Chapter 4
~Jin P.O.V~
School was over and Jin had to stay late to go to the dance class he signed up for. He stood there smiling nd talking to three others, Jungkook, Jimin, and Tae.
Tae had orange hair and wore a long sleeved, teal shirt with some lose black sweat pants and some old sneakers. Jungkook never changed his outfit. Taehyung took off his shirt a while ago because he was so hot in a long sleeved shirt. He did wear spume basketball shorts as well kith some nikes.
"Oh shit..." Jin mumbled aa he looked away from the door. Jin lolled to see the bad boys of the school... "Fuck." Jin mumbled as he looked away.
Namjoon was dressed in a tight tank top with some basketball shorts and his shoes from earlier. Jungkook wore just basketball shorts, no shirt, and had his shoes on from earlier as well. Yoongi didn't change at all, he just took off his hoodie and was wearing a baggy black shirt.
Jin looked around the room until he heard the dance teacher, "Partner up! Groups of 7, minimum!" Tae, Jungkook, Jimin and Jin groaned before the group of three walked over to them. "Partners?" Yoongi asked smirking as Jin turned on his heals and faced the "Bad Boys". "Sure. Makes out job easier." Jungkook sighed but was blushing slightly. They nodded aa the teacher looked at the group of guys. "Wow, you all can dance so the competition may be hard for some!" She giggled and clapped her hands, turning around and walking over to the other groups. "Great..." Jin mumbled and walked over and turned around, leaning his back against the wall.
"What made you guys dance? Aren't you supposed to be bad?" Jin raised a brow as Jimin blinked and looked back at Jin with fear. Namjoon laughed and shook his head, "We wanted to. So we did. Deal with it Pinky." The whole room laughed at Jin and Jin shook his head. "You can't even dance." Jin commented and the room shouted different things. "Want me to prove I can dance better than you?" Namjoon smirked and some music started. The Dance battle broke out.
A circle of people formed around Jin and Namjoon. Namjoon motioned for Jin to start, the beat was slow but upbeat at the same time. Jin walked over moving his body with the beat. He got close to Namjoon and smirked as he ended his turn. Namjoon laughed as he started to move with the beat against Jin, he moved to his side, his back, then his other side, pushed against him making Jin move slightly.
Namjoon moved across the room running up the wall doing a back flip then dripped to the floor and started to dance, l
Picking it up with the beat. Namjoon stood up, spinning and crossed his arms smiling at Jin.
Jin blinked before moving, up to Namjoon then dropped. Jin just did the splits and impressed everyone. "Oh!" Yoongi howled out as he clapped his hands. Jin moved and stood up, dancing once again, faster and smoothly. He moved and had his back to Namjoon before jumping and doing multiple flips and stood In front of Namjoon, smiling as Namjoon laughed.
Namjoon walked over to Jin as the song slowed. Namjoon took the opportunity to use Jin in his dance. He walked behind him and grabbed him by the waist, turning him around and grinding. Jin blushed as he pushed Namjoon away. Namjoon walked back infant of Jin whim he turned around and danced. Jin admitted Namjoon was sexy and could dance. He could move his body too. Namjoon spun Jin around before pulling him close to his body and the music stopped. Jin blushed as he was used to dance for Namjoon.
Jin stared at Namjoon, his heart was racing and Namjoon chuckled before kissing his cheek and moving away. Jins eyes widened and he blinked, turning around and screaming mentally. "OHHHHHH!" People scouted as they seen what Namjoon did. Jin walked over to Jimin,Jungkook and Tae. He sat down as the teacher spoke on what was happening tomorrow.
Joonie: You can dance.
HotPink: What...
Joonie: You can dance Jin.
Jin<3: Oh... Thanks?
Joonie: Your welcome.
Joonie: I can't do the splits. It hurts.
Jin<3: I've done it too much so Im used to it.
Joonie: I can but I can't put my back leg straight.
Jin<3: That's still the splits. Nit everyone can put their legs straight. You are still doing the splits though.
