Thirty One
"This is the end huh..." Muttering to himself the human exited the room, earning a look from his brother.
"What are you doing there Jun?" He asked tilting his head as Renjun shook his head walking past the male. He swore he could see his brother crying. Facing the door with confusion he looked back at his brother who surprisingly had the key to the room.
"Hasn't that always been locked?"
"Renjun!" Jaemin yelled throwing his arm across the other. Startled by his best friend Renjun narrowed his eyes at the pink-haired male who smiled apologetically before looking forward.
"It's a great day isn't it?" He asked earning no sort of reply from his best friend. Turning his head back to renjun, Jaemin abruptly stopped, tugging the sleeve of the other.
"What's wrong with you Jun? Why are you acting weird?"
"I'm not-"
"Yes, you are. Something's bothering you. I've been observing you for the past few days. You seem to be out of it. What's the matter?"
Renjun sighed.
"Jaem, It's nothing. I'm fine, just a little bit tired."
Jaemin, eyebrow raised, bored his eyes through renjun's soul. If anything Renjun was bad at lying. And he knew he couldn't keep up this act for so long.
They have disappeared from his life, from their lives. They were nowhere to be seen. Just like Haechan had told him they had left without any traces. And it was sickening for renjun to be the only one to remember them among the humans the two monsters treasured, including his best friend Jaemin.
"I know you know I don't believe you but since we have classes to attend I'll let you off the hook. But don't you think I'll let this slide Jun"
With that, he started walking forward with renjun catching up. Renjun didn't utter a word watching his best friend glancing towards a particular male.
"Isn't that Sungchan? What is he doing there?"
At the mention of the monster, renjun turned around only to find the male awkwardly standing in a corner, waving his hand. He glanced back at his best friend Jaemin who seemed to remember Sungchan.
"Sungchan! What are you doing there?"
The monster waved his hand before dropping his smile, seeing the shorter male beside his roommate.
"Are you waiting for someone?" Jaemin inquired as the male passed a small smile, nodding shyly.
"Well...we'll be heading then. See you in school"
The monster could see the pink-haired male moving forward with his best friend staying behind. Knowing what was about to come the taller male decided to leave only to be stopped by Renjun.
"I need to talk to you Sungchan... I need your help. Meet me at the rooftop during the break"
"I promise I won't ask you any further. I just...want to know something. Just this once"
"RENJUN! HURRY UP! WE'RE RUNNING LATE!" Impatiently the male called out to his best friend who showed thumbs up before moving forward with him.
"I hope you'll be there..."
Sungchan didn't utter a word as he watched the humans disappear by the corner, his eyes falling now on the human who was hopping down the road. Smiling to himself he faced the male who wore a bright smile, his hands clutching his bag tight.
"I'm sorry that I made you wait, Chan!"
"It's okay Taro! Let's go?"
"And what exactly do you want to know? I already told you I don't know any of their whereabouts" avoiding the human's eyes Sungchan glanced sideways earning a groan from Renjun. The male knew better than to fall for his lies.
"Do you expect me to believe your lies Sungchan? Look can you help me or not?"
The monster stood there blinking his eyes, contemplating whether or not he should reveal it to the other.
Should he give up? Renjun really seems to be desperate and seeing the other like this didn't make the taller feel any good. If he were to turn Renjun down the words of him would haunt the monster forever. But what about the promise he gave to the siblings? He swore to not give any further details to Renjun.
"I don't know... Leave me alone..." With that, the younger male sprinted towards the door leaving Renjun stranded on the rooftop, a desperate cry breaking out from his throat. Sungchan was his last hope on finding them but it seems like he should give up on looking for them. Reaching out to his pocket the male clutched the sheet of paper tight, his face turning red due to crying.
Dear Renjun,
By the time you're reading this, we'll be gone from your lives. We thank you for keeping our secret. During those days we got to spend with you, I grew to like you only to know that you were the one I've been searching for all along. It came off as a surprise for me but knowing myself I'm more of a coward to say this in person than to express it through this letter. Now I know you might not return those feelings but I'm okay with that. As long as you're happy I'm happy.
