Chapter 7 : Drunk Explaining
[ I used a PIC of Ticci Toby cause I can't find any other pic. Plus like Toby , Jeremy is numb.]
Jeremy's POV : Wait a minute......D...Did I just called him ...sir? Ah Crap. “Ugmm... I-i mean ”
What did I mean?
“ I-Im not that old. Im only 21... Jeremy will you please just tell me Everything?
“No?! ”
“You barley even know me and I dont know you”
MIkes PoV :
Did he just say
He's not getting away that easy. I don't know why but I felt like I needed to know.
“ Well . ok.. On in unrelated note, Do you wanna hang out after work? ”
“U-uh...I g-guess? ”
Falling right into my trap
~ Time skip again. To 5:59 ~
It was hard. Toy bonnie came in 3 three times, Balloon Bitch 1 and Slutty Chica 2. I was tired. The Clock went to six. “Yaaaayyyy”
I walked out with Jeremy next to me.
I need to knowwww!
~ Time skip to Mikes house. ^_^ ~
Jeremy sat down on the couch . I walked into the Kitchen and grabbed chocolates that had a WARNING : CONTAINS ALCOHOL on it. This will make him talk. Drunk people will say anything. I walked over and offered it to him. In a second he took 3. I watched carefully as he eats them. Might as well start a convo while a wait.
Jeremy's POV: I was listening to what Mike was saying to me. Something about his last job. Idk. I was feeling really dizzy and woozy.
Weird . haha. HahaahaaAAAAAAaaaa.
I'm tired.
Mike's POv:
Jeremy started to laugh . Yep. He's drunk. Got to make sure tho.
“ Jeremy. Why are you laughing? ’
“ 1*hic* 23....sounds like *hic* ab...C! ”
“ So. Can you tell me why you have a knife and why you brought it to work? ”
“H-Hey that's *hic* mine....”
“ Answer the question and you get it bac-”
“ h-How should I FEEl? ”
He started yelling. I looked at the knife again. It said monster in one side and his name on the other spaced out. But why?
“They...* Hic * all *hic* f-feared me.”
I need to feel. .. . I need to *hic* ”
He walked over kinda slow and shaky. He grabbed the knife from me. He started to press it against his skin.
“Hey STOP!- ”
“I *hic * Don't”
“Think about the people who care about y-”
“ No *hic* one cares a-about..m..e.. No..t.. S-sir. ... NOt...h.hannah .”
Who is he talking about.
“ what about the people who loves you. The people you love?”
“ Y*hic* just do...nt g-get it . ”
He walked over to me. Kinda too close. Is he leaning in ?!
“h-Hey. What are you-” He then did something I'd never expected to happen. He kissed me.
He had a tight grip on my shirt to keep me from pulling away. I was tensed at first. Then started to relax. My heart was pounding nonstop. I felt a light blush appear on my face. After a few seconds I kissed back.
He then pulled away.
“d* hic* id .yo..u feel anything? ”
I slowly nodded.
He smiled weakly.
“i-I *hic * didn't. .... I can't feel.... *hic. .. I'm...numb ...*hic*
Well that was heart breaking to hear . Maybe I should take him home.
“ Let me drive you home. ”
“I CaaN wALK hOme BY MYself.. THanK yoU VeRy MuCh! I LiVe *HIc nOt s..o Far FrOm h.*hic.hErE. ”
“Well OK then.”
I watch as he leave. It was hilarious watching him walking all drunk like.
He feel a few times but managed to get back up.
I wonder if he'll remember tomorrow.
Jeremy's POV: I couldn't keep track of what I was doing. Everything was a blur. When I regained my focus I realized I was walking home. Ughhh my head hurts. I came inside my apartment and feel asleep in the couch .
~ Dreamland ~
I was 10.
I was sitting alone at lunch like always. Then a girl came up to me.
“Hey can I sit with you? ” she asked. I nodded. We started talking for a bit. I started to bring up the topic of feelings. I wanted her to understand pain but she was too happy and smiley. “Aww well my life is OK. My mom and dad loves me, my friends are amazing and -” I got so annoyed. She needed to feel pain. I then grabbed a a pencil from my bag and stabbed her arm.
She screamed in pain. Blood was everywhere. The teachers took her to the nurse. I was pulled to the office. I just had a smile on my face and blood on my sweater. My parents had to come and get me. I was kicked out of that school. Before I left the building , I passed by the girl again . She gave me a glare. She had bandages around her arm
She says.
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