Joonie: Really? Oh. Never knew. Anyways want to come over after school? Got some smoke and drinks if teats your thing.
Jin<3: Smoke?
Joonie: Weed.
Jin<3: Oh... I dont smoke, or drink for that matter.
Joonie: Have you tried?
Jin<3: No and I dont want to...
Joonie: Well do you still want to hang out? I can meet you somewhere or we can head to my place and do something.
Jin<3: Uh... I guess? Where do you live so I can get a ride if I have to
Jin<3:Wait when did you realize it was me.
Joonie: I live pretty far, I have a car so I can give you a ride and Just not to long ago. When I called you Pinky it clicked. Im slow at times.
Jin<3: And a pev and Asshole at times. Dont forget that...And... So... You um... Are going to take me there after this?
Joonie: Im only your perv and asshole ;) and sure.
Jin looked up away from his phone and seen Namjoon laughing his ass off. He looks so cute when he smiles. Jin looked back at his phone smiling.
Joonie:You just realized this?
Jin<3: Yes. I forgot you were Joonie in my phone.
Jonnie:Oh I have a nickname? ;)
Jin<3: Yes. :/
Joonie: Im flattered. Anyways want to go since we are leaving now? Also look up you blind idiot.
Jin blinked nod looked up then jumped when he seen Namjoon in front of him. "Idiot." Namjoon smirked and the whole room was empty except for Yoongi, Jungkook, and Hoseok. "Oh... Sure." Jin nods as Namjoon puts his thumb and pointer in his mouth and whistles making the three turn and look at him.
"Lets go and Jungkook, you have gas money? You live far as fuck." Namjoon sighed and Jungkook pulled out his wallet from his abc locket and handed Namjoon a 20. "Thank you." Namjoon smiled as he turned on his head and walked out the door. "Ass.." Jin mumbles as he follows after the three.
They walk out to the car, Hoseok was in the back and so was Yoongi, "Climb on Jungkook." Yoongi patted his lap as Namjoon climbed in the drivers side. Jungkook blushed as he climbed in and sat on Yoongi. Jin sighed and pushed the seat back and sat down, then shut the door.
Namjoon smiled as he pulled out of the parking lot and ripped it down the road. Jin squeaked and then smiled slightly.
"Jungkook you wanna buy?" Namjoon smirked as Jungkook sighed and shook his head, "I dont got any money asshole. Also If I did I would have bought some already." Jungkook admitted and was pulled more into Yoongi when Yoongi moved his aroma around Jungkook's waist. "Ill buy it for you." Yoongi smiled as Namjoon looked in the mirror at the smiling idiot. Jungkook smiled and leaned against Yoongi, "Are you sure?"He asked and Yoongi hummed a yes in response. "Thank you." Jungkook mumbled.
"HELLO SINGLE TUCKER OVER HERE!" Hoseok shouted and everyone laughed. "Who said anyone here was dating?" Namjoon chuckled and ran a red light causing horns to honk. "Namjoon!"Jin yelled and smacked his shoulder as they got on the highway. "What? I didn't do anything." Namjoon smiled as he kept 65, the speed limit.
Jin groaned and looked out the window until they got to the place. Jin climbed out and so did Jungkook. Namjoon handed him a plastic baggy and Jungkook nodded a thanks before heading inside. Jin climbed back in the car as Yoongi smiled out the window.
Namjoon kept the speed limit around Jungkook's house for some reason. "Usually you rip it. Why-" Jin asked then Namjoon looked at him causing Jin to shut it. "There's a lot if cops around this area." Namjoon smiled as he got out of the area and ripped it in the highway. Namjoon kept his eyes on the road and smiled as Yoongi lit up a blunt. He passed it to Hoseok who smoked the half that was left.
"I can't believe you actually invited someone over its usually oh they are prepy or some shit." Hoseok laughed as he looked over at Jin and patted his shoulder causing him to jump. "Oops." Hoseok tried not to laugh as Jin glared at him. "Hey no killing eacher until we are home."Namjoon laughed out, causing Jin to smack his shoulder.
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