And I'll be back soon. To get you. To take you away with me, if you're willing, to my world.
Till then love you
Your Hyuck
"Stupid! Idiot! You're so— why would you not tell me that it was me all along you f*cking coward! Why would you leave me like that just after you find me? You don't make sense! You never made sense! Once I get you in my hands Lee Haechan—
Ugh, why do I love you? Stupid Renjun fell for a monster who ditched him just like that. Stupid stupid stupid! I'm so stupid! I shouldn't have fallen. I should've set them both on fire. I should've done that the moment I knew they didn't belong to this world."
slumping to the ground, the male pulled his knees closer, not caring if he wet his pants with tears. It hurt so much. Even more when he realized his feelings for the monster.
"You're a liar. You won't return. You don't come for me. It's all a lie. A facade."
It was true. As much as he wanted to believe the other a part of him has already accepted reality or he so believed it to be one. He wanted to trust Haechan and his words but a part of him is still struggling. Struggling to accept it. Struggling to believe in him.
"I love you Haechan...I love you so much...and if I ever meet you Ill make sure you won't leave me...ever"
He should accept his feelings. Yes, it was true. The Huang renjun is in love with Lee Haechan. Beyond the working of nature, he a human fell for Haechan, a monster.
Renjun wondered what would have happened if the monster found him soon. Would he be ready to give his heart to the other? Or will he escape to another dimension, far from the grip of Lee Haechan?
The human, however, knew it would take him days to accept his feelings and though he did feel weird around the monster he never fully accepted nor seen the possibility of him being in love until the day the monster vanished. The fact that he wouldn't see the monster for the time being came off quite harsh on him as he even debated on not going to school for some days.
But who was he kidding? The memories of the male still lingered fresh in his mind that wherever he went it haunted him. That was when he thought of reading the letter. Last reminder of the male most probably.
A small cry left his lips as he started to lose consciousness. He had started to realize that it was him all along and that the little boy the monster had referred to was him and the boy whom he had seen along with the woman was Haechan, not Renjun. It was him who got it wrong. The woman thought she felt the presence of him was talking to Haechan while Renjun imagined it to be him, his subconscious mind feeding his fear by making up stories and scenarios.
It all dawned upon him as the male laid unconscious on his bed, the woman haunting his dreams once again. This time, with a different purpose. Though the wicked smile persisted on her face, her words were soothing and oddly provided him relief. He could vaguely remember the details.
"You, who yearn for him, will have him soon in your hands. He's coming for you."
As much as Renjun hoped it would be true and that Haechan would return to him, a part of him was suspicious. What if the old woman was messing with him? Just like how she had done all the time.
Wiping away the tears that were falling from his eyes the male got up dusting himself off, his eyes coming in contact with Jaemin who seemed to be upset. When did he get there and how much did he hear him?
"We need to talk Renjun"
Hohoho I'm back! Finally back! First of all a big sorry for updating after a month. Had been busy with finals so I was inactive. And 12th happened so yea that one as well. Currently, offline classes have stopped and online ones are going on due to rising covid cases.
As you may see my writing style changed a lot due to the long break I took. At this point, I don't even know how to form a sentence. Due to that, I'm planning on making more one-shots in an attempt to overcome this semi-author's block? Like dude, I took 3 or 4 days to come up with this chapter, and ik it can be seen as the chapter progresses. Honestly, I've lost touch with writing and practically had to force myself cause I missed writing this.
Now that I have finally updated hopefully more updates are coming in the future. Also a slight change in the schedule. Instead of eight, it might be just four updates per week. I have to start working for boards taking place next year and have to take 12th grade seriously. If you're an Indian you know how it is so yea.
Also, I know the chapter might have felt rushed but yea I tried. I promise I'll try to make the chapters better hereafter.
Ending my mend here. Thanks a lot to every one of you who bothered to check this out ❤
And also to those who still stick by my side until this chapter. A special thanks to you guys 😔❤
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