It's kind of a filler btw.
Also RIP Chadwick. You will always be remembered ❤
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